The Babysitter/Dungeon Master 13: Restoring the Castle[Fmmm][Ageplay][Dungeons and Dragons]

Hey guys! Chapter 13! This one was fun to write. So glad you guys have been sticking with it, hope every enjoys this entry! Feel free to comment, or shoot me a PM if you enjoy the story. Thanks in advance! *(This work is entirely fictional, as are the characters portrayed in it.)*


# The Babysitter/Dungeon Master 13: Restoring the Castle

I heard Will shut my bedroom door, and suddenly I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath. My heart was racing, and my fingers a bit sweaty. Despite having quite planned it, I couldn’t believe what just happened. I just laid there on my bed, Will’s cum scattered all over my face. I felt it on my nose, and running down the sides of my cheeks and underneath my eyes. I felt it on my lips, and when they parted I tasted it on my tongue. More sweet than salty, I used a finger to slide more into my mouth. I savored it, swallowed it, and sucked on my fingers.

It had really been too long. My eyes were closed, and all I could picture was Will’s penis hanging over my head. It had been one thing to see it in pictures, but to have seen it up close and personal… this was a whole new level.

With my heart still racing, I managed to pull my fingers from my other hand out from my panties. I was wet down there too, but that was of my own making. I stood up from the bed, and slowly walked over toward my tall mirror. I stepped close, and looked deeply at the reflection of my face. Will’s seed was beginning to drip down toward my chin, some even slipping down toward my neck. I reached for the bottom of my tank top and pulled it up and over my head. I made as quick work of the tight jeans I was wearing too, until I stood in just my underwear.

The cum in the panties had quite dried, but I had been wearing them regardless. I’d been getting horny all day, so I knew I had gotten them wet multiple times as well. When I had put them on, just after Michael came in them, it was magical. My first few steps some of it leaked down my thighs, and my knees went weak. I thought I was going to get off right there at that moment, without any stimulation at all. Putting the bra on, after Brandon blessed it, was an even better experience. Feeling his seed on my nipples made them instantly hard, and they had pretty much stayed hard all night since. Especially during the session with Will.

I was so incredibly wet, and it took everything for me not to masturbate immediately. I was saving it…

I took in a deep breath, and then took off the bra and the panties. I grabbed my phone and opened my bedroom door slowly. I peeked out, and neither saw nor heard any of the boys close by. The bathroom door was open, and the light was off. I dashed quickly and naked across the hall, and shut the bathroom door behind me. My heart rate had begin to normalize. I grabbed the bathing and shaving essentials from my tall wicker cabinet, and sat them on the little stand beside the bath. I ran hot soapy water, complete with bubbles, and took a long soak and scrub.

I shaved everywhere. I was particularly proud of my shaving abilities, as silly as that might sound. I used a combination of lotions and cream, and used a very nice razor that I had ordered online from Japan. Even in the most sensitive areas between my legs, I was able to get an amazingly close shave. No abrasions, and incredibly smooth. For at least two days it’d be almost as if I had never grown pubic hair. Sometimes I kept a trimmed *boosh* atop, but for the most part I preferred a complete shave. I was equally as skilled with my legs.

I don’t know how long I was in the bath, with all the thoughts racing through my mind. At some point I got up, rinsed with the shower, and dried off. I hardly remember walking back across the hall, and almost instantly fell asleep naked.

I woke up the next morning in the best of moods. I don’t know when the idea had hit me, but I went out to start work on it while the boys were still asleep. I went shopping, and bought what I imagined would seem a peculiar set of supplies. I bought thirteen pillows, and thirteen sheets. The sheets were white, and the accompanying pillowcases were as well. I also got a few colored led bulbs, a light teal color. There was an assortment of white nylon rope, and a series of screws and hooks. I also picked up this box of assorted polished stones that were a deep ivory color. It turned about to be a bit expensive, but I charged it to my father’s credit card. He never checked purchases of this price, I had no real history of abusing it. The boys were still asleep when I brought it all back, and packed it upstairs to my bedroom.

