Like Mother, Like Daughter – An erotic Adventure – Part 2 – The Mother [MF][Deepthroat][Anal]

Due to a hectic travel schedule it took a few weeks until I had time to work out how to meet Linn’s mother without it being too obvious. Furthermore, I had to do it when Linn was not around. I did not think that Linn would appreciate me trying to get in bed with her mother and I was pretty certain that Lisa would have nothing to do with me if she knew that I had fucked her daughter. I had gotten hold of Lisa’s phone number, not too hard since I knew her name and where they lived. I had both her home number and cell number stored on my phone. I had also put Linn’s number there while I was at it.

The whole thing worked out by itself out by coincidence when I once again was passing through Loberod on my way to work. When I passed by the store I saw Sarah sitting at the bus stop. I turned in to the parking lot and stepped out of the car. I was pretty sure that the shirt she was wearing was one of the things she had bought last time we met.

“Hi there Sarah.”

“H .. hi,” she said hesitantly and looked around.

There was no one nearby and it seemed like it was a while until the bus would be coming.

“Nice shirt,” I said and smiled.


“No Linn today?”

“No. Her mother sent her to England for a language course cause she got an F.”

“I assume that you got a better grade than that?”


“Ok. I won’t disturb you anymore. Have a nice day!” I said and walked off towards the store.

I turned when I was halfway to the store and I saw Sarah staring at me. I waved but she turned her eyes down. Linn not being in the country made things easier. But it would still be strange just to cold call Lisa. I went into the store and looked at the notice board. I always enjoy the little messages people in put up on public notice bards. After glossing over a few notes offering cleaning and lawnmowing services my eyes landed on a note with a picture of a TV. “For Sale. Used. In good condition. 40’’ TV. 1500 crowns. Call Lisa.” Below the note there were little tags you could tear off. I was pretty sure that the number belonged to Linn’s mother. I took up my phone and double checked. Yep. That was her. All the little tags were still left so I took the whole ad down and went out again. I passed Sarah at the bus station.

“Where are you going?”


“Do you need a ride?”

She looked at me with big eyes.”

“Not like last time,” I smiled. “Just a ride. I am heading there now anyway.”

“Sure,” she said after a second’s hesitation.

She stood up and looked around before following me to the car and getting in.

“What are you going to do in Lund?” I asked as we drove off.

“Going to the movies.”

“I’ll drop you at the botanical garden if that’s ok?”

“Sure. I’ll be there early now.”

We rode a couple of minutes in silence before I decided to break it.

“How come you and Linn are friends? You seem very different.”

She shrugged.

“We’re in the same class in school and her mom is often away in the evenings so she was at our place all the time.

She went silent again. It was not easy talking to this girl, but maybe it wasn’t that strange considering what had happened last time we met. I let here sit there quiet and drove towards Lund. Just as we had turned off on the north ringway she was the one that broke the silence.

“You …” she started.

I waited a few seconds before answering.


“You were the first man I have seen naked. And hard.”

I did not really know what to answer. I waited for a few seconds but she did not continue.

“Did you like it? Watching me and Linn?”

She was quiet for a while before answering.


“That’s good.”

“Are you going to do it again? With Linn I mean.”

“Not sure. It’s not sure that she wants to.”

“Oh, she wants to. She’s talked about it like a thousand times.”

I didn’t say anything, but min cock got hard from the memory and the thought of Linn discussing it with Sarah.

“If you do it again …”


“Can I watch again? You don’t have to give me anything or so. Just let me watch.”

“No problem. Of course.”

“Thanks,” she said and looked down into her lap.”

We finished the ride in silence and I dropped her of just north of the botanical garden.

“Do you want my number?” she asked when she stepped out of the car.

“Certainly,” I said and gave her my phone.

She dialed the number. After a few seconds a phone started ringing in her purse and she gave me back my phone. I looked at her as she walked down the street. I stored her number under “Sarah”. I looked at my watch and realized that I only had a few minutes until my customer meeting started. I turned around and went to the office.

