The Categorical Imperative of a Short Plaid Skirt [mf, oral]

I met Victoria on the other side of a 4 month descent into despair.

You’ve probably figured it out by now, but I’m not like most guys. I can be rough and manipulative, but my strongest sexual attraction comes from my heart. I fall in love quickly and deeply. Google “limerence.” That’s me–I get incredibly high from feeling like I’m in love. It’s an all-encompassing desire to posses, to become one with another. Idealization makes the marginally attractive worthy of obsession. And that’s when I want to fuck.

At the time of this story, I was 18 and did not have this kind of detached self-assessment. I only saw potential partner after partner fall away as I was mystified by rejection from the college girls who were not looking for anything approaching my intensity. And who can blame them? From far away, that kind of attention must look curious. Up close, like sunlight focused through a magnifying glass, it burns.

By the time second semester rolled around, I had reached an uneasy peace with myself. I gained something near closure with the former object of my affection after months of silence and started to pull myself out of the deep depression that the sudden end of that relationship launched.

All this is to say when I walked into my Ethics class that January morning, I was not looking for anything than getting lost in the minutiae of questions of justification and moral problems. It was during the second class that I noticed Victoria.

I still have emails from this period, so it was amusing to review those as I prepared this story. The contemporaneous account of first seeing her matched my memory very well. I imagine that has been etched away in whatever place one sticks things they never want to forget.

She had on dark pantyhose (this was the mid-90s) and her legs looked absolutely perfect. I’d later discover the rest of her petite body was pretty nice as well, but those legs were outstanding. Maybe the best pair I saw in person. I was in awe as the professor was introducing Utilitarianism and fell into further awe as my eyes moved up and saw she was wearing a plaid miniskirt.

Like any other 18 year-old who was experiencing high-speed internet for the first time, I had jumped deeply into all the pornography that the early age of the internet had to offer and discovered a particular affinity for the schoolgirl uniform. So this outfit was already causing me to deal with a level of arousal I never expected to find in a philosophy class.

I wasn’t able to see her chest, but she had long, wavy red hair. I have taken a bite of a knuckle at that point because she was checking a lot of my boxes. She must have finally sensed my surveillance because she took a quick look in my direction and I’m clumsily returned my focus to the lecture for the remainder of the class.

I was supposed to meet some friends for lunch right after class, so I left quickly once it ended. I thought I heard a “Hey!” directed at me as I moved toward the door, but I was in no position to deal with a girl like that in my state. I exited into the crowded hallway and assumed that was the end of it.

Over the weekend, I mentioned the girl to a friend of mine who had been through the drama of the previous semester with me. “Jesus, dude, just let that girl go. She’s too much for you handle.”

I put my head down and then brought it up again. “I know. I kind of like that about her.”

“Oh fuck…” he said in despair.

The next class, I decided to move to the other side of the classroom. It wasn’t a big enough class that I still wouldn’t see her, but she would be quite obscured through a few rows of students.

I had my head down as I was thinking about a project I was assigned in the previous class. I was aware someone had sat down in front of me, but I didn’t look up until I smelled perfume. My view was filled with wavy red hair. At least half the desks were still empty. Suddenly my heart starting racing.

I was thinking about how not to screw this up when she turned around quickly and smiled. She wasn’t beautiful, but she was cute enough. Her nose was a little unfortunate, but she had nice slightly plump lips and blue eyes. “Hey, I tried to catch you at the end of class last time and you ran out. I’m Violet.” She extended her small hand and I tried to give my best neutral shake. “Listen, I’m completely lost in this class and I can tell from the questions you ask that you understand this a lot more than me. Would you mind helping me study?”

“Uh, sure. I’m just interested in this stuff, but I don’t have a lot of knowledge of it already. I’m happy to help with what we cover though.”

“Great. So, what’s your name, mystery smart boy?”

Nervous laugh. “Ha, yeah, I’m Robert.”

“Hmmm…I have an asshole ex named that. I’m going to call you Bobby. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, some people do so that’s fine.”

She put a hand on my forearm. “Well, I’m not just ‘some people,’ Bobby!” and she laughed.

I didn’t know until then that a normal conversation could get me hard. Her hand drug over my hand as she pulled it away. “Don’t run away today. I want to talk after class.”

