Summer of Dan, Chapter 10

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It was a day later, and Jean was beginning to think she had a split personality.  It was her own bit of sarcasm, of course, but she felt truly torn.  She should hate this kid.  She should be doing everything in her considerable power to ***crush*** him….yet…she wasn’t, and did not know why.  Normally at this point, several weeks into this, Jean would have long since turned the tables on this young man, despite the high stakes of killing her marriage and even losing her place in local society, yet again, no.  Earlier in life, Jean had used her body many times and many ways to get her desired result, and she was not sure exactly what it was that ***made*** her hesitate, but one this she was sure of…this young man had SKILLS, much like what she was going thru right now.

Jean found her hands & feet lightly bound, both using robe sashes.  This was not unusual, Jean had men do this before, but instead of just using her as a cum dump, or hurting her, this guy was ***challenging her***.  She was in her bed, and He had brought the Hitachi, but her Man wasn’t just shoving it up against her, or being forceful in any way, no.  He was using it just right, by making her ***want*** it.  The Hitachi was droning on, sounding like a kitchen appliance with it’s unique hum, but each time Jean pushed her hips into it, her tormentor pulled it away, and when she backed away, he pursued her with it, moving it s-l-o-w-l-y from low near her vagina to her clit, then back.  The fact that she was ‘bound’ like this really added to the sensation, and she felt compelled to pull against the restraints while at the same time ‘giving in’ to them.

Jean’s tormentor continued without relent, despite her twisting, moaning and panting, and occasional shriek.  At least twice now she had reach ***almost*** the point of orgasm and when her tormentor realized this, he pulled the Hitachi completely away, and replaced it with the super-light touching from the other week.  This was almost as intoxicating as the Hitachi.  Although it was touching in non-sexual areas. Her tormentor combined it with kisses.  Sometimes on her body, and some on the mouth.  Combined with the soft restraints, the net result was ***all*** the attention was on her, and the overall effect was incredible.

“P-P-Pl-Pl-*PLEASE* Sir…*PLEASE!*…”  Jean found herself pleading, “I…*aaaahhhhh……….*  I **need** to – ***Ohhhhhh***…..” and the Hitachi was gone again, replaced by his warm fingers, lightly touching, lightly tickling, always stimulating.  How long had she been doing this?  Jean had no idea, but one thing was for sure…she wasn’t going to make it much longer, no matter what her tormentor did to stop it.

Dan had listened intently as his Prize had explained that she was sore, and he had expected as much.  His dick was much the same, yet he was enjoying using this incredibly sexy woman so much, he didn’t care if he wore callouses in his dick.  He was going to hit it again every chance he could for the next few weeks.  Dan had read about this basic idea in some material loosely based on Kama Sutra techniques, with a twist of his own in there too.  Dan had wanted to try this on his ex-GF Kayla, but she wasn’t having any of it.  From the looks of his Prize’s reaction though, Kayla really should have.  Dan and his Prize had been going at it like this for the better part of an hour, and three if not four times he had seen her peak, then had used the touch techniques he had learned to pull her back from the brink, then build ever-so-slowly to it all over again. 

Dan was using the touch techniques for the fourth (or fifth?) time, and this time when he they kissed, her tongue shot into his mouth, exploring and enticing with an urgent fervor.  Also she was begging in a manner that was different from before…much more urgent.  Dan could tell that his Prize was near to either cumming or breaking, if not some of both.  It was now time.  Softly, Dan told his prize, “OK my pet, OK….I am going to use this Hitachi once more, and this time, I want you to come loud and as intense as it has ever been.  Is my little Prize ready?”  As he said that, he held the Hitachi where she could see it, just above her soaking wet cunt.

“Ye-Yes……Oh ***SHIT*** yes!”  Jean answered.  She had soaked the towel she had started on, the bed, her Man’s hands, the Hitachi with a steady flow from her pussy.  Hell, she was flowing from nearly everywhere, even her nose.  This time, as her tormentor touched the Hitachi to her clit, he made little circles, then did something very different.  With his free hand, he also did the same at the entrance to her vagina.  The effect was absolute perfection.  Jean’s body completely left her control, it seemed to ‘split’ away, now under the control of her tormentor.  She felt her hips and body bucking and pulsing uncontrollably.  She heard her voice release a roaring scream that reminded her of being at a rock concert, so loud she could feel her vocal cords straining, and her feet, once dug in as she forced her hips out and up, spent the next few seconds flailing as her hips and pussy pulsated in erotic ecstasy.  NOW her pussy truly ‘gushed’, any liquid wetness left in her was forced out, and she totally coated her upper thighs, the Hitachi, and her Man’s hand like nothing she had ever done before, until at last she fell limp, gasping for air, little more than a listless puddle of orgasmic ecstasy.  It was so intense, Jean could feel actual tears in her eyes.

Dan had expected her best orgasm so far, and that was saying a lot, but this exceeded even what HE thought would happen.  His tormented toy orgasmed for more than 10 honest, solid seconds, screaming, pulsing, and kicking.  The piece de’ resistance, though, was when she just ‘exploded’ all over his hand.  The liquid sex juice was even on his wrist, having been so forcefully expelled.  He was quite sure that this woman that he was using, this toy, had never experienced this, as it was so opposite her normal demeanor.  Right now, she was in a daze, almost as though she was high.  He had read about this, but not expected to ever get there, but Dan knew there was just one more step to claim this as his own.

Smiling he gave his Prize a kiss, Dan released the lightly tied sash on one her ankles, the other having pulled off in her thrashing orgasm-fit.  Doing the same for her wrists, Dan pulled his over-stuffed pillow, normally kept in his gaming chair, from the head of the bd, and placed it beside his prize’s hips.  Rolling her gently on to it, legs together, tummy down, the net effect of laying on the pillow lifted her hips slightly higher than her head.  Straddling her from behind, her pussy was perfectly, fully exposed, and Dan wasted no time, easing his stiff, hard penis into it.  His toy weakly grunted as he did so, offering no resistance, and in a manner similar to push-ups, dan began to push ***deeply and steadily*** into her. His toy’s face was to the side, on her cheek, and he could see it contort slightly as he pushed in.  At the base of every stroke she grunted, and her body did react with slight panting, but his Prize was unable to do little more with him.  She was fully submitted, as she lay there and took it.  She was His now, he knew it, and with that feeling came his own orgasm, and he emptied himself into her, not caring one bit if she was on the pill or not.
