Summer of Dan, Chapter 9

Chapter 8 – [](

Dan was pleased with his toy’s performance. This was really working out better than he could have *ever* hoped! However, their day together was still not complete. Getting up slowly from the bed, he walked over to his dresser, and came back with a large bottle of lotion. He could see his possession was watching with a weary, yet pleased look. Getting back on the bed, Dan told his toy, “Ok, good, you are exceeding my expectations. Now…let’s real slowly roll over…” and he began to move his toy on to her stomach. “No one will be home here for several hours, and your husband until well after that, so we have time. Now, you have done so well for me, here is something *just* for you…” and with that, Dan applied some lotion to his hands, and began a deep, slow back rub. He worked steadily and in a determined manner, yet he continued, rubbing, caressing, working his way down his toy’s back. At her hips, he moved over and began to run her thighs, moving along each one. The purpose was relaxation, not sexual, and he was successful, as his toy was out within minutes.

Jean slowly, slowly, slowly, awoke. She was so relaxed, and in such a state of total relaxation. She should *not* be participating in this, much less enjoying it…but how could she not? When was the last time any Man had shown her such appreciation? She could not recall. Now *this* man had given her a wonderful massage after great sex, and to top it off, after she had fallen asleep, she awoke to find him spooned against her! It was a wonderful feeling, in His arms, and she could feel his flaccid (was it?) cock laying against the very top of her thighs. Had she not already had sex 3 times today, she would want him again. She had to admit, wrong though she knew it to be, she was going to miss the attention….and her man’s cock.

Dan was not asleep, but very relaxed. He had to admit, it felt good to hold her like this. Too bad he would be seeing her off on a few weeks. Didn’t matter to him if she was a MILF, he *liked* what he was fucking. She was Damn-hot, and he knew it, Diva behavior or not. The only reason he was keeping the film was for self-protection, her being a diva and all. Otherwise, he was feeling good, if not a bit sad, to be seeing her off when he went to school. Dan assumed he’d hook up once he got there, but wasn’t really thinking about that right now, this Milf was keeping him quite busy, and he was loving it. She had been out for right at an hour. Just as he thought he would wake her, she stirred. HE felt her push back into him a bit, and he returned it with a squeeze. Just then, his toy spoke.

“Why?” Jean asked

“Why what?” Dan replied

“Why all this?” Jean asked “You have the upper hand. You could show up and fuck me at your leisure, no matter what I think or feel about it, yet you choose charm. So…..Why?

“You really want to know?” Dan replied, “Ok then.” Shifting from having his arm under his toy, he sat up. “Original plan was just that, fuck you, have some fun, then go my own way.” Touching he shoulder he said “What I *am* noticing though, is that you are one *damn*-hot-sexy woman.” Grabbing a mirror, he lay back down, nearly as before, and holding it up so her face was in the reflection, he said “See this face? Wow that is one good looking face. I mean, I love the upturned nose your cheekbones, and your face’s shape, see?” he gazed at her a moment, then continued,, shifting the mirror down. “yeah, you have great breasts and a really nice butt, but you know that, right? See this part?” he said, running his hand along the curve of his toy’s back “Man *this* is what makes your butt so sexy, I love seeing that, and those thighs too. I don’t care if you’re older, I know hot when I see it, and hot when I want it, so you ask ‘Why?’ I’m thinking…’Why Wouldn’t I?”

Jean was actually touched to the point of shyness at that. The young man was full of shit when they met, for sure, and still so she would bet…but right then he seemed to be telling the truth, and it sure was nice to hear it.

