Wild Wednesday: Mark’s Adventures part 6

[Part 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/cwkrs3/tuesday_rush_marks_adventures_part_5/)

I woke up a bit early on Wednesday, Dani wasn’t cuddled up, but over on her side of the bed. I looked over and her butt wasn’t red anymore. I hope it wasn’t sore, she did really enjoy the spankings. she did tell me to bite her nipple too. And she wanted to try anal, what was happening? Let’s not forget Maresol trying to get me to fuck other women. Crazy. I got up to use the bathroom, as I came back dani rolled over, giving me a great view of her snatch. It was sexy, as was she. I loved her, sex ahs been great, we do have a twice a morning standard to up hold. I think I’ll do a little rough play, my dick was already starting to rise just from looking at her. Time to act.
I grab her ankles and yank her to the end of the bed, “Wha?”, she startles awake. I have her legs up and my rod already sliding into her. “Oh, ah, um,” she says not sure what is happening. I ease into her for the moment, then back out, then back in, speeding up and a little more forceful each time. “Um, yeah. Wow,” she moans. I keep on crashing in, holding her legs up, rolling her up a bit and pounding away, she’s making noises. I start to grunt, “Yeah baby, grunt. Let me hear you work.” So I grunt more, like I am working out, she goes wild. I feel her getting close so I speed up. “Uh..yeah. That’s it. I..I am..AHHHH,” She moans loudly as cums. Her release triggers mine, I keep going for a few thrusts to get her good then slow down. She rests her legs on my chest.
“That’s away to wake up,” she smiles.
“I try,” I pant. This one got me.
“ Not complaining it was different for sure.”
“Well, with you mentioning anal and us doinf new things I figured, why not?”
“It worked. YOu want to put my legs down, I’m good,” she tells me.
I set her legs down, help her up. We kiss, she goes off to shower, I throw on my sweats and get the morning started. I wake up the girls.
“What’s today?” Marcy asks me.
“Wednesday,” I tell her.
“Awesome! Dance day!” she jumps up getting excited and heads into the kitchen to find breakfast. Mel comes out of her room. I look at her, she looks tired.
“You good?”
“You know my fondness of mornings,” she tells me.
“Better to sleep through.”
She throws up a shaka, and heads to the bathroom. She stops in the doorway.  “I do need a ride to the studio tonight.”
“Teaching Marcy’s class?”
“Assisting but getting there. I”ll get dinner done so we can head out when you get home.”
“Thanks Mel.”
She throws another shaka at me and goes into the bathroom. I check the kitchen to make sure that Marcy isn’t just eating marshmallows out of the cereal. She’s not. I make coffee.
“Honey, can you come here,” Dani calls from the back of the house.
“On my way,” I call back. “Finish up and get dressed.”
“Ok, Dad,” Marcy says looking up from her phone. I head back to the bedroom. When I get there I find my wife bent over the bed, her big, wonderful ass pointed at me. “Close the door and come get on me.”
I lock the door and drop to my knees behind my wife. I start eating her out, licking up and down and gobbling up her tasty box. “Oh, that’s nice but I just wanted a quickie.”
I stop, “I need to get it up, give me a minute.”
“That’s ok, this works too,” she says shoving her butt back at me and getting my face back in her pussy. I lick and suck, slurping up and down and getting her clit out and giving it attention. I am starting to get it up but figure I have gone this far, I am going to get her off, plus I do enjoy it. I keep going at it until I hear her start to moan softly, and feel her squirm a bit. I keep sucking on her clit for a couple minutes to make sure, then I stand up, take off my sweats, and plow into her. It feels great, her pussy is wet and warm, her big booty up against me is fantastic. I relish it for a moment. Te I start to hump her good.
“Ooo,oh, yeah,” she says, “Slap my ass. Smack it!”
I do, but a little softly as the girls are up and not sure how she feels after yesterday. She seems unimpressed, so I give it a good solid smack. She moans. Fuck it. I spank her good while we fuck, holding her hip with one hand and swatting her ass with the other and switching from time to time. We both get into it, really going at it. It’s great. “You like that, like your ass being spanked?” I say out of nowhere.
