Poker Night [Many M; F]

This is a work of fiction.

Once a month, I invite over all the guys to hang out at my place, we drink beers and whisky, and gamble over a bit of poker. Usually small bets, but lately they’d be getting more and more interesting. When we started we just rolled with $0.25 minimum bets. Eventually, this got upped to $0.50 and eventually $1. But money got boring.

One night, Devan, one of the guys, had been bragging and gloating about the new girl he was seeing. “So curvy”, “So sexy”, “a perfect, tight little pussy” he kept saying. “She sends me the hottest nudes,” he’d say. At that point I’d had enough.

“Alright then, if she sends you such great nudes, how about this. Instead of gambling money for tonight, let’s gamble nudes. You lose, you have to surrender a nude from some girl you’ve been with. Winner gets to save them to his phone.”

*That* made things a little more interesting. The money became just a side-bet, to the greater prize of nudes. Not just any nudes, but nudes of girls we all generally *knew*. Which, made it that much hotter.

From there it escalated. From pics, it went up to videos. We all started recording more and more of our girls during our intimate encounters, and in our monthly game, we’d gamble the best of them.

I however had a bit of difficulty. I hadn’t been seeing anyone new, and I was all out of content. That is, until I met you. We’d started dating shortly after the monthly game, and had a torrid love affair so far. Passionate, lustful. *Nasty*. We were an excellent fit sexually, and you provided the best content for pictures and videos.

But game night was approaching. And the more I thought about it, the more I thought our usual bet needed an… *escalation*. Girls were typically off limits for our game night. No partners, just the guys could come. But I thought I’d make an exception just this time.

“You know babe. The guys and I usually do this poker night once a month. Nothing crazy. But, you know, with how damn sexy you are, I was thinking of a little fun we could have with it.”

“What did you have in mind?” you ask.

“Well, you have such a sexy body. I think it would be such good fun to show you off to them. I’m thinking we dress you up in some sexy lingerie, and you can play the part of hostess for the night. You can give us all a nice show as you fetch us beers, and offer the guys little tips. Maybe sit in their laps now and then and giggle and tease them.”

You could feel yourself getting wet at the suggestion. “You want me to be a sexy little tease for your friends?”

And just like that, the plan was set in motion. Only, I had a little *more* in mind then I’d let on.

Finally, it was game night. You’re dressed absolutely stunningly. Thigh high stockings with garter belts connecting to black lacy panties. The panties further connected up to a lush black bra which showcased your ample tits could successively. A far-too-short black skirt barely hiding your panties, and not hiding your garters at all. Last of all, a thin white tank-top, cut into a deep “V” to expose your cleavage. Your makeup was done up sexily as well, fine black mascara and eye liner, a tastefully red lipstick, a little blush. Nothing too much, but enough for anyone to see that you meant to impress tonight.

You’re tucked away in my bedroom getting ready as the guys all show up, one by one. We crack some beers and shoot the shit as the poker table gets ready and set, and we prepare to play.

Devan was tall and muscular. 6’2″ probably, fair skinned with black hair and black eyes. A good smile, but a little rough around the edges. Funny, but a bit of a dick.

John was a smaller guy, shorter and built lithe. Dirty brown hair, green eyes, more olive skinned. He was quieter generally, and didn’t fuss too much. A hard man to read.

Andrew was the nerdiest of the bunch. Tall and thin, with square thick rimmed glasses. A big toothy smile.

Last was Adrian, built like a tank. Bald with an aggressive black beard, beady eyes, barrel chested with big arms. A real teddy bear in actuality though.

“So boys, are we doing the regular bet again this month? Dirtiest new video we’ve all got?” Devan asks. The others all shrugged and nodded and agreed.

“Not quite,” I said. “I’ve got a little something special planned this time.” I got up and shuffled to the bedroom. “Babe, you ready?” I ask.

“Yep! Just a moment.” you announce.

“Whoa whoa whoa hey, who’s the girl? You know there’s no girls allowed at these, dude,” Devan argued. The other guys exchanged glances, trying to figure out how to react.

