The Babysitter/Dungeon Master 10: The Restless Barbarian[Fmmm][Ageplay][Dungeons and Dragons]

Hey guys! Chapter 10 incoming! Thanks so much for continuing to read, glad to have this installment out to you guys without too much of a wait! As always, if you enjoy leave a comment or feel free to send me a message. Until next time! *(This work is entirely fictional, as are the characters portrayed in it.)*


# The Babysitter/Dungeon Master 10: The Restless Barbarian


The night that Amy dropped the bomb on us… that she knew about our secret drive… changed everything. I didn’t have the time or precious mental attention to process why as she said she was going to bed. I watched her scamper off upstairs, and then looked back to my phone screen. The picture that was just taken a moment ago was still full screen. I wasn’t sure how it even happened, she made this… face… and then suddenly the top of her shirt was around her waist. It had to be an accident based on how red her cheeks were, she definitely seemed a bit embarrassed. Regardless…

It Was. Glorious.

Her head was tilted upward, as were her big brown eyes. Her mouth hung open, tongue hanging, drool running downward. Her shoulders were a bit shrugged together, and her completely exposed tits squeezed up against each other. They seemed even bigger in the picture. Her tits really stole the show, especially the petite pink nipples that pointed outward. The boner in my pants from looking at the picture was intense.

It throbbed.

I looked around at Will and Brandon who were both staring at their screens too. I leaned over to look at Will’s phone, but the image was nearly identical. None of us had spoken yet. I didn’t really know what this meant, except that we weren’t getting in trouble and we were allowed to jack off right now. We all made hesitant eye contact, and I knew that they were sporting boners as furious as mine was right now. I let one arm casually rest on my lap, so there was at least a bit of pressure on my cock.

“So, we’re supposed to jack off right now?” Will finally asked, in a rather hushed tone. Amy was well in her room right now, and we could hear the Taylor Swift songs playing inside.

It throbbed again.

Brandon had his phone carefully clutched in his hands when he replied, “I.. uh, think we’re supposed to do it here. She didn’t technically give us permission to do it anywhere else… I think…”

“Fuck it then,” I said, not even really care what Brandon’s reasoning was. He was the smart one, and I couldn’t wait. I furiously reached and pulled down my shorts, my boxers went along for the ride. I wrapped my right hand around the throbbing erection, and almost immediately felt a sense of relief. I didn’t even look to see if Will and Brandon followed suit, I just stared at the picture on my phone. It was now my most precious possession.

It didn’t even take a minute before I knew I was ready to blow my load. My left hand reached down into my backpack sitting next to my chair, and pulled out the green panties I’d stolen from Amy’s room weeks back. I’d been shooting loads into them… a lot. I did manage to sneak them into the laundry when dad wasn’t home, so they were clean… But then I shot my newest load into them, wrapping them around the tip of my cock and squeezing gently.

I had slept well that night, but the next three days were torture.

Amy didn’t mention that night, the oath, or anything in the next days. We continued on as if it never happened. We did our chores in the early afternoon when we woke up, and Amy made sure to check that we had completed them. I had to mow the lawn at mine and my dad’s place, clean the bathrooms, and clean the gutters.

None of us gathered enough courage to ask if we could masturbate again, but being around Amy meant having a constant boner. If she was in the room, I couldn’t look away. She seemed a bit more casual with her clothing, often wearing short shorts and a tank top. It wasn’t uncommon to see the edges of her bras, or the straps. I hung on her words, constantly wanted to be close to her, and couldn’t stop thinking about the things I wanted to do to her.

On the night of the third day, Will and Brandon were sleeping, but I lay awake restlessly. I looked at my phone, it was almost 3am. I swiped back to the drive, and just cycled through the pictures of Amy. My fist was wrapped around my cock with my left hand, and it took everything I had to just gently squeeze instead of full on jacking it. I couldn’t remember the last whole day that I went without cumming… it was daily thing, most days I did it multiple times.

I had a three day build up, and it was going to drive me nuts. I had to get out of the room, so I put my phone to sleep, and tried to quietly exit. Luckily I had bottom bunk, so it was rather easy to slip out into the dark bottom floor hallway. I shut the door behind me, and began toward the kitchen and living room area. That’s when I heard Amy’s voice coming from the kitchen, and I stopped.

