Daisy Ridley Takes a Seat, Part 2 [FFFM][celeb][facesitting][fdom][oral][hint of footjob]

He lifted his head off of the seat again, looking at Emma Watson in front of him. She turned her head to look over her shoulder at him, her butt still pointed at his face.

“Good luck,” she smirked, and reached back to tug her pants out of her ass.

He watched her butt move under her dress pants as she marched away towards Madison. A few moments later, Daisy’s pretty face was looking down at him, glowing with one of her intimidatingly adorable smiles.

“I’m back! How’s my chair doing?”

She pushed his head down and started to straighten up.

“Did Emma treat you nicely?”

She didn’t give him a chance to respond. In one quick motion, she turned around and sat down on him, causing his head to turn to the right as her magnificent buttocks pressed down on the side of his head. He held back a whimper as her plump ass moved this way and that, rubbing all over him as she got her feet onto the footrest and shifted into a more comfortable position. She was causing him all kinds of discomfort: his neck was starting to hurt, his face was becoming sore, and he had never needed to cum more badly in his life before. It felt like electricity was running through his body, causing his heart to shake in his chest. So why couldn’t he bring himself to push the button?

Daisy placed her hands on either side of his head and lifted her ass just a little, so that it was touching him instead of crushing him.

“Face up, Jonah,” she ordered.

His face rubbed against Daisy Ridley’s warm rear end as he turned his head. He stopped with his face pointing upwards, pushing into her soft buttcheeks. Then she sat down again.

“I’m not going to stop until you push that button, Jonah,” she told him, grinding herself against him again. “Isn’t this embarrassing for you? Did your coworkers tease you about how your role in my movie was slaving away for hours over the scene where a dog licks peanut butter off of my nude arse? They did, didn’t they. Can you imagine how much of a hard time they’re going to give you about this? No girl you run into in your career is going to take you seriously. Say goodbye to dates…just push the button…”

Emma Watson watched Daisy tease and torment Jonah, deep in thought. She rubbed her ass against Madison, feeling Madison grunt and squirm underneath her, thinking about Madison and Jonah. What was taking them so long, she wondered. If she was in their shoes, she would have pushed the button almost immediately. Why didn’t they? Daisy was brutally tearing Jonah apart, both with her ass and verbally. What could possibly be driving Jonah to endure that for so long?

Her brown eyes traveled downwards, and she found her answer. She gaped at Jonah’s pants, staring at the bulge pressing out against them, watching it twitch as Daisy punished his face with her hindquarters.

Emma Watson’s hair swayed through the air as she whipped her head up shoot a quick glance towards the camera’s, and then turned her head again to look at Daisy.

“Daisy!” she hissed, her eyes wide.

Daisy looked up from her legs and made eye contact with Emma, an innocent smile on her face as she thrust her hips from side to side. Emma moved her eyebrows, pointedly looking at Jonah’s pants and up at Daisy again. Daisy cocked her head at Emma, frowning. Emma rolled her eyes and then lifted her foot off of her footrest, raising it into the air to point at Jonah’s pants. Daisy looked down.

Her eyes bulged. Her lips parted into an unbelieving smile of amazement, and she looked up, gazing at Emma. Emma covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes narrowed with amusement. Daisy glanced down again in disbelief, and then quickly shot a look towards the cameras. Meanwhile, Jonah was completely unaware of what had just happened. He continued breathing with his nose pressed against the warm fabric of Daisy’s dress, feeling her buttcheeks smothering him.

“Hey Jonah.” The smile that lit up Daisy Ridley’s face as she spoke made her look absolutely adorable. It was the perfect mixture of mischievous and mock innocence, and the way her eyes narrowed as she grinned made her face glow with beauty. “How are you doing down there?”

