Chapter 1 – Becoming the dog’s toy [bst],[huml]

I put my mop of curly black hair back through a headband after I kicked off my shoes. It had been a rough week and I was finally able to go home from an overtime shift. Other than some trivial upkeep stuff, I knew that when I walked through my apartment’s door, I would be able to hole myself up for the weekend and recharge my batteries. I was greeted by Bur, my great Dane, who looked at me, yawned, and went back to sleep on the couch. Lazy mutt.

Most people look forward to the weekend, as they can go out to bars with friends and get involved in who knows what. I get enough of people during the week, the weekend is the time for me to enter my own little word, a cocoon surrounded on five sides by rooms, where hopefully I can induce enough chemicals in my body to metamorphosize into an outwardly normal member of society. My weekend consisted of masturbating myself to sleep, binge-watching garbage tv, and usually polishing off two to three bottles of wine.

Good times.

Wearing a pair of shorts and tank top, I popped open a bottle and began to lose myself into Netflix garbage while drinking straight from the bottle. You know, like a real classy lady.

At some point Bur came over and sat on the couch next to me, my fearless companion in the fight against sobriety.

Without delving to far into the details of my life, I was feeling particularly in a funk that night. A few months ago, I had gotten out of a relationship, and it wasn’t exactly mutual. It was dirty and although I hadn’t exactly cried over it in a while, I still felt this emptiness inside of me that was growing larger and larger. Work wasn’t physically hard, I worked as a cashier for a grocery store while on summer break, but it was mentally draining to put on a smile and get shit on by middle class people who think it was my fault a can of corn is five cents more in this shitty store than the still as shitty store down the block. Fucking great stuff.

Combining that whole can of emotions with work sucking, I just wanted to come home and forget the outside world for a little while. Actually, that’s not entirely true. What I needed was a hard pounding.

I know, but my dildo just wasn’t cutting it anymore and ever since my boyfriend left me, I haven’t had a real good fuck. This emptiness in me has always been there, and in those moments when I’m just an object for someone to use, when I’m stuffed full of cock, I just feel that emptiness goes away a little bit.

Maybe that makes me fucked up in the head, but I love losing myself in the act of sex so depraved that I don’t have to be me for even a little bit. I never told my ex that, but he caught on to me enjoying him being rougher than normal, and things were getting more and more extreme when he left. Again, nothing to extreme, just being a bit rougher. Like throwing me on the bed and rutting like animals rough. He would use me, fill me up, and then lay down on his side of the bed, leaving me used and abused.
He figured out pretty early on I wasn’t big on the whole after sex thing, preferring to relish in the feeling by myself. That and when you rut like that you get hot, and cuddling was only going to make me sweat more. One of the main reasons I missed him, he knew what I liked.

I ran my hand through my hair, trying to swallow the memories this Friday night already a bottle of wine in. I queued up another random episode of American Horror story as Bur began to snore next to me. Boredom creeping in like the world’s fastest snail made the second hour of the show unbearable, and I knew I would have to do something else or risk blowing my brains out from the boredom.

Patting Bur on the head, I got up and went into my bedroom, and turned on my laptop. I sat at the desk, idly tapping my bare feet on the carpet while the screen came to life. Thus, began the search for anything to get off too. A task that wasn’t easy as I found my life spiraling further and further into whatever unnamed hole I was falling into. It’s just that most porn was so boring, two people just going at it, usually ‘step-siblings’ and it’s just shitty acting and fake moaning. Idiotic dialogue, cut to the ‘teen’ gargling on the guys cock, some bland sex with horrible camera angles, then a facial where the girl stares like a dead fish at the camera.

Obviously, the epitome of libido stimulation.

I found myself going down rabbit holes in the past, BDSM, Public stuff, a lot of amateur, CNC. Anything that made me feel more than disgust at what I was watching. Something that gave me a little tingle down there that I could rub into something that could pass as an orgasm. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember what I was looking for when I came across it. I was on some streaming site that had categories for every conceivable genre of porn. Being a whole bottle of wine in and drinking a can of beer I found in the fridge (Miller High Life for those who are curious) I don’t really know how I ended up on the page that I did.

Bestiality porn was on my screen. Now, the genre isn’t something I’m altogether new too, having gone through some real erotica kicks in my time, and that’s a genre that is arguably more represented in the written word than in video, but there in front of me was undeniably video footage of a women’s degradation to a dog.

