Liam [FM] [cheating]

Liam looks at me with those piercing eyes. We’re inside his hotel room.

His face looks like he’s reading a difficult math problem, deciding how to solve it. I stand motionless, holding the glass of water I allegedly came in here to get. I look back at him and hold his gaze. We both know full well I’m not here for water. 

“So what did Dr. Farnham actually say?” He asks casually.

I can go along with that. “He liked the abstract”  I reply, lowering my hand with the glass and walk to the window, feeling his eyes running down my body as I turn my back to him. I pause at the window. “He wants to show it to Prof. Alexander for final opinion before we send it in”. I look at the city outside. I’ve been to Prague before, still I feel like I’m in another world right now. 

I can make out his reflection in the glass.

He’s standing with one hand in his pocket, the other one holding his jacket that he hasn’t put down since we got in from the dinner. I look at my own reflection. Business casual in black top and grey trousers but my own elegant touch added, wavy hair up, gold earrings and dark eye shadow I look a bit like a Greek goddess. No wonder I turned heads tonight, I smile slightly. 

“That’s pretty impressive for a 30 year old” I hear him say.

I see his reflection walk up to me and stop by my side to look at the view. We stand there for a moment, not too close, taking in the city outside. 

I’ve known Liam for a couple of years. We’ve been through a lot together.

I don’t think we would have become friends otherwise, we are very different personalities.

He’s sarcastic and likes expensive things and minimalistic style. I’m very organised and like yoga and vegan food. We do have one thing in common, we would do anything for the job. In the beginning I related to his ruthlessness in career moves. I think he saw the same thing in me.

We never talked about it per so, but a sense of rapport, of mutual respect formed between us and in this line of work that’s not too common. 

“Yeah it’s pretty cool” I smile, genuinely happy “I had no idea this would pan out as far as it has” I study his reflection in the glass, he’s standing on my right hand side, a few inches behind me.

He’s handsome, that was obvious from the beginning. But he was married. In the beginning that actually facilitated our friendship, I felt that we could chat more easily knowing he was taken, so obviously we would only be colleagues and friends. I met his wife briefly once and found her very nice. Pretty, I thought. He deserved it, yet I felt the bitter jealousy deep down resting under my conscious thoughts.

Gradually, however, I learned that he was not happy in the relationship. He told about fights with his wife, I wondered at first if he was doing it to try to plant a seed in my mind. Well if that was the case then it worked. 

I see his head turn to look at me.

I take another sip of water and shift my weight onto my right leg, pretending that it’s an accident that I’m leaning slightly closer to him. I know he notices. I know he knows it’s deliberate. He keeps his head turned to me.

“How’s the water?”

The dinner had been a success.

I had shaken hand with the people I needed to and Liam accepted an award for outstanding work. We both left the venue feeling victorious.

We walked back to our hotel with three others from our institute, an old friend of Liams and a junior colleague and his wife who were at their first conference. 

The couple had gone straight to their room but me, Liam and his friend sat down for a drink at the hotel bar. We had been set up at a nice hotel, and we wanted to enjoy it. Liam’s friend then excused himself and left the two of us. 

At first we sat in silence.

I felt a familiar tingle that I usually got when I was alone with him. I felt his eyes on my body, his words seemed more carefully chosen. Always casual though, always his usual, professional self, yet I felt like we both had a physical hunger for each other. A kind of biological response we couldn’t control so we just accepted it was there. And even more oddly, I didn’t find this uncomfortable. I always felt relaxed in this state of unsolvable tension. I allowed the desire to boil inside me, a kind of pleasurable agony. 

We both had more than half of our glasses left, so we sat. I don’t think any two people have ever sipped cognac so slowly. We knew once our glasses emptied we would have to leave. 

We talked about his award and he laughed it off as no big deal. But I knew he was proud. As he should be, it was no small feat. I talked more about my research, doubting he was actually paying attention. 

I knew he wouldn’t look at me if I saw, so I turned my head away. Telling him about another study related to mine, I allowed him to run his eyes up and down my body. I knew he was doing it, as I talked I could see it in my peripheral vision. I slowly turned my head and saw he was looking at the curve of my breasts, he hadn’t noticed my head turn. I smiled. His face looked like a hungry man in a bakery picking out a pastry.

I couldn’t tell if he was hard as his jacket covered his crotch. *Well played.* I decided to make this a bit difficult for him and held my gaze on his eyes. He seemed to suddenly realise I was looking, and his eyes darted up to mine. There was a hint of panic in his eyes for a split second but he regained composure immediately. I maintained neutral expression, he looked back with his usual intensity. 