“Oh, don’t worry Devan. She’s not a player, she’s the prize.” The guys gasped and looked at one another, before finally smirking.

“Really? And just how is that going to work?” Andrew asked. No doubt eager about the idea of “winning” a lady, given his usual lack of success with them.

Just then, the bedroom door opens as you stride on out into the dining room where was all sat discussing the prize, eager to play. Sauntering over to me, you give me a quick but deep kiss before turning your attention to the other men. We all quickly make introductions, before I continue the rules of the game.

“Tonight, my girl will be our sexy little waitress. She’s here to fetch you drinks and snacks, and provide you all a nice little piece of eye candy to ogle while we play. She’ll spectate, and feel free to ask her for tips, but she’s not here to play. As I said, tonight, she’s the main bet.”

At that, your eyes widen and you look to me in surprise. “The main bet?” you ask me. “That’s right babe,” I said, shushing you with kiss and a firm squeeze of your ass. As I break the kiss, I give you a good spank on the ass. Speechless, you look on as I explain.

“There’s five of us. And my girl here is wearing five articles of clothing. Tonight, there will be no second buy-ins. When you lose, you get to remove a piece of her clothing. Your choice. You will also win a *consolation* prize.”

The guys remain silent, but smiling as they eye you up and down. You want to speak up and complain, but the thought of getting slowly undressed by all these guys over the course of the night has you getting wetter and wetter. You can’t help up keep quiet as I continue my explanation.

“Each person gets to remove an article of clothing, but that’s all the first loser gets. The second loser wins a lap-dance from her. Standard strip club rules apply. The third loser, or also third place as it happens, gets a lap-dance as well. However, for *his* lap-dance, standard club rules do *not* apply. You can make-out with her, grope her, even finger her, if she lets you.”

The guys remain ever silent, grinning more and more by the minute, eyeing you down like hungry wolves about to devour prey. All you can do is blush wildly and grind your thighs against one another as you become slicker and wetter and full of lust, biting your lip to keep from inner “good girl” from objecting to this plan.

“Second place wins oral privileges. You get all of the above, lap-dance, make-outs, and so on. But you may also go down on her, lick her pussy, even lick her ass. And of course, she’ll suck your cock until you cum, and swallow every last drop.” I spank you hard on the ass again, and you yelp mildly before resuming your lip bite, looking at me with pleading eyes. Eyes that seem to say “Please no sir, I don’t want this”, and “God, fuck this is hot, please make me do this sir,” all at the same time.

“And what about first place?” Andrew asks, devilishly.

“You win her for the night. You can use her here if you want, or even take her home. Fuck her mouth, fuck her ass, fuck her pussy. You can even take her bareback and pump her full of cum if you want. She’ll be yours until I come to reclaim her in the morning.”

The guys practically howled at that. You practically pissed your pants. *I’m not on birth control* you think to yourself. *I can’t get one of these random guys knock me up*, you think. Seeming to sense your thoughts, I turn to you and give you another deep kiss.

“Don’t worry babe. I know you’ll enjoy this… And if I don’t win, I’ll reclaim you and breed you in the morning after they’ve had their fun with you.”

You think of how to argue, but all you can say is “Okay sir.” *Whoever wins better be hung as fuck* you think.

And with that, the game was on. Immediately, you went about being a good, pretty little waitress as you shuffled beers over from the fridge for Andrew and Adrian, and mixed up cocktails for me, Devan and John. Your tiny little skirt flashing pretty little glimpses of your soft smooth skin as you went about your duties.

The guys were in rare form tonight. Everyone had their best poker face on as they bet and bluffed their way to more, or less, chips. But, the game dragged on and on, no one quite daring to go *all in* and risk losing their chance at having you for the night.

Getting bored of sitting idly nearby, spectating as to who you might belong to by night’s end, you decided to up the ante and squeeze into your role some more. *Maybe I can try and influence the game a bit* you think, as you saunter over to John’s seat. Bending over over shoulder and leaning to his ear you whisper throatily “Can I get you anything else, sexy?”