“Love it, spank me, Spank me!”
Her getting into it throws me over the edge and I cum first this time, but I keep pumping into her while I do and that gets her off.
“Wow,” she pants, “never thought I’d like spanking that much.”
“Me neither, you naughty girl.”
“And you asking me, that was hot.”
“You telling me got me off, so wow.”
“Go shower, I am going to lay here for a minute to recover.,” she says pulling herself up onto the bed, her ass almost as red as her hair. I head around and give her a kiss, then head to the shower. She doesn’t join me this morning, so I figure that’s enough for today. I get out and dry off, heading out into the bedroom. She is still laying on the bed, ass up, it’s a little less red now.
“Feeling better?” I ask her.
“A little sore, it’s a good sore though. You mind taking the girls? I want to let my ass recover more.”
“Not a problem,” I say coming around her again and giving her another kiss. I get dressed, head out to the kitchen, telling the girls to get ready, I pour Dani some coffee and bring it back to her. I get the girls out the door and off to school. After dropping off Mel I text Maresol, “Had to take the kids to school. Sorry. Going to miss you this morning.”
“That’s okay. See you later. ?????”
“Sounds great, can’t wait.”
I get back a pic of her ass. Made my day waiting to get coffee, I pull up to the window and Lisa smiles at me. “Mark. Good to see you.”
“Good morning, Lisa.”
“Sorry I didn’t call yesterday, I got busy with school and stuff,” she says bustling around the stand. “Usual?”
“Two Lisa’s actually,” I tell her.
“Two?” she says turning to look at me.
“My assistant took mine yesterday. She liked it more than hers.”
“Rude,” she says a bit perturbed, “but no problem. Can I call you this afternoon?”
She is moving and grooving making my drinks and speaking loudly to be heard over the machines when she has to. Her pony tail swinging, she turns once and I did check out her butt in her jeans as she was bent over getting milk out.  It’s nice. I think she caught me looking because I saw a little smirk.
“Sure, I kind of have a got a generic thing started but if you send me some info I can plug it in, and you can take a look.”
She hands me my drinks, “You are fucking awesome. Whoops!” She turns a little red, embarrassed.
“It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone,” I smile.
“Thanks. Mom would kill me swearing at the customers, even like that. It’s your cell right?”
“The one  on the back is.” I try to pay.
“Not today. It’s on me for the help. See you tomorrow?”
“Absolutely.” I tell her taking a sip of the drink. “Best Coffee in town.”
She smiles at me as I drive away. I head to work, thinking too much. Lisa does have a nice ass, but why would she be interested in me? I’m in my forties, she is like 20. I guess I am all right looking. Did anything really happen? Am I jumping at shadows becasue I am having sex with two gorgeous women? And what did Maresol mean about sharing? So confused about this, hopefully work will help.
“Good morning, Boss,” Ms. Kim calls from her desk as I walk in.
“Hi, Ms. Kim. One Lisa for you, one for me,” I say setting her cup down on her desk. She takes a sip.
“This good, you want to try?”
“I have my own,” I say shaking the cup at her.
“I dunno, YOU wanted to try new things this week,” She says shaking her cup back at me.
“Fine,” I sigh giving in. We switch cups and take a drink. “Pretty much the same.”
“Your’s in more minty, but good.” She says setting the cup down, I do too. I grab my cup and head back to my office.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” I ask.
“Nothing much,” she says following me back into my office. I notice she is wearing a really cute dress. Mint green, with flowers on it, it looks fantastic, her hair looks great too, really done up nicely. She sets her coffee next to mine on the desk “Got a couple client orders to review. A new client coming in this afternoon, figured we could go over the plan at lunch.
“Yes,” I say remembering we have a working lunch today, “sounds great. Pick some place good.”
She smiles like the cat that ate the canary. “Of course, Boss. I’ll handle it.” She grabs a cup, not sure whose it was and heads out. She seems excited about this lunch. Dressed up nice, too, like date night nice. Could she? No way.