Jonah’s eyes were half open. He was getting drunk from this experience, drunk from the weight of Daisy sitting on his face, from the softness and firmness of her ass, from the smell he could just barely make out, and from the warmth. It was difficult for him to think of much else. The discomfort of having his head being crushed by Daisy’s full weight was far outweighed by the erotically exhilarating experience of taking her ass straight to the face, of being completely overwhelmed by her, left powerless by her gorgeous hindquarters.

Emma Watson covered her hand with her mouth as she held back laughter.

“Jonah?” Daisy repeated. She wiggled her hips a little. “I know I’m sitting on you and that *can’t* be fun for you, but please don’t give me the silent treatment… are you doing okay down there?”

Jonah blinked, struggling to breathe in. She wanted him to speak… they were doing the same bit from last time, and then they’d pretend to wonder why they couldn’t understand him. Wasn’t that getting old? Nevertheless, he decided to humor them with an answer.


Daisy Ridley cocked her head. Her piercing brown eyes traveled downwards, stopping on his pants in front of her. Silently, she lifted her bare foot off of her footrest, and steadily lowered it down to his crotch, which was behind the footrest.

She placed her foot right on top of the bulge of his erection.

“Are you sure about that?” she asked innocently.

Jonah gasped against her ass, his eyes going wide. He squirmed around a little. Daisy Ridley’s foot was lightly resting on top of his boner, the ball of her foot touching him just enough for him to notice, but not enough for him to get any pleasure from. He breathed quickly, essentially sniffing her ass as hard as he could as his heart banged against his ribcage. Still looking down at his crotch, she moved her foot, slowly, dragging her toes along the shape of his cock.

Her touch was as light as a feather, and Jonah knew she was purposefully torturing him.

Daisy Ridley looked up, gazing across the room at Emma Watson. Both women were pressing their lips together, the corners of their mouths curving into smiles as they held back laughter.

The woman with the baseball cap, the producer from Lifestyle Garden, tightened her grip on her clipboard. She gazed intently at Daisy Ridley’s foot as it inched back and forth, brushing across Jonah’s erection. The camera’s wouldn’t pick that up, they were only pointed at her face and at her butt/Jonah’s head. She licked her lips, staring at his erection. Then she looked up at Daisy Ridley’s face, watching her.

“Ma’am?” her dark-haired assistant asked tentatively with a whisper, leaning in. “Shouldn’t we… do something?”

The producer turned her head to give her assistant an incredulous look.

“Are you *insane*? Of course not!”

In front of the cameras, Emma Watson watched Daisy Ridley tease Jonah with a smirk charmingly curling half of her mouth. But there was a look of something more in her light brown eyes. She ground herself against Madison’s face, her gaze jumping back and forth between Daisy’s face and Daisy’s foot.

“You know Jonah,” Daisy said, and her second foot moved off of the footrest as well, joining her first at Jonah’s boner, “me and Emma have been sitting here for a while. Madison might be determined, but that’s not my problem.” Both of her feet brushed against the shape of his cock, lightly teasing it, moving back and forth. “You’re my problem. And I just… I just can’t help but wonder why on earth you haven’t pressed the button yet. I just can’t think of a single…” her foot tapped his erection before going back to stroking it “…reason. But that’s okay. If the physical discomfort of my arse pushing down on your face isn’t enough, then maybe the embarrassment will be.”

And with that, her hands moved to her thighs, and she bounced on his face, yanking her skirt upwards and uncovering her butt in one swift motion.

The underwear she was wearing was gray, with pink stripes. A lot of it was swallowed by her plump buttcheeks, vanishing behind those soft perfect mounds that were now exposed to Jonah in all their glory. Between her legs, her underwear covered her pussy, but just barely. A hint of her labia was visible, just the side, peeking out from under the cotton underwear stretched over it.