You can practically feel his goosebumps shutter over his body. All play has stopped, all eyes on the generous cleavage hanging on your chest.

“Umm.. No I think I’m okay,” he stammers out. “Mind if I take a seat then?” You ask. Not waiting for an answer, you pull his chair out from the table to make room before wrapping an arm around him, pushing your tits into his chest as you seat yourself laterally across his lap. You flash him a shy smile and wink, before looking back to the room. “Don’t mind me boys, keep playing.” you haughtily suggest.

You didn’t need to tell them twice, the game was back on. Another round of cards went out and the betting begun. Me, then Devan, then Andrew, until time came for Johns’ turn. Distracted, his left hand found itself stroking your legs idly as his right flimsily held his cards up for him to review. Of course, you could easily see his cards as well.

“I’ll raise $2,” he says. Looking over his hand, you pout. “Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I was you. Don’t you want to win me for the night John?” you ask sweetly.

He stammers out an “um,” and “yes of course” and it’s too late, the $2 was raised, and now everyone knew he was bluffing. Not want to leave idle hands, your right hand found its way to his crotch and began to ever so gently stroke and squeeze him. You could feel his rock hard cock straining against his pants. *Too small*, you think. *As I guessed*.

Looking over to me from across the table, you over exaggerate your rubbing of his cock as you look me dead in the eyes with a smile and a wink. *I’m not technically breaking the rules* you seem to say with your glance. Smiling, I wink back at you.

The game continued, very different this time around. Nobody could keep their glance from you for long, and of course, you always met their look with a flirty counter. A wink, a dash of your tongue across your lips. A lip bite. A teasing rub or squeeze of your tits.

John could concentrate least of all, and all of his bluffing had gone straight out the window as you continued to absent mindedly tease him with ever so light strokes of your hand on him. Hardly any time passed before mistake after mistake had drained him completely dry, rendering him out of the game, the first loser.

Everyone else cheered at the victory, and pounded the remainder of their drinks. Rising from John, you give him a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to your drink duties.

Once everyone was refreshed, I handed out the first of many consolation prizes. “Well played John, but not well enough I fear.” I tell him. “But, hey, at least you get to undress her a little. Go ahead, take a something off.”

Getting up from his seat, he walks on over to you, eyeing you up and down as you present yourself to his gaze, pushing out your chest and squeezing your thighs together, feeling the wetness of your panties.

John looks you up and down, as a smirk begins to show on his face. John takes a step towards you, before bending over slightly. You coo in surprise as he lifts your skirt up, and begins to unstrap the garter belts. John looks up to you again and winks, before taking each side of your panties into his grasp, and slowly sliding them down. *Panties first. Bold move*, you flush, now eyeing me directly again. We share a flirty smile as you step out of your panties. “Consolation prize right?” he asks, as he takes the panties to his face and takes a deep sniff, before pocketing them.

You giggle to yourself, “hehe”. *Can’t hide my wetness from running down my legs now* you think.

The group eventually drops their raised eyebrows down to normal levels as they cough and adjust themselves in their pants. Smirking, you eye out your next target. John resumes his original seat, but is quickly disappointed as you move past him, around and around the table, occasionally bending over to “inspect the game a little closer.”

The guys had begun to get a little bolder with you now. An arm around the waist as you stand near them. Suggestions to “take a seat” in their laps. Devan was even so bold as you reach an arm around you, and quickly drag it lower past your skirt, and back up to land on your bare ass. He laid down a flush and then, and collected his winnings for that round. “Well done,” you whisper in his ear. “Thanks,” he says, then spanking you deviously. You let out a yelpy moan and bend down further toward the table, pushing out your ass. Taking the hint, he spanks you again, and again, and again, each time eliciting out a more sexual moan from your lips and forcing your ass to bend out further and further. This time, his spank lands, but his fingers remain gripped tight to your ass, kneading it as his pinky slips down over your tight little asshole, rubbing it gently before slowly sliding it in.

