In Bloom, Part II – [Mf][nc][abduction][anal][breeding]

Jason struggled getting through the rest of the day. After the first two periods, he stopped worrying about Monica being discovered; she was quite obedient. The excitement was harder to manage. Between replaying what happened earlier and her smell faintly wafting from the closet, he had a lot of difficulty focusing on his lesson plan.

The school used a staggered schedule, so today was one of the days that ended two periods early. He only had 30 minutes left to endure before he could start putting his extraction plan into action. As the students in the current period were working on their essays, Jason started sketching out the plan to identify any potential trouble spots.

The first part was easy. He was going to grab one of the large boxes and a dolly from the storeroom. Monica was a fairly small girl and he was pretty sure she’d fit in one of those boxes that the new chairs for the library came in. He’d have to fold down his back seat to get the box to fit in his small car, but it should work.

One potential problem would be if someone asked him what the box was for. Normally, he could come up with a reason for taking an empty box, but if he was wheeling it out with the dolly he’d need to explain why he had something heavy that he was taking home. Many of the teachers knew he was renovating a home to be a rental property, so he was going to say he picked up some of the excess tile from the work done on the school over the summer. A huge pile of tile boxes sat on a pallet in the back of the school and he thought no one would question him further about it.

The greatest challenge, of course, would be keeping Monica quiet and in the box until they got to the car. She had behaved very well so far, but he had to imagine she’d try something once they were out in the open. He’d do his best to secure the box shut, but she’d have a chance to tip the box over or otherwise act unlike a bunch of tile.

Once she was in the car, everything else should be easy. He’d drive her to the rental property. There was a garage, so he could unload her without anyone being suspicious. Then down into the basement and that very strange room he discovered after they bought the property will be put to good use. His bulge was already straining against his pants as he thought about Monica in the room.

He waited about 30 minutes after the buses left and then took a look around the hallway. It looked empty, so he headed back to the storeroom to get the box and dolly. He also spotted a couple of straps, so he used those to secure the box to the dolly. As he took his haul back to the classroom, he only saw a couple janitors getting ready for the end of day cleanup. They were so checked out they didn’t acknowledge him as they passed.

Could it really be this easy?

He rolled the dolly into the classroom and covered the window in the door again. Taking the lid off the box, Jason did some mental calculations and shook his head–yeah, she’d definitely fit with plenty of room. He opened the door to his closet and was struck by his beautiful hostage. He immediately aroused by their concentrated mixed scent. He filed this away–she should not be cleaned up before being put away. He couldn’t’ help himself and leaned in to look at her pussy again. It was glistening, so he leaned in. She shivered as his tongue moved between her lips and he groaned softly to announce how much he enjoyed tasting her. Reluctantly, he pulled away. “As much as I want to continue, we really should get moving, Monica.”

He put one arm behind her knees and one below her shoulders. Jason gently lifted her knees first and enjoyed her being in his arms for a moment; her soft thighs felt wonderful against his arm. He looked down with affection at her body restrained and her mouth taped. With a nervous laugh he said, “I guess it’s silly to ask this of you, but it would really be helpful if you could stay quiet for this next part.”

As he carried her towards the box, she began to squirm and tried to protest through the tape. He was pleased with how little noise she was able to make and thought his plan to mask her attempted screams would work just fine. He lifted her her legs over the box and then tried as gently as possible to lower her down. While he controlled her descent, his hands explored her body once again running over her bare ass and across her back. He adjusted her position so the lid would fit and took the opportunity to grope her breasts one last time in the classroom before securing the lid to the box with some duct tape. He pulled the dolly back to confirm he could move it easily with the box loaded and then put it back down.

“One more thing and then we’ll start our journey.” Jason opened a desk drawer and pulled out a small Bluetooth speaker. He would sometimes use it to listen to podcasts during his planning periods, but today it would help him cover up any noises Monica might make. He turned on the speaker and started scrolling through his phone for a good song. He wanted something symbolic. He didn’t have to scroll far.

He smiled as the song’s guitar and sync opening played through the speaker. “Ah, this is perfect,” he muttered walking towards to the door. He pulled it open with the timid optimism of a plan halfway executed then walked back to the dolly.

