New Roommate [FF] [Les] [oral]

This story was written for the following prompt: “I-I have to… you know… t-touch myself… five times a day… or else I start to have… symptoms…” she awkwardly confessed to her newly appointed roommate.

Part 1.


Jessica blinked owlishly, staring at the girl’s embarrassed face, unable to quite believe her ears. “You mean like…?” She curled her fingers in a come-hither motion, and her new roommate’s face went an even brighter shade of pink as she nodded. “Five times?”

“Yes…” It looked like she wanted to curl up into a ball and hide. Jessica felt bad pushing the girl on something she was obviously mortified about, but as her shock faded she was incredibly curious.

“Like, you have to-” she wiggled her fingers again, “five separate times, or just y’know, *finish* five times?”

“Um…” Her cheeks burned. “… separate…” She struggled to regain some amount of her composure, turning away from Jessica’s gaze. “It’s really hard on my schedule…”

“I can- actually, no, I can’t imagine, but that sounds like it sucks.” Jessica rubbed the back of her head. “What kind of symptoms…?”

“Shortness of breath… difficulty concentrating… increased blood flow… irrational decision-making…” It sounded like she was reading the warning label off the side of a pill bottle, and it took a second to click in Jessica’s mind.

“So you’re just horny twenty-four seven if you don’t go five times a day?” she asked, grinning.

Her roommate sat down on her bed, burying her face in her hands. “… I hate this conversation.”

“Sorry.” Jessica sat down on the other bed next to her suitcase, annoyed with herself for starting things by being nosy. “Um, Abigail…” she said with the slightly-questioning tone of someone who didn’t entirely remember a name. She had just been told, but this topic had made her forget almost everything from their introduction.

“Abby,” her roommate sniffed.

“Abby. Sorry. I was just curious. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, but why did you even bring it up?”

“Well…” She wiped at her eyes with the edge of her t-shirt. “I didn’t tell my last roommate because I was too embarrassed, and she walked in on me eventually. I almost got kicked out when she complained.”

Jessica snorted. “She complained because she saw you… y’know?” She shook her head, smiling. “Some people. No taste.”

“What does that mean…?” Abby asked, looking up suspiciously even as the flush redoubled in her cheeks.

“Well, not to make things weird, but you’re adorable. I’d be counting my lucky stars if… well, yeah.” Jessica looked away, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. *Yeesh. Could I be a little more obvious? Maybe if I held up a big sign that said ‘I’m Gay and Horny for You.’*

Abby *was* adorable though: a shock of messy auburn hair surrounding a cute face with a heavy scattering of freckles, all short and petite, dressed boyishly in jeans and a t-shirt. Every time Jessica met her doe-eyed stare, Abby blushed a little more, even the tips of her ears turning pink. Compared to Jessica’s tall curvy figure and mass of black hair, they painted quite a contrasting picture.

Jessica ended up changing the subject, to Abby’s great relief, and the two of them fell to talking as the evening drew on. Jessica almost forgot about how things had started until she was starting to drift to sleep.

Not sure what shook her out of dozing, Jessica listened carefully, wondering if it had been something from an adjacent room. She heard a slight gasp from Abby’s bed, and noticed that her roommate’s breathing had grown fast and shallow. She was confused for a moment, struggling against her sleepiness, but realization soon struck. Ashamed at her weakness but desperately curious, she rolled over, keeping her eyes closed, pretending to just be adjusting in her sleep. She heard the panting stop for a moment as Abby held her breath, only letting it out as Jessica settled. Slowly, the fast breaths returned, muffled moans and tiny slick noises joining them. Jessica cracked one eye open and saw Abby illuminated by the light seeping through the window. Her head was thrown back against her pillow, back arched slightly, biting her lip, movement detectable below the covers between her legs. Jessica watched her tremble, arching higher, bucking a little under the blankets, her eyes fluttering shut as a low noise escaped her. She fell back to the bed, breathing hard, and Jessica had the presence of mind to shut her eye as Abby looked over to make sure her roommate was still asleep. Jessica heard her turn over, letting out a satisfied sigh as she plopped down and almost immediately fell asleep.