“Umpuf, *fuck*” you breathily moan, again making eye contact with me as my friend slowly penetrates your ass with his finger. You bite your lip and wink, before turning to face Devan. “Don’t you wish that was your cock in my ass right now, and not your finger?” you pout at him. He smiles devilishly, before standing up and pushing you down to the table, now pushing two fingers into your ass as he begins to unbuckle his belt with his other hand. “God yes, fuck me,” you moan, unable to contain your raging lustful emotions.

“Ahem”, I cough. “You haven’t earned her ass yet, Devan. Let’s see those hands.” A little guiltily, he complies and withdraws his fingers from you and sits back down. You pout in disappointment, and look back to him as he slips the fingers he had inside of you into his mouth for a taste. “I need another whisky,” he says.

Straightening yourself back up, you puff in frustration as you return to the bar to pour him another drink, and we start the next hand.

The game continues, as you take a quick breather to freshen up in the bathroom. Getting a devilish idea, you go to my bedroom and begin to rummage through my nightstand. *Ah, there it is*, you think as you pull the small jeweled metal plug from it’s red velvet bag.

Returning to the game, you make a little announcement. “Well boys, since Justin is a little shy about you using my holes without *winning* them yet, I came up with a little solution.” With our gazes all on you, you do a little twirl, before stopping facing away from us. You bend over sharply, and sexily flick the short little skirt up to reveal the green jewel now plugging your cute little asshole. The guys all gasp. “No way,” Andrew moans.

With our attention all on your ass, you continue to make a little show of it, wagging your hips back and forth and trailing your fingers up across your soaking wet pussy to the plug in your ass. Gently teasing it as you pull and tug it little by little, withdrawing it and plugging yourself again before abruptly standing straight again, flipping back around to face us.

“Oops, I guess I’m wearing too many *clothes* again. Better remove one to keep it fair,” you tease, as you pull your shirt up and off your body, throwing it aside. After that, you saunter back on over to the table, and straddle me in my chair, facing me. You kiss me deeply as I grip and spank your bare ass under your skirt.

Devan seems to notice this as an opportunity, and quickly glances at the other guys before reaching over and scooping a handful of my chips up. Eyeing the guys silently, he quietly divvys up the chips amongst everyone.

After a long moment you finally end your kiss with me before standing back up and settling yourself back into my lap more comfortably. Biting your lip, you idly reach a hand down to tease your clit as you rock back and forth on my lap, seemingly insatiable in your desire.

The game continues. Finding myself with less chips than I thought I had, I begin to fret a little, as I struggle to remain composure in my bluffs. But it’s too little, too late, and eventually, I to am bled dry of all my chips. I laugh to myself. “Well shit, I was hoping for better then second last. One of you is going to get to have a real fun night…”

You smirk and squeeze me in my pants and kiss me again before quickly getting up of my lap. “Sorry babe,” you taunt. “Looks like one of your friends is going to be fucking me tonight.”

“Sure looks that way, babe.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure I show them a reeeaal. Good. Time. My cunt is absolutely *aching* for some cum in it,” you laugh, kissing me again on the cheek before waltzing away to the couch. “Come collect your consolation prize, babe,” you gloat.

Getting up, I move on over to the couch and sit down, legs spread. “What will it be?” you ask. I smirk. “Well, it wouldn’t be any fun for *them* if I remove the plug already.” You giggle, “true.”

As you climb into my lap to begin the lap-dance, I reach around your back and quickly unbuckle the strap of your bra, before ripping it off your chest and flinging it aside. “Remember, club rules” you tell me. “No touching *these*” as you squeeze your tits and tweak your nipples. “And no touching my holes. No kissing either. Got it?”

Noticing everyone’s gaze on us, you shout back to them. “Don’t mind us boys, continue your game. I can’t wait to see who loses next.”

And with that, you begin grinding and dancing in my lap. Forwards, backwards, eagerly working your bare ass against the bulge in my pants as you tease me. Straddling me, and grinding into me, you whisper into my ear. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this. I’m so fucking wet.”