After a very successful customer meeting, which I luckily made it in time to, I got back into my car. I took up the ad I had taken from the store and called up Lisa.

“Lisa,” answered a female voice.

“Hi Lisa. My name is Peter. I saw your ad about a TV for sale? Is it still available?”

“Yeah. You’re the first one to call, actually.”

“Great! Are you home tonight so that I could come take a look?”

“Sure. I’m already home so you can come by any time.”

“Super. I’ll be there in about an hour and a half.”

I hung up. My dick was already hard just from the thought of meeting Lisa. I didn’t even know if I had a chance with her, but at least now I was going to get to meet her. I decided to get something to eat before heading out to Loberod again. I went down to the local Chinese place. When I sat down at the table my phone chimed. I held it up and was met with “New message from Sarah.” What did she want? I opened the message and almost dropped the phone. It was a selfie. Her shirt was unbuttoned. No bra. Two lovely little breasts. Her pants and panties were pulled down to show her smooth pussy. She had a small smile on her lips and the text read. “Thinking of you.” My dick almost forced its way out of my pants and I had to head over to the restrooms before it became too apparent what a hard-on I sprouted. I locked the door and started jerking off to the picture of Sarah. After a few strokes I stopped. I stood up in front of the mirror and put the phone on record while continuing to jerk off. It didn’t take long before I shot long white streams of cum over the sink and mirror. I cleaned up and looked at the video. It came out surprisingly well. You could see when the cum sprayed out of the tip of my penis and hit half of the sink. I sent the video to Sarah with the text. “And I of you.”

I waited for a few minutes without an answer. Fuck. Now I had burned that bridge. I tried getting it out of my head and focus on the meeting with Lisa, which, I now was in a hurry to. I jumped in my car and fifteen minutes later I pulled in on Lisa’s street. I took my phone out of my pocket, I could feel a stirring in my groin when I saw that there was a new message from Sarah. I stood still next to the car and opened the message. It was a picture of Sara with her mouth open and tongue out. Her eyes were a bit foggy. The text that accompanied the message said “would’ve been better if you put your load here.” Damn! The girl was apparently a lot dirtier than I had thought. As expected my cock was now rock hard again. I looked up at the house. In the kitchen window I saw Lisa. When she saw me looking she waved. I considered standing still until my erection had subsided but that would just look strange. I waved back and started walking towards the door. She opened the door when I was just a few steps away.


“That’s right,” I said and stretched my hand out.

She took it and looked me up and down. I saw how she twitched when she saw the large bulge in my pants. But she quickly moved her eyes to my face and smile. It was very apparent that Lisa was Linn’s mother. She had many of her daughters features but with deeper blue eyes and significantly larger breasts. She must have had them enlarged several sizes. She wore a tight tank top that showed off her breast in a favorable manner. I could almost see her nipples through the fabric. I moved my eyes from her breasts, but it was too late. She smiled when I once again looked here in the eyes.


I stepped past her into the hallway.

“You’re not from around here are you?”

“No. I live in Lund. And Kivik in the weekends.”

“How nice. Is it by the sea in Kivik?”

“Close. But no view of the water. Just outside. Up towards Blasingsborg.”

“Oh! That area is so quaint!”

“Yeah, I know. That’s why I bought it. It’s great to get away to after the work week.”

“And now you need a new TV?”

“Yeah. I’m getting one for the guest bedroom and thought it was unnecessary to buy a new one. And then I saw your note.”

She looked me deep in the eyes. It looked like she was trying to figure out if I was lying. Technically I wasn’t. I was planning to put the TV in the guest bedroom if that was all that I left with. All of a sudden her wide smile was back.

“A cup of coffee?”

“With pleasure.”