“I made them agree to terms,” I heard her say, as it sounded like the fridge door was opened. The kitchen light was on, but dimmed. I could hear her taking items from the fridge. I assumed she was on the phone with someone, but I didn’t hear a second voice. She giggled, “Yeah, an oath. I called it the *Oath of Devotion and Bondage*…” She giggled, and I stood silently in the hallway, breathing very slowly. “It’s a thing from the D&D campaign I’m running for them. There’s this NPC that I play, she’s a goddess that their characters have sworn to serve.”

I slowly moved to the side of the hallway, and hugged up against the wall as stealthily as I could manage. I snuck a bit forward to hear better.

“Yeah, I know it’s super dorky. But it’s fun,” Amy laughed, and the fridge door closed. I could feel my heart thumping as I secretly eavesdropped. “I got a little playful with it. I had their characters cum in a magical chalice, and then the goddess drank it.” Amy laughed, and I imagined she was hearing laughter on the other side from her tone as she told the story. I could hear the subtle clinking of glass. “I’m not a cumslut!” She said, a bit high pitched. “Okay, maybe a little bit of a cumslut, but don’t exaggerate.”

I had always thought more about the things I wanted to do to Amy, but hadn’t really considered the things that she liked in particular. To hear her call herself a bit of a cumslut sent a slew of lewd images through my mind. It made sense that she would like it, she kept getting those videos and pictures of us cumming on images of her face. We had all, obviously, imagined what it would be like to shoot a load onto her face. I wondered if that was an idea she got off to.

“I don’t know!” Amy exclaimed in response to some question I couldn’t hear. The fridge opened and shut again, and I heard the sink go for just a moment.  “I mean, I’ve already flashed them and given them a little show. I think I’m gonna take it farther… but it has to be timed right.”

I really wished that I could hear the whole conversation.

“Fine, go to bed, slut.” She giggled, as the conversation seemed to be coming to a close. “Goodnight, love ya.”

I shook my head, and crept back toward the bedroom door quietly. I opened the door audibly, and then shut it again. I composed myself, and walked toward the kitchen as if I had just come out of the room. As I turned the corner into the kitchen, there she was sitting on a stool… drinking a milk shake. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail, and she was obviously dressed for night time. She had on a long black t-shirt that was clearly too big for her. It fit loosely and went all the way down to her thighs. I couldn’t tell if she was wearing shorts or anything underneath it at all. On the front of the tee were printed lyrics from a Taylor Swift song in large bold print, ‘I did something bad.’ Her legs were crossed, one over the other. She had on these long black socks, with three white stripes at the top, that went up to just below her knee. She sat there poised with all the grace is the universe.

“Oh, hey there,” she said, and her cherry lips wrapped around a straw. She casually slurped up some of the shake, “I thought you guys were asleep.”

“They are…” I said, as I scratched my head. It took me a moment to finally look away from her, as she looked so damn cute. “I couldn’t really sleep though, so I thought I’d come in here.”

“I don’t believe I’ve yet given you permission to come,” she said, and again slurped on the shake.

It took me a moment to realize what she *meant,* as she had told us we can sleep and hang out downstairs anytime we wanted. I shook my head once her words processed, and protested. “Oh no, I didn’t mean *that*, I just meant coming in here to hang out…”

“I’m joking,” she said, giggling, before I rambled on anymore. She sat down the shake, and turned around. Even when standing up, the t-shirt came down far enough to prevent me from knowing what was being worn underneath. “Wanna go in the living room?”

I nodded, and followed her into the next space. The lights were off in the living room, but there was a dim glow shining from the kitchen. Amy sat on one end of the couch, her back leaning against the high arm, and let her legs stretch lay down the couch. I sat on the opposite side, her feet coming all the way to the edge of my cushion. I sat facing her, my back to the arm of the couch, with my legs crossed. Even half laying on the couch, I still couldn’t see any sign of shorts or underwear underneath the long tee.

