Yes, I like Pina Coladas! (FM) [Light Fdom]

I put on a strappy pink sundress that touched the bottom of my thighs, a pair of black sandals with a bow adorning the top, and my golden hair in two buns situated at the top of my head. It’s the first day of a much needed vacation and the weather couldn’t be more perfect. I’d flown in last night and already I feel so much better about the stresses of life.

As soon as I step outside, I noticed there wasn’t a cloud in sight and the warmth touched my skin in a way that felt as if the air was giving you a tight hug. It reminded me much of that first day that truly felt like summer after a long school year when I was a child. It just hit noon and I can’t help but feel the urge to start off my day with a cocktail.

I head towards the boardwalk and pass an array of shops I make note to check out later into my trip. A couple of souvenir shops and a local chocolate store are placed at the top of the list. I walk past a few bars, none of them seeming quite the vibe that I’m looking for. Eventually, I hit a little tiki bar that has an outdoor seating area at one of their bars that I decide on. The little hut is held up by tiki statues on all four corners. Lights are strung about, no doubt to attract customers that might take an evening stroll. There’s a slight breeze and tropical music playing softly. I look through their menu, but already know what I’d like to order.

“Pina colada, please.” I tell the bartender when he comes to take my order. I mean really, is there a better drink for tropical weather?

“Make that two.” I hear a voice from behind me say. I turn around and see a familiar face me. Eyes locked on mine, a smile that brings me to my knees. He’s dressed in a black button-up adorned in palm trees with khaki shorts.

“How’d you know I would be here, darling?” I ask, curious as to how the holder of my heart was able to find me.

“This is the only tiki bar within walking distance of the resort. You weren’t in our suite, so I figured this would be the first place you’d wander off to.” My sweet man says with a smirk.

“Not all who wander are lost.” I reply, quoting Lord of the Rings. I see the glint of recognition in the eyes across from mine.

“And I knew exactly where to find you.” He pulls into me, soft lips meeting my own. Taking the adjacent seat, our hands clasp together as we begin the first day of a vacation.

My beloved had flown in to meet me for our vacation. It’s the first time we’ve seen each other in a couple of months, both of us knowing that it’s the last time we’ll ever have to be apart for so long again.

A few drinks later and we’ve both loosened up. I order a frozen concoction to-go and we head towards the beach. “Sweetheart, I’ve missed you so very much,” I begin telling him in a soft voice “and I can’t wait to show you what I’ve got planned for the week. I take it you’ve followed my directions?” I stop, turning towards him for his answer.

“Yes, Princess. Of course. I haven’t climaxed since the last time we were together.” He says matter-of-factly.

“Good boy.” Taking his hand once again, I lead him to the sandy shores ahead. I pick a secluded spot, out of sight from the public, and we sit next to each other.

Leaning into the sexy man I’ve grown all too fond of, I take off his shirt and lay him against the sand. “It’s time for us to play a bit, darling. I do think this will be fun.” Giggling, I take the lid off the frozen beverage and pull his shorts down just enough to reveal my favorite toy. “Don’t move or you won’t be allowed to climax until the end of our trip.”

“Yes, Princess.” Is all that’s muttered out with clear anticipation plastered across his face. I use the straw to lift a small amount of the delicious pineapple infusion and pour it onto my lover’s chest. A shiver escapes his body but he maintains his stillness otherwise. I bring my head to his chest and begin licking. As my tongue slides over his nipples, I give the right one a small nibble. When I get to his left, I bite hard and feel a slight resistance to my actions.

“What did I tell you? No moving.” Grasping his face between my hands I bring my lips to his, forcing a passionate kiss between the two of us. Looking down, I see the neediness between his legs and it looks just as delicious as the drink I intend to pour over him.

This time, I spill out the drink from the cup itself and allow more substance to spread across his body, making my way towards his stomach. Our eyes never break contact and I lick slowly, tauntingly. “Do you like feeling my mouth on your body?” I ask.

“Yes, Princess. I love everything you do to me.” Smiling, I tap a little more out right above his shaft. I’m careful not to touch my mouth to his length, tormenting my lover with his clear need. The amount of restraint he is holding back is tremendous and I see the anguish across his face. I stroke him slightly before lifting his shorts back to their original placement and hear a heavy breath escape my lover’s mouth.

“It’s time to go back to the hotel now. You’ve been so good for me.” I tell him sweetly and rise as if nothing at all has happened. The frustration I’m causing him gives me a sense of happiness I haven’t felt since the last time I’d seen his face.

Arriving back to the hotel, the hardness from our beach activities has ceased to subside. We scuttle into the suite and my lover pushes me gently to the bed, fierceness in his every move. Legs wrapping around his torso, I thrush his hardness against the heat between my thighs. The gorgeous man on top of me begins kissing my neck then makes his way to my ears, biting the soft cartilage before whispering into my ear.

“I’m yours.” The assertion is more than enough to arouse the most primal of needs.

“And I am yours.” I reply, bringing him to an upright position. No time is wasting undressing him to nothing but the body that belongs fully to me. There’s no place I’d rather be than situated right in this hotel room.

“Sit down,” the order escapes my mouth as I point to the chair “and remember not to move. You know what will happen if you do.”

“Yes, Princess.” My handsome man says. My dress is kept on, but I take my panties off and shove them into his mouth. Opening my suitcase, I pull out a slim pink vibrator and then sit on his lap, leaving a gap between his hardness and my softness.

Looking into his eyes, I turn the device on and hear a muffled moan escape from my sexy man. “I’m going to make myself cum this way. Do not move. This is for my pleasure, pet.” I shift myself on the vibrator and rub my body against my lover, using him as an anchor. I take the vibrator out and press it against the sensitive part of my body and his hard cock. My pet moves suddenly, unable to restrain himself from the suddenness of the sensation.

“Oh, you know what that means.” I laugh as his eyes widen, aware of the consequences that are to come. “No climaxing until the end of the trip.” He begins shaking his head, words unable to escape the fabric between his cheeks. I continue on and bring myself to the edge of paradise.

As soon as I climax, I climb off my lover and knock the chair to the ground. “Now, it’s your turn to make me cum.” I assert, taking my panties out of his mouth.

“Yes Princess.” Is all I allow of him before settling myself on his face, thighs squeezing his head in place. He uses his mouth to suck and swirl, knowing exactly the way in which I like to be pleased. I allow him a little relief and begin stroking. Closer and closer I get, the pressure building up once more. Finally, my body releases and all the tension from the time apart seems to disappear.

I lose track of time before hearing a muffling between my legs. “I forgot you were down there, darling.” I say before getting up.

“Thank-you for letting me please you, my Goddess.” My beloved pet says and my heart begins to melt. “Is there anything at all I can do to climax before our trip is over?” He asks after kissing me.

“No.” I reply with a giggle and lay next to the one who holds my heart, thinking of how fun the rest of our vacation is going to be.


1 comment

  1. Wow! I felt like I was actually in the story, keep up the awesome writing!

    P.s. let’s go get Pina Coladas :)

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