I ended up packing up a lot of the necessary items about my room, and making room for them in a closet, or somewhere in the attic storage. I pulled my desk and dressers to one corner of the room, and cleared out nearly everything around my bed. What items were left was very minimal, huddled in a single corner. The rest was a large open square of white carpet space. For the bed… I would need the help of my party. I woke them up sweetly, and immediately had them come take apart the frame of my bed. The headboard and baseboard were both sent to the attic. I had them place the large mattress, and the box spring it sat on, in the middle of the open space of carpet.

“Here is where we will build our castle,” I told them, and began unpacking the sheets. Brandon quickly took over once they realized we were essentially building a grand blanket fort over the mattress. Will and Michael did the work, as Brandon and I worked it out. We used the hooks and rope to hang sheets from the ceiling. We left an opening at the top around the overhead light, and replaced the bulbs inside with the leds I had bought. Some of the sheets were laid down on the floor, weighted pretty ivory stones. I kept the violet sheets and black comforter on my mattress, but being lower on the floor some of the comforter laid on the carpet. The pillows were put in heir cases, and littered on the bed, and around it. My original big white pillow still remained near what would be the head of bed.

I closed the bedroom door, and pulled the blinds over the balcony door. The room got dark, and I flipped on the teal led lights, and dimmed them. We all stood in the large white blanket fort, and just took in what a good job we had done.

“Tonight,” I told them. “We will perform the first ritual, right here. If we are successful, then the castle will be restored to its full power.” Their eyes all lit up, and I could tell they were both nervous and excited. I sent them back downstairs to do as they pleased, and sat alone in the blanket fort for a while, in what had been my bedroom. I was turning into something else… I needed this to go well, so I sat and just thought about my plan for a bit.

I’m not sure how long I sat in there, before I finally got up and took a shower. I put on fresh, but casual clothes. A pair of comfortable jeans, white socks, and a white t-shirt. The only articles of clothing I chose in particular was my underwear. I chose a matching sexy matching set of panties and bra. Just a tad lacy, and rather skimpy. I struggled a bit to clasp the bra, but it was still rather comfortable. I put on a bit of makeup, just to make sure I was looking super cute. I blow-dried my long black hair, and just let it lay rather lazily.

Once satisfied with my appearance and apparel, I knew it was time to start drinking. It was late afternoon, and the boys were still busy playing video games in the living room. I took a glass to my bedroom, and proceeded to start drinking from the bottle of rum I had stashed. I tried not to be nervous as I drank, scrolling through my phone mindlessly as I awaited the alcohol to kick in. I had finished my third helping when I finally decided to roll a joint. I smoked it outside on my balcony, with a glass of rum in hand. I watched the sun begin to set as I inhaled, and exhaled smoke.

Getting high always made me think. I couldn’t help but question myself again, and what I was doing. There was no doubt I had already crossed major lines, the kind that could definitely land me in jail. I had willfully exposed myself to them. I let Brandon grope my breasts. I flashed my underwear while Michael gave me a thorough leg massage. I made out with Will and let him cum on my face. Remembering it all had started to make me horny.

The risk and consequences to me, I understood. I did wonder about how it all was for the boys. Was I causing them harm in anyway? Did they feel forced to do anything? Those answers felt like obvious no’s, so I decided to trust that instinct. Their consent seemed enthusiastic. Marley’s encouragement was still in the back of my mind also, and that did ease some anxiety. I took another healthy drink, knowing the alcohol would help drown any insecurities or inhibitions. When the glass was empty, and the joint depleted, I went back inside.

I texted Will to have the party come upstairs, and my heart skipped a beat.

They knocked just a few moments later. I smiled at them when I opened the door, and let them step in. All three were barefoot, wearing shorts and t-shirts of varying colors. I stepped toward the entrance to our ‘castle’, and readied the voice I used for Ameliah in character. “Ahem,” I start, straightening my back. “You three, my loyal knights, all know why you are here. It’s time to fulfill the first sacred ritual of love…”

I nodded for the boys to follow me, as I turned and pulled up the sheets to enter the blanket fort. The sun was getting really low, and with the curtains drawn my bedroom was fairly dark. Inside the tent, the dim teal light had a glowing effect on the stark white sheets. I stepped in front of the bed, and turned toward the party.