I get into work, reviewing some new ads, looking over a couple entire client packages. Adjusting a couple things here and there. Thoughts of women leave my head as I am working. My cell phone rings, it’s a number I don’t recognize.
“Hello, this is Mark,” I answer.
“Hi Mark, It’s Lisa. Is this a good time?” she asks.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“I was thinking about the project and wanted to send you some stuff, see if you could plug it in, maybe make a graphic or two.”
“I can try, but we really should sit down to do it, that way you can look it over.”
“Really? That’d be wonderful. What about tomorrow? Maybe after I get off work? I have time before class if that works.”
“It should, about 10?”
“Yeah, that’d be fantastic. You are great. I’m going to send you some stuff thanks.” She hangs up. What a whirlwind. But I can get some more basic stuff done before she sees it. I take a look at the stuff I have, adjusting it. It’s getting close to lunch and Ms Kim comes in.
“So where are we going?” I ask.
“I heard about this great place I want to try,” her phone rings, she looks at it. “It’s my roommate. She never calls.”
“Answer it,” I tell her.
“Hello? What? No. Calm down. Just come get my keys. No. I have plans. Can’t you. You did?” She sighs. “Fine. I’ll be there in a few.” She looks bummed.
“What’s up?” I say getting up and walking towards her.
“My roommate locked herself out. She freaking out. I have to go.”
“It’s ok,” I say throwing my arm around her shoulder, “raincheck on lunch. You are a good friend.”
“Thanks. Tomorrow?”
“That will be great,” I say trying to cheer her up. She snuggles in for a second, then shrugs out and goes to her desk for her keys and her purse. She heads out, I stand there thinking. Then pull out my phone and call Maresol.
“Hi,” I say.
“Hello, Mark. What’s up?” She responds.
“Are you free for lunch?”
“I absolutely am. It would be wonderful, I know this great Mexican place.”  
“I will text you the address, be there in 10?”
“I will try.”
My phone beeps as she sends me the address. I plug it in and it’s close enough, so I head out. It’s a little place in strip mall, I park and get out. She pulls in about then, I recognize her SUV. She parks down from me and gets out of her car. She looks radiant. Tan skirt, heels, nice white blouse. Her hair loose. She smiles at me and walks over.
“Hi,” she says getting close.
“Hey,” I say smiling back.
We sound like awkward teen on a first date, but it cute, we hug and she takes my arm to lead me in. She says hello to the people working there in Spanish, I wave. We sit in the back, It’s kind of odd, but nice. We are out of the way, not really noticeable, seems like a good place for clandestine rendezvous.
“Do you mind if I order, I know what’s good.”
She goes to the counter and orders then comes back, she sits smiling. A very nice older lady brings us a drink. It’s white liquid, I look at it.
“Horchata,” she tells me.
I take a sip, it’s delicious.
“This is good,” I tell her.
“I know, the food is better.”
We lean in close, sitting across from each other in the booth. The air still has a feel of a first date. We sit for a minute.
“So, what do you do?” I ask her.
She smiles, “I am a therapist. I help people with…dating, problems.”
I look a bit confused. “Sex therapist.”
“They have those?” I say honestly surprised. “What do you do?”
“I help people in various ways, a lot of things can be mental, but there are other ways. And don’t think the irony of a sex therapist with a crappy sex life does not escape me,” she laughs.
“I thought it had gotten better, lately.”
“Oh it has,” she says her smile getting bigger and reaching across the table to take my hand. I hold her hand.
“Is it safe?” I say, looking at our hands,
“Safe enough, that’s why we are back here. And it’s my family’s old friends that run the place. They won’t say anything. The know about my situation.”
“That’s good, I guess.”
She squeezes my hand, “It is. They want me happy more than anything else. I am now. They are not going to say anything to anyone.”
The same old lady brings two plates of food. I have no idea what they are, but we start eating and sharing like she has got me doing. Eating of each others forks, and sharing a drink. We get a second and a glass of water. Other people come in and out, we are not disturbed, and no one really notices. It’s nice. We are finishing up, “Can I get something to go?”
“What would you like? What I had or you did?”