Neither of us acknowledging what had just happened but not saying anything to neutralise the tension either. We just sat like that for a while. 

“We should probably get to bed soon”. I don’t know why I said it. I wasn’t trying  to be ambiguous per se, but didn’t mind if so. I knew it wouldn’t matter. 

“Yeah, it’s pretty late.” He kept his tone casual. “You’re not going to finish your cognac?” 

“No” I looked at the bit left in my glass. Poured over two hours ago.

“I want some water”.

He looked at his own glass. Equally half full and with specs of dust in it now.

Was that disappointment I saw in his face? He seems sad that our chat was ending. The thought sent a tingle up my body. We had always had an unspoken agreement. An invisible like we never crossed in our communications that sometimes bordered on flirtation. 

I looked at him and smirked, leaving it up to him how he interpreted it. He paused for a second. “Yeah water it probably a good idea. Do you have a fancy decanter in your room? There’s this posh crystal thing in my room for water, I’ve never seen anything like it”.

We laughed. we were both hugely successful but in the early years of our careers so we were used to being in ridiculously expensive situations and having to pretend it was normal for us. “No” I replied “but I have a huge mirror that looks a hundred years old and is probably haunted” he laughed. 

We sat for a few more moments before getting up. Taking the stairs as we usually did in work.

We chatted more about our rooms. Personally I didn’t give a shit about our rooms, but I knew that comparing our rooms created an excuse for one of us to see the other’s room. A ridiculous excuse, I thought. However this was the closest we had ever come to actual flirting and I was enjoying it so much that didn’t even care where this was going. 

I should feel painfully awkward, I realised as I explained how stupidly big my bed was. But I didn’t. For some reason I didn’t care, I was just enjoying this and looking forward to touching myself as soon as I’d be back in my room. 

Our rooms were in the same hallway, mine a few doors down from his.

We still hadn’t broken the rule of keeping the conversation casual. As we walked in the hallway I felt a sadness in my chest. I didn’t want this to be over. Even if it wasn’t going to lead anywhere I wanted to keep talking to him, hear his sexy laugh, sneaking looks at his chest and shoulders which I had so often fantasied about clawing at as he fucked me senseless.

We stopped by his door and he opened with his card and finished his joke about out co-worker, I gave a genuine giggle and prepared to say goodnight. “That’s the thing” he suddenly said and pointed at something inside his room.

My mind blanked for a second and then I peered over his shoulder. There was indeed a sparkly looking crystal decanter standing on a silver tray with a few glasses around it like something out of a gothic castle. 

I laughed, amazed “ok that is the fanciest water bottle I’ve seen, I bet you feel like a posh Dracula drinking out of that” he snickered “Absolutely. Do you wanna try?” I felt my chest tighten. He was actually going to do it. I looked at him, he still had that casual smile in, as if this was still a joke about a water decanter. The response came surprisingly easy,  I grinned at the ridiculousness of this whole conversation “yeah I do, that looks amazing”, he stepped in and I followed him, the door closing behind us. 

Standing in the room the atmosphere suddenly got a thousand times more intense.

We had crossed the invisible line.

As I took in the room I knew there is no way we can make this seem casual. I watched him walk over to the decanter and pour water into two glasses. I admired his strong looking back as his muscles moved under the tailored shirt. He turned around holding my glass and paused for a moment. A few steps apart in the half dim room we stood in silence and looked each other in the eye. He walked to me, holding my gaze and handed me the glass. 


And now we’re standing by the window.

“How’s the water?”

I look down at the glass and turn to face him.

I’ve never been quite so close to him, I can smell his familiar aftershave. I can see the details on his shirt. I rest my gaze on the neckline of his shirt for a while. “It’s good” I look up to his face and he looks back at me. His face is focused. Concentrated, and serious somehow.

I stand still, there’s a voice inside me screaming at me to move. Say something. Do something. But I ignore it, I force myself to stay still. 

We stand like that for what feels like an eternity, I can feel the heat from his body. I don’t know how long we’ve been like that when he calmly raises his arm and takes the glass from my hand, placing it in the counter behind us. Slowly turning back to me he puts his hand on my shoulder. 

He looks at me, focused, like he’s examining a precious stone. “Do you mind..?” He doesn’t specify that further but starts pulling me closer to him, I look up at him and smirk. W*ell done boy.* Tilting my head back as he pulls me in for a kiss. 

His lips are soft but the kiss is rough and hungry.

