[MF] Doom Canoe [Outdoors] [Tension] [First Draft]

It made the tiniest popping sound when she fell. We were dragging the canoes onto the riverbed, stumbling across the smooth rocks. She broke her fall with one hand, and something in the way she moved made us stop. She didn’t cry or scream, just took one hand in the other and waited.

Her wrist is broken, D said. He was our guide on this four day excursion. Kaia looked down at Ella, at me, then back at her friend. We’d been on the river a day and a night, and no one was enjoying it. Even less now.

D finished binding Ella’s wrist and gestured to me and Kaia. 

Two options, he said. We go back downstream, wait for the next group. That’s three days.

Three days? Kaia shook her head in disbelief.

Or, I sprint to the pick-up, get her to the Ranger station, then the hospital. That’s one day, maybe faster.

That’s not even a choice, I said.

That’s not all, he looked at us. I gotta travel light. Put all our gear in your boat. You two have to follow on your own. You can’t go back with all that weight, the rapids from yesterday will sink you.

You mean leave us behind… Kaia swallowed.

She needs medical attention. But if you don’t think you can do it…

Kaia looked over at Ella, then me.

Still not a choice, I said. Kaia thought, then nodded.

We can do it, she said, take her.

D moved fast. He moved the gear and had Ella and the canoe leaving the riverbed in minutes. We saw him look back once, as if wondering if he’d see us again. 

What the fuck did we just agree to… she asked.

A very unrelaxing canoe trip.

Sorry we dragged you along, she sighed. Dillon and Elliott were supposed to be with us.

And you needed a guy, I know, so why’d they back out again?

Because they’re assholes, she said.

Very descriptive.

Ella told Dillon to make sure Elliott knew he was not sharing my tent, Dillon and Ella fought, they broke up. That’s pretty much it.

Seem like decent fellas, I picked up half the boat, who gave Elliott the wrong idea?

Me I guess. We went on one date, and I let him down easy because of Ella and Dillon.

I know the type.

What type?

The type that can’t wait to be leaving your apartment to tell his friends you hooked up.

Kaia laughed. Sounds about right actually.

Don’t you find it weird? I asked. They want to get you in bed, but don’t seem that interested in the sex.

You seem to know a lot about how guys are in bed, something you wanna tell me? Kaia teased.

Yeah, girls never shut up about it.

How come you always hang with girls?

I just prefer women.

But you don’t sleep with any? she asked. I held the boat while she crawled to the front.

You know that for sure?

Ok, tell me who then, she said as we started to paddle.

See, that’s how I get to keep hanging out with the girls, I don’t go around bragging about it. The difference was immediately obvious. The extra weight made our boat sluggish, giving us a workout as we inched forward against the flow of water. We barely spoke for a few hours, and when a low branch drifted above us, we didn’t have to say it was break time.

I can do without a few things, I suggested.

Absolutely. So can Ella, she won’t argue. We tied extra weight in a bag and hung it on the tree.

I’m sorry for littering, I told nature.

It’s still littering if it’s our dead bodies.

We’ll plant a tree later.

I see why you fit in with girls, Kaia laughed.

My fashion sense you mean?

No, because you don’t act like we’re any different.

We’re different, but why’s it matter so much?

It’s refreshing.

Men want to think they’re better, I never get why.

It makes them feel powerful.

That’s part of it. But saying things like, women belong in the kitchen.

Fucked up, she spat.

The thing is, women do belong in the kitchen.

Excuse me? She glared my way.

Women are way better at cooking, like please do this instead of me.


It’s like ridiculing a fire for being warm, I said, what’s the insult exactly?

It’s the whole, sit at home, cook and clean and raise kids thing.

Multiple orgasms, can magically create new life, have a million ways to dress, and are the singular most enchanting creatures on the planet.

Kaia was doubled over. So men are afraid we might take over and rule the world…

Not all men obviously. And not all men feel threatened by the idea, either. We pushed off the branch and started paddling again.

You’re pretty funny, she said, but I still don’t think you’ve been with any of the girls you hang out with.

Well I don’t think you slept with half the guys that say you did.