Jonah didn’t see any of this, Daisy moved too quick and it was just a tiny bounce. But he *felt* it. In less than a split second, Daisy Ridley’s tight dress was lifted off of her butt, and her butt, only covered by a pair of old underwear, came crashing down onto his face. The camera’s captured her buttcheeks ripple as they slammed down onto his head, pushing him back against the padding of the chair underneath him. And he felt everything: he felt the warm soft skin of her ass, he felt the fabric of her underwear just barely covering everything, he felt the sliver of her pussy left uncovered by her panties. Her crotch pressed against his mouth, and her buttcheeks pressed against the sides of his face, as she landed on him again.

Emma’s eyes widened, and her lips parted.

“Hey, no fair!” she cried playfully. Her hands went to the button of her pants, unbuttoning it, and then her fingers started pulling her zipper down.

“Hey buttface,” Daisy said, ignoring Emma. “The longer you let me do this to you, the more you lose of the smidge of dignity you have left, for all of the internet to see. Think about that. Just press the button…”

She started grinding herself against his face again, pushing with her hands on either side of his head, wearing nothing but her underwear. Jonah could feel the part of her crotch left uncovered by her dislodged panties rubbing against him as she moved her hips back and forth. It felt warm and irresistibly soft. He made a small grunt as her butt and her crotch rubbed against his face, trying to wrap his head around the fact that a small part of Daisy Ridley’s pussy was grinding against his cheek and lips.

His nose was filled with the smell of her crotch as he continued to struggle to breathe, his head moving this way and that as Daisy rubbed herself against him.

It was the smell that cracked him. The smell of her underwear, trapped between her beautiful legs for the entirety of the long interview, trapped under her tight skirt, being swallowed up by her ass. And the smell of her pussy as it rubbed all over his face, with just a maddeningly thin piece of cotton fabric covering it. And he couldn’t be sure whether it was coming from his face or somewhere else, but there was definitely some kind of moisture soaking through the fabric.

His cock throbbed against the light pressure of her bare foot as he finally pushed his tongue out between her lips. As she brought her hips forwards, grinding against his head, his tongue brushed against the small part of her pussy that was exposed by her underwear.

Daisy stopped moving. Her dark brown eyes widened, and she bit her lips, sitting quietly for a moment. Then she rubbed herself against him again, slowly, bringing her pussy right above his lips. He got the message. He pushed his tongue out again, and it pressed against her crotch, contacting her warm underwear. But part of his tongue felt skin, and he moved his tongue in that direction, finding the part of her privates which were exposed by the dislodged fabric.

As his tongue touched her there, her eyelids lowered ever so slightly. She turned her head, her eyes finding the woman with the baseball cap and the clipboard standing behind the cameras.

Jonah moved his tongue back and forth, tasting her skin. It was part of her outer lip, and it was so soft. His heart shivered as he tasted what he was sure was her juices. He licked her again and again, fireworks going off in his brain.

Daisy Ridley gazed at the producer of the show. The producer stared back, her eyes wide, her hands clutching her clipboard to her chest. But she didn’t look offended or shocked. She took deep breaths, and slowly licked her lips as she watched Daisy.

“We’ll edit it out,” she eventually mouthed.

As she continued biting her lips, a smile tugged at the corner of Daisy’s mouth. She looked down, and reached between her legs, using her other hand to push herself up off of Jonah ever so slightly. The pressure her body exerted on his head lessened just a little, and her underwear dragged over his skin as her hand pulled them to the side. Then she sat back down.

Daisy Ridley’s bare pussy pressed down onto his mouth. He almost passed out. There was nothing in this world, *nothing*, which could have prepared him for this. It was exciting, surreal, and so unbelievable. Her lips felt so warm and inviting, and slightly moist. It was as if someone had taken the most delicious looking piece of fruit in the world and pressed it against his lips.

He felt her hand touch his shoulder. Her thumb stroked his shoulder gently as her hand lightly pressed against him.