I followed her into the kitchen. She wore a pair of sweatpants that unfortunately was not showing off too much of her as I would like. I sat down at the table and she poured me a large cup. I dick slowly went flaccid while we were chatting. She asked what I did for a living and I talked a bit about it. She was very interested in how much I had to travel and she said that she would’ve loved to have a job where she would get to travel. I told her that it was not as glamorous as it sounded. Hundreds of hours a year in airports and airplanes.

“Do you live alone?” I asked after Lisa had poured me a second cup.

“No,” she said shaking her head. “My daughter Linn lives here as well.”

“Really? How old is she?” I said trying to look unperturbed.

“Eightteen. But she’s not here right now. She’s at a language course. Will be home in two weeks.”

“Nice. I remember my time abroad at language school when I was younger. Lots of fun. Great memories.”

“Really? Where were you?”

“Spain. Barcelona.”

“Meet many pretty Spanish girls then?” she said smiling.

“Yeah. They were very cute but not so easy to get along with. Mostly hung out with Irish people actually. Completely insane people that I had tons of fun with.”

“I can imagine that you got a lot of girls when you were young.”

“Not as many as you would think,” I said smiling.

“But you got some right?”

“Maybe a couple.”

My phone chimed.

“Excuse me,” I said and pulled my phone out.

New message from Sarah. I opened it. This time it was only a text message. “I want to swallow your cum.” I just stared at the letters for a few seconds before I put my phone down again.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“You were about to tell me about the girls you had sex with in Barcelona,” Lisa said happily.

“Was I? I don’t think that’s what I was about to do.”

“No. But could you do it anyway?”

I laughed. This was going well so far.

“Alright. There was this one pretty wild thing. We were out one night, me and five Irish people. We had been drinking heavily. There were two girls with us Loira and Jennifer. Jennifer was a really cute little black-haired girl that I had wished that I got it on with but never did. Loira on the other hand. She was a bit on the chubby side but with a pretty face and she seemed to be constantly horny. She always wore a dress and never any panties. I probably spent more time looking at her pussy than listening to our teacher during our lessons. Her pubes were pitch black and trimmed to a little triangle. Sometimes she would spread her legs wide enough so that everyone could see. Even the teacher.”

I looked at Lisa. She was completely focused on me and had put one hand over her chest. I thought I could see that her nipples had gone stiff.

“Anyway. We were out this night and me and Loira was on the dancefloor while the others had stayed in their seats drinking. She almost immediately started grinding up towards me when we started dancing. I was only nineteen and constantly horny, so it did not take long before I came in my pants. I moaned in Loira’s ear when it happened, and she looked at me. Then she went down on her knees in front of me. In the middle of the dancefloor. Unbuttoned my fly took out my cumsmeared dick and started licking it clean. It was completely bizarre. When she had finished cleaning my dick she started sucking it. By then people around us had noticed what was happening and started cheering. I stood completely frozen while she blew me. It only took like a minute more for me to fill her mouth with cum. She swallowed everything, to standing ovations from the audience and licked up the last droplets of cum from the tip of my penis when the guards came and threw us out.”

I paused. Lisa’s eyes had become more and more unfocused the further I got along in my story.

“What happened then,” she said with a heavy voice.

I could see her caressing one nipple through the fabric of her top. I realized for the first time that she was not wearing a bra. There were no doubts that she had had her breasts done. There was no possibility that breasts that size would stand out like they did on a 35-year-old.