> I’m in the dark, I’d like to read his mind

> But I’m frightened of the things I might find

The music echoed in the hallway as he wheeled Monica towards the side exit by the teacher’s parking lot. He picked up the speed as he approached the doors.

>Hush hush, keep it down now, voices carry

>Hush hush, keep it down now, voices carry

Jason did a little pirouette with the dolly as he arrived at the door so he could push the double doors open with his back. He felt the release bar press against his back and he hurried the dolly through the opening before the doors shut.

>I try so hard not to get upset

>Because I know all the trouble I’ll get

>Oh, he tells me tears are something to hide

>And something to fear-eh-eh

>And I try so hard to keep it inside

>So no one can hear

He turned so the dolly was back in front and started humming along with the song as his anxiety lessened. He rolled over the asphalt and up to his car bumper. He unlocked the car, sat the speaker on the roof, and was pulling the rear seats down when he heard steps.

>He wants me, but only part of the time

>He wants me, if he can keep me in line

“Hey Jason–rocking it old school, huh?”

“Hi Mark. Yeah, I’m going to work on the rental to do some work. Figured some tunes might help.”

“What’s in the box?,” Mark asked as he gave the box a shake.

“Oh, I just picked up some of that tile from the back of the school.” Jason moved between Mark and the box, hoping he wouldn’t notice the shaking from Monica trying to move around. He then leaned on the box to keep it still.

“Right–well, that’s good you can use that stuff. It’s just been sitting around for so long.”

“Yeah, I talked to June about it and she said they didn’t have any plans for it.”

“Cool–need any help getting it into the car?”

“Thanks, but I’m good, man. I appreciate it though. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Mark looked a little puzzled, but didn’t pry any further. He gave a wave and then started walking off. Jason felt Monica really thrashing as Mark walked away towards his car.

>He said shut up – he said shut up

>Oh God can’t you keep it down

>Voices carry

>Hush hush, voices carry

Once Mark drove away, Jason unfastened the the straps from the dolly and then refastened them to just the box. They would give him something to use to hang on to as he put the box into the car. He moved the dolly to the side and then opened the hatchback. He turned the speaker off and tossed it into the back before returning to the box.

“Okay, Monica, there’s no one around so I’m going to move you now. It might get a little bumpy, but we’re almost done.”

He walked the box to the back bumper and the lifted up using the strap. It was pretty easy from there–he just lifted until the top of the box was horizontal and then pushed it the rest of the way in.

After making sure the hatchback would shut without damaging his cargo, he closed door and gave the roof a gentle pat after it latched. He looked around once more to confirm that no one else had noticed. He quickly returned the dolly to the storeroom and then rushed back to the car.

He got behind the wheel and a smile grew across his face as he enjoyed the high from the relief. His life was about to get so much better.

As they pulled up to the rental house, Jason stopped the car to go open the garage door. He paused for a moment, knowing this was the last moment that he could be stopped before beginning his fun. He didn’t do anything for a couple of minutes, just daring the universe to stop him; when it didn’t, he took it as a sign that he was free to move forward.

He unlocked the door and pulled it up, cringing slightly from the screech betraying how infrequently the door had been used recently. Then he returned to the car, pulling it into the garage and then turning off the engine. As he exited and walked back towards the door, he patted the roof of the car to let Monica know she had arrived at her destination. Pulling down the door from the inside, he took another glance through the panel of windows just to be sure no one was watching. Still clear. He locked the garage door.

Jason sat down on the steps that lead to the house and thought for a moment. He had so many plans, but nothing was ready yet. He would need time to build what he wanted for his breeding whore, but this moment called for a celebration. It was the beginning of something amazing for both of them. Not to mention all the events of the day and seeing his plan succeed had made him extremely horny.

He grabbed his utility knife from a workbench and opened the hatchback once more. He carefully cut out the bottom of the box and then pulled it off. He was greeted by a glorious view of Monica’s legs up to her pussy. He pulled her by the tape wrapped around her feet and pulled her out of the box and car. Her eyes were wide and shifting rapidly when she saw where she was.

“Don’t worry, darling. You’re home now. This is where I’m going to keep you. We’re going to be so happy here.”

She shook her head and tried to scream through the tape on her mouth.

“Now, now. I’m excited, too, but the tape has to stay on until I get you downstairs.”

