Better man for her: Day 2

She got the day off because she called in and asked one of her friends to take the shift which her friend happily agreed to. As she was also there last night and saw the whole thing and was pissed at the manager since she was sleeping with him too. My sister woke up before me and had already done some laundry but was doing more. I knew this because she was now wearing my favorite legging shorts, the yellow ones with my favorite top for her to wear. A black bra with a black tank top, she grew into it as it used to be loose and now it highlighted her chest’s shape beautifully. Black is my favorite color on a woman after all. I saw this because my door was open and it faces the laundry room. I sat up and sat down on front of my bed and leaned against it while I finished waking up. she noticed I was up after I yawned and stretched and quickly came over and asked.

“do you have any laundry because I need more clothes to make a whole load for my last one?” I pointed to the pile next to my bed as it was all I could do while I admired her perfect figure. I think she noticed my stare because she giggled and grabbed my clothes and out she went back out giving me a closeup view of her perfect ass. She didn’t do it intentionally it just happened. I kept my eyes on her as she dropped the clothes on the floor to take the load out of the dryer into the basket to put the next load in to be dried. as she did this she bent over, my god there it was, I swear I could see the shape of her pussy and I got as hard I’d ever been in my life. she was basically naked to me and I managed to move my eyes from her ass to her chest and see side boob. Then my worst nightmare came true, she had actually caught me staring at her, like a brother shouldn’t, wouldn’t, doesn’t.

“come here.” She said with an attitude and a scowl and I knew it was over all my dreams and fantasies gone. But what could I do? I was as big as I’d ever been with only boxers on. I got up covering my crotch and walking funny to hide it on my way over to her, she turned her body to face me giving me a full view of her cleavage and she knew it. “what are you staring at?” I turned red as I can be.

“I’m sorry.” she then turned as red as can be knowing her assumption was right, knowing that a man who was her brother no less had a hard on for her apparently fat body. For his sister. She cleared her throat.

“I got to finish up my room then I’ll be back to do laundry.” She quickly left to her room across the hall next to our bathroom. I for one rushed to my room and laid down and covered myself leaving the door open. I wanted to jerk it, to get rid of my morning wood but I couldn’t. I knew this was my chance, she just found out I get turned on by her now I have to tell her how I feel. 30 minutes go by and I’m literally holding my right hand down so my horniness could help my courage to tell her. and what does she do? comes back into my line of sight taunting me, daring me to jerk off when she’s just outside. I hated her in that moment. I haven’t hated her in a while but in that moment I hated her. When in she walks in my room and obviously notices what I was doing or trying to do. She turned around to face the TV to see what I was watching.

“can I sit and watch tv with you?”

“s-sure” she sits down where I had been perfectly giving me a view of her breasts and the inside of her bra. I looked a little more over her shoulder and saw her nipple. now I have to add I was a late bloomer when it comes to puberty but recently in this summer my dick went from 5 in to 8 in and so my boner ended up touching the back of her neck. She looks back at me with a glare “sorry that was my knee.” She looked forward then proceeded to pull her tank top down giving me a better view. I was sweating and had to put my hands under my body so I wouldn’t just reach over and grab her breasts. After a while of neither of us doing saying anything she sighs then starts to get up. I get up and grab her wrist. “wait.”

“whats wrong?” she could hear my desperate tone and gullible shy blushing face.

“there’s something, a lot of things I have to tell you.”


“you.” her eyes shot open and she blushed her skin became warm and she sat down next to me on my bed. I looked her right in her beautiful green eyes.

“Sis, I’m in love with you. romantically in love with you.”


“please just let me finish, and you can hate me and be disgusted with me after.”

“o-okay.” She looked at me like I was crazy for thinking she’d be that way.

“you were always a bitch to me, but I realized that was only so because the way you were treated by the men you always chose. You wanted better and you deserve better. It killed me to see you get hurt again and again and hear you cry the way you did. But I never said nothing because you hated me. and I felt so powerless to help my sister who I was supposed to love but didn’t because she hated me. although I will admit I always thought of you sexually.” She blushed and smiled but hid it with her hand as if she was excited to hear. “but now as we’ve been bonding and getting to know each other more I fell in love with you. you’re smart, strong, funny, your laugh is cute, hell your sneeze is too. You are so beautiful and not fat, fuck! your sexy and you’re a privilege to look at and know. I know I may not have ever had a girlfriend and I’m still a virgin so you think I’m just some dumb horny teenage loser. I’m not. I want you sis; I want to make you happy; I want to make you feel your worth.” Before I could say more she covered my mouth with her left hand. She stared into my eyes hers were tearing up with a look of disbelief. She looked down and saw the fact that my 8in dick was sticking out of my boxers through the opening. Something I didn’t even notice. She smiled and went back down to sit on the floor with her back to me.

“Get behind me, put my head in between your legs.”

“but sis I don’t just care about sex.”

“yes, you do, you just don’t want to be like the others you want to be better.” She turns to face me. “which you are, so put my damn head in between your legs.” She was so flushed I don’t know how she kept a straight face.