“Umm, something chicken, to take back to Ms. Kim, I was supposed to go out with her to lunch but her roommate had some issues.”
“Aww, that’s sweet. Sure thing,” She says. We walk up to the front and she orders for me in Spanish. I am terrible at languages. I pay for everything and leave a good tip, the old lady smiles at me from the register. She brings me a plastic bag with a styrofoam box in it.I grab the bag, and Maresol and I head out the door. I open it for her naturally, and look back to see the little old lady still at the register smiling. WE walk towards her car.
“Thanks,” I tell her.
“Thank you, you paid.”
“Least I could do. You knew the place, and it being the first date and all,” I shrug.
“Really? First date? I better put out then,” she teases.
“No time, I have to get back to work. I have a new client coming this afternoon,” I say reluctantly.
“Well, ok,” she pouts playfully. “Plus you know I do.”
We are at her car, I open her door for her, she gets in around me. She drags me in for a sloppy, tongue laden kiss. She lets me go, “Plenty more where that came from.”
I smile and get out of her doorway to close it. She drives away as Iget into mine and am smiling all the way back to the office. I stop to look at myself in my rearview mirror, no lipstick. But I do have a stupis grin. I am happy, going to go with it.
I walk in, Ms. kim is sitting at her desk obviously unhappy.
“Did you get time to eat?,” I ask coming in the door.
“No. My roommate is a nitwit. Looking herself out while doing laundry,” she fumes.
“Well, I got you this,” I say handing her the bag of food. Her face brightens up.
“Thanks, Boss. Where is it from?”
“Little Mexican place over on the westside. Hope you like it.”
“I am sure, I will,” she says looking at it happily as I lean on her desk.
“We are on for tomorrow? I really want to see where you take me.”
“Definitely, Boss. Are you all set?” she asks pulling the container out and getting the plastic wear ready.
“New client meeting. She should be here anytime,” she says opening the box, and looking at the food. “This smells delicious, and looks good too. She takes a bite. “THis is so good, try some.” She waves the fork at me, I lean over and take the bite she has on the fork, just as out new client walks in.
“Well, that’s different,” says a very familiar voice.
“Maresol?” I say standing and turning to see it is her.
“Hi, Mark,” she says smiling.
“You two know each other?” Ms. Kim asks. “Dr, Villanueva is our new client.”
“She’s Marcy’s friends mom the one from last weekend,” I tell Ms. Kim.
“Oh, I see. That’s cool, I will let you handle things while I finish lunch. Thanks again, Boss.”
“No problem Ms. Kim. Right this way Maresol,” I say ushering her into my office.
She walks past me, and I close the door after her. As soon as it clicks she is all over me, kissing me, hands running all over my body. I am a bit in shock at first, but then go with it, kissing her back and grabbing her ass. Then we break apart and I ask her, “Are you really here for a meeting?”
“Yes, but I need that dick first, hurry up while your assistant finishes,” she tells me, reaching in my pants and grabbing my cock. Then she takes my pants down as she slides to her knees, and takes me into her mouth. There she is, blowing me in the middle of my office. This has never happened before. She is going at it with all her heart, sucking like never before, fondling my balls. It’s kinky, getting blown in my office, I love it. I grab her head to hold on, running my fingers through her hair, then holding on as I blow a load down her throat. She keeps sucking, not missing a drop, swallowing everything. She keeps sucking for a couple slurps after I am done. She pulls my pants up, tucks me in, and I buckle my pants.
“All that flirting I lunch, I had too. And Surprise!,” she says.
“I certainly am. That was fantastic.” I tell her heading to my desk.
“I do love it, your cock is amazing, but on to work,” She says following me as I pull out a chair and let her sit down, I drink my computer around and sit next to her to start showing designs. Some wer more subdued, white writing on a black background, some had pictures like memes, some were very erotic, a whole slew of different types. She liked some, gave advice on others, we discussed locations. All very business like except her rubbing my thigh. Ms. Kim pops in, Maresol’s hand moves away.
“Everything all right Boss?” Ms. Kim asks me.
“Yes, Ms. Kim,” I reply.