I feel his hand slide down my back and stop there, resting on my waist. He grabs down slightly, squeezing the soft flesh through the material of my top. He’s savouring this. I run my own hands up his back to his neck and into his hair, running my fingers through it. It feels surprisingly natural, as if I’ve done this before. I stroke down the nape of his neck and hear him moan. *Fuck*. I’ve never heard him make a sound like that before. 

I run my hands all the way down his shirt and pull it up, sliding down my hands under it and up his back, feeling his warm skin under my fingertips.

This feels unreal and I wonder for a second if I’m having a dream right now. It happened once before, and I had spent days after hoping I would have another one but never did. Suddenly his hands start moving again and he breaks the kiss, moving his mouth to my jaw and neck as his hands find their way down to my ass, thighs, ass again and then up my body, grabbing my shirt and pulling it up over my head. 

I lift my arms up to help him and see him looks at me in only my bra and trousers.

His face looks shocked, eyes wide and mouth open he looks like a little boy seeing a woman for the first time. “Fuck..” he says looking down at me, he reaches his hand out and touches the skin on my stomach, sliding up to the curve of my breast. 

I close my eyes and let him feel as he wants, his touch feels electric and I feel goosebumps form on my skin, a shockwave of pleasure coming from between my legs and spreading all over my body, I feel myself shiver. I open my eyes and my hands reach up to unbutton his shirt, almost automatically. He shrugs it off and steps up to me again, pulling me in for another kiss before his mouth finds my neck again. I take the opportunity to run my hands over his back again. Feeling the muscles under his skin I realise how strong he must be. He pushes into me and I feel his bulge press into my hip again. 

Sliding my hand down his torso I move forward to find his belt buckle. I pause there but decide to leave it and run my open palm down the crotch of his trousers, over the hard bulge that’s there. Ok, so he’s big. I don’t know what else I expected. I slide my palm down his length and up again, and hear him groan. The sound creates butterflies in my stomach and I do it again. More groans. He sounds frustrated.

He stands completely still as if not to interrupt me, his mouth has come to a rest under my right ear.

I smile and stroke him more, feeling my own pussy tingle at the though of how I’m making him feel. I feel his arms tighten around me and he pulls back to grab my upper arms pulling my hands away. He holds on to me and walks forward, steering me to walk backwards towards his bed. He lowers me on the bed and I let him. Standing at the edge of the bed he’s still for a second, watching me lie on my back. I look back up at him and my hand moves up to undo the button on my trousers. He pulls them off for me, exposing the smooth sin of my legs, along with socks and shoes.

In my underwear only I sit up on the edge of the bed facing him.

I reach up for his belt buckle which is not at eye level with me, and into it for him. He stands still, allowing me to work. I unbutton his fly and pull his trousers down to reveal black boxer briefs. He steps out of the trousers, socks and shoes and comes to rest standing before me equally half naked as I. I tilt my chin up to look at his face. He looks back down to me and for a second he’s the same guy I’ve shared an office and countless lunch breaks with for the past few months. Then he raises his hand to run through my hair and there’s a look in his eyes I haven’t seen before.


I close my eyes and my hands find the waistband of his boxers and pull it down over his cock.

What am I doing? I ignore the tiny voice of national thinking, I don’t care for yet now, I just want to hear him make that groan again. Feel his strong hands pull me in, feel him inside me. 

His cock bounces softly as the boxers hit the floor and I look back up at him.

His eyes are slightly wide now, is that a look of disbelief on his face? I wrap my hand around his shaft and that looks disappears as his eyes close and head tilts back.

Sitting in the bed, him standing I front of me, I take his head in my mouth and suck gently, hearing another groan in return. His breathing becomes audible as I take in nearly his entire length before sliding it back out. “Fuck.” I hear again. I take that as a signal to carry on and slide him in and out a few more times, not caring about anything but this moment and how I want that cock inside me. 

He stops me after only a few more strokes, pulling his hips away and my shoulders backward, looking down at me.

His voice comes out in a soft growl.

“What.. the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I feel my eyebrows lift and my mouth curl into a smile. Is he angry now? Ive seen him angry before but not with me. And this is different. His hands slide from my shoulders to my back as he unclips my bra before pushing me down on the bed and getting on top of me. 

Sliding a hand down between us he tugs on my panties. I shift my pelvis upward and allow him to pull them all the way down. Coming back up, face level with mine, he runs his hand up my leg and looks me in the eye.

His gaze is piercing, I moan as his fingers trace my skin, but keep my eyes open as his hand slides up my inner thigh and in between my legs. His fingers press against the warm skin and I inhale as they slide between the soft folds and inside my pussy. 