Gee thanks.

We barely made the next camp before dark, started a fire, settled on a single tent, and made the easiest food we had before groaning into the warmth of our sleeping bags.

I woke up to Kaia shaking me. The dark was complete and still. I could hear her sobbing beside me.

What’s wrong?

I hurt so bad, she cried.

What kind of hurt?

My body, from rowing, it’s sore but muscle cramps stabbing, she spoke through gritted teeth. I dug until I found my muscle relaxers, helped her drink and swallow. 

Tell me what hurts.

Me. I put my hands on her shoulders, but the moment I squeezed she screamed. No, that’s worse. With her muscles clenched, they were blocking her body’s natural pain suppression chemicals from spreading. The muscle relaxer would do it eventually, but she’d suffer until then. 

Do something, please, help me, make it stop. 

I could only think of one thing. She was sweating hard, I felt a slick layer on her belly, between her thighs, letting my fingers slip smoothly through curls and flesh. I used my whole hand, cupping it around her, pressing and rubbing, but careful not to enter. I didn’t want to feel like this was a violation, just a distraction against the pain. After only a few seconds, her sobbing stopped, though her body remained tense. I kept a steady pressure and rhythm, until she eventually squeezed my wrist, and I took my hand away. She curled up and fell instantly asleep.

I was up at dawn, waking the fire, and then Kaia with coffee and breakfast. 

Fuck, she groaned, sitting up and testing her shoulders. I need a few more minutes, then we can go, she said after eating.

No. Rest half a day, if you give out we’ll just drift back and end up here anyway. Here’s half a one, sleep more if you like.

Mm, potty first.

How’s the soreness? I asked when she laid back down.

You mind rubbing them? Still tight. She was back asleep when I’d barely started, but I kneaded them anyway. I let her sleep past noon and shook her awake.

It’s your call, we can give it a shot or play it safe and wait till morning.

Maybe I’ll stop hurting once I’m paddling again, she was still hazy from the muscle relaxer.

I think we waited too long, not enough daylight left. You relax, we’ll start early tomorrow.

After dark the smell of sausage raised her from the dead, and she crawled out into the firelight.

Did I get hit by a truck?

I got the license plate.

How long was I out? 

We made camp yesterday about this time.

Holy shit, she looked up, last thing I remember was the cramping, waking you up… She looked away. Did I imagine…?

No. I’m sorry. It was the only thing I could do. I was very careful not to cross any more boundaries than I had to.

I believe you.

I feel guilty. It probably wasn’t necessary, but you were begging me to make the pain go away. And it seemed to distract you.

It’s okay, really, I have this fragment, of being afraid at first, then realizing I was safe with you. And then it’s a blur until now.

Too bad, you ate the most amazing breakfast I made yesterday. Waffles, bacon, wild strawberries and quail eggs, seared trout…

Oh shut up would you?

We ate and Kaia crawled back in the tent.

Awake still?

Yeah, she answered.

I set the pot inside, flicked on the lantern. Hot water if you want to clean up. I zipped her inside for privacy.

You’re amazing right now, I feel disgusting.

You were drenched in sweat when you woke me. She didn’t respond for a few seconds.

So do we talk about that?

Nothing to talk about, I said. I was scared for you, I was thinking about what to do if you were seriously hurt. I barely remember much else.

How many?

How many?

Have you slept with…

Are you going to tell me your number?

Will you be honest?

I will if you will.

At the same time.


You’re full of shit, she said, you have not slept with seven girls here. You haven’t even dated anyone.

I told them I didn’t want to get a reputation, but they were someone I wanted to remember. I said I’d be honored to share something intimate with someone I’d already grown intimate with.

And that worked?

Worked? It didn’t work, what I said was true. Were yours different?

A guy I knew from high school when I first got here. A guy I met at a party. And a guy I dated for a while. I’ve only done it three times. The first time with all of them was just… disappointing, she finished. What was it like with your mystery girls?

Different. They’re friends that I care about already. We’d get undressed and still be the same. Except now we’d tell each other what we couldn’t say in public. We’d tell each other, do this and whisper something in my ear. I want to know what it’s like.

