Summer of Dan, Chapter 7

Chapter 6 – [](

Jean was actually feeling a more than a bit spent, having spent last few hours being made to submit, sexually tease, then fucked to her second hard, power orgasm in the last few days, and it bore mentioning that it had been a LONG time since she had something so powerful. This was the thing; for many-many years, jean had been little more than an object, and so she had used that, and simply turned it about on the very men who only *thought* they knew her. And now this upstart of a young man was teaching her things *about herself* and her psyche that she did not know. She hated and loved all at the same time that this was happening. There was a lot to sort out, but at least she was somewhat assured in knowing the the Young Man would be off to school soon, and they could go their separate ways. She dared not ask herself if that was what she really wanted.

However, there was no time to really consider it at the moment, as her erotic tormentor beckoned…and she knew she had to answer. Walking back in the room, she was dressed only in a simple set of cotton panties and bra. Dan was sitting there, still naked. Jean knew that Dan too had experienced a powerful orgasm, but she was surprised to see that his dick was showing signs of recovery already.

Dan saw her looking at his dick, which was already showing like it wanted to be back in his possession and smiled, saying “vibrance of youth. too bad we don’t have time for more.” waving her over, he pulled from the little bag he had brought with him a small, dark red box. “ever used these?” he asked and, opening the box, showed his possession a fair sized pair of Ben-Wah balls.

jean just stared at them blankly for a moment before stammering, “N-n-No…….” ‘oh-shit’ she thought. looks like her afternoon of rest was not gonna happen. How much more could a girl take? She wondered

“Me either. First for us both, i have already cleaned them, so they’re safe. step here.” Waving here over, Dan hooked his finger under the hem of the pastel blue hi-cut cotton panties. Stopping for a moment he said “Nice choice, by the way> Lowering the panties just a bit, he took the balls and, one at a time, gently though determinedly worked them inside his toy, listening to her grunt and whimper, and smiling the whole time. “OK,” Dan said, as he pulled those panties back up, “Let’s get me dressed, and walk me to the door. I need to be over at my house by the time the maid gets here…which isn’t going to be far away.” Dan enjoyed having his toy dress him, and his dick stiffened a bit more as his toy tucked it away for him. “I can see those balls are effecting you. I’m glad.” Dan told her.

As they were walking down the steps, he heard her murmur several times, and it made him chuckle. “Toy,” he said, you are to keep those in you, even after the maid leaves. Put on a bit more clothing, then pre-pay the lawn guy, and when he gets to the side yard, come over to my house. I’ll be waiting.” Dan started to open the kitchen door, then closed it. Pulling his toy close, he pushed he against the wall, and began to kiss her open mouth, while holding her hands against the wall, while at the same time he pushed his hips into her. In just a moment, his possession began reciprocating, accepting his tongue and lightly moaning as she pushed herself against him. After a bit, he pulled away and left. Dan was hardly back inside his house when he saw the maid pulling up, and wondered if his toy had recovered or not.