That was all the encouragement he needed. He had spent days, *weeks*, sitting in front of his computer, working with his team to create a dog to lick peanut butter off of Daisy Ridley’s naked ass. Most of his team thought it was funny, but not him. He could not look at the shot of Daisy Ridley pointing her nude ass at the camera, looking over her shoulder with an innocent expression of shock, without feeling aroused. And he had to look at it for hours on end every day, it was torture. He thought about her constantly, her voice, her smile, her eyes, and that incredible butt. She entered his dreams. And now that butt was smothering his face, and her pussy was pressing against his mouth. All of his awkward discomfort at the office, all of his fantasizing, and now here she was. Knowing the embarrassing role he played in the creation of her movie, Daisy Ridley had intentionally chosen him *specifically* for the game part of their interview, just to tease him *that* much more. She might not have known how and to what extent she was teasing him exactly, but he knew that now she did, and he would do anything, anything he could, to make her cum.

He pressed his tongue against her privates and began licking, exploring her mouthwatering folds. He was still surprised by how warm she was. And she tasted amazing. Her fluids coated his tongue as he licked her.

His erection was starting to become uncomfortable. His cock felt like it was about to explode. It strained against his clothes, begging for attention. But Daisy Ridley’s feet ignored his erection as they moved off of him to the ground. She lifted herself up just a little, with her hand still next to his head, just enough to make it a little easier for him to eat her out. But her body still pressed down onto his face.

He moved his tongue from the front of her pussy to the back, his mouth full of her flavors. Her teeth let go of her lips, and she exhaled through her mouth, her eyelids lowering over her eyes. Her hand tightened its grip on his shoulder. He moved his tongue in a different way, touching on other parts of her pussy, and her eyes opened. She pressed her lips together and moaned softly. He kept moving his tongue in that way, feeling her shudder against him.

He heard a moan from the other side of the room, from where Emma Watson was sitting.

But he continued his work. His tongue caressed Daisy’s wonderful pussy, moving from side to side as he moved his mouth back and forth as much as he could. Her hips started moving slightly, her ass rubbing against his face. He noticed that there was a lot more flagrant moisture entering his mouth; Daisy was becoming very wet, her arousal oozing from her folds and covering his tongue. The thought almost sent him into a frenzy.

He felt like he would climax any second. His cock throbbed and ached, desperate for any kind of attention, but her feet were still on the ground, as he passionately ate her out. She seemed to forget about his erection as she sat on his face, a look of pleasure on hers, gently moving her hips against him.

After a few moments, Daisy took a deep breath through her nose, biting her bottom lip. She looked around, seeming to think about something. Then she took another deep breath, planting her feet firmly on the ground, and stood up.

Jonah gasped as Daisy Ridley’s nude ass left his face. She stood with her legs on either side of the chair, her crotch right above his face. He gazed upwards, staring at her nude pussy hovering above him, a thin string of her arousal connecting her folds and his face. He saw her hands move to the waistband of her panties, and she started sliding them off.

He raised his head and looked at the other actress.

Emma Watson was sitting on Madison’s face, her legs spread apart. He stared at her gorgeous face. Her mesmerizing eyes stared right back at him, locked onto his, as her chest moved up and down with every breath she took. His gaze traveled downwards. Her pants and underwear were on the ground, wrapped around one of her ankles. Aside from her button down top, which she had pulled upwards, revealing her stomach, she was completely naked.

He saw the well maintained patch of her light brown pubic hair, and below that, her pussy, glistening in the studio lights filling the room. The only part of Madison’s face that he could see was her chin, but he saw her tongue licking Emma’s pussy, sliding against Emma’s folds, mixing her saliva with Emma’s fluids. He looked back at Emma’s face. Her eyes stared into his, and her gorgeous face glowed with a suppressed look of pleasure.

Then Daisy Ridley sat back down.

Her bare butt pushed his head back against the chair, and her buttcheeks formed around him as she settled down. Her pussy pressed against his mouth again. He started licking her again, the sight of Emma Watson’s face looking at him stuck in his mind.