Now Jessica was turned on, but she knew she couldn’t get away with the same trick. She got… loud. Not so much that their neighbors would hear, but Abby certainly would. She sighed, squirming, trying to ignore the heat between her legs and return to falling asleep.


Jessica opened the door without knocking, her eyes barely open, trying to hold back a yawn. Her attempts at sleep after watching Abby get off didn’t go so well, and after her first class she had decided to cut her second and take a desperately needed nap. And maybe masturbate. She made it two steps into the room before freezing, her brain catching up with what her senses were screaming.

Abby whimpered slightly, staring wide-eyed at her from Jessica’s bed, panties around her ankles and her fingers still inside herself. Her arm was wrapped around Jessica’s pillow to hold it close to her face, her body only covered by a t-shirt.

“You… you said… your classes were…” The blush steamed up her face, overriding the flush of arousal, and she clamped her legs together, hiding her face in the pillow. Jessica sat down heavily on Abby’s bed, sleepy haze instantly burned from her mind by desire.

“Uh. Sorry.” She struggled to think of something – anything – that she could say as Abby hid, the seconds ticking by.

“Do you like my smell?” Okay, not exactly eloquent or even on-topic, but she had no idea what else the pillow would be for, or why Abby was in her bed. It wasn’t like Jessica disliked that kind of scent, but it wasn’t a turn-on unless it belonged to a person she was crushing on hardcore.

“…yes…” Abby mumbled, muffled by the pillow.

“Oh.” Jessica hesitated, and prompted by her arousal added without thinking, “You can just smell me, if you want.”

Abby’s dark eyes appeared at the edge of the pillow as she moved it slightly, embarrassment shunted aside for blank confusion. “What.”

*Reaaal smooth, Jess.* But she was committed now. “I’ve only slept on that pillow for one night. If you wanted more…” She tossed her hair so that it fell forwards over her chest, reaching almost to her stomach, and took a deep breath. *Hey, I do smell kinda good.*

She could see the hesitation in Abby’s eyes, overwhelming lust mixed with shame. She pressed a little further, figuring if she was this deep she may as well go all out. “We could sit back to back, I don’t mind. Well… actually, I’d like it. If you want to.”

Abby stared at her, conflicted, and after a few heartstopping seconds she sat up in the bed, still hiding behind the pillow with one hand covering between her legs. Her eyes flicked from Jessica to over her own shoulder, and Jessica got the hint after a moment, standing up too fast in her excitement and feeling a little dizzy as she staggered over. Maybe it was because all the blood in her body was rushing to parts other than her brain.

She settled in behind Abby, pressed up against her warm back. Jessica could feel that she was trembling ever so slightly, whether from fear or excitement or some combination of the two she couldn’t tell. Jessica reached behind her, running her hand down Abby’s arm until she found her hand clutching the pillow. Gently, she wormed her fingers into the grip, entwining her hand with Abby’s, giving it a reassuring squeeze. She could feel Abby drawing in shaky breaths that slowly grew steadier, her heart winding down from a purr to a rapid beat.

“…your hair…” Abby whispered, her voice so tiny as to be barely audible. Jessica leaned forward a little and gathered up her hair into a loose bundle, tossing it over Abby’s shoulder. Jessica felt her take a deep breath, her face pressing against it. *I’m really curious as to how that gets her going, but there’s no way I’ll get an answer out of her right now.*

Abby shifted against her back, her breath coming faster, small noises slipping from her lips. Jessica realized she had started playing with herself again and had to fight down the urge to look behind her. As cute as she was sure the sight would be, it would send Abby right back into her shell. She bit her lip, hesitating, and reached down with her free hand, slipping her fingers beneath the waist of her pants and underwear, gasping at the first sensitive touch. Abby either didn’t notice or didn’t care, just pushing against Jessica’s back, slowly getting louder as Jessica moved her own hand, teasing her fingers over the hood of her clit. Gently, she drew the swollen nub out, her fingers slick with arousal as she rubbed it, a low moan of pleasure mixing with Abby’s soft sounds.