It was obviously an amateur film, shot in grainy 420p. The camera was looking at the two from the side, the German Shepard giving small thrust into the chubby women. It was only a few minutes, and I wanted to lie and say that I was going to close down the video in disgust, and then I hesitated and couldn’t help but continue to watch. But the fact of the matter is, the second I heard the small moans of pleasure escaping from the girls lips it didn’t even cross my mind.

No, I watched it through completely, not skipping around to the best parts like a normally did. And then I watched it again. And again. Each time the clip repeating itself a warm feeling spreading inside of me. The chubby short haired girl was either a great actor or was truly having the best sex of her life as she moaned in a way I hadn’t seen before. She had no reason to fake it for the dog, he just wanted a hole to pound. The room was slightly dark, but it was just light enough to see the deep red of the dog’s cock slipping into her as he occasionally pulled free before finding his mark again and sliding right back into her waiting hole. The vieny, slippery shaft reflected the low light in the room, contrasting with the beast black fur.

As I watched the video, I immediately wanted to reach down and grab my dildo and just go to town on myself. My hand stilled though. Was it really worth it?

Spend the next fifteen minutes shoving the fake cock in me, rubbing my clit until I was given an unsatisfactory orgasm, another in a long line of things that no longer fill the void. I scowled and slammed my laptop shut.

I stood up, noticing Bur was in the room, sleeping. Scowling again that anything other than shame crossed my mind, I walked out of the room in just my tank top. I chastised myself for letting such a disgusting, degenerate thought to cross my mind.

I started a shower in the dark and got under the scalding stream after undressing. Spreading soap over my body, my hands rested on my breast. I splashed some water over them, feeling sparks of electricity run through my body as they were exposed rapidly back and forth to the hot water and the humid, albeit cooler, air.

Showring in the dark always made the sensations I felt while I explored my body all the more intense. I started to play with myself, the steam filling my lungs as I could feel the blood rushing to my skin. If the lights were on, no doubt a red blush of butterfly wings would be visible on my chest and back. It was only after a few minutes of touching myself that I grunted in frustration and finished the shower.

Seems like when I was a bottle of wine and a little bit of beer, I couldn’t get off easily. That or the combination of a shitty job, friends being busy, and having my boyfriend leave me had finally pushed my body over a physiological edge where not even getting off would bring me out of whatever hole my mind was in.

Running my hand through my wet mop of curls, I walked back into the living room naked, hoping to enjoy the rest of my evening with some mind-numbing Netflix documentary about people who had it a lot worse than me.

I could feel my eyes unfocus as the show became background noise. A sharp scowl left my throat as I stared blankly at the ceiling. Fuck it.

I got up from the couch and marched myself back to my bedroom and grabbed the dildo. Laying on the bed, I started to thrust it in and out of myself…

Only to just not get anything from it. I threw the dildo across the room, frustrated and horny and just on edge. I let out a grunt of frustration, pressing the palms of my hands into my eyes until I started to see stars.

There was no getting around it, the image of that video kept on playing over and over in my head.

I looked up as Bur made a smacking noise and looked up to see him with my dildo in his mouth. There was no way I could suppress the chuckle that tore out of my throat. I nearly bent over in laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation.

There I was, naked and horny, doubled over in laughter. My walls gave a strong clench. I stood back up and sighed.

The answer just seemed so obvious to me. I walked towards Bur, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts as I actually considered doing it. Bur was chewing on the toy like he would any normal bone, if not licking it a bit more often.

I ran my hand through my still wet hair. Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with me.

It occurs to me after the fact that loneliness mixed with what was probably too much wine was a pretty valid excuse for why I did what I did. But if I am being honest with myself, it’s something that I eventually would have done regardless.

Besides the utter loneliness that I felt as I walked towards Bur, a sense of paranoia came over me. I mean Christ, I had neighbors on all sides of me. What if they heard? Fuck, what if like God is watching or something?

I stood in front of Bur as he just idly chewed the used sex toy. Gently slapping the sides of my face, I argued with myself. Nut up or shut up. Nut up or shut up.

Despite my paranoia I knew that ultimately, I would be the only one who would know what would happen. I walked past Bur and picked up my laptop.

I led him into the living room, because fuck it, if I was going to do this, I wanted room to do so damnit, and my closet of a bedroom wasn’t going to cut it.

The laptop was on the coffee table in front of me, the same video that I couldn’t get off my mind queued up and playing. My fingers traced the outline of my folds, my finger caressing my clit to the rhythm of the dog pounding into the moaning women. Of fucking course, I wasn’t able to get off, and I all succeeded in doing was make me wetter and more frustrated.