“We got kicked out of the club. And our friends didn’t even notice that we were gone. This was before the time when everyone had a cellphone. Loira pulled me down to the beach and started, with less audience, to try to get my dick hard a third time. It felt like she was going on it for an hour before she got it up again. She asked if I wanted to fuck her and I naturally said yes. She turned around and put two fingers in her ass. “You have to fuck me in the arse,” she said in her heavy Irish accent. I can still remember those years as if it was yesterday. I pushed my semi-hard dick towards her butthole and it slid in more easily than I had thought. I fucked her, and she started moaning louder and louder. I ended up cumming in her mouth. She complained a little that she had not got to swallow my sperm again, that was apparently what she liked best. The following days we fucked at least four times a day. First she blew me and swallowed my load. The I fucked her. Always in the ass. She explained that she had to remain a virgin until her wedding day, but it didn’t count if you did it with your mouth or in your ass. Or if you got your pussy licked. And she taught me how to go down on a girl, she was actually a great teacher. Strange people. The Irish. But after those weeks having anal sex is always an extra turn-on. Takes me back.”

Lisa had leaned back and hand one hand under the table. It was not hard to guess what she was doing. She had opened her mouth a little and her tongue went back and forth between her lips.

“Thanks for the coffee! Shall we look at that TV now?” I said and put my hands on the table.

Lisa jerked alive and stared at me like I was stupid.

“Yeah, right,” she said and stood up on unsteady legs. “This way,” she said and went out of the kitchen.

I followed her into the living room and to my surprise I found a very sophisticated home theatre system. The TV set was gigantic for the normal sized room and huge speakers stood on each side. On the floor next to the big one stood the one that was for sale. Normally the small one would have looked large in the room but not now.

“Wow. What a set-up. Now I see why you want to get rid of the old one. You like watching movies I guess?”

“Yeah. It’s kind of a hobby. I make them sometimes as well.”

“Really? Amateur director?”

“You … you could put it that way.”

“Exciting. Could you show me something that you have done?”

Lisa looked at me for a long time.

“Are you sure that you want to watch my movies?”

“Sure,” I said trying to play it cool.

Considering what I knew about Lisa it was not difficult to guess what kind of films she was making.

“Ok. Wait a second and I’ll go get one.”

She ran off and I could hear her steps in the staircase. I looked around. Apart from the home theatre there was a large black leather sofa and a bookshelf. The bookshelf held some books, a few ornaments and some liquor bottles. The lower part of the shelf where cupboards. I opened one of the cupboard doors and was met by a long row of DVDs with pornoflicks. I took out one. “Rocco Never Dies,” it said on the cover. The cover showed Rocco Siffredi together with a gang of nude women.

“I see that you found my collection,” Lisa said from behind.

I turned around. She was standing just a step behind me with a black dvd cover in her hands.

“Do you like Rocco?” I said and held out the film I had picked out.


“Pretty hard-core stuff. Rough.”

“But I like it rough,” Lisa said looking me straight in the eyes.

“Me too,” I said and could feel my cock growing hard.

“We can watch it if you like.”

“Later. I want to watch what you made.”

She smiled and walked past me. Close enough so that her breasts brushed against my arm.

“Sit down in the couch and I will get the movie going.”

I went over to the couch and sat down. Lisa went down on all fours in front of the TV and pushed her ass up while putting the disc in. It was a strange position to use for putting in a DVD but I got a great view of her ass, which was probably the whole idea.

“It’s starting soon,” she said and sat down next to me.

She slid towards me and in under my arm that I had put up on the headrest. She put her hand just inches away from my throbbing hard dick which was clearly visible through the fabric of my pants. The movie started. It was an impressively large display that made you feel almost present. The image showed Lisa in red lace underwear and nothing else. She started pulling down the straps of her bra and slowly pulled the bra down to uncover her large breasts. The camera zoomed in. Clearly it was someone else doing the filming. She put two fingers in her mouth and started to caress one of her nipples.

“Do you think I look good?” Lisa said and looked up at me.

“Very,” I said and smiled. “But it seems that you’re more of an actor than a director.”

“That’s true.”