“So, what’s keeping you awake?” She asked, as one leg crossed over the other.

“Oh, um…” I started, not really sure what to answer. I wasn’t usually this nervous, but this was the first time Amy and I were really alone together since that night. I was beginning to sound like Brandon. I didn’t at all know what to say, or how to act. Instead of being myself, I began to try to think like my D&D character would. He was a charming, yet quite blunt barbarian, or at least that’s how Amy had described how I played him. So, I asked myself what the barbarian would say, “Well, I believe I’ve got a bit of a build up between my legs, if you know what I mean.”

A smile crept onto Amy’s face. “Oh yeah, three days a little too long for you?” She had a bit of a laugh in her tone, but her eyes seemed kind.

“Oh yeah,” I said, my tone suddenly a bit more confident. “And I don’t think my parents would appreciate it if you let my dick explode while they’re on vacation. It’d really blow up all their plans.” Her smile was static for a moment, but then she cracked. Her head leaned back a bit, and she let out a full audible laugh. I loved making her laugh.

“Well,” she started, trying to catch a moment between chuckles to speak. “They did entrust you to my expert care, dick and all.” I chuckled with her, and suddenly the air in the room felt a bit lighter. “I suppose you’ve waited long enough to rub one out..” She put a finger in the air, as if something had just come to her. “But first, you must do something for me!”

“Anything,” I said, nodding with the confidence stolen from my fictional barbarian.

“First, take off my socks,” she said, as she uncrossed her legs and lifted one of her feet upward toward my face. I smiled, and my hands went up toward her knees. My fingers stopped at the hem of the socks, but my eyes continued to move along the length of her leg. The t-shirt rode up a bit when she lifted her leg and I could see her underwear… Well, I could see a white cloth that definitely seemed like the edge of her underwear. My fingers wrapped around the sock, and my heartbeat increased just a bit at the chance to make skin to skin contact… even if it was just my knuckles on her leg. I gently pulled down the sock, all the way until it slid off the end of her foot. She smiled, lowered that leg, and raised the second one. As her legs moved, her shirt shifted a bit more, and I saw a bit more of the cloth at the end of her legs. “See something interesting down there?”

I shook my head, and my eyes darted up toward her face. She had a peculiar smile on her face, and she shook her head too. “Oh yeah,” I said, still leaning into the persona. “Breakfast!”

She laughed audibly again, this time a little louder. “Persuasion check failed!” I laughed with her, but was genuinely disappointed. Not that I’d thought she’d just let me take off her panties and lick her pussy… but I could dream. I took off the second sock, and laid them both on the floor beside the couch. “Okay, now rub my footsies.”

She laid both of her feet in my lap, and her shirt went back to covering up her panties. I could already feel a boner growing at just the idea of touching her feet. I had done this for her once before, weeks back, the same day that I stole her panties. I didn’t say anything as my hands gently went to her feet. My fingers wrapped around the top, and my thumb brushed along her soles. “Like this?” I asked, as my hands gently squeezed, and began to rub.

“That’s a good start,” she said, as her head rested back against the arm of the couch, and she closed her eyes. “Gentle at first, then gradually apply more pressure. Remember what you’re doing, this is a duty you will be called upon to fulfill again.”

I kept the motions relatively the same for just a bit, as suddenly there was a silence between us. I focused on what I was doing, and stayed very gentle. My palms rubbed along the top of her feet, and I started to let my fingers reach up to her ankles. Her skin was so soft, and I couldn’t believe I was getting to do this again. I kept applying more and more pressure, focusing this time as to not squeeze too hard. She let out a small moan.

“Okay, now go up a bit and rub my legs,” she said, her eyes not opening.

I had to focus to keep my palms from getting sweaty from nerves. I just kept thinking like the barbarian would. My palms traveled up the front of her legs, and wrapped around and rubbed down her thighs. Her legs folded up a bit as I began to rub them, and her t-shirt began to ride back up. Her legs were extremely smooth, not a trace of the stubbly legs hairs like I had. My fingers went up as far as her knees, then all the way back down to her feet. Up and down, I went, gently gliding and occasionally squeezing. I lost the ability to track time as I just lavished in the ability to touch her skin.