He licked and licked, listening for every exhale or breathy moan, feeling every twitch and movement. Breathing was difficult, but he managed. He had too. He’d spent too long under Daisy Ridley’s butt, and he needed to make her cum.

She looked as beautiful as ever as she sat on Jonah’s face. A strand of her dark hair had come free from her bun, brushing against her face as he ate her out. Her dark eyebrows moved ever so slightly as she rubbed herself against him, and her lips pressed together as she held back noises of pleasure. But every now and then, a whimper would escape her, or her eyelashes would flutter as she moaned slightly.

After a little while, she placed her feet on the footrest again, bringing her legs together. She leaned forwards, her hands on her knees, pushing her pussy right against his mouth. His head moved under her as she shivered with pleasure, moving her hips, causing her ass to grind against him. A blush was reddening her cheeks. Her eyelids lowered over her eyes as she shivered again.

“Just like that, Jonah,” she murmured.

Jonah dutifully ate her pussy, his heart jumping whenever she moved or made a noise. As she sat on him, Daisy closed her eyes, leaning forwards a little more. Her feet lifted up a little, her toes pushing against the footrest. Her lips parted, and she gasped softly.

He felt her shudder against him, the muscles in her butt and legs tensing and untensing. Daisy covered her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut, whimpering and gasping into her hand, bending forwards as she climaxed on Jonah’s face. Juices trickled into his mouth and down his cheeks, her pussy instantly coating his face with her orgasm. Her buttcheeks shivered against his head as the waves of her orgasm washed over her, shaky breaths and noises of pleasure leaving her lips.

Daisy’s orgasm started dying down, her shudders happening less frequently, and Jonah heard what he supposed was Emma reaching hers.

“Shit shit shit shit shit…. oh fuck, Maddie right there…ohhhhh… mmmmmm fuuuuucckkkk….”

Emma’s gorgeous voice stopped speaking and started moaning with pleasure. Jonah listened, Daisy’s pussy still pressing against his mouth. Daisy took slow breaths, her eyes unfocused as she rode the high of her orgasm, still sitting on Jonah’s face. Eventually, Emma’s climax seemed to pass too. Jonah listened to the two women breathe as they basked in their relief. His cock strained against his clothes, aching desperately, harder than it had ever been.

Daisy Ridley took a deep breath, inhaling through her nose, and then looking up as she exhaled through her mouth. Her hand found Jonah’s shoulder again, and she stroked his shoulder gently.

“Thanks Jonah,” she said. A grin spread across her face, and her foot brushed against his erection. But only for a second, and then she lifted it away, her smile growing as she watched him squirm underneath her.

“Mmmmm!” Jonah tried to speak, but Daisy’s round butt smothering him made that difficult.

“What was that?” Daisy asked, a fake look of confusion on her face.

“Hmmm, I think he wants something,” Emma said, and despite the distant look of pleasure on her face, a playful smile danced on her lips.

“I wonder what that could be,” Daisy replied, smirking directly at his erection.

“Mmmm, mmm hmmm!”

“Oh well!” she shrugged, and she stood up.

He watched her butt jiggle as she waddled away from him. Then she looked over her shoulder, her eyes meeting his. The smile she wore on his face made him feel like he was lit on fire. She bent over slightly, her back still facing him, and pulled up her underwear that was wrapped around her thighs. Her fingers brought it up to cover her butt and crotch, and then ran along the inside of the underwear, smoothing it out. Then her hands moved up to her waist, and she wiggled her hips from side to side as she tugged her skirt back down to cover her round ass.

As she did all of this, she stared at Jonah, taunting him with her smile.

He looked away from her, and saw Emma a short distance away, getting dressed as well. She zipped up her pants and then fastened the button, laughter in her eyes as her gaze landed on him. Then she started walking towards Daisy, and Jonah looked at Madison.

