Very convenient store: gay c/d

“Hey Mr P”
“Hey Jesse, How ya doin’?”
“Not bad – Brett around?”
“Haven’t seen him. I think he’s suppose to be back around 6 or so.”
“Okay. I’ll probably swing by then. I’m just gonna grab a drink.”
I set my pack down and headed over to the cooler directly across from the counter. I opened the door and squatted down to grab a drink from the bottom shelf. There were a couple different flavors and after some looking I chose the iced tea. I walked back over to the counter to pay. Mr. P was leaning on the counter with a sly looking grin on his face.
“You’re all set, Jesse. No charge.”
“Are you sure Mr. P?”
“Absolutely. We’ll see you later.”
I grabbed my pack and headed out the door. Once I got back to my room, I needed to change to meet up for a run. I threw my shirt on the bed and took my pants off. A couple years ago, a then boyfriend had convinced me to start wearing womens underwear. At first, it was just when we were alone, to spice things up a bit. He was into it, and I’m pretty open to whatever, so I said sure. After awhile he thought it would be sexy if I started wearing it while we were out. He was right. I was terrified at first, thinking everyone will know and I’d be beyond embarrassed if anyone realized. But of course, no one knew. And I felt extremely sexy. Even after we broke up, I continued to do it. So as I was standing there in my room, getting changed for my run, in just the sky blue silk and lace thongs I had recently purchased, I suddenly remembered Mr P’s sly grin. “Oh shit” I said aloud. He saw them. He had to have seen them. As I was bending over to get a drink. I know these pants ride down low enough to see them when I’m stooped down like that. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit” This was my friend’s dad. He seems to be a pretty cool guy but I don’t *really* know him. Would he tell Brett? Fuck, okay…I have to worry about this later, I’m late. I went for my run but of course I couldn’t help but go through all the various scenarios of how this could go down. When I got back to my room, I showered and got dressed (no panties). I was suppose to meet Brett at his dads store. Fuck – I didn’t want to go back there.

I finally made my way over to the store. Brett was there in the front. No sign of his dad – good. I told Brett we should get going or we’ll be late.
“I’m watching the front. Gotta wait for my dad to come out.”
“Alright, I’ll wait outside.”
Just as I turned to leave, his dad came out from the back.
“Jesse! Good to see you again.”
“Hey Mr. P”
“What’cha boys up to?”
Brett told him we were headed over to the field for a game of pick up soccer.
“You guys should bring something to drink. Jesse, grab a drink if you want. You like the iced tea on the bottom shelf there, right?”
Shit – did he just wink at me?
“No thanks, I’m good. I brought some water.”
He looked us up and down.
“You guys aren’t wearing that for the game, are you?”
Brett told him we were going to change over at the field house.
“You guys can change here. Jesse, you changing over there? You can change here if you want.” I don’t know if Brett’s dad insisting that I change at the store would have been awkward on its own, but knowing that he had just seen me wearing womens thong underwear definitely made it awkward.
“Dad, we’re good. I’m going to stay upstairs tonight though, is that okay?” Brett and his dad lived alone a couple miles from town but there was an apartment above the store they kept up.
“That should be fine. I’ll be here in the morning to open the store. Have fun, but don’t stay out too late. Now go kick some ass!”

After the game we both went back to my place. Showered, dressed (I picked out some of my favorite underwear – yellow lacy boy shorts), and then had a few drinks before heading out to meet friends. We must have had a fun night because next thing I know we were stumbling back to Brett’s apartment. I immediately flopped on the couch and fell asleep. I don’t know what time I woke up but it was way too early. Brett was already gone off to class so I decided to shower. I don’t know why but every morning after drinking, I am extremely horny. Like bad. So after my shower, and having the place to myself, I decided I’d masturbate a bit. And not lie down and tug my dick sort of masturbate. I put on my yellow lacy boy shorts, climbed up onto the bed, and straddled one of the pillows. I started to ride the pillow. It didn’t know it yet, but that pillow was going to get the best fuck of it’s life. The pillow was actually a little small so I added another. Perfect. My cock was hard and clearly sticking out of the top of my underwear. I wanted to fuck so bad and was so horny I started talking to dirty…to the pillow? Myself? I don’t know. I didn’t really care, I just knew it was going to get me off. “God, your dick feels so good. I want you to fuck me, fuck me harder! You like fucking my ass? Does it feel good? Does my ass feel good on your cock? Yeah, you gonna cum for me baby?” I knew I was going to cum any second but got distracted by the fact I was going to cum on my friends pillow. Just then, I heard a voice from the hallway, “Brett…?”. The door opened…