They worked their fingers together, lost in their own little worlds, bound by one hand as the other drove them towards their climaxes. Jessica tensed as the pressure inside her built to the breaking point and felt Abby go rigid against her back, moaning, twitching, her hand tight over Jessica’s. Feeling Abby come pushed Jessica over the brink as well, fingers moving furiously over her clit, raising off the bed a little as the waves of pleasure washed over her, letting out a loud cry.

They slumped to the bed together, breathing hard, coming down from orgasm. After a while, Abby murmured, “…I can’t believe I just did that.”

“Do you regret it…?”

“God, no. I just can’t believe that you walked in on me and decided to join in. And that I let you.” Abby giggled, a little drunk on afterglow.

“Honestly, me too,” Jessica sighed, leaning her head back against Abby’s shoulder.


Part 2


“Abigail?” the professor called, and she jerked out of her daydream with a start, suddenly aware she was still in class. She pulled her hand away from her thighs from where she had been unconsciously rubbing, beginning to turn bright pink, desperately hoping no one had been looking at her.

“Um, yes?”

“What do you think about what we’ve been talking about so far?” He gestured to the slide being projected on the board. Abby stared at it, seeing only incomprehensible statistics.

“Um… I don’t know…” A few of the other students chuckled, and her cheeks burned.

“Oh, anything will do. Give me the first few thoughts off the top of your head.” He gave her an encouraging smile.

Her first few thoughts, in order, were:

1. Jessica

2. Jessica’s smell

3. Jessica’s warm skin

4. Oh God I’m so horny I almost started masturbating in class

5. Jessica

Oversleeping and missing her first orgasm was bad. Missing her second put her in this state, and she wasn’t sure how long she could last. She shook her head, eyes pleading, and to her relief the professor called on someone else.

She suffered through the rest of class, squirming in her chair, trying and failing to stop her thighs from rubbing together, biting the inside of her cheek to keep herself aware until even that pain was melding into her arousal. As soon as the clock ticked over, she was out of her chair and hurrying through the halls with her head down, moving as fast as her legs could carry her. She had ten minutes before her next class and she couldn’t afford to skip it. Going for a quick one in the bathroom was risky and horribly embarrassing, but there was no way to get back to her room in time and she desperately needed to clear her head.

Not looking where she was going, she turned a corner and ran straight into someone’s chest. Steadying hands grabbed her shoulders before she could fall and a familiar voice asked, “Abby?”

Jessica’s scent filled her lungs like a drug, sending the needy heat between her legs into overdrive. She glanced up to meet those gentle green eyes and almost swooned.

Jessica looked her up and down, taking in the flushed face, the shallow breathing, the way her hands clutched at the tops of her thighs, and a slow smile grew on her lips. “Did you, ah-” she leaned in close, hot breath tickling Abby’s ear as she whispered, “-miss one of your ‘sessions’?”

Abby nodded, not meeting her eyes, the burning need inside her flaring hotter with every second Jessica held her.

“Where are you going? Back to the room?”

“…bathroom…” Abby whispered, her voice tiny.

“Oh. Want me to-”

“Yes,” Abby pleaded, and Jessica hesitated.

*I was going to say ‘walk with you’ but I really don’t think that’s what* she *meant.* She pushed her luck and murmured, “You want me to help?”

“*Yes,*” Abby begged. Jessica swallowed hard.


“How long do you have?” Jessica asked, following Abby into the stall. The janitors had just been through here and it almost gleamed, the stinging smell of disinfectant hanging in the air, the place thankfully empty for the moment.

“A few minutes…”

“Oh…” Jessica wavered, staring at Abby. It was one thing to half-agree to a quickie in the bathroom, and it was quite another to know she had to jump straight to sticking a hand down her roommate’s pants. Abby reached out and took her hand, pulling it to rest against her lower stomach. Jessica could feel her shivering slightly. Quietly, she murmured, “It’s gonna have to be quick and dirty, is that okay?”