She passed the bucket out, and I used the still warm water. The fire cast my shadow, just as the lantern cast hers.

What kinds of things did you whisper?

Things we wanted to hear, that we might never hear unless it happened then. Things we might be ashamed to admit, but that we kept secret for each other.

That seems weird. You don’t think it’s weird?

You don’t have things locked inside that you would share with someone you trusted?


If I give you a phrase, will you say it like you mean it? No one else is here but us, I said.

I guess so. I told her. I don’t want to say that, she declined.


Tell me something you said with them, or that they said.

I can’t, it will always be private, something no one else can have.

Is that how it would be with us? 

If that’s what you want

What if I tell someone what you say?

I’ll still keep your secret. The promise is important to me.

You promise.

Promise, I agreed.

I hate how it felt during sex. I hate how disgusting they made me. I realized almost every man looks at me that same way all the time.

What way?

Like they’re imagining me without a head, like I’d be perfect if only they could cut it off. 


Because I won’t let them do the things they really want to do

You know what those things are?


Would you let them?


What about someone you trusted?

I don’t know. No.

Do you want to feel those things? With someone you trust?

It would be different.


They want to use me. Take things from me. I want someone to give them to me.

How is it different?

I only feel pain, but if they care how it makes me feel, I like the way it hurts. Everything becomes pleasure. You think I’m disgusting don’t you?

Is that what you want to hear?


You disgust me.


All I see is filth. Tainted and ruined creature, a worthless piece of trash to throw away. Even your thoughts are dirty and stained, just a rag men wiped themselves with, and all you want is to be used in more disgusting ways, because that’s the only way anyone will use you now.

Is that what I really am? Is that what you see?


Then what?

A young woman who craves intimacy, who wants to be touched as if her most private places are familiar. To feel what it’s like for someone to put their hands on her body and find nothing but beauty. 

Is that what it would be like between us?

I don’t know. I don’t think I deserve someone like you. 

She switched off the lantern, then unzipped the tent. The dim firelight cast an orange glow on her body, nude to the waist. I sat facing her, watching the emotions play over her face. The uncertainty, the self-consciousness, the curiosity, the playful desire.

Come inside, she suggested

Come outside, I insisted. She crawled forward, and I reached for our sleeping bags. I pulled her up to stand beside me, stepped out of the last of my clothing. She hesitated before letting hers fall. I held her eyes and took her hands. I brought them together, let them touch and follow the form and shape of what lay between my legs. I led her fingers over my hips, let her feel the shape of my buttocks. I guided her fingertips between, not letting her pull away, pushed one of her digits inside. Then I let go of her hands. For a few seconds she explored, then brought her hands back to her sides.

That doesn’t bother you?

Why should it?

I offered her my own hands to guide. 

She was strangely uncertain, as if she herself had not explored, and could not guide. I pushed her hands away, cupped my hand against her curls, over her lips. My hands rose to her hips, explored her buttocks, kneading and taking a handful of each in a vice-like grip. Her chin snapped up, her eyes wide with surprise. She’d never been touched like I was doing now, for my own pleasure as well as hers at once. I slid one finger down her ass, used just enough pressure she expected to feel it inside her. I watched her, holding my finger still. Finally she realized, she could only have it if she wanted it. Her hips rocked back, my finger sinking not even to the first knuckle. I pushed as far as it would go, hearing her sharp gasp, watching her face as my finger moved in slow circles, stretching her just a little.

This is what you wanted isn’t it? She nodded just a little. To feel new, to feel intensity, to be forced to feel more, be overwhelmed by it. 

Yes, she answered softly. I gently slipped my finger from inside her.

Would you rather I gave you what you asked for, or what you need?

What do you mean?

I sat down facing the fire. Come here. Turn around. Sit. I pulled her into my lap, wrapped one arm around her, pulled her shoulder blades against my chest. She liked being held down, struggling and purring, grunting with frustration while moaning with pleasure. Something about it made me hard, and both my fingers and my cock rested between her lips. 

