The goddess of desire [MF][Fantasy]

There’s a time and a place for believing in miracles, four thousand years after you were fused to a solid marble wall in a cave under the largest mountain in the mortal realm is not one of them. She had been the one performing miracles but those days were long gone, a rival goddess had seen to that, and so mortal desire had been locked away. Desire herself deep beneath this mountain, and mortality’s desire suppressed in service of sex for procreation.

Not that there was anything wrong with procreation of course, but to see it as the beginning and end to sex’s purpose was a terrible waste. After four thousand years Desire knew better than anyone that sometimes all you really need from sex is a good dicking to get the blood flowing and to work out the rust.

Both her arms and legs were fused to the wall behind her, her naked body thrust out into the stale cave air, she hadn’t been able to as much as touch herself in all that time. Almost two thousand years after her imprisonment her ache had become so powerful and pervasive that her lower lips had started dripping her lust onto the cave floor, and hadn’t stopped since. The constant slow drip of lust from her was starting to form a stalagmite on the floor beneath her, but from her own estimations it would take another three thousand years or so for it to grow to a size where she could start to use it to relieve some of her pressure. She’d been so desperate for any kind of action that she had spent two hundred and fifty years trying to get an airflow going in the cave by just blowing out at strategic times, hoping she would at least be able to feel airflow against her skin, but no luck there either.

It is said that the faithful are rewarded, but that is a proverb of mortals, for there are none capable of rewarding gods. Except perhaps for a potent mixture of luck and fate.

A rock shifted somewhere and Desire felt her entire being focus for the first time in hundreds of years, the cave around her seemed as still as always, but she had been locked in this unchanging cave for too long to to be fooled. Something has changed, there was a faint bit of dust in the air, in fact, the air itself was drifting slightly, not much but it was drifting. Another rock shifted and Desire focused her senses on the airflow, putting her two hundred and fifty years of air blowing to use, the disturbance was at the far end of the cave, behind the small bend in it.

There was… breathing, faint but it was there, and another rock shifted, more dust flowed into the cave and with it, air, fresh air, or at least not the air she had breathed for four millennia. Someone was coming, someone was entering.

“Hello?” A voice called out, a young voice, a mortal voice. “Is… is anyone in here?”

“Yes.” Desire thought and waited, wondering for a while why he didn’t respond, before realizing she hadn’t spoken aloud. She cleared her throat silently and called out in a beautiful clear voice. “Yes.” She grimaced at the sound of her voice, she used to have a voice that could bring nations to their knees in ecstasy, now her voice was so weak it was even within mortal comprehension.

A young man peaked around the corner and saw her. He was wearing a robe with a rope tied around his waist, a monk had come here?

“It is you.” The monk said amazed. “I have been searing for you for the entirety of my short life.” He stepped forward until he was just a meter from her and fell to his knees. “Thank you oh lords of love and life for guiding me to where I had to be.”

Gods of love and life? Either they were new gods on the block or someone had rebranded, either way if they had sent her him she was happy they existed. He looked up at her with sparkling green eyes and heavy breathing. His warm breath flowed against her skin and she suppressed a shiver, oh how she longed to feel his skin against her, but even gods are stricken with limitations, and no mortal can be compelled to do what they do not desire to do, a creed Desire took most seriously of all the gods.

“You have done well to seek me out, tell me: Do you know to whom you address yourself? And for what reason have you sought me out.” Desire asked, feeling her pussy tighten in anticipation just from the eager smile he showed as he began to speak.

“You are mankind’s lost desire, the driving force of the mortal realm, lost for eons as the world stagnated. I am Matthew and I am here to sate you’re desire so that you may bring it back to the world of man.”

Desire watched as the monk undid his robe and let it fall to the ground, she had to use all of divine willpower not to bite her lip at the sight of him. She really was really going to have to thank those gods of love and life, because the rescue they had sent had been well chosen. His cock was flaccid but even so it hung heavily between his legs, his chest was sculpted and his eyes shun with devotion.

“Then come Matthew, and touch the desire mankind forgot.” Desire said solemnly, holding back her urge to just tell him to fuck her senseless already. Matthew stepped forward and stood hesitantly in front of her. “Does your commitment waver?”

“No… my lady.” Matthew said, apparently taking a moment to think of a fitting honorific. “I fear I am simply not the right man for the task, I do not know desire truly, though I’ve sought it out.”

“I see.” Desired managed not to roll her eyes. “But you serve a god of love, and love and desire will always be connected, so if you show me love, I will show you desire.” Matthew listened to the words and nodded, thankfully he skipped his speech this time and stepped forward once more, placing his lips against hers.

She could have sworn she melted right out of that wall when his lips found hers, not just physical contact, but a kiss? She let his sweet kiss linger, just soaking in the sensation, whoever was responsible for love in his pantheon was an artist of renown. To sculpt sure pure love without desire to empower it was an accomplishment worthy of remembrance in the halls of the gods. Desire pushed back against the kiss, she would elevate that love to heights previously unknown by mortals or divinity, such would be her gift to the god who arranged her rescue. Her lips opened Matthews with ease and she kissed with him a deep longing that flowed from her into him. She could feel his cock come to life, pulsing with energy beneath her as she invited his tongue out to play. Her tongue danced nimbly around his as he moaned, desire taking hold of him.

