The Bet [FF][bound][teasing][inc]

So, I’m a little bit nervous on this one. I’ll admit, I love writing things, but I’ve never posted anything before, let alone here. This one is short and sweet, but I honestly just wanted to test the waters. Please be honest with me, especially let me know if you want more stories.


***“It will be fun, she said.”***

Crystal lightly tugged at the handcuffs currently locking her hands to the metal railings of her bed. She didn’t expect them to come loose, but she still had to try. Finding them held fast, her head shifted skywards. Her eyes darted around, searching out the source of her torment. Only it was nowhere to be seen. She was left, unerringly, to struggle against her bonds. Bonds that were as much her fault as any other.

***“Just a simple little bet, she said.”***

The familiar presence inside her sprung to life again. Her buttocks clenched reflexively as the vibrations rippled up her spinal cord. Never before had the young blonde vixen ever experienced something so devilish. The tiny little beads were small enough that she could barely feel them resting inside her nearly virtuous cavity. However, they were also powerful enough to rip coherent thought out of her mind when turned on. Her legs spasmed, contorting and yet still held fast by their own set of handcuffs. Her mouth gasped in rhythm with the pulses tearing through her body.

Of course, like most of her stories, Crystal’s version of events was almost entirely fabricated. She’d never really had a choice in this bet. There wasn’t even really a win condition in it. There was just a way not to lose. And, that way to not lose was through some of the most exquisite torture she had ever imagined.

As quickly as the vibrations had started, they also stopped. This marked the fifth time in this game and Crystal’s body yanked at her bonds in response. Her voice echoed out a needy moan that she was only barely registering as her own. It was never even close enough to send her over the edge, just enough to remind her who was in control of her body.

***“It’s a really simple game,”*** Amber had explained, not that she had any choice in the matter. To accentuate that fact, Amber had already made Crystal strip naked and thrown the clothes out of the room. It wasn’t the first time Crystal had been naked in front of her older sister, but this time just felt so much more surreal. Every last bit of control was stripped from her, ***“For the next hour, I control your body. All you have to do is sit back and endure it. If you can do that, we never speak of it again.”***

Simple, right. Absently, Crystal wondered how long it had actually been. She couldn’t count the time like this. Without that, all she could do was count the number of time the anal beads activated. Five certainly seemed like a lot. Maybe the time was almost up? Maybe she could actually hold out?

They started up again. This time the vibrations ripped through the girl stronger than ever before. It was like every inch of her body was yielding to the vibrations. Her body was already betraying her, giving in to a new master that she hadn’t even accepted yet. It wasn’t readily apparent that the vibrations were actually any stronger than before, nor was Crystal even sure if there was even more than one setting on her sister’s device. It didn’t matter though, her body was convinced enough.

***“But, if you beg. For anything at all. Then I win. Beg me to stop, I win. Beg me for water, I win. Beg me to cum? Better believe I win.”***

Crystal knew the rules. She could moan, she could twist and writhe. She could even needily hump the air. The only thing she couldn’t do was beg. It should have been easy. It should have. So, why was it so darn hard? Her mind was slowly coming to grips with the idea that it was no longer in control. But, that was a very dangerous realization. The second she accepted Amber as being in control, she would be ruined.

For all the bravado and posturing that Crystal had, both her and her sister had a lingering suspicion. One that shaped the whole dynamic. Maybe Crystal was secretly a little submissive. Or, a lot submissive. The possibility had shaped every interaction the two had taken since the younger turned eighteen. Amber never lost any chance to try and taunt her sister. She never wasted any opportunity to show off how much she wanted to boss Crystal around, to make her experience everything. And, Crystal had walked away every time.

But, that all changed when Amber had walked in this morning. When she had walked in on her younger sister holding a pair of her worn socks to her nose, her other hand buried deep in her underwear. With that Amber had all the cards and Crystal could no longer just walk away. The bet, for what it was worth, was all pretense around that very real blackmail. Amber was finally going to get everything she had wanted.

***“And, if I win. Then I have a new pet for the entire weekend. Or, maybe longer if your training goes well.”***

The vibrations stopped, leaving her body and mind heaving in place. Crystal whimpered needily. She could barely think straight any more. She could barely concentrate, golden locks cascading heavily on her sweaty face. Six, six times now she had experienced the darkness of her sister’s toy. Six times she had felt something within her ass that she had never imagined turning her on. And, six times it had been ripped away from her. Worse yet, she was worried she might actually get addicted to it.

Suddenly, her vision was lightly obscured. Light filtered through black fabric as it dotted her face and traced down to her mouth and nose. She gasped, holding her breath. She knew intimately what had just been thrown onto her face, what was coming next. Still she tried to fight it. She tried to hold on just a second longer. Her breath would only hold out so long and when it failed she inhaled a strong draw of air.

The smell hit her nearly instantly, the smell she had been using for months. She couldn’t deny the effects as her body reacted nearly instantly. Her tongue rolled out, weakly and submissively. Her entire body lit up, fires striking out in her loins and bringing every nerve fiber online. Suddenly it wasn’t just about arousal. It was about not having any choice. She couldn’t take the socks off her face, she couldn’t stop smelling it if she wanted to. That alone was far more than anything else. Crystal really wasn’t anything more than a debauched submissive.

Then the vibrations started again. She could feel each and every one. She could feel the pulses, the wanton lust. She could feel what little resistance she had left fading into the haze created by her sister’s scent. She hated herself for losing and hated herself for holding out this long all at the same time. She had lost the bet.

***“Please, please don’t stop.”***



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