“yes ma’am.” She turns back around and position myself as she asked and when I’m comfortable. She reaches back and grabs my hands and guides them over her shoulders and onto her breasts. I fought back somehow. “I know you want to”

“but sis.”

“you stuck with me through all that and all I did was be a bitch. You deserve better. I know you want to, so please, touch them.” so I did, sweet god I did I went right for the inside of her tank top brushing past her bra and I played with them. So soft and goddamn smooth, better than I imagined. They were so welcoming as they stuck to my hands due to her sweat. I played with her nipples pinching them making her groan and twitch. “yes.” She gasped and my dick touched her soft hair pre cum was coming out and she knew it. “yes” she gasped again before reaching down to touch herself. Did she wear this outfit on purpose I thought, did she fucking plan this?

“sis I can’t hold it anymore, it hurts.”

“then let’s make the pain go away.” She turns around was immediately awe struck by my size, her eyes wide, mouthwatering. She licked her lips until drool fell on my head. I can’t believe I had the mind to say it but I did.

“wait.” I pushed her away a little. “I don’t want you to think.”

“It’s okay, I want you to have what you deserve.” she opened her mouth and in my dick went, didn’t even tease me or hesitate. She took in as much as she could until my head touched the back of her throat. She gagged only for a bit before composing herself. It was warm, wet, soft, and so welcoming. She took it in once more but kept it at a certain amount while swirling her tongue around my head then licking the shaft like a lollipop. Sadly it wasn’t long before I cummed.

“sis I’m” I can’t believe I tried to take my dick out and so I was punished by a light squeeze of my balls and she pulled away.

“I want you. In me.” her head came down and as soon as my cock went in mixed with those words and the way she said them. with the look in her eyes, I had no choice and cummed in her mouth. My dick pulsated as it jetted out my hot cum into her mouth and throat. She immediately smiled and swirled the cum in her moth around my cock. it was the hardest id ever came in my 5 years of jacking off. So much so I groaned and curled from the ecstasy and never wanted it to end or my cock to leave her mouth. I ended up grabbing her head forcing my cock all the way into her throat jetting even more hot cum came out, somehow. After I was drained my cock went soft and it left her mouth as I just let my body fall back to catch my breath. My sister stands up and I can hear her swallow it. “well…” I looked at her to see her hands behind her back twisting her body hiding her happiness like a child as her face was red as ever. “So much for breakfast.” She smiled and I noticed a bit of cum on her face still and then she left. I couldn’t believe the words, how my sister sounded like such a slut. Acted like such a slut. Just for me. the better man.

DAY 2: night

We didn’t speak a word of it after, we talked, but not about that. Even though we both wanted to. I felt like I was going to explode with questions and feelings as did she, I could see it in her face. We were constantly blushing and eyeing one another as she always teased me about my nice ass. Grabbing it every now and then in the past months of bonding and teasing me about how girls will love it. We went about our day and night, I cooked us dinner as usual since she doesn’t know how. We ate and somehow managed to talk about anything but what we wanted to then we snuggled on the couch together. However this time she was only wearing a red thong and one of my shirts and she kept her hand on my crotch. Didn’t move it or touch my 8 inches directly, she simply kept it there knowing what it’d do to me. She also laid such a way on me where her braless chest touched me, her nipples were so hard. She was just as turned on as I was, I wanted so badly to push her on her back and drive my cock into her tight wet pussy. And not stop even if she begged me to, even if it killed me I wouldn’t stop. but I didn’t want to cross that line as I didn’t know where she, we stood on boundaries since we haven’t talked yet. I kept control despite her obvious teasing until she got up to go to her room giving me the perfect view on purpose.

“Keep your door open tonight.”


“you’ll know it when you hear it.” she bit her lip as she took one last glance at my cock before going upstairs. I turned off the tv and followed soon after expecting the best night of my life. I kept my door open as she said to and waited, and waited, and waited almost an hour went by. When I gave up expectations and reached for my rock hard cock but before I could touch it I heard it. her. I heard her and I knew but I still couldn’t fucking believe it. accept it. hell conceive it. she moaned and moaned and groaned and soon began to gasp my name and say it with such passion. The bitch was teasing me this whole time. I joined in jerking it moaning but not as loud as her that is until she started to say more.

“fuck me! fuck me like you want. when you want. how you want. I don’t fucking care just fuck me hard and long enough to be sore. I don’t want to be able to walk. I want to pay for being such a bitch. I want to be your bitch. Please let me be the bitch that I am. Fucking please let me be your goddamn bitch. Make me yours. Make my tight, wet, lonely, pussy yours. Please brother.” Yes she said brother not my name. “Oh god I don’t want to walk, I don’t want to sit or lay down unless your hot rock hard cock is in me. unless your cum is in me. I want to go to work with your hot cum seeping out of my pussy. To keep me warm while I’m at work. I love you. and I’ll make you love me too.” She prolonged the oo’s as she came as well as I did. I was so lost in the moment I forgot to get tissues or use my blanket and I ejaculated openly into the air. It was like a fountain that fell back down on my stomach but I didn’t care, I was out of breath, hot, sweating my ass off. I was so exhausted from it somehow. I fell asleep hearing the words. “did you cum brother?” yes once again she called me brother.


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