Daddies Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 4]


# Chapter 4

Not sure what the time is as I struggle to wake, gently rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I try to adjust to the darkness in the room. Glancing at the bedside clock as a yawn escapes my lips, realising it’s only 1.37am no wonder its still pitch black. Trying in my sleepy mind to work out what woke me when I realise i’m alone in our bed. That’s when I see the light creeping under the bedroom door. Confused as to why you aren’t in bed I decide to come search for you, sighing as I untangle myself from the bedding and swing my legs out of bed, gasping as I feel my warm feet touch the cold wooden floor. Flicking on the bedside lamp so I can find my robe the light causing me to blink a few times as my eyes adjust. Pausing in the open door I can hear your voice, you sound muffled like your underwater or whispering or something.

As quietly as possible I creep down the hall, getting to the kitchen entrance I pause. I can see you sitting at the table with someone, I cant make out who it is. “i need a drink” I know that voice its Charlie, what the fuck is she doing here at nearly 2am. Fighting the urge to burst through the door, I carry on watching and straining to hear what you to are whispering about.

“She can NOT find out Charlie, do u hear me”

“you can trust me josh, u know that”

“if she finds out that will be it, it will be ruined”

“i wont tell Sasha, I promise. It will be our secret. I know what you want and what I need to do. Its going to be amazing I promise”

“Thank you Charlie, you don’t know how much I need you. I will be glad when this is all over its been a nightmare from the start”

My mind starts racing, I cant think straight. I don’t know if I should scream and shout at the pair of you, or break down or run. Trying to control my breathing I see you put your arm on her arm “did you hear that” you both look round but thankfully the darkness hides my presents. Watching you gracefully stand up and smile at Charlie, that is all I can take. I turn and run back to what was our room, what I thought was our sanctuary, not caring if i am heard or not. Striping off I quickly jump back into bed and turn the light off. Feeling the warm tears start to stream down my face as I replay what I just watched in my head, hoping and praying I misunderstood. But no many how many time I went over it, I kept coming to the same conclusion. Charlie and you are having an affair.

Hearing the front door close and you slowly padding up the hall I slow my breathing like i’m asleep, wiping my tears as I pull the cover over me. I feel the light from the hall hit my face as you open the door but I don’t wake or move. I cant face you or even pretend to be ok if I speak to you right now I will fall apart. I can feel you walking round the bed almost like a lion stalking its prey, making the hairs on my arms stand up. As you slip into bed and pull the covers over to cover me up again, gently pressing your lips to my head “good night little one, love you Sasha”. My mind racing how could you be so cold hearted, after arranging to fuck my best friend to act like nothing has changed, like you still love me, if you ever really did.

Laying there unable to move as I listen to your breathing slowly change, when I finally know you are asleep I exhale. My mind still racing, what do I do, how do I fix this, do I want to fix this, can this be fixed. feeling the tears welling up in my eyes again I carefully slip out of bed. Not wanting to wake you I stumble a silently as I can around the bedroom and find my clothes. Grabbing them I creep out of the bedroom and down the hall to the guest bathroom. As I close and lock the door behind me the flood gates open and my knees buckle, sliding down the door to the floor as I cry unable to stop the torrent of emotions that I have been bottling up. After what feelings like hours the tears finally stop, my breathing starts to slow and I can feel my heartrate slowly calming as well.

“I know what I need to do” shaking my head I get dressed, looking in the mirror (which I should not of done) I winch my eyes are red and puffy and my cheeks are tear stained. grabbing the brush I quickly pull my hair into a messy bun. looking around for my toothbrush and paste. “Fucking damn it, why don’t we have spare toothbrush in here”. Muttering under my breath as I pull on my jeans “I’m not going back in there, I will have to stink for now”. Pulling my black vest top over my head I take a deep breath, “you can do this, you are a strong independent woman, he doesn’t deserve you”. Saying that over and over again to myself as I pull my hoodie on.

With a new found and possibly false strength and purpose, I unlock the bathroom and walk into the kitchen. Looking around I see their cups still on the table, making me curl my lip and growl as I remember what I heard only an hour ago. Finding my handbag I check I have my purse and phone everything else I an get sorted later, I just need to get out of here. As I head to the front door I turn and take one last look at what was our home, my safe haven. Feeling the tears appearing again I quickly walk out the door, closing it behind me a silently as possible so as not to wake you.

The night had done nothing to lift the oppressing heat, making me feel even more strangled than I already did, as I mindlessly walk the streets trying to work out what to do next. unaware of how long I had been walking or what the time was, the sun suddenly hitting my face came as a shock to me. looking at my watch I realised its was nearly 6am, I needed to find somewhere to get ready for work. “damn I didn’t bring a change of clothes” looking down at what I was wearing I muttered “these will have to do for now”. With a new found clarity and purpose I hunt for a shop to grab some toothpaste and a brush. Rushing to get to the train station I decide I will finish getting ready at work, thankfully I always have my little makeup bag in my handbag.

Reaching work an hour before i’m due to start, I rush into the bathroom and start trying to make myself look human and like I haven’t been roaming the streets all night. Taking a deep breath as I stand and stare at the mess that is me in the mirror. “How has this happened, less than 12 hours ago I was over the moon that my daddy was home, now i’m standing in a bathroom alone and confused and homeless and my daddy is fucking my best friend”. Refusing to cry any more I wash my face and start applying my makeup, when my phone makes me jump. “who could be ringing me at this hour” as I look at my phone I see NOAH on my screen, dropping my phone as I feel the breath in my lungs evaporate, head spins and I collapse to the floor, all the strength has left my body. I just stare at my phone, “I can’t answer it, he will make me go home, make me tell him what’s wrong. I’m not ready to face him”. As the call rings off I grab my phone and with out thinking turn it off.

Turning back to the mirror I ignore the over whelming feeling of sadness, loss, anger and hate swirling inside me, to finish getting ready for work. 30 minutes later and even though I don’t look picture perfect I at least don’t look like a homeless person any more. Taking one last deep breath before I walk out of the bathroom, reminding myself that its work it will keep me busy and at least I don’t have to worry about seeing Josh.