During class, she was giving me looks when she was feeling bored. She also took the time to show me how well a pen could slide in and out of her mouth. By the time class ended, I was already smitten.

We walked together to grab some lunch. About halfway there, she leaned into me and locked her arm with mine. I really liked how it felt to have a girl by my side again. I smiled as we gently bumped into each other as we continued walking. When we arrived at the deli, I held the door just so I could get a clear view of how nice her ass looked in her jeans.

It didn’t take long to figure out that Victoria was experienced. As we sat, a few frat bros gave her a knowing nod as they passed by. After the third time, she laughed. “Okay, I’ve been a little slutty since I got to school.” I just nodded. Slutty girls weren’t really my thing, but I wasn’t going to let that get in the way right now.

We had a great conversation and I could see she was very interested. She kept telling me how different I was from other guys she normally was into. “Bobby, you’re not my type at all, but, Jesus, that brain of yours!”

After lunch, we hung out for a bit before my next class. She started putting her hand on my thigh as we talked, inching closer to my crotch each time she laid it down. We started having longer moments just looked at each other as we tried to decide where this was going.

Finally, Victoria had to speak up. “Normally, this is where you’d take me to your room and let me suck your cock, but you’re not making any moves. Are you not really attracted to me?

I laughed. “No, it’s not that at all. I just wasn’t really looking for anything right now. I’m not sure what I want. But I definitely would like to know you better.”

She bit her lip for a second and then cocked her head slightly. “I’m not looking for a boyfriend, Bobby. I just like to have fun. And I think we could really have some fun.”

I nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I just need to think it over. I just got over a girl and it doesn’t feel like a good idea.”

“No, that’s exactly when something casual is a good idea.”

“You might be right, but I want to think it over anyway.”

She laughed. “Wow, you are different. I’m practically throwing myself at you and you’re going to walk away. I’ve never had that happen before. This might be a little hard for me to let go later.”

I felt myself make a face like I tasted something bad. Was I really going to blow this? “Please don’t take it like that. I’m not playing a game or anything. I just wanted to figure out if I’m ready.”

She got up and shook her head. “Well, okay then. Listen–I could still use some help with the Ethics stuff. Would you at least consider helping me study? Maybe tomorrow night?”

Having moved past the awkwardness, I shook my head. “Yeah, of course.” I tore a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote my number. “Give me a call tomorrow and we’ll set it up.”

She gave a half smile and grabbed her books. “Alright Bobby–I’ll see you later.”

I watched her fine ass walk away, wondering what the hell I was thinking. Still I felt euphoric knowing she was interested. It was nice to be wanted again.

I talked to a couple of friends and they universally agreed Victoria was a bad idea. As one female friend put it, “She could not be more clear she just wants to hook up and you are pretty much incapable of being that casual. You’re going to end up getting hurt.”

I had made up my mind not to study with her–I’d just let her review my notes. She called the next morning and I told her my plan. “That’s a bad plan, Bobby. I need interaction or I’m never going to learn this stuff. Look, let’s forget about the other stuff. I need to be ready for the test next week.”

Predictably, I folded and agreed to study with her. In her dorm room, no less.

She greeted me at her door wearing a camisole under a half-unbuttoned short flannel shirt and skin-tight jeans. She stood on her toes and squealed slightly, “Yay, you showed up!” She took me by the hand and led me inside.

Victoria was barefoot and I really noticed how short she was now; barely over five feet tall. Her toenails were painted bright red and her arches were so delicate that I found myself wanting to lick them. I was not into feet, but she was making me wonder about that as she led me to her bed.

“Okay, study buddy, you can have my comfy bed and I’ll sit on this hard chair so we keep our distance. Sound good?” I nodded and moved back so my back rested on the beige-painted cinder block wall.

We stayed focus for about an hour as we went through the different ethical systems we had gone over in class and those we were supposed to have read about. She hadn’t done any of the reading and we spent most of the time going over that material. We had some side conversations along the way, but it seemed she really wanted to study which allowed me to relax.

Then her door opened. “Jesus, Rachel, I told you I had someone over tonight.” Rachel was apparently Victoria’s very pissed off looking roommate. She glared at Victoria and threw her backpack on the bed.