Madison was sitting with her back against the chair, looking at the ground, her hand moving in her jeans. Jonah took a deep breath, looking at the ceiling. He couldn’t take it anymore. His hands landed on his erection, and he started touching himself through his pants, thinking about what it had felt like to be sat on by Daisy Ridley. Then he made to slide his hand into his pants, his other hand beginning to undo his button.

“Hey! No no no no no!” he heard Daisy Ridley exclaim. He looked at her. She was staring at him, her eyes wide, a small but playful smile on her face. “No no, I didn’t say you could touch yourself. You probably did enough of that while you were working on the peanut butter scene.”

Emma Watson’s shoulders shook as she laughed, staring at him. Daisy shot him a maddening wink, and then turned away from him. The two woman moved closer together as the producer walked up to them, and they started talking in hushed voices. He sighed with defeat, pulling his hands away from his pants, and glanced at Madison.

She was still going at it. Her eyes were closed, and her arm pumped in her pants as her hand moved between her legs. As he watched her, she sighed, her body shivering. His cock twitched against his pants, aching more than ever.

The producer stepped past Daisy and Emma, looking at Jonah and Madison.

“Okay, so this obviously got way out of hand,” she chuckled, “which I guess I could’ve seen coming, given the nature of the game, but… whatever, the point is, we can’t use the footage of what just happened, for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, this means we will have to reshoot the ending of the game.” She clasped her hands in front of her lap, tilting her head as she looked at Jonah with pity. “Sorry! But all you have to do is press the red button, and it will all be over.”

“Yes, just press the red button,” Daisy repeated with a grin, her eyes cutting into Jonah’s soul.

“Okay, let’s go!” the producer ordered, heading back behind the cameras.

Daisy Ridley marched back towards Jonah as he sat on the ground, a look of unbridled excitement in her eyes. She stopped in front of him, and didn’t even bother stepping onto the footrest before turning around and throwing her ass down on top of him. Her wonderful butt rubbed his face this way and that as she got comfortable, pacing her feet onto the footrest and her hands on her lap.

“Here’s the thing, Jonah,” she said, once she had gotten comfortable. “I think it’s obvious Madison is never going to push that button, right? Because well all know who the loser here is, and it’s you. I know that’s mean, but it’s true, and they’ll edit it out anyway. So anywho, I would advise that you just get it over with this time and push the button, like you should have done the first time. Okay?”

Jonah didn’t need to be told twice. He craned his arm back, reaching for the red button.

But then Daisy leaned over (making sure to rub her butt against his face in the process,) and her fingers wrapped around his wrist. She yanked his arm away from the button, holding his hand up in the air, keeping him from pressing it. He struggled desperately, but he couldn’t do much with her butt smothering his head.

“Uh oh!” she exclaimed, raising her eyebrows.

The room was filled with laughter. Daisy Ridley’s face split into a beautiful grin as she viscously rubbed her butt against his face. He tried to free his arm, but she wouldn’t let go. He complained, his voice muffled, but nobody listened, and he was forced to endure her ass as it moved back and forth, rubbing and bouncing this way and that.

And then, to make things worse, Daisy moved her bare foot off of the footrest and placed it on his bulge again. He moaned under her ass, and she responded by grinding it against his face again, dragging his skin around as her buttcheeks rubbed back and forth.

“Oh man, today’s just not your day, is it?” she chuckled.

The laughter in the room was refreshed. The producer raised her clipboard to cover her face, her eyes, narrowed with mirth, peering over the top of the clipboard at Daisy and Jonah. Her assistant chuckled next to her, shaking her head. Emma’s mouth was dropped open and her eyes were squeezed shut as she laughed on top of Madison. Jonah listened to their laughter, feeling Daisy’s body shake as her warm firm butt pushed down on him.

The look on Daisy’s face was playful mixed with an insufferable smugness as her foot started massaging Jonah’s erection, sliding back and forth, causing waves of pleasure to wash over his body. She moved her hips in small circular motions, constantly rubbing her ass against his face, and held his hand high in the air as her foot rubbed against his cock through his clothes, finally giving it the attention it had been craving. He moaned under her ass again, his hips twitching against her foot as her toes slid over his bulge.