“Did you do some of these designs?” Maresol asks sweetly.
“A few,” Ms Kim replies.
“It shows, the woman’s touch. You two make quite the team, it is great work,” MAresol says honestly.
Ms. Kim smiles, and turns a bit red slightly embarrassed, “Thank you. That means a lot. Boss, I am going to go scope some things out.”
“Did you like lunch?” I ask.
“It was fantastic,” Ms. Kim responds.
“I recommended it,” Maresol tells her, “It’s a family friends restaurant. They are also thinking of starting to advertise.”
“Boss,” Ms Kim says in huff, “you did not say that. Scouting out is usually my job, that’s where I am heading to.”
“You always do better than me.”
“It because I’m cute,” Ms Kim smiles at me.
“She is,” Maresol says matter of factly.
“Thanks, Dr. Villaneauva-”
“Maresol, please.”
“Maresol, good to meet you,” Ms Kim says holding out her hand, Maresol stands up and hugs her. Ms. Kim looks slightly uncomfortable, then hugs her back.
“I’m a hugger. I am looking forward to working with you both. He needs help.”
“Hey!,” I say.
“He does. Let us know what you want, we can get anything done. See you later,” Ms Kim says as she heads out. She closes the door behind her as she leaves.
“That went well,” Maresol says. “She’s cute.”
“Yes, I guess she is,” I say.
“And a nice ass.”
“I never really noticed.”
Maresol stares at me, “ Are you blind?”
“We work together, she does amazing designs, like these-” I say getting back to work.
“We are done working,” She informs me. “Now you need to eat this pussy.” She bends over my desk, hiking up her skirt showing she is wearing no panties. I go right in and bury my face into that beautiful bald snatch. She grabs my head, as I lick up and down. “You are so good, My Cock, but your assistant is cute. Have you done this to her yet? Just nod.”
I nod no, so my tongue slurps around.
“She would let you. She is hot for you.You should, I told you I want to share you. The idea gets me wet, can you feel that?”
I can, she is getting wetter, and tastier, I slurp it all up.
“Or maybe it’s you. You eat my pussy the best, My Cock.”
I lick and slurp her tasty pussy. “You should try to fuck Ms. Kim, she wants it bad.” Her twat is delicious, and tastes different from Dani’s, I wonder what Ms. Kim’s would taste like. I find Maresol’s clit and start sucking on it, and flicking my tongue on it.  “YES,” she moans, “She wants it, like I do, I NEEED IT,” she goes into an orgasm then, and I keep licking and sucking trying to keep it going as long as possible. “So good, but now I NEED MY COCK! Give it to me.”
I pull my face out, stand up yank my pants down and guide my dick into her waiting snatch, I slide in with no problems, her still bend over my desk, and stop balls deep.
“I feel so full. Now, fuck me good.”
I grab her hips and pull out to the head of my cock and slam back into her. I give it to her good and hard, as she is bent over my desk. I haven’t done anything like this before, it’s hot and kinky. Sex in my office is geting me going. I reach back and slap her ass.
“Ah,” she lets out, catching herself from screaming. I smack it again, watching it jiggle while I do, my thrusts also making jiggle in wave. I smack it again, watching it turn red from its creamy brown color. I spank her hard, “FUCK,” she says into mmy desk as she cums. I thrust a couple more times, but her orgasm has her pussy squeezing my cock and I cum too.
“Wow,” I pant.
“Wow, is right my cock,” she says pushing me back with her butt, then standing up and kissing me, “It’s like you never had sex in your office.”
“I haven’t” I confess.
She smiles, kisses me deep, “So glad I could pop that cherry. Now we need to do mine.”
I wasn’t sure if she meant her office or what, but sex in offices is fun, exciting. She dug a pair of panties out of her purse and slid them on.
“You have amazing legs,” I told her, admiring her legs as she slid the panties up them.
“Thank you,” she says coming back over to kiss me again. “It was a great appointment. I do like the work so far.”
“I’m glad.”
“And you really should fuck Ms Kim. She needs it,” she says nonchalantly collecting her things. I just look at her, confused I guess. She stops to look at me. “You fuck me and Dani, why not more? And your assistant is hot for you.”
