A very busy and very busty teacher moved in next door.

This is a work of fiction for you to enjoy. It’s about objectification, massive breasts, breast envy and masturbation. Feel free to leave your feedback or chat with me about it. If you like the story, check out my subreddit.

I’m 18+ and looking for chat partners 18+ only. All characters in this story are 18+.

I don’t RP.

And for all who are not familiar with this basic rule of writing: Even if the narrator is in first person – The narrator is NEVER the same as the author. The narrator in this story is just as fictional as this story. So please don’t write me believing this story is about me nor expect me to be in character as the narrator. Thank you.


Steve was silently sitting in his apartment listening to his neighbor having sex. When he noticed the first suspicious noises next door, laughing, a slow rhythmic squeaking the spring mattress, he got himself a beer from the fridge and sat with a box of Cleenex in his favorite arm chair next to the wall to enjoy this acoustic adventure, as he did quite regularly.

His neighbor was a bombshell. She had moved in a few months ago and it has been a sex marathon at her apartment ever since. When Steve woke up for work she was at it already, when he came back from work she was at it again – and the weekends – Steve had stopped inviting friends over at the weekends, because there was no quiet minute next door. But Steve couldn’t blame her. She was a gorgeous looking woman, probably in her late twenties, a bit thicker, with amazing curves, long black hair and an exceptional beautiful smile. Her most striking feature though, were her abnormally large breasts. He had no idea what size they could be, but they certainly dwarfed everything he had seen in porn or elsewhere online. The first time he heard her having sex, he heard a rhythmic slapping noise, that was somehow different from normal sex noises. Normally the smacking sound of a male pelvis hitting a female butt during doggy style sex is high pitched, but this slapping was [deep and hollow, like something big and heavy](https://gfycat.com/handmadegivingamericanshorthair)^((turn on sound)). If he had a little more imagination, he might have guessed the source of those heavy slapping sounds, that could be heard even throughout the staircase of the tenement block. But back then he didn’t even know what his new and so sexually active neighbor looked like.

Listening to the rhythmic slapping, the increasing squeaking, and the exited panting, he drank his beer and slowly jerked his dick to it, letting his imagination take him away. He thought of the first time he talked to her. They had met on their way to the waste chute and although Steve’s heart was jumping up to his throat when he forced himself to talk to her, they had a great conversation after all. Her name was Leanne and it turned out she was a schoolteacher. Steve’s look on his face almost betrayed how hot the mere thought of that was to him. But he managed to save his face by faking a sudden cough. Everyone knows hot teachers are every boys fantasy and the sad reality was, that most teachers weren’t that good looking. But with Leanne it was the opposite. She was way hotter than any teacher fantasy he had ever had. In fact, she was so hot, that he just couldn’t see her as a teacher. In Steve’s narrow mind, molded by years of regular porn consumption, a woman with that figure couldn’t be taken seriously as a teacher. Beautiful with tits as big as watermelons, she could only be either a porn star or a prostitute – a teacher? Unthinkable.

But the day came where Steve had to pick up his nephew from school and there he saw his neighbor on the schoolyard talking to some colleagues. She waved at him, when she saw him and he stupidly waved back, totally ignoring his nephew, who tried to pull him away by his hand. From that day Steve volunteered more often to pick up his nephew – much to the delight of his Sister. One day, while he was waiting inside the school building for classes to end, he had to use the bathroom, so he went to the toilet real quick. He entered a booth and sat down, when he became aware of a simplistic doodle on the door. It was basically just a stick figure with two huge orbs for boobs and long hair. And underneath was written *Miss Leanne*. So much for being taken seriously, he thought. On their way to his sisters house Steve tried to find out as much as he could about Leanne. But his nephew wasn’t much of a help there. His answers were limited to either “Guess so.” or “I don’t know”. The only sure thing seemed to be, that she was popular and very well liked by everyone. Steve gave up.

After delivering his nephew at his sisters home he drove back home, just to notice that his neighbor was home too and busy again. The heavy slapping filled the staircase together with regular moaning and panting. Good god, thought Steve as he walked up the stairs to the 10th floor to enjoy the sounds of lust as long as possible. He even turned down the invitation to take the elevator, that an older woman extended to him. “Thank you!” He waved her invitation aside and patted himself on the tummy. “I rather take the stairs. I need the exercise.” The old lady in the elevator shrugged and let the door close.

When Steve arrived at his floor he was already rock hard. Who ever was fucking the busty teacher, he was doing it right behind that apartment door, because as he passed by, her panting was right next to his ear. He stood still for a while staring at his neighbors door. The heavy slapping had been reinforced by something soft and heavy slamming into the door. Carefully Steve extended his trembling hand towards the door and put it gently on the vibrating wood. He felt the power of the thrusts and her heavy swinging boobs crashing into the door with every thrust like demolition balls. He slowly moved his hand up to where her face probably was, only one inch away. He could imagine feeling the heat coming from her skin through the door and it seemed to him, that tiny beads of sweat were appearing on the wood, like it was her skin. Who was the lucky guy that got to plow that pumpkin patch? Was he her boyfriend? Or were there several men involved? She could certainly afford it. The answer to this question, would have definitely surprised and shocked him – but in a good way.