Abby nodded frantically, her heart pounding, need forcing past any thought of decency or romance. She had to come, and Jessica was all she could think about. The pleading lust in those dark eyes spurred Jessica to slip her fingers down, reaching into Abby’s panties and feeling her swollen lower lips. Her jeans were a little tight, and Jessica undid the button with her other hand, giving her fingers room to move as she began to tease her fingers against Abby’s slit. Abby let out a little half-whimper, half-moan, burying her face in Jessica’s chest as her breath hitched.

Jessica coaxed her slick folds apart, searching blindly, wishing she had more time to explore Abby. She would have preferred to do this in their room, as slow and gentle as she could, but she didn’t want to throw this opportunity away. *Later,* she promised to herself, and felt Abby moan and squirm against her chest as she rubbed across the hood of her clit. She didn’t know what Abby liked, just guessed the best she could, starting to tease out Abby’s sensitive nub as her fingers grew slick with arousal. Abby breathed fast and shallow against Jessica’s chest, inhaling her smell, clamping a hand over her own mouth as more noises threatened to escape her. She’d already come to the fantasy of this a half-dozen times, and facing it in reality was overwhelming.

Her legs trembled as Jessica began to pleasure her in earnest, fingers speeding up into a rapid, amazing rhythm against her clit, forcing out muffled noises as the familiar pressure grew in her abdomen. It was coming fast, even for her, and she slid her other hand around Jessica’s back, holding tight, trying to ground herself against the overpowering feeling. Jessica’s scent, her warm fingers against Abby’s most sensitive spot, her hand gently stroking Abby’s hair, the denied need burning inside her. It was all too much.

A choked moan escaped her as she came, bucking slightly against Jessica’s fingers, overwhelming pleasure turning her legs weak as the rest of her tensed and shuddered. Jessica kept moving her hand, dragging out the sensation, holding Abby close as she rode out her orgasm.

She sagged into Jessica’s arms, panting and flushed. Jessica withdrew her fingers and sucked them clean with a soft pop, sounding amused as she murmured, “Let me buy you dinner first next time.” Abby giggled breathlessly, still coming down from climax. As much as she wanted to bask in this wonderful afterglow and figure out things with Jessica, she knew her class was starting any minute.

“I have to go… thank you…” Abby mumbled, not meeting her eyes, and turned to leave before Jessica caught her shoulder. Her hand cupped Abby’s cheek, forcing her to look up and meet her gaze. Before Abby could react, Jessica was leaning in, bringing their lips together in a soft kiss.

Jessica pulled away, looking a little nervous. “Tonight. We should talk.”

Abby nodded dumbly, staring up at her, and almost ran for the door. *I’m going to be late. I’m going to be late and it’s so worth it.*


Part 2.5


Jessica fiddled with her phone, her leg bouncing nervously against the side of the bed in the evening light. She flipped through texts from her friends, looked at her email, checked her various social media accounts, all without really paying attention. Her brain was entirely on a different track of anxious speculation, wondering *what if, what if*. She wasn’t a big worrier normally, but this was anything except normal. She’d known Abby for less than a week and had masturbated with her, fingered her, and kissed her, in that order. *How the hell could a relationship come out of that?*

The door to the room opened, and her eyes shot up to find Abby standing there.

“Hey,” Jessica said, setting down her phone.

“Hey,” Abby managed in a whisper, looking twice as nervous as Jessica felt. She edged towards her own bed, dropping her bag and sitting down quickly.

There was an awkward silence as Abby stared at the floor and Jessica stared at her, trying to figure out what to say. She had run through this conversation over and over in her head since the encounter in the bathroom, but now that it was here her mind went blank.

“Wanna date?” a voice said. Jessica realized it was hers. Abby looked up with shock in her eyes, unsure how to react. Jessica mentally slapped herself. *What the hell was that? I had* hours *to think of something! She’s never-*

“Yes,” Abby mumbled, looking down again. Jessica faltered mid-thought, her mind reeling.