“The ritual requires me to have an orgasm,” I explained, definitely feeling the alcohol in my system. I was thankful for that, but wished I had brushed my teeth. Too late now, I thought. “You will help induce it by recalling the devotions you have made recently. Michael will handle my legs, Brandon will play with my tits, and Will and I shall kiss.” I could see their eyes go wide as they processed what I was saying, but none of them had said anything yet. For some reason, I rather liked that, so I added something. “Starting now, until the ritual is complete. You may not speak. You may not ask any questions.”

I began taking off my pants. I did it rather slowly. Unbuttoning them, unzipping them, and clumsily wiggling them down to my feet. I kicked them out the entrance of the blanket fort, going right past Michael’s head. He ducked, and I giggled. I wasted no time pulling the t-shirt off too, and then my socks. I tossed those out of the fort as well, and stood there before them in just my underwear.

Seeing their eyes soak in the sight was enough to make me even hornier. Will was the only one who thought to pull out his phone and take a picture. I would have to remember to give him extra experience points for that. I turned so that my back was facing them, “My wizard, can you assist me?” I asked, knowing Brandon would know what to do. I didn’t have to look back, as just a few seconds later I felt his hands at my back. This clasp was a bit more annoying than the Squirtle bra, so I hoped Brandon didn’t struggle with it. I felt a couple of tugs at the bra, before finally it loosened up. All in all a good job, he would also get extra experience points.

I shrugged the bra off, and let it fall to the floor. My arms came up, crossing and covering my nipples. I turned back to face the boys, and I could see the lust on their faces. There were some nerves too, but mostly excitement. Brandon knew what to do next, I didn’t even have to tell him. He stepped close, and wrapped his fingers around my wrists. He gently began to pull. I offered a bit of resistance, just enough to make him exert a bit more effort. He pulled my arms out to my side, and suddenly my breasts were once again exposed the young teens. Brandon stepped back, and I held my arms at my side for a moment.

This time, they all took a picture. I could feel myself beginning to get wet.

I turned and crawled onto the mattress in the center of the castle. I laid on my back in the center of the bed, leaving some room above my head. I looked over to the boys, who were all just standing there. “Michael first, come start rubbing. Just like last time, begin at my feet.” Michael came forward and did as requested. His hands were strong for his age, and I bit my lower lip as his fingers began squeezing. I laid my head back, and closed my eyes for a bit. Michael’s hands rubbed my left foot for a bit, then my right. He was very generous with the massage, his thumbs really working into my soles. He would absolutely get bonus experience points.

My left arm raised up, and my right arm slid down. My right hand slowly slid underneath my panties, until my finger tips came to rest above my clit. I felt tingles rush down my legs, as I slowly started to tease it. I could feel their eyes watching what I was doing. My motions were slow, and my lips parted a bit as I got started.

“Now Brandon,” I said, as my fingers kept moving in mostly circular motions. My legs began to squirm a tiny bit, as Michael began working up my ankles and calves. I felt Brandon climb onto the bed, and make his way to my side. My eyes stayed closed, and my mouth opened a bit more as I felt his hands reach my breasts. One hand on each, and he was very gentle. His hands moved around, his palms lightly gliding over the skin. Around the bottom, and the sides, down the middle. He was taking his time getting to the nipples, which I could already feel growing hard. His hands were acting in perfect symmetry. That meant bonus experience points. My fingers began to pick up the pace a bit, underneath my panties. My legs squirmed a bit more, and I felt Michael begin to hold them more firmly, as he began rubbing the front of my legs.

“Now… Will…” I said, my breath irregular. The touching was really beginning to feel electric, and I began losing myself to the sensory input. Brandon began gently squeezing my breasts, and pushing them together. I let out a small little moan. Chris climbed onto the bed, and I felt him come to the area above my head. I opened my eyes, and say him staring at me upside down. His head lowered, and our lips touched. The Spider-man kiss.