“Good girl. Good slut.” I reply, spanking you hard on the ass. “You’re absolutely killing it. My slutty girlfriend having her fun with all my friends…”

“Yeah?” you whisper back. “I can feel how hard this makes you. I bet you can’t wait to see what comes next. I wonder whose cock I’m gonna suck… I wonder whose cum is gonna be inside me tonight.” You moan as I spank you again. “Hmm who says I have to play by your rules anyway? Maybe I’ll fuck all of them,” you tease. You can feel my cock pulse through my pants against your bare pussy as you continue to grind in my lap. “I wonder whose cock is the biggest. Or who the best fuck is. Maybe… I’ll let the best one keep me for good.” I moan again and spank you harder and harder. “Better enjoy my body while it you still have a claim to it,” you continue breathlessly into my ear. “Oops. Nevermind, song’s over,” you say, pulling yourself off of me.

All I can do is smirk and laugh and spank your ass once again, “Such a good slut you are,” I tell you, as we walk back over to rejoin the game.

Before you can even scope out your next target, you’re surprised to see that someone else has already lost again. Adrian this time. “Damn,” he says laughing. “Really though I’d win this time.”

Not wasting a moment, you saunter over, taking his first prize from him by shrugging off your skirt and straddling him on his lap. Stockings and plug all that’s left to cover you. “Well hello next man,” you flirt, as you grind into him and feel his cock press hard against you in his shorts. You wrap your hands around him and quickly part your lips against his, kissing him eagerly as your tongue darts across his tongue, grinding against his lap. Taking your cue, his hands quickly wrap around your body, squeezing your tits, kneading your ass, spanking you as you grind against him. You can feel his bulge even more and more as your wetness dampens the thin cloth of his gym shorts. *Big* is all you think, as you moan against his mouth.

Thoroughly distracted now, but determined to reach a conclusion to the game, the remaining players Devan and Andrew continue on, hand against hand, quickly gaining and losing massive piles of chips as they struggle to suss out each other’s bluffs and win you.

The game continues on for a long while, with you and Adrian now having properly moved to the couch to continue his “lap-dance” as you grind in his lap and kiss him. It doesn’t take him long for his fat fingers to find their way into your pussy, first one, and then two, before withdrawing them when he realizes he’d rather feel your cunt press against his barely covered cock.

You’re both briefly interrupted by the hard slam of cards against the table. “Straight,” Devan confidently declares, before reaching over and collecting all his chips into a big heaping stack in front of him. Andrew had finally lost.

Laughing, all he can say is “Good game,” shaking Devan’s hand before getting up and finishing his drink. “Guess I can’t really complain though, second place isn’t too bad.”

Taking your cue, you lift up from Adrian’s lap and beckon him up and away and Andrew to come over. “What will it be for you, handsome?” you ask cutely of him. Andrew clumsily smirks, “lay down on the couch,” he says. You obey him, and spread your legs on the couch, gently rubbing yourself as you gaze at him. At this point, the guys had all gathered round to watch the show.

Crouching down beside you, he takes a leg gently in hand and begins to slip off a stocking, and then the other, leaving you fully nude save for the butt plug filling your ass.

After this, he climbs over you and removes his glasses before kissing you passionately. He moves to your neck, and begins to kiss gently down your body, pausing to take your hard well teased nipples into his mouth, eliciting further moans from you. Moving down your body, he plies your legs apart and over his shoulders as he dots kisses deep on your inner thighs. Finally, he attacks your gushingly wet pussy with his mouth licking you up and down and all over. You can hardly contain your moans as you squeeze your own tits in pleasure. It’s not long before you’re crying out in pleasure as an orgasm crashes over you.

He pauses to give you a moment. “Mmm, thanks babe. That was amazing. My turn now,” you tell him, as you push up and climb off the couch. Making your way between his legs, you begin to unbuckle his belt and slide off his jeans, and boxers, revealing a perfectly pretty cock. Not too big, not too small, but damn if it wasn’t a solidly good looking one. Lightly colored with a pink head, and straight and hard.