Her head leaned to her left, and she let out a small, “Mmm.”

Her knees began to drift apart, and again her t-shirt rode up. This time though, she slumped a little bit, adjust her back. When she did this, her shirt was pulled up toward her stomach, and suddenly I could see her panties in full. They were white boy short panties, a term I had learned from from extensive ‘research’ online. My hands stopped moving for a moment, as I was a bit surprised by the image printed on the front of the panties.

It was a picture of Squirtle.

“You okay?” She asked, opening one eye to see why I had paused. I shook my head and went back to rubbing. Her eyes closed again, and then suddenly her left leg lifted upward and her foot rested on my shoulder. “Now, rub my thighs, one at a time.”

Both of my hands came to her knee as I processed what she just said. I had to go onto my knees and move forward a bit, closer toward her, so her leg would be comfortable. She was rather flexible, her legs at almost a ninety degree angle from one another. My hands slowly began to slip downward past her knee. Her skin was even softer on her thighs. One hand went along the inside of her thigh, the other on the outside. My eyes stared downward at her panties, and Squirtle stared right back at me. After a few minutes, she swapped legs, putting her right leg on my right shoulder. I repeated the same rubbing technique, all the while my infuriated boner twitching in my shorts.

I just kept rubbing, and staring between her legs. I wished I had x-ray vision, as I tried to imagine what lay beneath that smiling pokemon.

“Mmm, that’s good,” she said after a bit, finally taking her legs back. Her eyes opened, and she sat up on the couch. “You have good hands for massaging.”

“Thanks,” I said, sitting back down on my butt in the middle of the couch, a bit disappointed that it was over.

“Okay, I suppose you can masturbate tonight.” She said, and seemed to be casually looking around the room, considering something. “You can do it here… and…” She looked as if she finally had an idea, and stood up. Her shirt went back down covering her panties as she stood up in front of the couch. She bent over, hands reaching up under the t-shirt, and then suddenly they emerged at her thighs with her panties. My eyes watched intently, but as she removed her panties I could see nothing above her thighs.

She handed the Squirtle panties too me, and my eyes went a bit wide. “Cum in those,” she said, with a bit of a devious smile on her face. She slowly turned around so that her back was to me, “You have to do it now, you only have one minute!”

I lost about five seconds processing that, just staring at her back as she stood there. Then suddenly, realizing my deadline, I pulled my dick out of my shorts. It was well at attention already. Instinctively my left hand brought Squirtle to my face, and my right fist wrapped around my dick and began jacking. It was intense. The panties that I’d stolen before had been clean, but these she had just been wearing. I could smell something I had never smelled before. The aroma, though dim, filled me with a new sensation. I couldn’t help but to hold my breath, panties to my face, as all the cum from the last three days began to swell up.

My mouth opened as it all began to burst forward. I wrapped Squirtle around the tip, and my eyes rolled back as several huge gushes of cum poured into the cotton panties. I couldn’t ever remember cumming this much… As the flow finally came to an end, I looked down. The panties were soaked through, with Squirtle as the primary source of impact. I tucked my dick back into my shorts as she started to turn around.

“Oh wow,” she said, her eyes immediately looking down to what I had down to her panties. I could do nothing but watch as she reached down, and took them from me. She held them up, and smiled. “You weren’t lying about having a build up.” She giggled, and then bent down. She put her feet through the panties and pulled them up her legs. Again like magic, she somehow slid the panties back up into position without me catching a glimpse of what was between her legs.

My cock throbbed one last time as I realized what she had just done.

“Get some sleep now!” She said, as she began to walk toward the stairs. I watched her walk up the stairs wearing the panties full of my cum. In my mind I could only imagine my cum in her panties, pressing between her legs as she walked. She disappeared from view, and I let my body just lean over and lay on the couch. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. My eyes rolled backward, and I immediately fell asleep.



  1. I’m a simple man, I see the next part of these stories and I save it and upvote. Can’t wait for the next!

  2. very nice!

    the babysitter theme reminded me of another great stories here, The Tutor. too bad that one doesn’t come to completion… yet!

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