Something about the way her thighs were pushed together caught his eye. He pushed his hand between them and moved up underneath her skirt until he found her pussy.

He bent down to face her slit and began to rub her lips. “You’re going to be getting so much attention. I’m going to fill you with cum over and over and over again. But not any more today.” He stood up to face her. “No, I need to finish up your room. And I don’t want to risk getting you knocked up until everything is perfect.” She started shaking with fear. He was surprised to find how much this aroused him.

“Don’t worry–you have other holes I can use until it’s ready. In fact, I’m thinking we should have some fun now.” Monica tried screaming again. “We’ll go into the basement for some privacy.” She started thrashing. “It’s not a problem, really. I want you to feel comfortable and this is just a little to austere in this garage.” As he walked over to scoop her up into his arms, she tried hopping away in vain. “You can’t get away from me. And why would you want to? For some greasy-faced dork who won’t appreciate what you offer? You’ll accept this in time.”

The door to the house from the garage was already partially open, so Jason kicked through the door before carrying Monica over the threshold. “Very funny story about this place. I needed a project and we had a bunch of money, so we started following foreclosure auctions.”

He watched Monica eyeing the kitchen as they walked through it. “Yeah, I know–I’ll get you some water once you’re settled downstairs. It won’t take long.” They continued walking through the house and once they arrived at the door to the basement, he stood her up for a moment so he could unlock and open the door. Monica noticed three bolts were on the outside of the door. “So, anyway, when I heard about this place I got really excited. Good, quiet neighborhood. 4 bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, and…” He patted the door. “…a fully furnished basement. Like, really nicely done.”

Picking her up again, he kicked the door completely open and she saw it was indeed very nicely finished–lots of light, nice carpet, painted shiplap walls. “So I jumped on this place and we got it for a pretty good deal. We just need to redo some parts of the upstairs and then we can rent it out.”

Jason carefully carried her down the stairs, taking one step slowly at a time. “What I didn’t know until we got the place was that the previous owners were a little freaky. You see that wall facing us isn’t an exterior wall. They built themselves a little sex room behind that.” Monica started thrashing again. “No, no, no, honey. It’s really classy. You’ll see.”

As they reached the bottom, he put her down on the ground. “Finding the door was a little tricky. If I hadn’t accidentally hit it with a ladder down here, I might not have found it. You know–looking back on it? I think maybe this room kind of started the whole situation we found ourselves in today. I had been thinking about sticking my wife down here until she got pregnant. Then I realized, she’d be just really unpleasant about the whole thing later. When I saw you, something clicked. Now I’m realizing this is probably what put the whole idea in my head.”

He felt around until he found the latch for the hidden door-sized panel in the shiplap, then he set the panel aside revealing a plain door also with bolts on the outside. He unlocked and then pushed the door open. “You’ll see in a second, but they’ve got all kinds of different lighting in here. Some nice props. And every wall has acoustic tiles. The ceiling too. They spent a lot of money on this.” Then he laughed loudly. “Maybe that’s why they couldn’t afford the mortgage.” He flipped a switch and the room lit up.

Monica seemed more resigned now. She stopped thrashing and didn’t fight Jason when he lifted her up and carried her into the room. He laid her down on a faux-leather couch and shut the door. He watched her eyes dart around as she took in the room.

“So, I want to make this a little more…girly, but I think this will be a great room for you. There’s a little bathroom at the end with a shower. Yes, that’s a bonus full bathroom. There’s a bed outside the bathroom. And the of course, all the rest of this that I think we’ll have fun with.”

He took off his shoes and socks. “And the carpet is really comfortable. But they were smart and tiled the areas where things might get messy. They even put in a floor drain. Really thought of everything.”

“I’m really torn about this next part. I’d like to talk to you for a minute, but I also really like the idea of assfucking you while you have panties stuffed in your mouth. It would be sort of a dick move to take them out and then put them back again, right? Guess you’ll need to stay gagged for a little longer.” He walked over to the enormous collection of gear stored on a couple of metal carts to grab a spreader bar with ankle cuffs and a pair of wrist suspension cuffs.