I feel the urge to close my eyes and turn away from him as he discovers how wet I am, but I also want to see his face as he touches me.

A childish sense of bashfulness arises as I look at him and see his eyes widen ever so slightly and his breath quicken. He’s so visibly aroused by this. I don’t look away. I want him to know this is for him, it’s his fault I’m so wet. His fault I’ve had to make countless trips to the bathroom to touch myself after spending time with him alone in the office. His fault I’m lying naked on my back now, in the wrong hotel room, about to let a married man fuck me.

He slides a finger inside me and bends down to bite my neck gently.

I press my pelvis down into his hand and he adds another finger, the palm of his hand pushing against my clit. I wrap my arms around his back, not sure what I’m trying to accomplish with that, just wanting to feel more of him. He curls his finger forward inside me and I hear a loud moan escape my mouth and lose control of my back muscles for a second, arching upward as a surge of pleasure washes over me. “God.. Oh my god”. I’d like to ask him for more but this is all my brain can assemble at the moment.

He repeats the motion a few more times. Each stroke sending a current up my spine, he lifts his face up from the nape of my neck and looks at me, his face looks so familiar, yet like a complete stranger. His hand is still between my legs. It dawns on me suddenly that he might back out. He might decide not to go through with it. In this moment the thought is unbearable, I need him. I need him inside me, now.

I look at him and I know my expression is desperate. Pleading. I nee to say something. “.. please?”. *Jesus*. How pathetic can you get? He looks at me and I know then that he’s not going to stop. I recognise determination on him and he is not done with me.

I see his eyes darken and just a hint of smile forming on his mouth. Shit. I’ve made him cocky.

But he doesn’t pause to humiliate me, he doesn’t say “please what?”, he just removes his hand and pushes my thighs apart with his knees. “Ok” he whispers in my ear as he takes his cock in his hand to position it right on my entrance. He pauses there for a second before thrusting it it all the way in one stroke.

I nearly scream at the sensation, arching my head back and pressing my pelvis up into his, I can feel his whole body tense up and he lets out a soft, low groan as he stays like that for a moment. He pulls out again and plunges back in, hard. I moan and grab on to his back trying to pull him even further into me. Grinding my pussy against his pelvic bone, I know I’m going to come.

I look up at him, my vision has gone blurry and my eyes don’t want to stay open.

I close them again and I know I’m about to lose control. For a split second it occur to me that I should maybe try to retain composure. For some reason I don’t want him to think he has power over me. The thought dies away as he thrusts in again and I moan “please don’t stop”. He doesn’t. He keeps thrusting, deep and slow, each time sending a shockwave though me.

I keep moaning and I can hear words like “please” and “god” come out at random, as I desperately try to pull him deeper into me. Any sense of reality is gone and I don’t care about anything but this. *Please fuck me harder, faster. I need to come. Please let me come*. I’m not sure how much of this I manage to vocalise as I hear incoherent segments and syllables come from my mouth. But he seems to get it, and suddenly quickens his pace.

His thrusts are coming in hard and fast now. I feel the shockwaves start to merge into one continuous surge of electric heat that spreads down my legs, up my spine and into my head. “Oh god..” I hear my moans stop and become more like sighs and I think for a few moments I actually stop breathing before the pleasure takes over and my back arches so that my chest lifts from the bed. I can feel my pussy tighten down around him as every muscle in my body contracts, seemingly at random.

I can hear his breathing change and he grips my waist, pulling me down on him in each thrust.

*Fuck, yes.*

A low moan escapes his mouth and I can feel rather than hear the absolute surrender as he gives in to his instincts and fucks me harder than I’ve ever been fucked, slamming his pelvis into me.

I’ve never been so turned on and I feel another orgasm build up, seconds after the first, as he pounds me even harder than earlier and I know he’s about to lose control. I feel my world disappear again into an endless sense of pleasure and I hear him moan loudly and his body shakes as I know he’s emptying inside me, just before I tip over the edge and the world disappears.

I feel a weight thump down on me and I’m abruptly yanked from my pink cloud as all the air is knocked out of my lungs, just before he realises and rolls over to the side. I close my eyes again and lie still, feeling soft tingles of residual pleasure all over my body.

The cool air feels good against my skin.

I hear breathing beside me. I smile but keep my eyes closed.

He doesn’t say anything either.

We lie still like this, enjoying just being still, breathing and existing somehow. Neither of us feeling the need to say anything, we lie in silence and enjoy not having to do anything at all for the time being.



1 comment

  1. Very hot and sensuous. The writing is definitely better than the usual one gets here.

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