“Me? No,” I dismiss it. She comes over and grabs my face to stare into my eyes.
“She is. I want to share you. I am sharing you. Hell, if you can talk her into it, you can have us together. I’ll do her. We can compare pussy eating techniques.” She kisses me still holding my face. “You are handsome, My Cock. And well versed in sex, trust me. You can woo lots more women than you think.” She lets go of my face, and gives me one last, tongue thrusting kiss. “See you later.”
And she walks out.
I stand there lost for a few, then put my junk away, and went back to my desk. Worked a little bit on Maresol’s stuff but my head wasn’t with it. I switched to Lias’s stuff, doing a generic build. My mind wandering all over the place, thinking about women. I didn’t need anymore, I had enough, but variety is nice. Maresol wants to share me. But she is with Dani. And what about Dani? And if I am trying new things, would she want to? Is she already? Not sure I can handle more women. That gets risky. I don’t even know anymore.
My phone beeped letting me know a text came in. I take a look at my phone, it’s Lisa. Great, I can plug in some of her information, make this a bit better before we meet tomorrow. I open up the text and it’s picture of hr in a very skimpy bikini. I mean just strings and barely covering her nipples and slit. She obviously waxes. She looks great, very sexy, but I think this is the wrong thing. Another beep and text from her, this time a link. Ok, she hit the wrong file. Hope she isn’t too embarrassed by this. I open up the link, lots of pictures. Of her, in various states of undress. Very sexy stuff, she is a hot girl. I am enjoying looking, so I scroll down, appreciating all of her various costumes and poses. They get more and more risque as I get lower, more bikinis, some lingerie, the last one, is just her, with her hair over her shoulders just barely covering her nipples, and hands in front of her crotch. Definitely looks like she waxes, but there is just a little hair. Oh, a landing strip, how sexy is that. It’s a fantastic pic, her smile is sweet and sexy. I feel my dick rising as I stare. Then snap out of it. She must have sent me the wrong file. I will talk to her tomorrow. Back to work something, non-sexy, no girls. I can do this.
Ms Kim come back in right about then, “Hey Boss, so Maresol is nice,” She starts. We have a discussion on the ads we are making for her. I notice that Ms Kim does stand a little close, smiling a lot and laughing as we hash out ideas. Some are getting sillier and sillier, but some gold in there too, we do make a great team. Maybe she does have a crush on me? We shall see. I take off a little early, it being dance class night. I get home to dinner all ready being cooked.
“Hey Mel, smells great,” I tell them.
“Thanks, Dad,” she replies, “I wanted to get it done early so we can early to help out.”
“Yeah, Mel want to meet up with Miss. Solovyov, to get set for her class,” Marcy tells me.
“You’re teaching tonight? That’s cool,” I say enthusiastically.
“I am,” she says trying to keep the nerves out her voice.
“Hey, Marcy, why don’t you go get ready? We’ll get out of here in few,” I say to my other daughter,
“Ok, dinner is almost done anyway,” she says as she strolls out.
“You ok, kiddo?” I ask Mel.
“Honestly, Dad, I’m terrified,” Mel tells me.
“You will do fine. You know what you are doing. You worked hard to get there, you got this,” I reassure her.
“You sure?”
“Absolutely. Remember how terrified you were at your first recital? But you got out there and killed it. Same thing. Once you get going you will be fine.”
“Is that how you do it? Giving presentations all the time and stuff?”
“Me? I prepare. I know my material, Which you do. I know my audience, you got that too. Then I just relax and do what I know. Keep it business, but fun.”
“Business but fun. I can do that.”
I put my hand around her shoulders, “You will do great, sweetheart.”
“Thanks, Dad,” she says giving me a hug. “I am going to go change, too”
“Sounds good, I will finish up.”
She goes out, seeming more at ease. I check that dinner is done then run and change myself. We eat and head over to Solovyou Dance Studios. It’s a nice building, kind of in downtown so it’s got that older feel to it, two stories, retail on the bottom an apartment on top. Great room for advertising, sometimes business just takes over. Becca and Racheal moved in upstairs since the divorce. We are the first students there and head in as Becca is an old friend.