I looked up at the movie again. Lisa had turned around and bent over so that you could get a clear view of her ass. Her thong showed the dark area around her butthole and the string had slid in between her wet labia. Just as Lisa in the movie started pulling her panties down over her ass, I felt how Lisa next to me unzipped my fly. I tried not moving while she coaxed my hard dick out of my pants. Lisa in the movie had put two fingers in her wet pussy and two in her asshole and moved them rhythmically in and out. I felt how Lisa next to me closed her lips around the head of my penis. She started sucking the head hard and used her hands on the shaft. Her tongue played along the underside of my glans and I had a hard time concentrating on the movie. Lisa in the movie was now on all fours on the bed and the camera had zoomed in on her butt. She had brought out a large black dildo and a butt plug. She started working her rear hole with the butt plug. In and out. In and out. Lisa stopped sucking my dick and looked up at me.

“You said you like anal sex, so I picked something appropriate,” she said smiling.

“I like all sex, but it is extra nice with rough sex and rough anal sex in particular,” I said and grabbed the back of her head and pushed her down over my dick.

I pushed until her lips touched my groin. She did not resist when I started fucking her mouth. It was a very strange and exciting feeling to deepthroat her while watching her on the screen where she moved both toys in and out of both her holes. From the speakers came her deep moaning and in my lap, I could hear her gasping for air. I let go when she started pushing upwards and she rose up quickly taking deep breaths. Her eyes shone of excitement and after a few breaths more she dove down and devoured my cock again. I fucked her throat with long strokes all the way to the bottom, she was amazing in the way she could take my cock all the way with each stroke. I had never encountered anyone who could do it like that before. Just as I had suspected, twenty years of experience had made her into an exceptional cocksucker.

“Now I am going to shoot my cum down your throat and then I want you to suck me hard again,” I said and continued with my rough treatment of her mouth and throat. After about ten more strokes I emptied a huge load far down her throat. I release a roar that must have been heard all the way down the block. I continued to push her head down on my cock until she started pushing back. I let her go and she started sucking on my shrinking dick.

“Hands on your back.”

She obeyed and put both her hands on her back. She was now on her knees in the couch sucking my dick while I was watching her on the screen where she was now on her back. Lisa in the movie had the butt plug pushed into her butthole and was pushing the dildo in and out of her wet cunt while caressing one of her large breasts. I moved my hand back to Lisa’s sweatpants and put my hand in under them. I let my hand glide over her ass and was met by something hard.

“And what do we have here?” I asked and pulled down her sweatpants.

In her butthole was a red butt plug.

“How long have you had this in there?”

Lisa stopped sucking my dick for a few seconds. She had still not managed to get any life into it but that did nothing to lessen her effort.

“I put it in just before you arrived.”

“Did you have it in your butt all the while we were drinking coffee?”

“Yes,” she said and smiled a lopsided smile.

“It almost sounds like you were planning for this to happen.”

“Maybe,” she said and got back to sucking my dick.

“Pull your buttcheeks apart with your hands,” I said and pulled her sweatpants down to her knees.

She did as I said and I leaned over her back and slowly pulled the butt plug out. It was wider than I had expected, at least two inches. Well lubricated and slid easily back in when I pushed. Lisa moaned with my cock still in her mouth. I could feel my member slowly coming to life, but it would still be a while until it was useful. I continued working her butthole with the plug and she started moving against my motions. My cock had stiffened enough in her mouth and she was trying to get it deeper and deeper.

“Lie on your back,” I said and lifted her up and sixty-nined her.

I felt her using her hand to put my cock back in her mouth.

“Hands on your back,” I said and put her hands under her. “Don’t move them.”

I started fucking her throat again but soon noticed that I couldn’t get very deep. When she was on her back the angle was wrong. I took a pillow from the other end of the couch and put it under her shoulders and tilted her head down. When I put my cock back in her mouth, I could get all the way in and felt her nose touch my balls. She lay completely still with her blond hair like a halo around her head. I fucked her mouth with a few long strokes before I lay down over her and spread her legs. I licked her pussy to feel the taste. It had a wonderfully sweet scent and the taste made my cock even harder. I continued to fuck her mouth while I started working on her pussy. I put two fingers in and massaged her g-spot while at the same time I lifted out her clit with the fingers of my other hand and started sucking and licking it. It was something that Loira had taught me all those years ago, you could suck a woman’s clit all the way into your mouth and pull it in and out between your lips. Lisa reacted violently to my treatment and started bucking under me.