“Poor thing,” she murmured.

She pushed her foot down a little harder, the balls of her foot grinding back and forth, a hint of concentration appearing in her dark eyes as she stared at his erection. He felt his orgasm approaching quickly. He would be ejaculating into his underwear soon, and there was nothing he could do about it. Daisy Ridley’s foot moved a little faster, her entire foot now rubbing his bulge, coaxing his orgasm closer and closer.

He moaned into her butt again. His body started to tense up, and he felt tingles moving up his back. He breathed in Daisy’s scent, his nose pressed against her dress, as his cock throbbed against her foot as it slid back and forth, back and forth. An image of Daisy in that torn apart flight attendants uniform, looking back him with her bare butt pointed right at him flashed in his mind, and it was over. He gasped for air under her ass, his mouth desperately sucking through the cloth of her dress, and tensed up, his mind melting.

Daisy Ridley’s smile became smugger than ever as she released Jonah’s arm. His arm flopped downwards and hit the red button. There was a “ding” noise, and Daisy hopped off of him, quickly moving away from him and turning to grin at him.

Frustration filled his body. He had been denied his orgasm at the very last second. He stared up at Daisy, looking at her beautiful face as she smiled a toothy smile down at him, her pretty eyes narrowed.

“Looks like we have our loser!” she announced.

“Aww don’t worry Jonah, there’s always next time!” Emma Watson taunted, getting off of Madison. Madison sat forwards, breathing with relief, running her hand through her hair.

Emma walked up to Daisy, joining Daisy at her side.

“Don’t give me that look, Jonah,” Daisy said. She leaned forwards, looking down at him, narrowing her eyes.

“You know you love this,” she whispered.

“He definitely does,” Emma said.

Daisy’s foot lifted off of the ground, and it moved to Jonah’s crotch again. He groaned as she started rubbing his erection again. She placed her hands on her hips as her foot ground back and forth, looking as gorgeous as ever, her dark eyes looking down at him, her pretty face sporting the smuggest smile the world had ever seen. Next to her, Emma Watson stood with her arms crossed over her chest, watching him approach his orgasm with a heart-stopping half smile curving her mouth, her light brown eyes twinkling with amusement.

“Are you going to cum?” Daisy asked softly.

Her accented voice was so beautiful. Jonah nodded. He had never, ever in his life, been more helpless and humiliated, and he couldn’t believe how much it was turning him on.

“Obviously they’re going to edit these parts out,” Daisy said, looking over at the cameras. She looked back down at him. “But I’ll have them send me the unedited version.”

Her foot rubbed back and forth, back and forth.

“And I’ll have my agent send it to you. She’ll send it to you… Every. Single. Week.”

His cock twitched against her foot. It kept massaging him, moving a little faster now.

“And you’re going to watch it every week. That way, you’ll never forget where your place is.”

He looked up at her as she towered over him. She looked down with an almost casual smile, her dark eyes lazily watching him as he twitched under her foot. She watched her foot for a few moments, and then looked up, making eye contact with him. Her expression changed a little, and she gave him a playful side-eyed look as she cocked her head at him, looking foxier than ever. And finally, he was finished.

He erupted under her foot, his cock pumping loads of cum into his clothes. Daisy’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes widened. She looked beautiful with that look of victory on her face, watching Jonah shudder with an explosive orgasm at her feet. Emma Watson looked at him like she was watching a cute puppy tumble down a grassy hill.

“There you go,” Daisy Ridley sighed as his orgasm finally started to pass.

“Took you long enough,” Emma Watson smirked.