Dan said, “now here is the thing, my toy,” and as he said that, he opened his upper dresser drawer, and took out something. “I can’t help but notice, you aren’t complaining. I mean, we appear to have gone from real reluctance on your part almost 10 days ago, to you willingly putting your tongue on my mouth, which trust me, I enjoyed.” Walking to the far side of the bed, Dan squatted, plugged it in to the wall, and got back in bed with his possession. “Now toy, I’m betting that some of that is related to me really appreciating you, which I hope I have shown, ’cause trust me Jean, I can honestly say, I do. As a result, I’m betting *that* is why you are actually *wanting* to do this with me.” Rolling on to his side, Dan held up the Hitachi Wand and said “Toy, I like a challenge, and that is what today has been about. The challenge is making sure *you* understand I appreciate you. My Toy…..*Jean*….think we can have some fun with this, and maybe get you to cum just *one* more time?” Flipping it on, Dan noted it sounded not unlike a kitchen appliance. Dan’s toy smiled as she held His hands, ‘guiding’ it to her. The sound of the hum changed and his possession shifted as it touched her. Dan began to l-i-g-h-t-l-y move his hands in circles. His toy began panting heavily, and again willingly accepted his open mouth kiss, moaning as she also accepted his tongue

Jean knew that her man was right, it was that he was appreciating her. She loved Frank, her husband. He was a great provider, to be sure, but being that had really pulled him away from jean, and really, in the last few years he did not show his appreciation. Now, some really cute stud-boy, the kind that most her friends had laughed about fucking over drinks was not only banging her lights out, he was showing a real appreciation for her. It was genuinely attractive, even if the means to get there was pretty fucked up. But Jean had made that bed, so she had to lie in it. Thankfully, the kid had quite a dick, and so far the skills to challenge Jean, so she was just deciding to roll with it and see what happened

Jean knew what the Hitachi Magic Wand was when she saw it, she just was not sure if she could rise to the occasion. Taking hold of His hand, she guided it to her. The damn thing sounded like a kitchen appliance, as though she could use it to get off, and then use it to mix some biscuits. She had used one of these before so bearing in mind how sensitive she was, Jean turned His hand so that the little ‘groove’ that ran ’round the outer circumference, and *lightly* touched it to herself. Jean was *really* sensitive there, so she had to keep it light. She was also having a hard time with this, but for some reason, a small part of her, tucked away in the corner of her mind, *wanted to please Him*, so much so that she was willing to push herself, and push herself Jean did. In moments she was panting, and she willingly took His kiss, Hell, she pursued it. She gave herself over, and now Jean *wanted* to orgasm for her Man, but where as the other orgasms had been emotional, this one was much more simply physical. “AH….Sir-um *Dan..” she got out. “it’s……*It’s*……**It’s**…..” she got out, then, with a shudder and some squeaks, it happened. Not the earthquake it had been previously, it still felt exceptional to Jean, that she could manage that much. She noted that her Man allowed he to guide his hand away. He *DID* appreciate her, and understood that she had done her best. She like that he smiled approvingly, and this time *he* accepted *her* kiss.

Dan liked that His toy would do that for him. Deep down he knew, it would be a *LONG* time before any man could make this Milf cum like he had managed today. He cut off the appliance/vibrator, and tossed it aside. Dan had been viewing this thing first as his toy, then his possession. Now, he was starting to understand that although he wouldn’t be able to hold it for long, he should view it as his *PRIZE*, and he wondered if other women were going to be like this, or if had already hit a high-water mark in his sexual experience.

Dan was quite proud, as he dressed his Prize. He enjoyed ‘helping’ her put on her bra, making sure it was attached properly, and he played like he was keeping her panties, but let her dress. He even had her handle him carefully as she tucked him into his underwear, because he was not immune to the sensitivity, but, with not too much time to spare, Dan walked his prize across to her home. Seeing her to her door, he got a kiss just inside, and enjoyed letting her get a final grope, then went back over to his house. His parents would be home any time, and he needed to hide some toys before they got home.

Jean found it funny that her knees were so weak as she climbed the stairs. After a long, steady soak in her huge antique clawfoot tub, she texted her husband, reminding him to be quiet when he got in, as she was tired and going to bed. Jean had more sex, and more intense orgasms today than she had ever experienced, and she was still unsure how to process it. Normally, Jean would have awoken the minute Frank stepped in the house, but tonight, she was so beat, she fell into an immediate, DEEP sleep. Her dreams, filled with feelings of warmth and appreciation, and certain young Man’s satisfying cock.
