Campfire stories (part 3) (ff)

Both girls jumped, and scrambled to put their clothes back on. After a few seconds they anwserd the knock, and in came Mrs. Celia.

“Which one of you was supposed to lock up the pool?”

“I… I was, and I did.” Jessica replied

“Well you didn’t do it properly, several of the boys broke in just now, and one slipped and hit his head.”

“I’m sure I locked it.”

“Do you have the key?”

“Yes.” Jessica rummaged through her clothes, only to find that the key was missing, “it’s gone.”

“Because you left it in the lock.”

Jessica’s face turned red.

“A scout has been injured because of you. That is cause enough for me to remove you from camp.”

“But miss…”

“Do you want an investigation into what else you’ve fucked up?”

Jessica prepared to retort, but Emily stopped her with a look. If there was an investigation their relationships may be discovered.

“And you Emily, you were with her. You should have checked the door. Both of your parents will be here in the morning.”

Mrs. Celia left, and both girls stared at one another in silence. Jessica started crying first, and soon both of them had salty rivers down their cheeks. They packed without talking.

The dawn would have been beautiful, were it not for their circumstances. They stood at the end of the driveway to the camp, looking out at the silent road behind the gates.

“You know Jack has been jokingly saying your a lesbian after you ignored him yesterday?” Emily said. Jessica laughed

“If only he knew how right he was.”

Both girls laughed, but returned to silence. Just then they heard the rumbling of a car engine down the road. Jessica leaned in close to Emily, and their lips met.

Jessica’s lips were salty from her tears, but Emily still found comfort in them. Their mouths entwined, and so did their hands. The engine grew closer, and they broke apart.

The car turned into the driveway, and pulled up next to Jessica. She lifted her suitcase into the boot, and climbed into the passenger seat. She waved goodbye to her love with tears in her eyes. The car turned, and sped off down the road.

Emily was left standing alone, dimly aware that she never got Jessica’s number. They had known each other since they were ten, and yet somehow they had never felt the need to exchange numbers. She sank down to the gravel, more tears coming from her eyes. The girl she had crushed on for nearly ten years, who she had finally gotten a hold of, was gone out of her life forever. She remembered blissfully the nights they had spent together, the way Jessica shook when she came, the way her tits bounced. The way they had collapsed, embraced, afterwards. For a few days all her wildest dreams had come true, but now the dream was over, the mirror was broken, the flames had been smothered. It was over, and so were Emily’s dreams.

Another car pulled into the driveway, and this time Emily loaded up her stuff. She took one last look at the camp where her dreams had come true, and shut the car door.

As she watched greenery and fields whip past the window, she thought of Jessica. What would she do with her life now? She had been madly in love with that girl since she first joined the scouts. She could always walk off a train platform, cross the road on a green light, take too long washing her hair. But something inside her stopped her. Consciously she wanted to do it, but her body would not allow her. Instead she swore herself to celibacy, she would never match the pleasure again, so why try?


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