Knight’s Vengeance III [MF] [Fantasy]

The ground was pretty cold. After all the excitement, Veronica Kalm was cooling off and now the whole situation was growing uncomfortable. Tied up by her former commander, in the torture chamber basement of a fortress she used to call home, the young woman was feeling a bit powerless. Power and lack of was not often a problem, and it was only a moment until Veronica rolled over the stone floor, naked as a bird, and threw herself into the legs of the wooden table that held their torture instruments.

Lucerne Jesta was no fool, and knew it wouldn’t be long until Veronica made herself free and would attempt to escape. It had only been a few minutes, after technically molesting Veronica, that the Knight had freed herself. A bone saw clattered on the stone and Veronica worked it into her hand. She wrought the rope to a fray. As soon as she was free, the Knight sprung to her feet and promptly passed out.

After waking back up on the freezing ground, she shook her head and felt like a fool. Standing up slowly for the first time in apparently a whole day, she picked up the bone saw in a slurry walk to the door. Pushing open the wooden barrier, Veronica was a sight to see for the guard just outside the door. A stumbling woman with sun-bleached sand hair, looking like the town drunk, trapezed out over herself nude with a bloody bone saw in hand.

The guard had a moment to regain his composure, and shut his mouth. He had to open it again to say:

“Hey, hey! You shouldn’t be out here!” He took a quick step forward, pulling down the spear in his hand. Veronica, in complete control of herself now, turned her head and body towards him in the same ungainly gait, and swung the saw as swiftly as the thin metal would fly. It caught him in the neck and painted the walls with his bloos.

“Good guarding, guard.” Veronica told him, as she removed him from his clothes and put herself in them. It had been a long time since she had been in the murky stone halls of Fort Harrow, and a lot longer since she had worn the red and black uniform of the fort militia.

Taking the spear, she pressed on. Knowing her way around like a rat in familiar kitchen hunting grounds, Veronica got halfway up the spire from the basement to the ground floor before beating out the window with the spear and tossing it outside.

“See you later, Jester.” She told nobody in particular, and pushed her shoulders through the window. Veronica’s breath caught from her lungs as her belt yanked her. She had gotten halfway through and could not fit any further through the slotted window overlooking the marsh. “Oh, *fuck*.” She said out loud. The outer wall was slick with algae and a hundred years of not being cleaned. The inner walls were just as unhelpful grated stone, as the short woman could not reach the floor for more leverage.

She tried to grip the edges and pull herself out as a hand firmly slapped her ass.

“By the beard, the Sword of Versati!” A voice said in the stone behind her. “Not welcome to the front door anymore?” Another voice laughed. Through all the trauma, she had no problem letting her blood drain from her face. Veronica started to flail, looking for any angle to push herself outward. “Oh, nope!”

A hand grabbed her belt and turned it, locking her in place between the iron frame. The panic of an animal was growing. She fought harder as another slap graced her. “Best hurry before Jesta comes back down!” It was only a moment’s notice before the dead guard’s pants made their way back to the floor.

Her lower half now naked and stuck in a hard place, her upper half kept slipping on the green dyed stone rock. Things were going sour. Veronica knew better than to plea. They didn’t pick the guards at Harrow for their kindness and mercy. She had seen to a lot of them, and likely whoever was behind her.

An all too familiar sensation rubbed up and down the slit of her pussy. Bare cock. The hairs on her legs all stood up at once and she was rife with goosebumps in the cool evening. The captor slipped himself in her without hesitation. Veronica felt a sharp heat race up her spine and kick her brain over.

“Aha! Good, good! Always wanted this slice of ya!” The voice called as the second one kept laughing and laughing. Two hands grabbed her ankles and another two held her cheeks as the dick inside her pushed in deep and out again. In a moment’s turn, she was being relentlessly fucked halfway in and halfway out the window.

“What the fuck!” She called and struggled more. No avail. “What the fuck what the fuuuck!” Veronica called. How many times was she going to get fucked tonight? She pulled but could not escape the fat cock that was mounted and buried in her pussy. Like being strapped to a machine. Fat hands slapped her ass as pig like grunting followed. She felt the all too familiar heat.

It built up inside her, and with such force of being fucked, Veronica Kalm came quickly, slicking up the tension between the mystery dick still wetly slapping her. She had found a grip with both hands on the base of the window, squeezing the bricks as she involuntarily came. The pig had to have cum soon after, as he slapped his dick inside her a few resounding times, held it, and then pulled out slowly. This was the time.

Ever crafty, Veronica used her new grip to push herself back into the window, and with a quick crescent, managed to free herself and vault from the window.

She tumbled down and into a shallow water swamp, which smelled like sweet death. Naked and now exceptionally cold, Veronica immediately ran from this spot, knowing the guards would intentionally run for Lucerne. Should have done it five minutes ago.

Veronica ran and hit the nearby road. She ran in the dark, caked in algae and freshly raped, sweat beading down to her eyes and heart pounding like it had been filled with air and ready to split at the seams. She ran for what felt like an hour before catching up with a carriage.

Gracefully jumping on the back, the light woman did not disturb the occupants with a jolt. She rustled around the storage on the top, careful to to alert the driver, and slipped some kind of pants out of their belongings. *Sorry. I kind of need these.* By dawn, she was somewhere else, and Veronica slipped off the carriage and away into the grasslands. By the breaking of the sun over the horizon, her wandering led her to an abandoned farmhouse.

It was all Veronica could do to lay in a rush of hay, undisturbed by the quiet surroundings. Her breath caught up with her, and her whole body seemed to relax. The rushing grass swayed quietly in the breeze. Had all that really happened? It seemed to be the cost of her breaking the blood oath to Lucerne. She tried not to think about it. Veronica Kalm slipped a hand into the goofy orange pants she had stole and masturbated quietly and gently. She took her own freedom back into her hand.

Once she was satisfied, the Sword of Versati, slayer of free-men, fell asleep in the warm light.



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