“I’m not spending another evening away from my stuff so you can!” She raised her hands framing her face, I guess to highlight her exasperation. “…fuck yet another guy. You need to get an hourly hotel room to use for that shit because I’m done.”

I stared, eyes wide-open.

“First, bitch, I’m not fucking him obviously. Second, don’t get mad because no one is interested in your stuck-up grumpy ass. Third, we’ll just go to the study lounge if you’re going to be such an asshole.” Victoria stood up and gathered her stuff. I followed her cue.

As I started to walk to the door, Rachel darted in front to go to the bathroom in dramatic fashion. Along the way, she stepped on my foot and then smiled at me afterwards. I didn’t even react and just kept moving.

We set up in one of the small rooms in the study area. Victoria shut the door and took my hands. “I’m really sorry about that. She’s such a jerk. I thought she was going to be out.”

I laughed. “Yeah, she’s quite a peach. Are you going to try to get a new roommate?”

“Actually, we are trying to do that. But we have to do some mediation stuff first. We’re starting that on Monday. Fun times.”

We continued to study for the next two hours, but that included a lot of time just talking. I was making her laugh a lot–not in the fake way either. She was snorting and everything. I really enjoyed her smile and the way her eyes crinkled she laughed hard.

I noticed she had gotten into an interesting pose. She was slouched back in an oversized chair with each leg draped over an arm. When she was holding a book it was not a big deal, but when she wasn’t I was getting a very arousing view of her legs spread. Given how tight her jeans were, it was hard not to notice how clearly I could see the outline of her labia.

After we covered the last point, she dropped her books on the floor and stayed in that pose. “You know, Bobby, for a boy who isn’t interested in me, you spend a lot of time looking at my little pussy.”

I blushed and immediately tried to look away. But I couldn’t. “Well, it’s hard not to look when you’re sitting like that.”


I laughed. “It’s a nice view.”

“Well, I’m glad to get your attention at last. I have to ask, how do you feel about oral sex?”

I cleared my throat. “Uh, giving or receiving?”

“Both. I don’t really like to fuck. It’s a long story. But it’s getting late and I think you should stay over tonight.”

I caught myself staring between her legs again. “Hmmm…yeah, it is late. I mean, I like the idea but what about Rachel.”

She laughed. “Yeah, that little perv will be just fine. Don’t worry about her.”

“I don’t know!”

“Bobby, I want your cum in my mouth. I want you to feel my body against you. I can win you over. And then I want those lips on my pussy.”

She got up from the chair and crawled on the floor over to my chair. She ran her hands up my thighs and they met on the growing bulge in my pants. “I think I have my answer.” She started to rub my shaft hard through my jeans.

She stood up and straddled me in the chair. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her in for a kiss, our tongues felt electric as they touched. I noticed how thin her neck was as I moved my hand down and I didn’t understand why that made me harder. She started grinding a bit against my cock and I reach down and squeezed her incredibly tight little ass.

I started to move my hands up her top and she stopped me. She leaned in to whisper, “I didn’t wear any panties because I wanted to be sure you could get a clear view of my pussy lips. I knew a boy as sensitive as you must love to go down on girls. I even shaved it for you.” I groaned a little at this news since that was still a bit of a novelty.

We went back to her room and Rachel was sitting up in her bed giving us a dirty look. “We’re going to hook up, so if you want to leave now is the time.”

“Fuck you, Victoria.”

“Suit yourself.”

Victoria stripped off her clothes in the middle of the room. She locked eyes with Rachel as she pulled her jeans off, revealing her bald pussy. Then she pulled off the camisole which cause her breasts to drop. I was stunned at how much larger they were than I thought.

She smiled at me and then pulled off my clothes. She played with my bulge in my boxers for a bit while she glared at Rachel. “See how hard he is for me? You’ll never get a guy this cute who’d want to fuck you. Nasty bitch.” Rachel gave her the finger as she got on her knees and pulled off my boxers.

Grabbing my shaft, she pulled me into her mouth and I moaned at how hard she sucked. She took me in deeply very fast and was at the bottom of my shaft before a minute had passed. She pulled me out and slapped herself with my soaked cock. “Watch her, Bobby. She’s already rubbing her dirty cunt to you getting your dick sucked I bet.”