*That was it? Seriously?* Out loud, she said weakly, “Oh. Good.”

A tiny, fleeting smile crossed Abby’s face. “Did you expect me to say no…?”

“No, no, I… I don’t know what I was expecting, honestly. I kinda just blurted that out.”

Abby’s smile returned, growing wider, and Jessica felt the tension in her chest melting away. After another brief silence, Abby brushed a lock of hair out of her face and glanced up to meet her eyes. “So… what now?”

*Wanna fuck?* came unbidden to her tongue, but Jessica stopped herself in time. Even as a joke, that one might not go over so well. After a moment’s thought, she asked, “Want to go get a drink and talk about things?”

“I’m only twenty,” Abby said ashamedly, as if that was somehow her fault.

“Oh shit, yeah. Sorry, I forgot. Uh, we could get something to eat, then?”

“Um…” Abby hesitated for slightly too long. “Sure. That sounds fine.”

“Sorry, am I screwing with your plans for tonight?”

“No, no…” Abby paused, then continued, “Well, it’s just, I have a thing due tomorrow, and I have to do some, you know, other stuff…” She looked up quickly, worry on her face. “But it’s okay! We can go, I’ll do it later, it’s not important anyway, I don’t want-”

Jessica shifted forward off her bed, not really standing up but moving close enough to put her hands on Abby’s shoulders and look her in the eye, cutting off her apologetic babbling.

“Hey,” she said quietly, “it’s not a big deal. We can go out some other time.” She squeezed Abby’s arm, giving her a smile, then returned to sitting on her bed. Abby took a deep breath, her posture losing some of its tension.

“Okay…” she murmured.

Jessica wanted to just hold Abby in her arms and tell it was all fine, to not worry, that there was no pressure, but despite everything they’d already done together, that type of intimacy seemed inappropriate. She settled for changing the topic, asking Abby about her day, trying to get both her roommate and herself to relax. Once Abby got past her tongue-tied shyness, she was fun to chat with, and Jessica didn’t realize how time was passing until she had to turn on a light. Abby started giving her laptop longing glances, so Jessica excused herself to do some homework of her own. Abby gratefully opened up her computer and lay back on her bed as Jessica opened up her bag, pulling out a packet of questions.

They were mostly quiet except for the tapping of keys and the scribbling of her pencil, but after a while, Jessica started noticing something. Abby would type for a while, then at increasingly frequent intervals would stop and let out a frustrated sigh, holding the backspace button. Eventually, Abby groaned, shutting the laptop and setting it on the floor before slipping under the covers and turning to lay with her back to Jessica. She was confused for a second, then understanding dawned with a tingly rush of heat between her legs.

“Um, Abby,” she began, and her roommate froze, going rigid underneath the blankets.


“Do you… I mean, I don’t want to rush things, but we’ve already, y’know, so do you want me to… help? I could just leave for a while if you don’t, I really don’t want to pressure-” Jessica faltered as Abby rapidly nodded her head against the pillow. “O-Okay.” She set down her work and moved to sit next to Abby’s back, putting a hand on her shoulder. Her roommate remained almost curled up, shivering slightly. After a moment, Jessica lay down to be the big spoon, wrapping an arm around Abby’s waist and holding her trembling warmth close to inhale the sweet shampoo scent of her messy hair.

“We kinda did everything backwards,” Jessica murmured. “But… now that we have the chance… I want to go a little slower. Not that I don’t like frigging you, it’s just… I’ve been thinking about kissing you all day.”

After a few nerve-wracking moments, Abby twisted to lie on her back, exposing her blushing face. Her eyes were shut. Jessica propped herself up on one arm to lean over her roommate, her heart pounding. Abby’s lips were just as warm and soft as she remembered, and she couldn’t stop herself from turning one kiss into another, and another, the gentle, sweet touches slowly becoming hotter. She finally pulled back, stroking a thumb over Abby’s freckled cheek as her eyes opened to meet Jessica’s gaze. Uncontrollable smiles grew on their faces.

