(MFF) Finding out just how close my wife and sister-in-law are [part 4]

Part [4]
(I think it’s time to name the girls. So let’s name my ex sister-in-law Morgan and my ex wife Taylor.)

As my eyes are locked and my mouth is open Morgan quickly closes her legs and my head snaps back to Taylor. I told her that Morgan had really worn me out as she gave me my plate for dinner. I got a little laugh from both of the girls and my heart started to race. I wasn’t sure if Taylor knew what had happened or if her and Morgan talked before I came home. I was in a panic as I tried to eat. Nothing more was said about Me and Morgan’s time alone and the girls ate dinner on the couch as I headed up stairs to shower. My thoughts were a blur as I just stood in the shower wondering what was going to happen if she had told Taylor about our time at the pool or anything before that. I took my time in the shower making sure that I didn’t smell like sex and finished up. As I left the bathroom I could here the girls whispering to each other downstairs. I knew that this would be the end of me and I decided to quick pack my bags as I got dressed just Incase I needed to make a quick exit.

As I started down the stairs I could hear giggling mixed with whispers and a brief rush of relief came over me but was shortly over taken by the fear that I was still feeling. I reached the bottom on the stairs and was met with kinky stairs from both of them with an innocent smile from Morgan and a lip bite from Taylor. Maybe I was ok maybe nothing was said or maybe the lip bite from Taylor was just because she had noticed that I wasn’t wearing underwear. I walked over to the couch trying not to make eye contact with either of them and sat down next to Taylor I saw a jealous glare out of the corner of my eye coming from Morgan for not sitting next to her.

The girls continued to talk and giggle which easier my fear slightly and Taylor finally suggested that we should watch a movie. We all agreed that it would be nice to just relax and the they wanted to watch a chick flick. These always made Taylor horny so I agreed in hopes of getting my dick wet for a second time that day and fulfilling every mans fantasy of sleeping with sisters.

As I started to flip through the movies Morgan said she wanted a blanket and popped up to get one from her room. While Morgan is up in her room Taylor looks at me and says “do you like Morgan?” I look at her with a puzzling stair as my fear comes racing back. I can only manage to stumble out “yes, she’s you’re sister”. Taylor looks at me and with a straight face says “Good, because she likes you and I like the way you can take care of both of us” she ends with a little smile and I am taken completely off guard. Morgan comes bouncing into the room as my opened mouth gaze shifts to the bottom of the stairs. My T-shirt is so big on her that the bottom is flying up with every little bounce that she takes, still now wearing underwear. I can see that Taylor is bitting her bottom lip as Morgan reaches the couch and bends over in front of us, exposing her round teen ass to us. I didn’t think that my jaw could get any lower or my dick any harder from that sight until my wife reaches over and smacks her little ass as she giggled her way down on to my lap. As her bare tanned ass made its way onto my lap I could feel my throbbing cock resting between her cheeks as she moved into a better position and placed her legs over Taylor’s lap while covering all three of us up with the blanket.

I was frozen and had no clue I could do if anything. Clearly Taylor knew that Morgan wasn’t wearing panties and she knew she had sat down on my hard dick, was I in the clear? As the movie started the girls zoned in on the tv and my mind raced. Eventually I rested on hand on top of the blanket near Morgan’s legs and the other on the small of her back. Soon after Morgan complained that she was cold and pulled the blanket up to her neck saying that my hand was pulling on the blanket, so placed my hand under the blanket on her thigh. I could feel my cock begin to pulsate and the sensation of her smooth skin under my finger tips. The movie played in the background as I used my finger tips to explore her body. Morgan had started a slow grinding motion and in the process had reposition my cock so that it was between her legs and I could feel her warmth and wetness begin to drench my shorts.

Her grinding became a little more noticeable and Taylor started to make quick glances over at us, but never said a word. My hand is now grabbing her hip and forcing her down as she grinds. I suddenly feel a hand grace mine and again I am slapped back to reality and frozen with fear. I could feel a ring as the hand progressed over mine, it was Taylor. I look over and she is in pure lust, her eyes are wide and her bottom lip is firmly between her teeth. I can see her hand slowly make its way down to Morgan’s upper thigh as Taylor begins to pull the blanket back to get a better view of her sisters wet pussy slide over my throbbing cock. I can feel her hand make its way to my shaft as she starts to push my cock back again Morgan’s swollen and dripping pussy as it grinds faster against my shorts. My hand moved from the small of Morgan’s back to her ass to help her keep pace as Taylor moved herself closer to her sister and kneeled on the couch. I move my hand over to Taylor’s round ass as she is bent over stroking the backside of my cock. Taylor’s face disappears between Morgan’s legs as she lets out a loud gasp and the grinding comes to a stop.

I knew that my wife had been with girls and loved it but I had never got to see her do anything more then kiss another girl. She had recently asked me if it was ok if she started to see a new girl just for fun and I couldn’t tell her no just Incase they would let me join. Taylor lifted her head and said “how do you like the new girl that I am seeing?” And then lowered her head not waiting for an answer.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/cb5gzi/mff_finding_out_just_how_close_my_wife_and


  1. Honestly I would enjoy this much better if you just wrote it all out at once instead of cutting it off every few paragraphs

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