She froze when I pressed directly against her clit, like she expected pain and didn’t understand. I lifted her by the pelvic bone, set her slowly down onto my head, and let her sink slowly down. I rubbed her lightly, then added pressure, her body barely moving. I was rocking my hips, knowing she could feel it. But it’s like she was comatose. I just needed to be patient. 

I lay back, still holding her, still stroking between her lips, still rocking and massaging her. We looked up at the stars as they spun, and she began to shiver. She never did anything else, just shivered like that for an hour. Then she calmed, curled up, and clung to me till dawn. 

She moved on autopilot, rowing all day but with a blank stare, standing idly by while I set up camp that night.

I was starting to worry, shaking her, snapping my fingers. I was drifting off when I felt her press against me. I wasn’t ready, can we try again? We actually didn’t that night, we stayed up late talking about it, and mostly let ourselves drift down the other half of the fork the next day. 

I’m going to try it, she decided. We were tethered in the cool shade during the hottest part of the day. She turned around, lay down on all four packs, and with her knees in the air, pushed her jeans halfway up her thighs. I was looking straight down between her legs as she started exploring. She was dripping in a couple minutes, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. 

My arm keeps getting tired when I think I’m getting close. It had been a while since she started.

She tried a few more times, speeding up, resting in frustration, speeding up, resting.

Why don’t you try again later, I suggested.

The build up is killing me, my head is about to explode.

Alright, bring it here. Kaia scooted closer. Turn over. She looked a little confused, but did it anyway.  With her knees propped up on two packs, she was just high enough. 

What’s taking so long? Head? Explosion? Did you forget?

Hold on I’ve got to take a picture.

To show who? All your friends are chicks

To show you. I handed her my phone.

Okay, even I think that’s a nice view.

I hunched forward and paused dramatically. Are you ready for this?

For what?

I took one long slow lick over her lips all the way to her tailbone. She’d been edging herself over and over, dripping between her cheeks, and I tasted her the whole way. 

Yes, again please. I licked again, and she kept asking for more. I circled her clit, pushed my tongue inside her, then forced my way in the back.

Fuck, I can’t take it, Kaia whined. I grabbed her ass with both hands, sucked her clit between my lips, and bit down, using my lips as cushion, whipping it with my tongue. She was forcing herself against my face, her body steadily shivering. I felt her relax and lose control, and I eased her down into the boat. She rolled onto her back, watching me and gasping. Eventually contentment settled on her face in a little smile, and she handed back my phone.

I took a few more for you, she grinned. There was one perfect shot that caught me coming up for breath, face soaked, suspended over her ass down the long curve of her spine, in an apparent state of bliss.

Night snuck up on us, though we should have made the rendezvous by late afternoon. Between the lingering escapade in the shade, and the fact we weren’t really paddling, left us hiking for dry ground away from the river. The air was cooler here, and we sat beside the fire a little longer.

Ella’s okay I hope, Kaia said. We’d both forgotten about her for a couple days. Tomorrow we’d leave wilderness seclusion behind, return to campus, and spend the last three days of spring break doing… whatever. This was the weirdest trip.

Dragged along last minute, left behind, thinking you were going to die…

… Spilling my inferiority complex to a guy I barely know, asking him to indulge my masochistic fetish, discovering the existence of orgasms…

… Taking care of you after your hour-long orgasm puts you in a coma…

… Getting mind-blowing oral sex in a canoe…

… Giving mind-blowing oral sex in a canoe…

I’m trying to think of something to top it all off, but what else is there?

Haven’t you had enough? I asked.

Oh come on, brainstorm.

Take photos wearing Ella’s clothes, I tried.

Cum in her conditioner.

Eww, I said. Switch her panties for D’s boxers.

Ok, I got something. Hear me out.

Should I be scared?

Threesome with Ella.

You don’t actually think that could happen right?

Hypothetically are you in?

Hypothetically? Absolutely.

Cool, now into the tent.

What’s the hurry? I asked.

There’s a few things I wanna try before we get back.

Is that a list?

It’s just a few things.

There’s stuff on the back too.

Some of it’s for you…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/cxbb08/mf_doom_canoe_outdoors_tension_first_draft

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