“God you’re adorable,” Jessica whispered, a quiet chuckle escaping her as she brought their lips together again. It wasn’t really a conscious decision that led her to straddle Abby’s waist, just the desire for more and the knowledge that it would be easier this way. Her hands weaved in her roommate’s hair as her own spilled down, curtaining their faces in wavy black as they traded kiss after kiss. It took a while, but Abby didn’t stay totally passive; her hands came up to hold Jessica’s waist, slipping a few inches under her shirt to caress her bare skin. Jessica slid a hand down her own body to encourage the exploration, gently taking Abby’s wrist and guiding it further up her chest. Hesitantly, Abby cupped Jessica’s heavy breasts through her bra, giving them a very gentle squeeze that made their owner smile.

“They’re not made of glass,” Jessica teased, shifting her hand under the edge of Abby’s t-shirt to stroke over her skinny hips. “Want me to show you what to do?”

Abby swallowed hard, nodding, and Jessica sat back to tug off her top and bra before doing the same to her roommate, exposing her petite chest. The only reason Abby ever wore a bra was to stop her nipples from poking through her clothes, but Jessica had no complaints about the adorable little tits on display in front of her. She bent over her roommate again, breasts hanging free as she began to kiss down her neck. Abby blushed and bit her lip as Jessica reached up to play with her chest, rubbing her thumbs over the sensitive buds on top that were already stiff. When her mouth reached Abby’s collarbone, she shifted to kiss and lick at her nipples, taking them into her mouth to briefly suck and drawing out little gasps.

Jessica was pretty sure Abby had been ready to go the second she sat on the bed, but now they were both worked up and needy. Her patience was wearing thin, and Abby’s hand pushing her head lower was all the invitation she needed to whip the covers off her roommate’s legs. Abby’s pants were already undone and partway pulled down, making it easy to tug everything off and leave her totally naked. Abby took shallow breaths, clutching at the bed as Jessica started to kiss up her leg. When she reached her puffy, reddened pussy, she looked up to meet Abby’s eyes, wordlessly asking permission and getting it in a frantic nod.

Abby didn’t taste like much, just a hint of pleasant sweetness. Jessica lapped it up with slow, teasing licks, starting from the bottom of her heat and working upwards, finding the spots that made her react the most. Abby whimpered and writhed, her heels digging into the mattress as her legs involuntarily tensed. Jessica carefully pulled apart her folds and coaxed her clit from its hood, starting to lick it and getting a low moan in response. Abby clamped a hand over her mouth as the other weaved in Jessica’s hair, holding tight. It wasn’t forcing her down, just keeping her close, and Jessica continued to tease the sensitive bundle of nerves, enjoying the cute, muffled noises she was able to draw out with each bit of stimulation. She liked going down on girls in general, but she couldn’t get enough of Abby. Every motion of her tongue was rewarded with a squeak or a gasp and the mild but delicious flavor of her arousal, encouraging her to keep licking and make her feel as good as possible.

She already knew Abby came pretty quickly, but it still surprised her when her roommate’s thighs clamped down around her head after only a few minutes. Abby bucked into her mouth as her back arched, her legs quivering, moaning into her hand while shuddering waves of bliss crashed over her. Jessica kept gently lapping at her clit, giving her as much pleasure as she could until Abby slumped back against the bed, her chest heaving. Another tentative lick over her folds made her tense up like she was oversensitive, so Jessica just swiped her tongue over her lips and moved to lay alongside her, resting an arm across her roommate.

“Thank you…” Abby whispered, trying to catch her breath, her heart pounding underneath Jessica’s arm.

“Mm.” She leaned in for a kiss on the cheek that turned into a kiss on the nose when Abby turned to look at her. They were still for a moment, then both giggled softly, snuggling closer in the warm afterglow.


All comments and criticisms are welcome.



  1. Yowza that was hot. I think Abby needs to return some favors, though.

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