Bur was in the room, lazily watching me, chewing on the dildo. Probably couldn’t use that anymore, not with all the bite marks. A future problem for future me.
He looked up at me as I walked towards him, a neutral look on his face. I think he could sense that I was approaching him in a different manor than I have before. He wasn’t scared or happy, just confused. Might even be because this was the first time I approached him naked.

Time seemed to slow as I walked over to him, staring into his dark eyes. I was becoming more and more aroused as the silence stretched on. I gritted my teeth, my heart pounding in my ears. You always like being treated like an animal in the sack…but isn’t this going a little to far?

I crossed my arms over my breast.

Nut up or shut up.

I turned around and got on all fours, my nearly steaming pussy looking right at Bur. Jesus, I could use a whole other bottle of wine with how nervous I was.

I’m not an expert on dog behavior. It could be the sight of a someone on all fours in front of them. It could be the smell of my burning cunt. It could have been a lot of things.

All I know is that within a few seconds of presenting myself to him, I heard him stir and begin sniffing around me. Like the lumbering idiot he was, it took him a lot longer than I thought to actually hop up on my presented hindquarters.

The thought to shake him off briefly passed through the haze of me drunken mind, but it sunk back into the ether of subconscious before I gave it serious thought. It just all felt so pointless, so dumb.

I stayed on my hands and knees like that until her I felt his hips start to hump on my thighs, his prick rapidly stiffening and jabbing into the soft skin of my butt and thighs. His paws dug into my skin and he was panting heavily in my ear. His weight fell upon me.

Jesus you damn mutt could you tak…

All thoughts ceased as he found his mark. I gritted me teeth and grunted. It didn’t hurt exactly…it was just a strange feeling. More strange than just being mounted and fucked by a dog. My dog.

It was just the tip at this point, but I could feel his thrust pick up in intensity, driving more of himself into me with a…well a bestial persistence.

It was warm, a lot warmer than a man’s. A lot slipperier too, if the progress he was making with each thrust was to go by. I mean sure I was a little wet, but his cock was moist as well. Although it was smooth, it was rigid, like a living peace of leather.

I was starting to panic and knew that if I lost concentration even for a second, he would shove his whole length into me. I grunted, already cramping.

He was maybe four inches in when the cramping got too much for me and I had to let go.

Bur, who was thrusting just as hard as before, found no more resistance and quickly sunk his full length into me open hole. I grunted and was pushed forward. I thought that he would slow down for a second, let us catch or breaths but if anything, his thrust picked up speed.

I felt a wave of pleasure tear through me with every thrust, every time the soft fur of his stomach made contact with my ass. There was no break, no relishing in the feeling of his body atop mine.

Just quick, hard thrust.

It wasn’t altogether odd, the physical sensation of it. Part of me was screaming insults into the depths of my mind, things like being a dog bitch. I silenced those voices as best I could, knowing I had already way crossed whatever line my subconscious had set.

Bur’s cock was weird inside me though. It wasn’t like a man’s cock, or really any toy or vegetable I had shoved up myself. Those all had straight lines, a smooth curve. Bur’s was much more of an odd shape, tapering to almost a point.

I looked around the room as a fresh wave of shame burned throughout my body. Maybe I really was a dog whore. I mean was it really the strangest thing I had put inside me? Give me enough loneliness and enough time to make something seem slightly phallic to me and fuck it I would give it a try. Maybe that’s all I really was, in the end.

A filthy whore.

A filthy whore full of dog cock.

It felt like the eyes of everyone I had ever met were looking at me, this human bitch. Did my parents ever think their daughter would take a dog cock? Did my ancestors know that one day, their bloodline would be tainted with beast cum? I bit my lip, hard, and placed my head in between my outstretched hands, my forehead on the carpeted floor.

He kept up his brutal onslaught of thrust, hitting me deeper and deeper as my body accommodated him. At some point, pleasure started to trickle through the shame and within minutes, it was a world I was lost in.

I knelt there on the floor with my head lowered, legs spread, and my ass presented, being rutted by a dog and I was finally, finally, starting to enjoy the thrill. Shame be damned, how many other women have reached this depth of depravity and actually gone through with it? Let it be known to all the judgmental ghost watching a dog pound into me that I am not a coward. I looked up, pride welling in me even as my hair clung to my face in large clumps due to tears.

I’ll say they were all from pleasure.

