Public Vibrator teasing [M/F]

She Should have known better

Jill and Pete had been dating for almost a year now. Because of this, she looked forward to their weekly date nights and the fantastic sex that would end the night. Pete had awoken her wild side and helped her become more adventurous. He had asked that she wear the blue dress telling her how it highlighted her beautiful eyes. He always made her feel special complimenting her and knowing just what she needed. It wasn’t just a line but how he really felt, and it made her want to make him just as happy.

She arrived at the restaurant and Pete was there already. He kissed her deeply and said, “That dress looks fantastic on you. Even better than I remembered.”

“Thank you.”

After a couple minutes the hostess took them back to their corner booth in the back of the restaurant. Jill noticed it wasn’t very well lit and was curious when the hostess said, “Here you are the booth you requested sir.”

Jill looked at him quizzically and he smiled at her. They slid in on the left side of the booth together as the hostess set down their menus. She told them the waitress would be with them momentarily and left. Pete kissed Jill and asked, “How was your day?”

“It was good. I have been looking forward to tonight all day.”

“Me too sweetie.”

They held hands under the table as they looked over the menus until the waitress came over. Pete gently rubbed Jill’s knee. Jill smiled at him and leaned her head on his shoulder. They ordered their drinks and asked for another minute to decide on their food. As the waitress walked away Pete leaned over and whispered in Jill’s ear “I bet I can make you cum before the entrées arrive.”

They had made fun bets about things in private a few times, but this was taking it to a new level. Jill looked at him and said, “I don’t think you can, but what do you want to bet?”

“The loser will do whatever the winner wants for the rest of the night.”


“Nothing dangerous or illegal. In the spirit of fun. If you really don’t want to do something we can talk more about it.”

“So, you are assuming I will lose.”

“I am confident I can win.” Pete put his hand on her knee gently squeezing. “If you are scared I understand.”

“OK you have a bet.” Pete leaned over and kissed Jill on the neck. His hand sliding up the inside of her leg gently caressing it. His fingertips feather soft.

After a minute of gently rubbing the waitress came back and took their meal orders. As she was about to leave Pete said, “I think we will have the potato skins appetizer too.”

Pete’s hand slowly slid up Jill’s leg, lightly caressing her inner thigh. Slowly moving up and down it each time going a little higher. Despite her wish to be unaffected Jill found the soft touch arousing. When his fingers brushed against her panties she sucked in her breath slowly. Pete leaned over his lips brushing against her neck. He whispered in her ear, “When you cum don’t make too much noise or everyone will stare at you.”

Jill felt her nipples hardening. Pete’s fingers were tracing along her panties moving around her clit and pussy lips without ever quite touching them. The arousal was building slowly. It felt like a wave that would soon overwhelm her. As he continued to slowly tease her under the table Jill started breathing slowly in and out to try and slow the rising tide. She could feel her nipples rubbing against her bra and wondered if they were visible through her top.

Jill could feel herself getting close and closed her eyes trying concentrate on the spreadsheet from work, so she could win the bet. Her breaths were starting to become gasps and then she heard a plate set down on the table. Her eyes snapped open and she just about yelled she won. As she opened her mouth Pete kissed her deeply. As he broke the kiss he said, “The appetizer is here.” Then his thumb brushed against her clit and the damn broke. Jill leaned against his neck as she came. He brushed up and down her pussy as it contracted. She bit her lip, so she wouldn’t scream out with pleasure. She grabbed his knee with her left hand.

She looked up at him as he took a potato skin. With a sly smile he said, “I told you I would win.” He gently patted her leg and then reached into a pocket. He put something in her hand and said, “Go to the bathroom and clean up. Then put this little egg vibrator in you pussy and come back so we can enjoy our dinner together.”

Once in the bathroom stall Jill looked at the vibrator. It didn’t seem to have an on off switch and Pete hadn’t said anything about having to turn it on. She pulled down her panties and put the vibrator in place. It made her feel odd as she pulled her panties back up to hold it in place. After a minute she was feeling a bit more used to it and thought she could walk normally she got up washed her hands and went back out to the table.

As she walked up she saw Pete was playing on his cell phone. When she was about five feet from the table the vibrator started buzzing hard. Her eyes bulged as she glanced at the family on her left hoping they couldn’t hear the vibrator. Pete smiled set down his cell phone and kissed her on the cheek as he let her back into the booth. The vibrator had stopped already. He whispered, “I just wanted to be sure you didn’t put it in your purse.”

She realized that the vibrator was controlled by his phone. She said, “A bet is a bet and I always pay up.”

“I know you do sweetie. Hopefully you won’t be too wet by the end of dinner.”

The vibrator started again with a low buzz. Jill could feel her pleasure starting to build again. Jill took one of the potato skins and tried to act like the vibrator wasn’t affecting her at all. Pete asked about her day and they talked while waiting for their food. The vibrator would cycle on and then after a few seconds back off. Each cycle aroused Jill more. She knew that she was going to cum again before the end of the hey m

When the waitress came back with their entrees the family she had walked past asked for their check. Pete and Jill started eating and the vibrator stopped. Pete asked, “So how wet were you when you put the vibrator in?”

“My panties were damp.”

Pete slowly stroked Jill’s thigh as they ate. Once the family had left Pete leaned over and whispered, “Let’s see if we can soak your panties through.” The vibrator started on high and Jill jumped with a small squeal. In a minute she set down her fork and was panting on the edge. Right when she thought she couldn’t take any more it stopped.

Jill just caught her breath and picked up her fork to take a bite when it started again. Despite herself Jill moaned softly leaning her head on Pete’s shoulder. Pete’s fingers rubbed her clit and she shuddered as she climaxed. The vibrator didn’t stop though. She quickly came again, and it still didn’t stop. She felt her juices soaking her panties and wanted Pete so badly. She whispered, “If you don’t stop soon I will fuck you in the parking lot when we leave.”

“I get to decide what we do tonight remember.”

“I know, but it is driving me crazy.” Her eyes started to roll back as her pussy convulsed on the vibrator. Then it stopped.

Pete said, “OK finish up your dinner.”

As they were finishing up the waitress asked if they wanted dessert. Before Pete could answer Jill said, “No, we are good thank you.”

As the waitress walked away Pete asked, “You don’t want dessert?”

“Oh, I thought we would have dessert at home.”

After they paid as they got up Jill could feel some of her juices run down her left leg and hoped everyone couldn’t see as they walked out of the restaurant.