——-Episode 2———–

Steve had been dating this gorgeous looking librarian, Susie, from the university where he taught. It all started with a little flirty banter whenever he ordered books or copies for class at her desk. She was very witty and always knew how to parry his teasing an humerus way. And of course at some point they shared a coffee break, and then another until it became a habit. Then one day in summer, when she was wearing this wonderful dress, he looked at her beautiful lean figure against the sunlight and her glittering blue eyes met his. He heard himself inviting her for a date and when she agreed he felt like waking up from a dream. But he didn’t dream it. They were actually dating and the whole thing was nice and slow, making the whole progression even more exciting. Their dinners went on for hours, no matter if they went to a fancy place or just a little pizza joint. He could feel the connection and he felt so good with her, that he never ran out of things to talk to her about. Even if it was already late and they had been talking for hours they still had questions to ask and topics to discuss and it seemed always to early to part already.

But of course they had to head back home eventually and so after each date Steve went back home his head still full of ideas for the next date, bustling with things he needed to talk to Susie about. Floating on a pink cloud fueled by wine, hormones and the mental image of Susie he arrived at his tenement. And in only one second a thunderbolt of angry sex noises and heavy slapping sounds echoing through the staircase turned the pink cloud into stormfront of mental images of massive tits hitting the doors, walls and bodies. The moment he arrived at his floor he had already forgotten all about his date, so captivating were the sounds coming from his busty neighbors apartment. Whoever was giving it to her, he must have been an Olympic athlete or something. In awe Steve stared like hypnotized at Miss Leannes door and hte rattling numberplate on it. The thrusts and thuds from inside were impressively heavy and could be felt through the walls, when Steve put his hand on them.

The dating with Susie went on pretty great and one day they went for coffee in a little place near Steve’s apartment, when Susie surprised him with the idea to go to his place and cook a little dinner together and maybe watch a movie later. Steve was no fool to ignore what that meant and he agreed before the thought of his everfucking neighbor could make him think twice. There was no going back, at least not without ruining this date. So he went along with her idea and prayed that Miss Leanne would get banged somewhere else tonight, but not in her apartment. Steve and Susie did a little grocery shopping at the local organic grocery store and headed to Steve’s place. Steve’s hands trembled as he reached for the door that lead to the stair case. But as he opened the door, there was nothing but deafening silence. Steve sighed in relieve and Susie gave him a puzzled look. “What is it?” she asked and Steve blushed. “Nothing.” He said as if nothing had happened.

Cooking with Susie was fun and they ate most of the ingredients while preparing them, so that, when their meal was finally ready, they already felt full. So they sat at the nicely decorated table in front of their almost full plates and drank wine and talked and laughed. But then Steve heard steps out side in the staircase – a couple of them, and one was wearing heels. His heart dropped while he starred at Susies moving lips. His ear was zooming out to his frontdoor, reducing Susies probably fun story to a murmur, while all the noises outside came closer. There were indistinct voices, the rattle of a key ring, a door getting shut. Steve started to get nervous, how much time of quiet did they have left? As he looked back into Susies face he noticed she was irritated. “What is it? Did you hear what I said?” She asked. He didn’t and he knew there was no way to lie about it. So he just pretended that he had been thinking about something, she had said before.

The thuds began about 10 minutes later. They were still to slow to be mistaken for something else and also there was no audible moaning or panting yet. But that changed a few minutes in. “Oh wow, who is THAT?” Susie asked and pointed at the kitchen wall with a grin. Steve blushed and shrugged. “Is that your neighbor? Because it sounds like she is just under your table.” Steve nodded with a sheepish smile. “Walls are thin here.” The thumping accelerated and started to get it’s characteristic irregular sound, like churchbells with freerunning clappers. Steve had a precise idea how these sounds emerged from his neighbors unevenly swinging tits hitting either the wall or maybe the headboard of her bed. *Dudum dudum du-dumdum dudum*. But of course he didn’t mention this to Susie when she said: “That’s a weird rhythm, isn’t it? If it weren’t for her voice I’d not be sure she’s actually having sex.” Steve just nodded thinking, *if you only knew*. But then he saw himself making a big boob gesture with both hands and he heard how he said “Well she got some big ones and that causes the irregular thuds.” His head went ice cold and pale as soon as his words were out. *What the fuck is wrong with me?!* But Susie burst into laugh. She thought Steve was joking. But when she noticed that Steve was not laughing and just staring into his glas of whine, watching the ruby surface tremble with each thrust next door, she looked down at her small perky cleavage in the nice dress and went silent. And then they just said there listening to Miss Leanne’s heavy breast hitting the kitchen wall creating impressive and intimidating mental images in both of them. And at some point Steve watched Susie pack her things and leave.

To be continued?

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/d07rdi/a_very_busy_and_very_busty_teacher_moved_in_next

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