Fran Pt. 4 [MF}

Fran then just snuggled down with her head on my chest with a contented sigh. It was wonderful, contented and warm. Problem was I was anything but contented. I’d been dealing with a boner the size of which I hadn’t had in years, and it Was. Not. Happy. I wasn’t though going to press the issue, at least not for awhile. It was nice having this beautiful girl, naked and satisfied in my arms. I need not have worried…I had a 19 year old in my arms, and it seemed she was anything but done with me. Some short time later, Fran’s fingers started lightly tracing wider and wider circles on my stomach, eventually going lower and lower, eventually landing with her fingers around my cock. (not BTW a porn stars cock. If I had measured it, which I haven’t, I’d say average length. The only thing slightly different was it is fairly thick) Lightly running her nails lightly up and around it, she seemed almost in a trance, then as if making a decision, she threw he leg over me and pounced on top on me. Flatening out Fran put her hands in mine, covering my body with hers and kissed me long and hard. Then she pushed up and did me in. She slid her still soaked pussy over top of my cock. Not in, but over top, and processed to slide it back and forth over my shaft slowly but with determination. Glorious torture is the best description of this amazing act, which was a first for me. She did this for a minute with me straining to get the right leverage to get *in her*, but without success. She had done this before and knew all the counter measures to keep me on sliding between her lips without actually getting inside…damn her. “You showed me what I taste like on my fingers, now I want to know what I taste like on your cock. I’ll do it again later after you fuck me, but then your and my cum will be on you as well which will be different. “

“Oh” says I.

Down goes her head, with open mouth. She takes my cock in hand lifts it and slowly…sniffs it. Then lightly licks all the way around it especially at the base of the shaft where her juices collected most heavily. Cleaning me up nicely she lifts her head for a moment and says “I taste pretty good” and giggles. Then without any warning she lifts her head and does that thing again. She takes me entirely in her mouth to my balls in one fluid motion, stays there for a moment and slowly comes back up with great suction the whole way. *Jesus*what a talent. Fran looks up and says “Zac told me this *thing I do* isn’t normal and that most girls can’t do it without…sort of…choking? Is that right, is it *different*?” I nod, then nod again. I’d tell her all about how special it is, but later, I don’t want her to stop doing it. She gets it, gets a really impish smile and continues being *not normal*. As I’ve indicated, I’m not huge, but only rarely has a woman been able to take me entirely in her mouth to my ‘root’ as it were, and then only occasionally. Fran is doing it every time she goes down, and without obvious effect. No gallons of saliva, no streaming eyes…I don’t get it, but I really love it. She cups my balls and keeps sucking and sucking. I don’t and can’t last long, this thing she does is simply insane. I try to get her to slow down, but she’s solidly in control and doesn’t even respond to my pleas. I tell her I can control myself and I’m going to cum, please stop and let me cum on her. Nope, she’s not having any of it and keeps relentlessly sucking me and sucking me, squeezing my balls as to get every last drop from them. I cum. I cum so hard I feel like I might pass out. I feel like I’m pumping everything I have out through the head of my cock into her mouth. When she felt me start to explode she took me entirely in and down her throat. I literally came down her throat. I’ve never encountered anything like it before in my life. She had some of my sperm in her mouth when I first started cumming, but the rest was…just in her. I was simply stunned. It was simply the best blow job I’ve ever had and ever will have. Even Fran seemed somehow completely subdued by it all. Slowly she released my cock from her mouth, wet and softening and looked at me with surprise. She shook her head a couple of times and said “that was something I’ve never done before. I’ve never been into it so much. I was just craving you in my mouth, I just couldn’t get enough of you in me. I wanted more. I guess that when you started to cum, I just wanted all of it. I didn’t want any of it not in me. That throat thing….that was really different. I didn’t know I could do that. It was amazing.” I was speechless, but knew exactly what to say. I pulled her up, hugged her hard and kissed her as deeply as I could. She had tasted herself on me, I wanted to taste me on her.


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