Here I was building myself up while getting pounded. I nearly laughed at the absurdity of the situation.

I started to feel good not long after. Like really good. Like deep breathing and a deep, visceral joy inside me that shot pleasure from my crotch to the tips of my nipples.

Bur was going to get off, I was just a hole after all, it made no difference to him. So why shouldn’t I?

I snaked my hand in between my legs and begin to rub my fingers along my clit. I was beyond soaked down there already, my own secretions mixing with the slimy dog cock in amounts I was sure would damage the carpet.

He picked up the pace slightly, and I soon found myself meeting his thrust, rocking back and forth in time with his doggy hips. I tried clenching as he pulled out to make it as pleasurable for him as possible, until he rammed it right back into me. Who the fuck knows if Bur would even appreciate it, but guys in the past had so fuck it.

Surely even the burliest of dogs would appreciate the pleasure I would give them by doing that. Even if I was just a willing hole for him.

I looked up again, at the door that led into the hallway. People could be walking by right now and have no idea that a dog bitch was getting pounded mercifully by man’s best friend. I felt like an animal myself, starting to lose my humanity in Bur’s long thrust.

I was moaning uncontrollably, the sounds losing all meaning other than pleasure, my mind starting blank with just how raw and good I felt.

Bur was enjoying his new cocksleeve if his increased pace was anything to go by.

I clenched hard down on him, realizing I was cumming only as it started to happen, and I threw my head back and arched my back as the rolling orgasm took me.

Did I really just come on a dog’s dick?

Fuck, I really am a slut.

The hot flash of shame swept through me again. Would people know that these hips had been pounded by something other than man, a rutting beast that was slowly molding my pussy into the shape of his unnatural cock? All because my horniness and emptiness had finally reached a boiling point.

I whimpered as his thrust became as frantic as they could. Was…was he going to cum soon? His legs scratched mine as they tried to find more purchase so he could drive himself as deep as possible to release his seed.

A quick thought of, what if he comes inside me, flashed through my mind, which I had to bite back the sharp laughter that brought on.

I’m a dog’s bitch, he can come damn well were he pleases, even if that is deeper than anyone had ever done so before.


I came again just thinking of being pumped full of Bur’s seamen.

It was in the throes of this orgasm, and his last few powerful thrust, that I felt something bump against my pussy lips.

See, being so lost in my orgasmic daze, I had completely forgotten about Bur’s knot. Panic began to set in, and while I tried to scramble away, I felt my pussy open up around the hot ball and soon enveloped it.

I brought one of my arms up to my mouth to stop myself from screaming, the pain and pleasure mixing in a delicious combo

In his last few strokes, I let out low, long groan that sounded like a cat in heat. My toes curled and my whole body quivered as my spasming cunt began to milk thin, water spurts of seamen out from his cock, the bestial cock held in place by the dense knot.

Bur, never the gentleman, tried to dismount right away.

Perhaps if I was a dog, he wouldn’t have been able to get away as easily.

But damn it, it had taken a lot of work to get the knot it, I wanted to enjoy the feeling of being full for a few minutes. I clenched hard, keeping his knot inside. He turned, making us ass to ass as I relished the fullness his knot brought me.

Every time he pulled, it sent an intense wave of pleasure through me, and I found myself orgasming soon, his cock twitching occasionally inside me. I felt so stuffed, both with his meat and the copious amounts of warm, watery cum.
Fuck. I had actually done it.

I let me depravity control me, and here I was forcing a dock cock to stay in me longer. I clenched my jaw and eyes shut to stop tears from flowing out.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I felt his knot sleep out as my walls gave way, and next thing I knew I had woken up, still laying down on the living room floor.

The wine, high emotions, and sexual exhaustion must have made me pass out soon after Bur was through with me.

Fuck me I was sore, I realized as I walked to the shower. But I oddly felt good mentally. Almost…


I spent a long time in the shower, cleaning the depths of my insides of doggy cum and shame as best I could.

I couldn’t help but think I would get better at it with time.

Fuck. I bit my lip, feeling my nipples start to stiffen. Did I already assume there was going to be a next time?

My pussy clenched at the thought.



  1. That was one of the hottest stories ever. It was so well written that it just captured me. Bravo!

  2. Too bad I can only upvote this one time. That was so hot. I really forward to reading more!

  3. This is not normally my kind of thing, but your writing is really, really good. Well done!

  4. absolutely incredible

    just love that ‘you’ needed it so bad you lost ability to reason

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