Banging the preacher’s wife

This is a true story. Not sure if that’s usually what happens here but, here goes.

It was my manager and I who I will call V closing the department store we worked at one night. We make our way to the back during our walk through and she tells me her husband who I will call R, let’s her have sex with other men. To which I say “oh cool”, unsuspecting of any hints she was trying to give me. We make our way outside and R is waiting to meet V. As I walk past he says “hey whatcha getting in to tonight?”. I say “Not much. Maybe drink a few beers.” Not much more is said and I go home. About two hours later, at midnight, I get a text from V. “Hey R wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come up for some beers”. I’m not turning free beer down so i say hell yeah. R tells me to meet him at a gas station far from their home. I didnt think much of it. Hes a preacher and bringing over a young guy to drink beer to some may seem, inappropriate. He meets me at the gas station and on our way to his house we have a conversation that in retrospect, was a bit of foreshadowing as to what would be my fate. He says “V had a sheltered childhood. I let her experience things that, other men probably wouldnt”. Still ignorant to the hints being dropped I say “cool man that’s good of you”

Skip ahead about 10 beers or something and I’m pretty drunk. V also seems to be, though to this day I’m not sure if she was faking it or not. R didnt drink. He said he liked to stay sober to watch over V. V eventually retreats to the bathroom and R and I just chat for about 5 min. 10 min. About 20 min later R says “where the heck is V?” which I’m sure was just part of the ruse. He says “let’s go find her”. We walk back towards the bathroom and dont find her. I hear him say “look over here”. I turn to their bedroom and there she is, lying face down on their bed with not a single thread of clothing on her body. I can vaguely remember what happened from this point on. My drunk mind consisting of basically no complex thought or analysis of what was happening. I remember him telling me to grab her ass, which is a nice ass so I grabbed it. After that the first thing I remember is being on my back naked on the bed, her hands planted on my shoulders viciously riding my dick. I peer around her to see R just standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips, like an overseer. The next thing I remember is a groggy morning. A nice breakfast. And R instructing me that nobody, could learn of what happened the night before.

Hope you enjoyed my story and I hope I didnt ramble too much. I actually partied with them a few more times. The preacher ended up drinking and even smoking some weed with me. He was a pretty cool guy but looking back, that was fucking weird lmao. She was 26 years old and he was over 50 years old. Weird in and of itself.