Taking his cock into your hands, your face approaches it. You look over to your side where I stand admiring, and make eye contact as you drag your tongue up from his balls to the base of his cock, up along the underside of his shaft and then into your mouth. You wink at me, and remove him from your mouth for a quick moment.

“Your friend has such a nice dick, babe. It tastes sooo good,” you tell me, winking again before now making eye contact with Andrew as you plunge his cock into your mouth and bob and suck him for all he’s worth, using every technique you know.

You can feel your pussy gush even wetter as you suck my friend’s cock. Licking the shaft, sucking the head, cradling the balls, twirling your tongue all over all of him. His hands gently cradle your head as you do so, pulling your head and guiding you.

And just then, you have a wicked idea. Plopping his cock from your mouth, you pout. “Oh no. We totally skipped the lap dance for you, Andrew. Let’s fix that.”

Smirking, you climb back up from the floor and onto his lap. Straddling him, you can feel his saliva-drenched cock slide slick against your burning hot cunt. You grab his hands and guide one to your tit and the other to the plug snug in your ass, before pushing your mouth to his in a desperate kiss, as you begin to grind against him.

He begins to spank and knead your ass as you plop on and down on his lap, each time feeling his cock slide between your lips in a delicious tease. Your pace begins to quicken as his spanks get harder and harder. Eventually, you make your move.

Taking an overly exaggerated slide back, you push your cunt up against his cock and force it straight upward. Sliding your body then up and up along his, his cock slips past you, below you. With one last slide back down, you impale yourself down hard on his bare cock until you can feel the plug in your ass snug against his balls. You let out an excruciatingly sexy “Mmmmphf!” grunt, and sigh as you look at him.

Figuring out what’s happened, the guys all cheer quietly. You turn your head over to face me. “Oops,” you tease, devilishly. “Guess Devan won’t be the only one fucking me tonight,” you exclaim. “But, I suppose that’s not fair is it?” you ask of everyone. “Guess I’ll have to let you all have a turn,” you tease. Focusing back on Andrew, you kiss him deeply and he begins to pump himself in and out of you, hard and fast. The thuds of your fucking echo out throughout the apartment as you slam your ass down on his cock over and over again. “God fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Andrew shouts.

“Mmmfph” you moan. “Do it, fucking cum in me!” you cry out as you begin to feel his cock pulse and pulse and unload rope after rope of his cum into you. Sighing deeply in pleasure, you give Andrew one last kiss “Thanks for the cum baby,” you tell him, as you climb up off of him, allowing his cock to slip out of you. “Oh, better clean that up!” you say, giving his cock a last good suck clean.

Rolling over and back into the couch, you spread your legs wide. “I guess Devan’s next?” you ask rhetorically. Not wasting a minute, Devan strips down completely naked and approaches you on the couch. “Not before I claim my prize.” He reaches down and grabs hold of the plug in your ass and pulls it out roughly, making you gasp hard.

Putting the plug aside, he grabs hold of you, and hefts you up into his arms. He guides his big, thick, upwardly curving cock straight into your ass, causing you to moan sharply in pain, before it eventually succumbs to pleasure. He walks over and thrusts you hard against the wall, as he begins to plunge his cock in and out of your ass roughly, making you scream madly as an orgasm quickly overtakes you.

Eventually, getting tired of holding you up, he walks you over to the bedroom and slams you down hard on the bed. You get into a doggy style position facing the door as he plunges his cock back into your ass yet again, pounding you roughly as he yanks your hair and spanks your ass. The rest of us follow into the bedroom, with the exception of Adrian who at this point, decided to take off as things were getting a little “too crazy.”

I stand by the door, as you beckon John over to you. He undoes his slacks before then grabbing hold of your head and sliding his cock down into your throat, spit roasting you against Devan’s cock in your ass. You can feel yourself bounce hard against the two of them. With every thrust of Devan’s cock into your ass, John’s slides out of your throat. And as John’s cock thrusts down your throat, Devan’s pulls almost completely out of your ass. Every few strokes, the two of them sync up and both slam hard against your at the same time, filling your throat and ass full of cock at the same moment.

