Trouble at The Park [Pet-play for lovers][mf][Sweet]

The shining sun and gentle breeze make it a perfect day to spend at the park. The owners stand in the shade while thier pets run and play. James loves watching his Sweet Girl Maggie zoom aroud, squealing in delight while she plays with her friends. It’s ridiculous how much joy she brings to his life.

“Max! MAX!! NO!!!”

An absolute unit of a pet has pulled free from his owner and now charges across the park toward Maggie and her friends. Before James can intervene, the monster pet pounces on Maggie, pinning her to the ground. James. Sees. Red. He sprints over and tackles the monster, knocking it clear of his terrified Sweet Girl. James and the monster scramble to their feet and square off. James feints a strike and the monster goes for it, leaving James and opening to take it down. The threat has been nutralized.

Max’s owner, a tiny woman finally arrives and regains her hold on the leash. “OMG, I’m so sorry.”

James ignores the tiny woman and turns his attention to his Sweet Girl. He checks her over for injuury before scooping her up, cradling her in his arms. Wiping the tears from her face, James comforts Maggie with his soothing voice. “Don’t cry, my Sweet Girl. You’re safe now.”

The tiny woman speaks up. “You’re so good with her. Will you help me with Max? I don’t know what to do with him.”

“Sorry Miss, I can’t help you”, replies James without looking up.

“Please? I’ll pay you.”

Maggie seems to have recovered and James sets her down genlty. “Say goodbye to your friends, Sweet Girl. We’ll be going soon.” James turns his attention to the tiny woman. “Again, I’m sorry. I can’t help you.”

The tiny woman steps closer to James, placing her hand on his chest. She pleads, “Please help me. I promise you won’t regret it.” as she cups his crotch with her other hand.

James shoves her away. “Look, lady. Maggie is so good because she deserves and gets my full attention. Maybe if you spent as much energy caring for poor Max here as you do groping strangers in the park, he’d be better for it. Just look at how upset you’re making him.” Poor Max. It’s not his fault he’s an asshole.

With that, James turns to leave, calling his Sweet Girl to follow. Maggie thumbs her nose at the odd pair before jumping on James’ back for a carry.

Once home, James draws a bath and climbs in with his Sweet Girl sitting between his legs. His strong hands massage Maggie’s scalp as he washes her hair. Bath time always makes Maggie feel so warm and safe and loved but after what happened earlier, she needed this more than ever. Her eyes roll back in her head and she melts. James is her Greatest Love and she’s so happy to be his Sweet Girl.

After the bath, James gets Maggie into a clean sweater but with some difficulty. Poor Maggie didn’t get all her wiggles out at the park and now bristles with playful energy. She sits at James’ feet in front of his chair and struggles to contain her growing excitement while James brushes and styles her hair.

“There. All don…” Before James can finish, Maggie erupts with excitement and jumps onto her Greatest Love’s lap, kissing him deeply. One reason she’s so very special is because she can always bring James from zero to one hundred in no time at all. It’s her superpower. James pulls open his robe and wraps it and his arms around his Sweet Girl, holding her tightly in his loving embrace, shielding her from the cool drafts like he shields her from any discomfort or danger. Now safe and protected, his Sweet Girl can let loose and play however her heart desires without any fear or worry. She grinds against James’ spreading her wetness along his full length. James holds her by the hips and lifts her up and finds his way inside. As he slowly lowers his Sweet Girl, she quivers and shutters from the sensation. But James is just getting started. Hands still on her hips, James pulls her against his torso, grinding her sweet muff against his abs while thrusting from below. His Sweet Girl loses control of herself and goes limp from head to toe, falling into her Greatest Love. She’d probably roll right off the chair if it weren’t for James still holding her tightly. With hands on his face, she presses her forehead against his while they breathe in tandem. Sensing that she won’t last too much longer, James grinds his Sweet Girl against himself HARD and pounds her from below even HARDER. Now Maggie loses control of her vocalizations and babbles incoherently as the wild ride continues. She cums, letting out a noise somewhere between a squeal and a growl.

James stands up from his chair, still inside his Sweet Girl, and carries her over to the couch. Setting her down on her back he continues to plunge himself deep inside her, slow and HARD, bumping her muff with every thrust. The noises emitted by his overstimulated Sweet Girl drive him over the edge and he unloads deep inside his Sweet Girl. Exhausted, James collects his Sweet Girl in his arms and holds her safely in his robe while they recover.

While cooking dinner later, James turns his back for just a moment and that silly girl somehow managed to knock a bowl of sauce down, right on top of her head. “Maggie!!?!?! What did you do? You’re going to need another bath now.” Maggie smiles as big as can be. She was hoping he’d say that.
