Daddies Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 3]

# Chapter three

Standing in the shower our bodies intertwined as we slowly come down from our explosive orgasms. The mixture of the hot water with the cold air hitting my skin causing my body to contort as small explosions of pleasure erupt through out my body, the heady scent of our sex lingering in the steam making my legs start to buckle and my head spin so much so that I need to reach out placing my hands on the cold wet titles to stop from collapsing.

Still impaled on your slowly softening erection my blushing red back side rippling as my body squirms with the last waves of my climax, giving my arse it a playful squeeze before your arms encompass my quivering frame as I try to bring my breathing back under control. The feel of your warm breath on my neck as you shudder with the remaining pleasure of the orgasm that we just shared. Without even thinking about it I tilt my head away from your lips, exposing my neck and throat completely to you.

Whimpering as your lips run softly down my neck, tenderly kissing my shoulder at the same time as slowly pulling out, your arms loosening their hold around me just enough so that your cock is no longer encased in my tight ass.

Feeling empty and some how hollow without you I moan softly as my legs finally give out on me, but before I can fall your there, scooping me up into your arms, my head resting on your shoulder as I wrap my heavy arms around your neck “i got you baby girl don’t worry, I would never let you fall” trying to hide my yawn as I answer you “i….. know…..Josh” nuzzling into your neck as you carry me out of the shower “grab a towel princess, I need to dry you before you sleep” reaching down I grab the towel and pull it into me cuddling it up on my chest like a blanket.

Not able to stiffly my yawn this time I close my heavy eyes, the next thing I know we are in our bedroom. “Stand up Sasha I need to dry you”, “i don’t want to, i’m comfortable” I whine as I try and fail to roll over and ignore you.

“Have I got to repeat myself little one”.

Hearing the tone I groan and try to stand, my legs shaking as I force my body to do as it’s told.

“That’s my good girl”.

Standing in out bedroom completely naked, my skin tingling from the combination of the now cold water on my body and the cold air in the apartment, trying not to shiver but unable to control it as a massive yawn escapes my lips. “Tired princess?” to tired to speak let alone open my eyes I just nod, hearing a deep chuckle next to my ear “well you need your rest baby girl, daddy has missed you, and I have plans”.

Giggling as I feel the soft towel slowly creeping over my neck gently massaging and drying my skin as its moved by your strong hands , my shoulders and arms are next to feel the tender touch. Carefully as if I might break at any moment, your hands move over my chest drying my breasts one by one, moaning softly as I feel your thumb catches my nipple. Feeling my nipple hardening as your lingering touch sends pulses of pleasure from my nipple, down my body, feeling the throb between my legs growing, as my back arches just a enough to thrust my breasts in to your waiting hands. Chuckling “not yet beautiful” then the towel and your hands are moving down my stomach, over my hips. I gasp as I feel your breath in my hair, my legs almost giving out under me as the towel cups my radiant red arse, small circular movements drying and kneading at the same time.

Whimpering as i’m not sure how much longer I can stand for “almost done princess then you can sleep”. The pace of your drying doesn’t change still taking your time, slowly exploring my body making sure to not miss a single part.


Is all I hear through my exhausted haze, feeling your hands gently pressing against my shoulders yet holding them as well so I don’t just fall back in a exhausted, crumpled mess. Sighing as I feel the softness of the bed bow under my weight, relaxing as the tension from trying to stand leaves my body. Your hands leave my shoulders, lingering a second longer than need as they brush down the sides of my pert breasts, quickly I place my hands on the bed behind me to stop from laying back, you said sit not lay.

Taking my right foot in your hand you tentatively start gliding the soft cotton towel over my toes, taking the time to make sure each one is dry before moving on to the next. Slowly dragging the towel up to encase my foot, showing the same care to each part of my body as you glide the towel over my skin, up my shin, curling round to my calve, your fingers gently kneading into the aching muscles, causing me to exhale deeply the breath I didn’t know I was holding. “That feels so good Josh, you always know exactly what I need” chuckling to yourself as you carry on with your task, moving to my thigh “i have to look after my little one, cant have you getting sore, well not unless it’s me making you sore” Blushing at your words as I bite my bottom lip.

Your fingers kneading my thigh as they seem to take on a life of their own, almost feeling your need to devour, to taste, to enjoy me. My breath hitching as they move closer and closer to your end goal, my sensitive swollen slit almost pulsing as your fingers send tingles through my body, so tired yet feeling my body reacting to your touch like only you can make it. Your warm breath on my skin as your plant soft feather light kisses up the inside of my thigh, as they trail behind the towel. Moaning softly as the towel brushes lightly over my sensitive inner lips, a stray thumb causing my breath to catch in my throat as it glides over the swollen sex. Barely making contact, but just enough for me to feel the dampness between my legs grow even more.

My mind starting to race with thoughts of what you have done and might do to me, imagines dancing behind my close eye lids making me shift slightly where I sit, “everything ok princess” I can hear the amusement in your voice, you know exactly what your doing to me, “yes Daddy everything is fine”, “you would tell me if there was something wrong, correct” biting my lip harder as your thumb circles my clit before your finger plunges into my growing wetness, “yes….of course… I…. would” struggling to not let on how aroused I am becoming.

Whimpering as I feel you move away. Yet feel your finger running my juices along my parted lips “open and suck me clean baby girl”. Not needing to be told twice I open my lips wider as you slide your finger into my mouth. Tasting the sweetness as my tongue rolls your finger in my warm mouth, before I gently suckling on you lapping my juices up off your finger, groaning as you pull it away, my mouth trying to follow your finger craving to taste more of myself on you. Then your lips are there, locking on to mine as your tongue replaces your finger in my waiting mouth. All to quickly your tongue is gone. The heaviness of sleep starting to engulf me, but desperate to stay awake.

Your hands are on my left foot repeating the same tender care, fingers snaking there way up my thigh again, slowly…..slowly…..slowly inch by torturous inch.

Causing my lips to part slightly as my breathing becomes harder as your hand moves the towel between my legs, the towel now slightly rough from the dampness it has absorbed, rubs softly against the sensitive slit making me moan quietly, as my hips move against your hand showing the need growing deep inside me, “All dry princess” then your hands are gone, leaving me whimpering for more. Scooping me back up into your arms, in one fluid action you pull back the covers and lay my trembling exhausted body into our bed “sleep now baby girl”, “stay with me” my voice almost a whisper as I drift in and out of sleep.

The feel of the soft cotton sheets as you pull them over me causing the tiredness to engulf me. Somewhere in the back of my mind I am aware of the bed bowing gently next to me as you climb in, your need for closeness as great as mine. Hearing the laptop spring to life, your hand lays protectively on my hip causing my lips to curl into a small smile. Through the haze of my impending sleep I murmurer.

“what.. are ..”

“hush little one sleep, I will stay with you don’t fret. I just have some work to do before I can curl up with you and sleep” “yes…..Daddy”

yawning once more before sleep finally takes me.



  1. This was great! Thank you for writing and posting it! Can’t wait to read part 4!

  2. Again….once I read the first sentence….I didn’t want to blink afraid I might miss a word….you have a reader for life.

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