“That doesn’t mean you don’t get to lose the tape though. Well, except for your mouth. We’ll just swap that out for these and get started.” He pulled the utility knife from his pocket and cut the tape between her ankles. Sensing an opportunity, Monica came to life again and began to kick at him. Jason put his body over her thighs to control her legs and the attached the cuffs with the spreader bar that would keep her feet about 18 inches apart. After she was restrained again, he ripped her skirt, pulled it off, and exposed her bare pussy. He couldn’t resist licking her slit once more before he flipped her over.

With her face buried in the couch and legs cuffed, Monica knew she was stuck. He was able to fasten the suspension cuffs to her wrists behind her back before cutting the tape, so she had no opportunity to scratch or punch. She felt the tight leather bounds against her skin and then the tape was ripped off. She looked up and he was rummaging through a cabinet before holding up a pump bottle. “Ah, here we are. They even left us party favors!”

The next sensation after he returned was gooey and warm. She felt his hand massage her bare ass and probe between her cheeks, spreading the gel every where. He squirted more lube onto his finger and then used that to penetrate her asshole, making it slick in the process. He repeated the process with a second finger and started to spread them a little inside her. She started to squirm from the pain.

“I know this isn’t what you wanted. Just let me finish and I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the day. I need to you to be filled with my cum once more.”

He picked her up once more and carried her over to the part of the room with the tile floor. There was a chain hanging from the ceiling, attached to some kind of pulley device. He hooked the carabiners attached to the cuff extension to the chain and then started pulling until Monica felt her body raising off the floor wrists first. He heard a muffled cry as her body weight strained her shoulders. Jason grimaced, not anticipating how much this would hurt her. “It’s just for a second until I get you to the right height. I’ve got a platform for your feet so you won’t be hanging for long.”

After anchoring the chain to lock in the height, he hurried a wooden platform over and turned the adjustable legs until her feet were flat on the platform. The crying stopped and he relaxed. He took a moment to walk around His Slave. That’s how he saw her now. His bare feet slapped against the tile floor as he moved, but once he got to her glistening ass he lingered. He reached back and slapped her right cheek, delighting the jiggling produced. “My God, you have a nice fat ass.”

He was erect again and aching from all the stimulation of the day. He needed a release now.

Clothes flew back onto the carpet as Jason approached the Slave. Her asshole was the perfect height for him to thrust inside. He kicked the platform back and the Slave adjusted her feet, only later realizing she had put herself in the a leaning forward posture that would open her hole up. Then she felt the burning head of his cock against her slick pucker resting for a moment touching her before he roughly pushed inside.

“Oh, so fucking tight. I don’t think I’m going to last a minute in this little asshole.”

He grabbed her hips and pumped into her dirty hole. Lube was spreading all over the place and he heard dripping on the floor with every advance inside the Slave. He was so focused on his pleasure, he didn’t notice her muted screams or tears falling. He was focused on his hands resting on her soft pale hips and the tight pleasure she was delivering through her random clinching. He didn’t try to enter too far, about halfway down his shaft, but that was enough to make him feel all the risk before and after was worth this moment inside her hot and lubed asshole.

Knowing he was close, he sped up the thrusts and started rubbing one cheek. He thought about how many times he would do this. How often he’d violate her and fill her with cum. Even after she was pregnant, he’d still be able to do this for awhile. She was going to make him so happy.

With that thought, he burst inside her. He didn’t slow as his cock spurt warm streams inside her. Then as he felt the streams end, he pushed in once more and embraced her from behind. “My darling girl, there are so many dreams we’re going to realize here. So much love is going to be experience. You’re my special breeding slave and I’m never going to forget how this feels right now.”

He pulled his cock out and a stream of lube and cum followed down her thighs and then onto the floor just as her tears were dropping on the floor.

He fell back onto the couch and enjoyed the euphoria of the moment. He subconsciously rubbed his slick cock as he stared at the Slave.

Yet even then, he knew there was much more to be done. This room needed to be improved. He’d have to monitor the news about her disappearance.

And eventually, he’d need to meet with her father about coming to an arrangement. Based on what he heard, he didn’t think Daddy would want this girl back if he knew what she had gone through.

Surely, there was an acceptable price they could arrange for the girl.


1 comment

  1. You are a gifted writer. And while you just finished Part II and would likely want a break, your fans are eagerly waiting for Part III

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