Mine and Will’s lips parted, and our tongues instinctively reached out to each other. They met halfway, beginning their slippery dance. Michael pulled my left leg up and over his shoulder. I was pulled a bit toward him, and my hand went to the back of Will’s neck to keep him with me. We continued to kiss, as Michael’s hands began to rub and massage my left thigh. My fingers kept circling, and I could feel all these different elements building up, and building up. Then Brandon’s thumbs brushed over my nipples…

It was as if a bomb had shocked my entire nervous system. My back arched a bit, and I gasped into Will’s mouth without breaking the kiss. My leg tried to squirm, but Michael had a firm grip. Brandon’s thumbs teased my nipples, and I gripped Will’s neck tight. The feeling was surreal.

My fingers began to take their work more seriously. They dipped down toward my sex, wet as a pool. I spread the natural lubrication around, and my hips wanted to buck as I touched myself. Michael’s hands were getting pretty low on my thighs, his knuckles brushing up against mine sticking through my panties. Brandon was full on groping my breasts, and Will and I were making out like teenagers in love. It felt like all my sense were dialed up to eleven.

I heard shutter sounds from a phone, but I couldn’t even tell you who’s.

The orgasm started, and I lost all ability to kiss Will back. My neck arched and I moaned rather loudly. My fingers worked, and Brandon gently pinched my nipples. “O-oh,” I said, with a whimper, and having dropped any attempt to used the Ameliah’s voice. “Oh, fuck,” I cursed, in the best way. Michael’s fingers were now slipping down and rubbing the bottom of my butt. Will’s tongue still found it’s way in my gasping mouth, but my head turned and he ended up licking my face. Using my hand on the back of his neck, I guided his lips down to my own neck. When he began kissing it, my hand went to the comforter, fingers curling and gripping it. I could barely breath, as my fingers began to move furiously with a mind of their own. “Oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck.”

More shutter sounds. It had to be Michael.

Every nerve in my body had turned into a receptor for pleasure, and each touch sent new waves through my entire body. Every conscious thought was put in the back of my mind. I lost my sense of time, and my sense of identity. Right then, I was only the orgasm that I was having.

At some point Michael switched legs, and his fingertips were sliding just under the edge of my panties. My hips bucked, and Brandon kept groping and playing with my tits like an excited child with his favorite toy. And Will… Will was making out with my neck. Kissing it, licking it, once or twice he may have gently bitten it. Bonus points for that.

The intensity of the orgasm just wouldn’t let up. It just kept building. I moaned louder and louder. The kind of moans that would make an innocent bystander think I was being hurt, or getting fucked really, *really* well. A moan nearly turned into a scream, and suddenly I just couldn’t take it anymore.

“Stop, stop!” I cried, and my body wiggled. The boys quickly stopped touching me, all rather hastily scattering off the bed. My eyes were wide open, staring at the ceiling of the castle, and my entire body was shaking. My knees came together trembling, and my hands clasped together over my face. I couldn’t say anything… and I couldn’t stop shaking.

It was a little frightening.

I struggled to catch my breath, and my heart would not stop racing. My arms came down and covered my breasts. I finally looked toward the boys, just standing there with concerned looks on their faces. “G-good job,” I finally muttered, more of a whimper. “You’re dismissed, see you in the morning.” My voice was weak, but they did manage to file out of the blanket fort, and out of the bedroom. I didn’t know what to do with myself, as I laid there alone on my bed basked in the dim teal glow.

I’d had intense orgasms before… but what happened that night was life altering.



  1. DAMN!!! This gets better with each chapter! Can’t wait for the next and keep up the great writing!

  2. poor kids. that was probably the first time they ever made a woman orgasm but they can’t do anything about their own

  3. Absolutely the best story I have read on this site in terms of sticking to a story line and staying consistent with caracter development. Cant wait to read more

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