Helen in High Heels Part III [MF] [Long]

I left Helen’s house that afternoon riddled with guilt and anxiety. Did she notice my confusion? Can she tell I was checking her out? Where were the kids? Were they even home? Did she notice my obvious erection under my loose fitting shorts? Was she teasing me? So many questions raced through my mind and I almost crashed my brother’s car on the way home. When I got home, I went into my bedroom and locked the door and thought about Helen. In my room, my thought were amplified. I was scared that I had misinterpreted an innocent situation. After all, she wasn’t WEARING the bathing suit. She just showed me what it looked like. What if she saw my erect cock and that made her uncomfortable? What if she tells Jack and he gets mad at me? What if she tells the pastor? What if she didn’t want to be friends anymore?

Then, my anxiety made me relive the situation. I remembered every detail, it was all fresh in my mind. I remembered her legs, her shorts, her toes. I remembered the white shirt and the one the underneath. I remembered her ample breasts jiggling ever so slightly underneath the two shirts. I thought about her coming down the stairs but this time wearing the bikini. I thought about the long kiss we would share and how I would carry her as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I thought about kissing her neck and running my hands on her bare back as she moaned slowly in my ear. I thought about untying the strings of the bikini top and letting her breasts drop out of them then taking one of her nipples in my mouth as her moans grew louder and louder. I then thought about setting her down on the kitchen counter and sliding her bottoms to the side and then my cock deep inside her already lubricated pussy as I kissed her shoulders passionately. I saw it all, vividly. I wanted it. I then thought about carrying her over to the kitchen table. I thought about laying her on her back and taking her long beautiful legs on my shoulder. I would thrust into her, slowly at first, then quickly and ferociously. I wanted to make her moan and scream my name. I wanted to yell her name too. Loud enough for her stupid negligent husband to hear. I wanted to kiss her legs as they lay on my shoulders. I wanted to hold her by her feet as I pulled her onto me. I heard her voice, shaky and soft as she quivered and came on my cock. I felt her body shake and tense then relax as she dropped back on the flat kitchen table exhausted from intense pleasure.

No amount of shame or guilt could now conquer these thoughts. She was a beautiful, strong woman and she needed the love and care of a man that cared about her. Her husband wasn’t giving her that. That was the real sin. He ignored her and focused on her work. She was a queen that needed to be adored. Not kept at home to cook and clean and drive kids. That was a much greater transgression than my desire for her.

We didn’t text or snap for the next 2 days (which had become out of the ordinary for us at that point). On the third day, she posted a pic of herself in a first class seat on a place with the caption, “Off on an adventure”. I remembered that Jack was taking her on a vacation to the Amalfi Coast. What he couldn’t give her in love and attention, he was now trying to provide with money and lavish vacation. But she was smart. She could see right through that. She thought she would come back to me… only she didn’t. I didn’t know how long she would be gone so I waited. I waited for a text or a snap. I waited for her to send me a picture of her in the bikini with a caption like, “Wish you were here” or “thinking of you” or even “I knew you were wondering what it looked like on me” but it never happened.

I waited. One week, two, then 3. Nothing. I was getting frustrated. Every time I thought about Helen, my palms started sweating. One day, after a couple of drinks with Steve my friend I decided to reach out. I took a picture of an the new Biochem text book I bought in preparation for next semester and captioned it, “I can’t handle this yet. I waited for a response. I looked for the “Helen Whalen is now typing…” but nothing. I waited and drank more with Steve to ease the anxiety. The next morning I woke up on his couch. I checked my phone, the snap was unopened.

When summer was over, I returned to classes. Classes started on Wednesday so I assumed that there would be no Monday rendezvous. Biochem was now smaller, more people had failed Biology II, less than 100 people now left. I was excited to see Helen, only she wasn’t there. I looked and looked again and couldn’t find her. I couldn’t wait any longer, a coy snap wasn’t enough. I needed to find what was going on. I pulled out my phone and texted her, “Hi Helen, I hope you are doing OK. I am here in Biochem, wondering where you are. Did you change classes?”.

I waited for a response and again, I got nothing. I was beginning to think the worst. She knew how I felt. She knew I liked her and she didn’t like me back, she couldn’t. She was loyal to her husband despite his shortcomings. That’s the kind of woman Helen was, even though her marriage was far from perfect, she was a loyal mother and wife and would stick by her man for better or for worse. I wished I was her man. I stood up and walked out before class had ended, on my ride home, I shed a few tears.

The next morning, I decided to skip my class. I didn’t want to go. I turned my alarm off and went back to sleep. I woke up again at noon. I looked at my phone to my surprise a text from Helen,

“Hi, sorry I didn’t respond yesterday, I was out. I am well. It has been awhile, I hope you are doing ok too.

I guess I should have told you this a little earlier but I didn’t really get a chance. I was talking was Jack a couple of weeks ago and we decided that it wasn’t a great idea for our family to keep pursuing this medical school dream I had. I can’t go through medical school with two young kids. It’s just unrealistic. You said it yourself. I agree and so does Jack. I withdrew from the Biochem class this semester, but I still have the notes. I will email them to you. It was really fun last semester and really believe in you and know you are gonna be an amazing doctor.”

I was tearing up again. I read the text again. The text was from Helen but Jack’s voice came through. Helen would never speak like that. She was an optimist. She believed in everybody and she believed in herself. She would never give up like that.

But regardless, she went to Italy and she never came back…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/cbp7u0/helen_in_high_heels_part_iii_mf_long


  1. Hi Sam,
    A good bridge, to calm down the tempo and keep readers hooked.
    Well done!

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