How I had sex in the locker room

When I was in high school of my sophomore year I joined the wrestling team. About 2 weeks in my coach decided training pairs and some how I got teamed up with the only girl. The girls name is sarah, she really wanted to prove that she was equal to any other boy on the team so she also changed in the boys locker room. After about 4 weeks of training she suggested staying after school to train so we stayed for about 2 hours “and after wrestling you really want to shower” so we headed to the shower. I went in one the walls only came up to about mid chest I’d been in for about a min when I look over and she getting in the shower right next to me! I couldn’t stop looking at her she looked over at me and smirked I could feel my face getting red as I hurriedly looked away and then she started talking to me while showering I felt somthing I side glanced at her, she was leaning across the wall separating us smiling at me, I asked her trying to sound nonchalant “what cha smiling for’ she replied “I just like it cute how you blush” with that she reached over and grabbed my dick, I didn’t really want to stop her but I half heartedly swatted at her arms but she grabbed my hand and placed it over her boob I vaulted over the wall she pulled me in and kissed me I inserted myself into her, she wrapped her legs around me I braced her against the wall and started thrusting. After a while I really needed to cum and I told her that she said “ok” then bent over and spread her butt cheek and ass hole I was really suprised I asked her if she was sure she said yes so I inserted myself into her ass and ejaculated and that was the end. Thanks for reading reddit if you got to the end.