I looked over and Rachel had assumed a wide-legged posture in the bed with one hand under her sheets and looking longingly at us. She didn’t bother to stop her rubbing motion after Victoria called her out. Unexpectedly, this made me get a little harder.

“Mmmm…Bobby is a little exhibitionist. Who knew?” She smiled at me before getting back to sucking, bobbing her head up and down my shaft with expert precision. Clearly, she was skilled at this and I was enjoying the benefits of her experience.

I found myself watching Rachel as I started hearing wet noises from her side of the room. She pulled her hand out from under the sheet as she looked me and then sucked her fingers before returning to masturbating.

Victoria pulled my cock out of her mouth once again. “Hey, Rach, he’s about to cum. Do you want him to cum on you?” She laughed.

Rachel nodded her head. “P-p-please, I’ve never had cum. I want his cum.”

“I bet you’d let him fuck you right now. You don’t even know him.”

“Yes, please, would you share him with me?”

“Bobby–you can fuck her virgin cunt or you can cum in my mouth and then eat my dripping pussy. Which do you want?”

I looked at Rachel–she was clearly desperate and not unattractive. But there was only one girl I wanted tonight. “I want you, Victoria.”

“You’re fucking right you do.” She gave Rachel the finger. “And I don’t even have to fuck him, you stupid slut. Keep playing with yourself.”

She shoved my cock back in her mouth and started doing something with her tongue I had never experienced before or since–it was wrapping around my head and pressing underneath. The she started rubbing just below my balls with her other hand. It didn’t take long before I grunted and held her head as warm cum spurted from my cock.

After the third spurt, Victoria moaned while she pulled back and sucked the remaining cum out of my cock. Then she released my cock and showed me her cum filled mouth before swallowing it all. She opened her mouth again to show me. “I love your cum, Bobby. Thank you for giving it to me.”

Rachel started quietly moaning as her rubbing intensified. Victoria announced, “Well, since we’re turning her on, I think we deserve to see the show.” She walked over and pulled the sheets back, revealing Rachel’s hand rapidly moving through her thick bush. Immediately her strong fragrance filled the air. Victoria rubbed her finger on her lip and held it up. “I saved a little for you, bitch.” She shoved the cum-covered tip of her finger into Rachel’s mouth. Rachel sucked her finger eagerly.

After Victoria pulled her finger out, Rachel moaned loudly as she came. Victoria motioned me over. “Come here for a sec.” I walked over, my cock still hard, and she led me beside her bed.

“Whore, clean up his cock. A little more came out while he watched you. I don’t want that cum touching me. You made it, you eat it.” She pulled her head over and forced her mouth open as I pushed my cock inside. Rachel quickly licked the tip of my cock and then started sucking. I pushed my cock in and out as Victoria held her head. She sucked harder and I started to get ache. Then Victoria pushed her back. “I’m so nice to my roommate, don’t you agree, Bobby?”

I laughed and nodded while she led me over to her bed. She extended her hand and I laid down first. Then she climb over me and straddled my face with her thin thighs before lowering her pussy onto my mouth.

I held her hips as she exposed her clit, which I teased with my tongue as I sucked on it gently. She put one hand up on the wall behind the bed and she started to move forward and back over my mouth. Her juices were all over my lips and chin. I loved the feeling over her bare pussy against my mouth and I pressed her hips in so I could taste her more.

As she started grinding with more urgency, I spanked her ass. She obviously loved that as she grabbed my hair and pushed hard into my mouth, her dripping slit covering my nose as well in her wetness. I was enveloped in her scent and it was intoxicating.

Soon I felt her thighs tighten around my face and I pulled her in once more, massaging her clit with a swirling tongue. She screamed and then immediately relaxed, slowly moving her pussy over my mouth one more time before moving off my face.

She collapsed beside me and rubbed my cheek. “Goddamn, Bobby, I knew that was going to be good, but that was even better than I hoped.”

She leaned in and kissed my mouth. I began to move on top of her and she pushed me back. “Sorry, I’m not going to let you inside me.”

We stared at the ceiling while our hands tangled and untangled. I imagined a future for us and how much fun we could have.

She sighed as she turned her back to me. “I think I like you too much–this can’t happen again.”


1 comment

  1. Apologies—I just realized a posted an earlier draft of this than intended. The text has been cleaned up.

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