The Camgirl Part XXIII: Oh God, I Fucked My Roommate [plot]

**XXIII: Blake**

Blake woke to a content soreness in her pussy and a similar, yet slightly less enjoyable feeling in her ass. The latter also felt wonderfully full, however. Blake didn’t sleep with plugs in often, but she’d grown to enjoy the feeling of waking up with something insider her—provided she’d remembered enough lube the night before.

When she stretched, yawning, and brushed against something soft and warm, Blake’s eyes shot open. She looked to her right hesitantly, and her breath caught in her throat as memories of the previous night rushed back to her.

“Oh fuck,” she breathed, frozen as Marie stirred beside her. Blake was caught between the desire to get as far away from Marie’s naked body as possible before she did something as stupid as she’d let herself do the previous night and a desire to pull the sheets over her head and never come out. The images that flashed through her head didn’t help.

She and Marie had clung to each other, fucking with the double-ended dildo for what seemed like hours. Yet Blake’s pussy had just gotten greedier with each orgasm and Marie’s fervor had indicated a similar burning within her. The last thing Blake remembered before they had passed out from sexual and physical exhaustion had been kneeling on the bed opposite Marie, asses slapping and grinding against each other as they used a slightly shorter double-sided dildo to fuck ass to ass.

Blake’s overworked pussy pulsed as those images spurred it to begin making itself wet once more, and desire stirred within her as she gave Marie a sideways glance, torn between her body’s desire and arousal to jump the girl again, and the shame at how she had betrayed her own rules and Liam’s trust.

*Liam.* The thought of him stabbed a blade of ice through Blake’s heart. He was going to hate her when he learned about this. Asking him beforehand would have been one thing, but this—

Blake’s train of thought stopped as Marie rolled toward her and opened lazy eyes to look at her. Rather than echoing Blake’s own shock, they were content. When they did finally widen and Marie looked over Blake, then herself, her cheeks colored a bit, but she simply made herself comfortable on her side facing Blake and scrubbed a hand through her hair.

“I guess we got a little carried away last night,” she said, seeming maybe a quarter embarrassed as Blake felt.

“Marie,” Blake began before her voice caught in her throat. She cleared it nervously before continuing, “I’m so sorry. That was way out of line. I didn’t mean to—”

Marie cut her off with an amused look and a hand on her shoulder, “What are you talking about? We didn’t do anything wrong last night. We just helped each other get off. It’s not like we had sex or anything.”

Blake’s eyes shot open, “Didn’t have—Marie, that’s exactly what we did. Even if we hadn’t crossed that stupid line we came up with—if Liam did that with some girl without telling you, would you be okay with that?”

Marie’s eyebrows rose for a moment, but then she shrugged, “That’s different. Liam wouldn’t do that. If I told him about this, he’d probably just find it hot and ask us to include him next time.”

Any response to that Blake might have had died in her throat, and a faint flash of satisfaction told Blake that Marie knew. The blonde couldn’t know exactly *how* much Blake wanted her boyfriend, but she knew Blake found the idea of joining them appealing. Why wouldn’t she? After last night it was obvious that she found Marie attractive. They had damn good sexual chemistry and Liam was…Liam. Stupid sexy wonderful Liam.

Blake studied her friend for a moment, wondering if last night had been intentional on Marie’s part. Was Marie attracted to her enough to share her with Liam? If any guy could be trusted with that, it was him, and he deserved it, but…

As much as Blake wanted to be with Liam, to feel him deep inside her, filling her as he held her in his arms, she wanted him to be hers. She would not be the third in that equation. Not even with Marie or Chloe.

Still, if that had been Marie’s intention, Blake didn’t have a right to be mad at her. Did she?

Blake tried to bury her face in her hands, though tremendous yawn ruined it. After scrubbing the sleep from her eyes and running her fingers through her hair a few times, she looked back to Marie.

“Can you just make sure you tell him?” She asked, “Soon? I don’t want to accidentally say something and cause and argument between the two of you okay?”

Marie studied Blake for a while, then leaned forward. For some reason, Blake found herself powerless to do anything but meet Marie’s kiss as the blonde brushed her lips against Blake’s in a firm, but relatively chaste kiss. Compared to last night, at least. The contact felt so good, yet at the same time made her feel horrible.

Marie was smiling when she pulled back, “I’ll tell him later today when I see him.”

Blake nodded, about to thank Marie, when her phone started buzzing. She had to dig through a pile of blankets, towels and clothes to find it, and when she did, she cursed.

“What’s wrong?” Marie asked.

Blake bit her lip, “I have a show today. That was my alarm to tell me I need to start getting ready.”

Marie studied her for a moment, and a flash in the blonde’s green eyes made Blake cringe inside. Was Marie going to watch one of her shows? After last night, Blake didn’t know how she felt about that.

“Are you going to be late?” Marie asked.

“No, not if I start getting ready soon. I just had wanted to relax today. Can’t really get out of it though.”

Ice formed in Blake’s stomach at the lie. She’d just spent the night fucking this girl, her friend and roommate, her friend’s girlfriend. They had held each other as each made the other cum, and Blake couldn’t tell her the truth about why having a show today had made her curse.

*Because now I need the day to process everything that happened last night in order to figure out what the fuck I was thinking and what mental gymnastics caused me to think it was at all okay. Because I want to run to Liam and tell him everything and hope he’ll forgive me. Because I want him to forgive me and be mad at Marie. Because now I don’t even know what Marie and I are anymore, or how to continue being her roommate much less her friend. Because part of me just wants to kiss her again and spend the rest of the day fucking her.*

Swallowing hard, Blake gave herself a shake, trying to clear her head. After a few moments of intense, frustrating thought, she turned to Marie with the only idea she had to salvage this clusterfuck of a situation without letting her friend know something was very, very wrong.

Blake forced a smile, “Want to help me get ready?”



  1. Reviews are appreciated, as always. Enjoy!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](

  2. I like that you’re making this development in the relationship between the girls more complex than the two of them simply deciding to have threesomes with Liam. Blake’s mixed feelings are intriguing and provide a lot of room for possibilities. Your character portrayals are very engaging because they all seem consistent in their personality and decision making yet unpredictable at the same time. It’s definitely a hard line to toe and you’re balancing on that line remarkably well!

  3. I like that you’re making this development in the relationship between the girls more complex than the two of them simply deciding to have threesomes with Liam. Blake’s mixed feelings are intriguing and provide a lot of room for possibilities. Your character portrayals are very engaging because they all seem consistent in their personality and decision making yet unpredictable at the same time. It’s definitely a hard line to toe and you’re balancing on that line remarkably well!

  4. I like that you’re making this development in the relationship between the girls more complex than the two of them simply deciding to have threesomes with Liam. Blake’s mixed feelings are intriguing and provide a lot of room for possibilities. Your character portrayals are very engaging because they all seem consistent in their personality and decision making yet unpredictable at the same time. It’s definitely a hard line to toe and you’re balancing on that line remarkably well!

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