“Stay still!” I ordered and pushed her head down with my hips.

She stopped moving and I continued to work on her with my fingers and sucking on her clit. After a few minutes I felt how it started twitching in her pelvis and it seemed like an orgasm was approaching. I started fucking her mouth harder and sucked as hard as I could on her clit. Her whole body was shaking and I pushed my cock all the way in her mouth and kept it there. Spasms started going through her body and I kept my cock pushed into her mouth. She started shaking uncontrollably from the orgasm. When her orgasm subsided I pulled my cock out of her mouth and let her breath. She lay knocked out on the couch. At first I was afraid that she had passed out but when I moved around I saw the smile on her face and the look in her eyes.

“Wow,” she said with a sigh.

“Was it any good?”

“Fucking hell, yes. Where did you learn that?”

“From that Irish girl I told you about. You got the same treatment that I gave her. But you came harder than she usually did.”

“My thanks to her then,” Lisa said and rolled over on her side. “You poor thing! Your cock is all hard and no one is taking care of it!,” she said pouting her lips and reached for my cock with her hand.

I looked down on my cock. It was as she said, still very hard.

“Make me cum with only your pussy,” I said and laid down on my back and put a pillow under my head. “No hands. No mouth. No ass. Just your pussy.”

“You have to let me rest for a minute,” she said pleadingly.

I shook my head. She sighed a fake sigh and stood up.

“Can’t I even use my boobs?” she said and pulled her tank top over her head laying bare her big beautiful breast that I had so far only seen on film. A film that was still on in the background where Lisa was now pushing an even larger butt plug into her butthole.

“No. Just your pussy. Nothing else. And let the plug stay in.”

She smiled towards me and straddled me. She pulled her labia apart so that I could see her pink innards. She let the tip of my penis glide into her vagina about an inch and then out again. She repeated the procedure about ten times, each time squeezing with her pussy around my penis. Finally she let herself down all the way and let out a heavy sigh of relief.

“This is some prime quality cock I must say,” she said smiling.

“Never had any complaints so far.”

She started riding me up and down. I could feel the plug that was distending her butthole and it pushed against the underside of my cock. It had been a good choice to keep it in. I closed my eyes and let her work. Up and down. Up and down. After a few minutes I felt the familiar tingling feeling in my groin but I focused and managed to push back the orgasm.

“I’m getting tired in my legs,” Lisa complained after another ten minutes of riding.

“I don’t care. You will make me cum with your pussy.”

She looked at me pleadingly, but I just shook my head. She continued riding my cock up and down and squeezed for all she was worth with her vaginal muscles around the length of my shaft to make my cum faster. I felt it coming again and again I pushed the orgasm back.

“My thighs are burning,” she squealed.

“Continue!,” I said harshly and gripped with my hands around her throat.

She stared at me and rode faster. I held my hands around her throat. She looked down at me and starter riding harder. She started moaning and panting louder and I tightened my grip around her throat. Up, down. Up, down. She drew in shallow breaths and continued riding. She orgasmed again on my cock and I still forced here to ride through it. Finally I was not able to control myself any longer and screamed out my orgasm and pumped her welcoming warm pussy full of my cum. She collapsed on top of me and I felt my cock where it was still deep within her. Her large breasts pushed against my chest and I could hear her shallow breaths in my ear. I caressed her buttocks with my hand and found the plug. I pulled it slowly out of her butt.

“Ooohh,” she moaned weakly as it left her.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms and did not wake up until late at night.


This was part 2 of our Like Mother, Like Daughter – An Erotic Adventure series

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