“Hello, Miss S,” Marcy calls coming in.
“Hi Marcy,” I hear Becca call from her office in the back. “Is Mel with you?”
“I’m here, Miss S,” Mel yells back.
“Great, be right out.”
Becca came out of her office at the back. She was tall,slim, built like a dancer, which she was. Her platinum blonde hair was cut short into a pixie cut. Which was very new, her hair as long as could remember had always been long, like to her butt long.
“Your hair looks great.” I blurt out.
“Thank you, Mark. I needed a change,” she tells us. She is wearing tights and ballet shoes, naturally as class is getting ready to start.
“Miss S, you do look great,” Marcy tell her.
“Totally, Ms S,” Mel adds, “not a lot of people can pull off short hair. You do.”
“You guys are too sweet.”
“Girls have fun, I will pick you up after class,” I say turning to leave.
“Mark, can you wait a few? I have a favor to ask,” Becca says.
“Thank you,” Becca tells me, then turns to Mel, “so I was thinking you could lead through warm ups, then we could work together to show some new things and you could help me watch them practice and correct forms.”
“Sure, what are you thinking Ms S,” Mel asks.
As they talk, I look around the studio. It’s the same as it’s always been, mirrors, a bar to hold onto, a big open space. As I look at it again I think it’d be a cool place to have sex, the lights, the mirrors, yo could see all kinds of things. Really be kinky and fun. Other students and parents arrive, I say hi, Becca greets everyone. The class seems like it’s a  good size, but a couple of kids aren’t here. That is normal, always a couple missing a lesson. Becca looks it over and kinda sighs, I can see it in her eyes. She puts on a good front, but knowing her as long as I have it shows. Something is up.
The class actually starts, “Good evening class,” Becca starts.
“Good evening Ms Solovyou,” everyone responds.
“Miss Melanie will be assisting with the class from now on.”
“Hi,” Mel says shyly.
“Hello, Miss Melanie,” the class responds the same way as with Becca.
“Miss Melanie will take you through stretches and warm ups to begin,” Becca says and motions me to follow her to her office. Mel starts them off. I follow back to the office. Becca is just inside, watching, but out of sight, letting Mel run the show.
“How is she doing?” I ask.
“Great. Never lost it, even with break. I am glad it was only a couple months. Makes me proud and happy.”
“That’s great. You did teach her everything, you know how bad my rhythm is.”
“You can barely carry a tune in a bucket,” she laughs.” And dancing. Oh no”
“I think I do ok. You taught me enough to not make a complete fool of myself.”
“Just barely. Did not want you to embarrass poor Dani at your wedding.”  
“You’re hair really does look great. I love it.”
“Thank you. I really needed a change with the divorce and everything,” she tells me going into old friend mode. “Which brings me to what I wanted to ask. It’s a huge favor.”
“How long have we been friends?”
“I dunno, forever?”
“Then you don’t even need to ask.”
“I do. It’s really big, and mutli-parts. The apartment needs some work, I need help with that.” She waves me off before I can answer. “The other is big. You saw class attendance is down. I am selling the house. Let me finish.” She looks out, sees everything is going ok. “I’m rambling, I know. I had to sell the house, I couldn’t stay there. Cut my hair because he always liked it long, and” I see her starting to tear up. I hug her without thinking, Becca’s been my friend since college.
“It’s okay,” I tell her. She sniffs and pulls herself together, but snuggles in a bit.
“Thanks, Mark, you always know what to do. But you saw the lack of students, all my classes are down. I need you professionally. I need to up my business to keep afloat.”
“You got it. I can cook up some great ads. Get Solovyou Dance Studio out there as THE dance studio. No worries.”
“I knew you would help. But like I said, I need the ads to get the money,”
“I said no worries, I meant it. I will figure it out, I got you.”
“Thank you, so much. You have no idea,” she says hugging me tighter. It’s warm and nice, maybe it’s my new sexualness but I feel like something is there. She lets go, “I am going to go teach this class. Do I look ok?” I look her over, you can’t tell she was tearing up a few minutes ago.