Eventually, you’re flipped from doggy down onto the bed facing upward, looking up at John as his cock slides in and out and in and out of your throat. Devan continues to pound you hard, your legs now wrapped tight around his waist.

“Swap?” John asks. Grunting in affirmation, Devan withdraws himself from you as they swap places. Devan’s clean but slick cock is then pushed hard into your mouth, as John lines himself up with your entrance. “Pussy or ass?” he asks. You resist Devan’s cock just long enough to moan “pussy,” and “cum inside me” before allowing Devan to resume his throat fucking, his balls swinging against your face as he plunges the entirety of his huge cock deep into your mouth.

You can feel the warmth burn inside you as John’s cock plunges deep into the soft warm folds of your pussy. He grabs hold of your thighs, splitting them around him, your legs tighten around his waist as he begins to pump hard and fast into you.

Unexpectedly, Devan withdraws himself from your and begins stroking hard until his cock begins to pulse and throb. Thick ropes of cum blast from his cock and paint your face and even your tits quite thoroughly.

Sighing and covered in sweat, Devan leaves to the kitchen for a drink. Basking in your cum painted blissfulness, your body continues to rock as John slides himself in and out of you, balls slapping against your taint with every plunge.

His pace begins to quicken, and his cock begins to throb. You tense your legs and wrap them as tight as you can around his body, pulling him deeper and and deeper, as deep as you can get his cock into your cunt. “I’m gonna cum!” he cries out. “Birth control?” he barely eecks out as his cock throbs harder and harder. The whole room echos with the thuds of his flesh against yours as he pounds you. “Not on… any…” you moan out, making eye contact with him. “Pump me full of your cum!” you cry out. Your eyes almost roll out of your head, searching for me. Finding me at the other end of the room, your gaze locks with mine, as John grunts and groans and paints your womb full of his seed, your legs still locked tight around his waist, pinning him inside you.

You cry out with him in orgasm, your eyes rolling back in your head for real this time.

Panting, he collapses on top of you, and cuddles you for a moment, wary to kiss you with all the cum splattered over your face and tits. Eventually, he pulls himself off of you as Devan returns with a water bottle for him. They quickly high five, and then high five me as well. “Best prize ever, dude.” Devan tells me.

I laugh and agree. “She’s a real good slut huh? Break her in good for me tonight. I’ll pick her up in the morning so she can claim *her* reward.”

You laugh hard at that. “As if this isn’t it’s own reward.” After some clean-up, you get dressed up in what little clothing you deign. Walking to the door, you give me a deep cum-tasting kiss. “See you in the morning,” I tell you. “Maybe,” you wink. John and Andrew are quick to follow, but each goes his own way.

A long night later, I arrive up to Devan’s house to pick you up. I ring the door a few times to no answer. After a short while, the door finally opens to you fully naked, leaking cum from your pussy. “He wanted one last load in me before you came,” you tell me. “Good girl for obliging him,” I reply with a smirk.

Devan appears shortly afterward, and whips you around for a deep kiss as he kneads your ass. You grab hold of his cock tightly, stroking it almost back to full mast before the two of you pull apart. “Hell of a girl you’ve got here”, he tells me. I laugh and smile again “I know right?”

You clumsily throw on your clothes and give Devan another deep kiss goodbye before walking with me out the door. “Have a good time?” I ask.

“The best. His cock was sooo good,” you tell me. “I’ll *definitely* be fucking him again,” you smirk at me. “Good girl,” I agree.

“So, what’s this *reward* supposed to be anyway?” you ask.

I smirk and laugh. “Poker night is gonna be weekly now. And you’re invited permanently.”

You giggle. “Is that all?”

“That, and we’re going to go home now. And I’m going to reclaim you. Fuck you in every hole you have. All day long. And… I threw away your Plan B.”



  1. As I mentioned in a recent comment, I’ve changed my stance on second person perspective stories. The “target audience” here is females. This was very well written and super hot.

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