“I feel it.” Matthew moaned as he pulled out of the kiss and looked down at his cock that was slowing rising up. It was massive, as thick as a man’s wrist and almost as long as his thigh. “I feel… you, I feel desire.” He said as he reached out and placed his hand on her heavy breasts.

“You’re only just dipping your toes into a grand ocean.” Desire breathed as his hands began caressing her breasts. “Slowly allow yourself into that ocean.” Desire advised as his hands caressed her. She drew the desire in his heart towards her nipples and his fingers found them, stroking them at first before another small tug on his desire made him pinch them. Desire’s moan made the mountain itself shutter, and Matthew’s cock grew as solid as the rock around him. He stepped closer and took one of her nipples in his mouth, nibbling at it and sucking on it as another moan escaped Desire, making a girl 50 miles away stop her flower picking and wonder what it would feel like to spread for the farmer’s son.

Desire’s pussy dripped once more, but not onto the growing stalagmite this time, it landed on the tip of his cock and his body convulsed with pleasure. “Pure desire can be a powerful thing.” Desire smiled at the sight of his convulsion. “Do you still wish to swim in my ocean?” There was hunger in his eyes when he looked up at her again, the kind of hunger only she could instill.

“More than anything.” He placed his lips against hers, opening them up and thrusting his tongue inside her mouth, he was taking to her energies quickly. “Please allow me the privilege of knowing you.”

“Then take your cock and dive into my ocean.” She smiled and he positioned himself. She watched with unbridled anticipation as he used both of his hands to steer his massive throbbing cock to her sex and placed it between her lips. His body shivered from the contact with Desire’s most vital orifice and as Desire caught his lips in a kiss once more he showed his cock deep inside of her.

She felt herself filling like she could have only dreamed of, his cock forced her pussy open with the force of un-tempered lust and his girth made her whimper of pained pleasure. The whimper sent a new desire into him and he put his arms around her, holding his cock steady inside of her. “Are you alright my lady?” The desire to protect, she smiled a soft smile to herself.

“More than alright mortal.” She assured him. “I know you fear your own body, just know that I am no mortal and you cannot hurt me.” She smiled softly, it wasn’t a lie, she had taken much larger than him, but he was still large and his size did hurt, just in all the right ways.

Matthew nodded relieved and began to slowly push deeper inside, deeper and deeper he went, his cock seemingly endless as she whispered encouragement in his ear. His cock went in to the hilt and he paused, breathing heavily as a tidal wave of desire washed over every thought in his mind.

“This is the sea.” Desire whispered, her words carefully parting the waves in his mind and letting him reemerge. “I will protect you, but be careful you do not drown.”

He didn’t respond, just nodded slightly and focused his mind, he began the long slow process of pulling his cock out of her again. Desire felt her body’s anticipation build with every inch of him that left him, every inch out was another inch to thrust back inside. Eventually she felt his cockhead slip out of her and wait between her lips for just a moment before Matthew thrust himself forward. His massive cock plowed deep into her, burying his cock to the hilt in moments and drawing a moan from Desire that once more shook the mountain. He pulled halfway back out before thrusting in again, thrusting away deep inside of her and never letting his cock leave her again.

She was Desire and his cock belonged to her, she gave it meaning and he never wished for his cock to part with her again. He fucked as the ancients fucked, no thoughts of children or duty, just lust and love. He wanted her, and he needed her to want him. He grabbed her tits and squeezed them roughly together. He could feel the waves of desire threatening to drown him but he held them back with her help. He was still himself, not a slave to his desire but a willing servant.

Matthew’s teeth caught her nipple and he bit down hard on it as he thrust into her, releasing the loudest moan yet from her lips. Sixty miles away a young boy looked at his childhood friend in a new way, and a couple past the child bearing years embraced in their bed in ways they hadn’t in decades.

“Keep going.” Desire moaned, a woman touched herself for the first time. Matthew didn’t need telling, he wanted everything she had to offer and he was happy to take it by force. “You want more.” It wasn’t a question and Matthew knew it. He nodded none the less and Desire clenched around him. He let out a roar as her pussy gripped every inch of his cock and thrusting into her became an ordeal of pleasure beyond imagining.

“I won’t last.” Matthew moaned his cock throbbing deep inside.

“Give it to me.” Desire moaned, a young woman crawled beneath her friend’s dress and licked the lips she found there.

“TAKE IT ALL!” Matthew roared as desire threatened to drown him one last time as his cock erupted inside of her. Just as it began to overwhelm his mind his desire started to drain out of him, flowing through his throbbing cock as he filled Desire’s pussy with his seed and all of his desire. His cock kept thrusting on pure instinct as he came, filling her to the brim as his desire mixed with her being and Desire came with a scream. Her scream shook Matthew, it shook her own body, it shook reality itself, and it shattered the mountain which held her. Her arms and legs were free from their prison and immediately they wrapped themselves around Matthew, her legs locking his cock inside of her and her arms holding him close in a kiss as they emerged unscathed while the mountain crumbled around them.

They hung in midair as Matthew’s last thrusts pumped into her, draining the last of his cum and desire before finally Desire let his cock slip out of her. Not a drop of his seed spilled out of her, she kept that precious gift deep within her and would do so until she needed it to father a suitable offspring.

“Now you know desire.” Desire smiled to Matthew as he hung limply in the aftermath of his climax. Desire looked out over the landscape as the last of the mountain crumbled away. “And now everyone else will as well.” Desire smiled as she once again began to bless the mortal world.



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