He panted, his back against the chair, his limbs spread out in every direction. Blissful relief washed through his body, and as he looked up at the two women looking down at him, he realized he had been a massive idiot. He should have just pressed the button when Daisy Ridley had first sat down on him, what was he doing just sitting there with her butt on his face? It would’ve only been a matter of time before she noticed his erection, he should have seen that coming. But when he really thought about it, he didn’t see *this* coming either, and despite how humiliating and honestly, degrading, it was, it was by far the hottest experience of his life.

Daisy Ridley stepped forwards and crouched down next to him, and Emma Watson followed suit. The two women smiled as they leaned forwards, and Jonah froze as he felt their lips press against his cheeks. Despite everything that had just happened to him, he started blushing. Emma chuckled to herself as she stood up and walked away, but Daisy remained crouched at his side.

“If I ever land a movie again where I end up exposing myself in some way,” she said quietly, “I’ll make sure to let you know.”

She started to stand up, placing her hand on his shoulder.

“I can put a good word in for you,” she smiled. She walked away, following Emma to stand in front of the camera’s.

Jonah could only stare at the butts of the two women as they walked away from him. Daisy Ridley’s pushing out against her thin skirt, and Emma Watson’s bulging out against her classy pants. He sighed to himself.

Emma and Daisy stopped, standing side by side, looking at the camera’s in front of them. They glanced towards each other.

“Oh…” Emma murmured, and she reached out to brush the stray lock of hair that had come free from Daisy’s bun behind Daisy’s ear.

“Thanks,” Daisy smiled.

They faced the cameras again.

“Well, that concludes our interview,” Emma Watson said, smiling as she spoke. “Now unfortunately, Jonah lost the facesitting contest.”

“Which means that I won,” Daisy interjected, looking ridiculously adorable as always. “And that’s not such a bad thing, right?”

“No, I suppose not,” Emma said, glancing over at her. Then she grimaced jokingly. “Unless you think about the fact that that means I *also* lost…”

“Oh, that’s too bad,” Daisy said with a sarcastic pout. Emma laughed and turned back to the camera.

“In all seriousness,” she said. “I want to give a big thanks to our guests for participating in the game! I’m sure it was nowhere near as fun for them as it was for us.”

“Yeah, and although Jonah lost, I think both guests gave it their all,” Daisy said. “They both put up a really good fight, and in the end, that’s what *really* matters.”

“I was surprised at how long they resisted,” Emma said, frowning at Daisy with a smile. “The things human beings can do when they put their minds to it. They lasted way longer than I thought they would!”

“Truly a historic moment,” Daisy said, nodding with a smile.

“Well, that’s all for this video!” Emma Watson announced, beaming at the camera. “Thank you *all* for watching, and don’t forget to subscribe!”

“And make sure to catch Sky High at a theater near you!” Daisy Ridley added, pointing to the camera with a gorgeous smile.

The two stars placed their arms on each others shoulders and smiled at the cameras, waving goodbye.

“And cut!” the producer called. She walked forwards, smiling at Emma and Daisy. “Girls that was amazing! Thank you!” She glanced at Jonah and Madison, and waved her hand through the air. “Jonah and Madison, you two can go now, thanks.”

She, Emma Watson, and Daisy Ridley moved closer together, discussing something in low voices. Jonah couldn’t really hear what they were talking about, but he heard something resembling “release date” and “going viral,” and even something about “lunch.” He slowly got up from the floor, seeing Madison do the same. The other women in the room continued speaking as he and Madison silently walked to the far end of the room to grab their stuff. He put on his backpack and followed Madison to the door. As he walked, he thought about everything that had happened, and how crazy it all was. He wondered if he was dreaming. And was Daisy serious about sending him the video every week?

At the doorway, he paused and turned back, looking at Emma Watson and Daisy Ridley one final time. They were still speaking with the producer. But just as he was about to turn away, Daisy turned, looking over her shoulder, and their eyes met. The smile she sent him made him realize that this might not be the last time he saw her, and in that moment, he finally started to come to terms with the idea that his life would never be the same again.

~The End~

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/cko4fu/daisy_ridley_takes_a_seat_part_2

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