“No one will see anything,” I tell her.
“You are too good a friend.” She says and heads out to teach her class. I stand there and peak out at the class, Becca and Mel are doing great. I look at the space trying to formulate a plan. I have a few ideas as class goes on. I stick around for the whole class, when it ends we say goodbye. Mel runs up stairs to talk to Racheal for a minute. Then we head home.
“How did you do?” I ask on the drive home.
“Great. I love dance class,” Marcy says from the backseat .
“I did okay. Feeling more comfortable,” Mel tells me. “I think this is going to be fun.”
“Me too,” I tell her.
“How is Miss S doing?” Marcy asks.
“She is doing alright. Got some concerns. If you have any friends who want to learn to dance she would appreciate it.”
“I will ask. I love it, I am sure I can get some friends into it too,” Marcy says enthusiastically.
“Me too,” Mel adds.
“You girls are awesome.”
We make jokes and get home, have dessert and get ready for bed. Homework and other nightly chores get done. Dani comes home while its all going on. I give her a kiss as she comes in.
“How was class?” she asks.
“Good. Becca is worried about making it, it’s been rough,” I tell her.
“She’s been through the ringer. That ex. What can we do to help?” she says as we head to the bedroom and she starts to change while I sit on the bed.
“She wants me to help her remodel the apartment over the studio. Her and Racheal are staying there now.”
“Really? Well, you are good with that stuff. I can help anyway I can. What else?”
“She wants ads and stuff, the whole works I was thinking of a new plan for the studio. But how do I take her on as a client if she can’t pay?”
“You will think of something, you always do.” She has gotten down to her bra and panties and goes and closes the door. She unhooks her bra and waves boobs at me, “can you think of something?” She come closer. I respond by grabbing her and tossing her on the bed, then planting my face between those wonderful melons and kissing them all over. “Mmmm, yeah,” Dani moans.
I work my way down, and get between her legs, kissing the outside of her vagina. Licking up and down, sucking on her lower lips, enjoying the taste and feel and the moans she is giving me. I lick up her slit and stick my tongue in deep, really loving taking my time. She grabs my head as I suck on her clit, “YES, just like that.” I reach up and pinch her nipples as I suck hard, she cums in my mouth letting out a loud, “AHHH” as she does. I lick up and down one more time then I get up and kneel between her legs with my raging hard on. I slide into her slow, she good and wet so it’s easy but we just enjoy the coming together. I start to slide out, then back in, thrusting just as little harder each time, watching her face and loving the expressions she is making as she is enjoying it, too. I pull her legs up to my chest and roll her up just a bit.
“Yes, Harder, Faster, just like that,” she exclaims.
I do as she asks, watching her boobs bounce as I slam into her, just for a minute though. I look back up and we make eye contact. It’s one of the most erotic things we’ve ever done. Her green eyes stare into me as I give it to her good. We keep going, staring at each other, “Almost there, hun,” she whispers. That drives me to go harder, I drop her legs and go in for a kiss with a final thrust. I explode into her as our tongues meet and I feel her cum too.
And then there is knock at the door.
“Mom,” Mel says, “we need your help.”
“Give me a second, I’ll be right there,” Dani calls out, slightly out of breath.
I get off her, she sits up and gives me another kiss and whispers, “so much for round two.”
She runs into the shower to rinse off, throws on some shorts and one of my t-shirts.
“How come my clothes always look better on you?” I ask her.
“Boobs,” she says emphasising hers. “Love you. I’m going to see what they need.” She gives me another kiss and heads out of the room.
“I’ll be here,” I call after her.
I pick up my book and start to read, or try to. A couple of pages in things are getting blurry, and I guess I fell asleep. I woke up to Dani coming back in, turning off the lights and cuddling up in bed.
“I’m ready for another round,” I say groggily.
“Honey, your book was on your lap. You’re tired. It’s okay, you’ll get me in the morning.” She gives me a good kiss and we snuggle up and I fall back to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/czjyuq/wild_wednesday_marks_adventures_part_6

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