Lyra’s Erotic Frolic with a Fairy

Lyra’s Erotic Frolic with a Fairy

C.C. Steiner.

*She could see through him, the dust floating inside his body like if the millions and millions of stars in the night-sky swam instead of staying put. Despite all this, he was a solid enough presence that she felt it as if he were a regular man. He was much taller and wider than her, and his face was both beautiful and plain at the same time. His head had horn-like points on the back. She couldn’t quite explain it but she was attracted to him. Him standing there, completely still…*

*1. An Introduction to Fairies*

*Fairies are curious creatures, possessing intelligence nearing to that of a human, but they lack the ability to communicate with us. It is unknown how they communicate with each other, or if they even communicate at all, no two have ever been seen together. They are an introverted creature, residing in a glade – a small forested enclosure similar in nature to that of a birds nest, but far more magical in nature – and they lure passers in by the magical glowing aura surrounding it. One could easily withstand it if they know what to expect, but caught by surprise their magic acts as a siren song to passers by.*

The dim light from the solitary candle on the desk illuminated Lyra, who was sat in her study with her elbows on the desk. She was reading the book she had taken out of the library, *The Encyclopedia of Magical Beasts*. She did not want to be caught by surprise, and so was making sure to take in every word without distraction.

*One thing to note of fairies is they are as attracted to humans possibly more so than humans are to them. Like a magpie to silver, the unaware may be trapped and become part of their collection. But unlike a magpie, they are*

Lyra yawned and stretched, wondering when the book would get to the good stuff. She decided that it was time for a break, and got to to get a glass of water from the kitchen. A single apple was loose on the counter, so she grabbed it and took a big crunchy bite, before walking back to her study. This had better be worth it she thought to herself. She had had a boring week, no adventures to be had or treasure to be found. She decided that if the adventure was not going to come to her, she would go to it.

She got back to the desk and wondered where she was in the book. She thought that she must have finished the page if she had gotten up, so turned it to the next chapter.

*2. Powers*

*A fairy may possess supernatural powers akin to that of a witch or wizard. But unlike them, they use the power at whim and without the need for aid from magical instruments or ingredients.*

*Fairy powers have been known to include the ability to shoot blasts of an elemental nature, rapid healing of wounds both theirs and others, teleportation and invisibility. It is unknown the true limits to a fairy’s power. For a full list of known powers, turn to page*

Lyra slammed the book shut. She could hardly keep her eyes open and scrolling down an index of fairy powers was not going to help her. She chuckled to herself as she thought that a fairy book had the power to send her to sleep. She tucked it under her shoulder and left the study, dragging her feet to bed and landing face down.

*Lyra had her arms wrapped around broad shoulders. Feeling rippling muscles on a back she could see right through…*

She woke and couldn’t remember quite what she was dreaming about, but knew what the feeling between her legs meant. Reaching her hands below the covers, began rubbing herself, she was already wet and ready and it didn’t take her long. She thought about how she would not be caught unawares because she was to seduce the fairy. That must be the way to outsmart it. She got wetter and wetter and heard the smacking sounds of her fingers against herself as she rubbed herself exactly in the way she liked.

After she had finished – and made a pot of tea – she sat in bed with bent knees, her thighs holding up the book. Mug in hand, she read the last bit of information it had to give her on fairies, wondering if her theory about seducing the fairy first would be confirmed.

*Defeating a fairy is not that different to defeating a vampire. One must consider the weaknesses and use them to their gain. All fairies have a weakness to iron, it being an often used tool by humans, they’ve evolved to have a natural aversion to it .(Turn to page 86 for an explanation on the workings of sympathetic magic) One cut from a sword will be enough to extinguish and gain its power. Although only at a fraction of the original strength. Still, a natural magical ability without the need for tools or ingredients is useful. A novice wizard or witch would find it so only for a brief moment before they surpass it, however those possessing no talent for magic would find use for it eternally.*

So don’t get caught unawares, how hard could that be? Especially when she was actually looking for one. The book said unawares people got trapped, not people on the hunt for one. She took a sip of tea and closed the book.

Climbing out of bed she had nothing but a nightshirt on, and when she stretched in front of the mirror, she admired herself. A slight tuft of hair hid herself from immediate view, and she ran her fingers through it. Pulling a bunch of hairs taught before releasing them to their natural curly state again. She did rather fancy herself.

Lyra’s leather pants were hanging off the chair and when she put them on, the windows-flaps were open, they revealed parts of her hair down there, she thought it quite the pretty sight. Lyra tightened and knotted the thin rope holding them together and thus was covered up. Next her leather chestplate, which she would not draw too tight. She slid it over her outstretched arms and pulled it down over her chest. In the loosened state she admired herself in the mirror, wondering who would be next to tug on the rope and expose them like this. She tightened the rope, hiding her cleavage. Lyra tied her quiver belt around her waist and put on her boots. Ready to leave, she grabbed the book off the bed and tucked it under her arm.

Lyra had been and gone to the library, and now that she was free of the weight of the heavy book, she felt rather joviel. She almost skipped in her step, as if she was the only ray of sunshine on this grey day. Many passersby gave her a second glance, groups of men nudge each other as she walked by, some whistling and making comments. Today though, she didn’t mind, she was going on an adventure the likes of which these common townsfolk had never seen. She felt as if she could defeat the whole lot of them unarmed.

She reached the edge of town and stood hands on her hips facing the forest. Eager for what awaited.

The dense forest turned out to not await much, all she saw was the occasional fox and rabbit. All she heard the light wind rustling through the trees. It seemed to go on forever and frankly she was bored, so you might forgive her for thinking the gods played a hand in her fate when it was at this moment she saw something that caught her eye. In the forest she seemed to be drawn in one direction more so than others, she was yet to see any reason for this but walked that way all the time. The trees seemed to get thicker and greener as she went, the dry dirt of the floor slowly turning into beautiful green grass, which was short enough for her to comfortably walk over. The air seemed to change too, earthy smells of the forest seemed to fade away and be replaced by that of serenity, how could serenity have a smell? She didn’t know but it was what she felt. Each breath putting her more and more at ease, like she was in the bath after a long day. What brief wind there was turned to the feeling of silk on her skin as it blew past her, before becoming still. There seemed to be more birds chirping, birds she had never heard before, more musical in nature than should be possible, they’re melodies harmonising and dancing around each other.

Lyra saw a kind of wall of trees and bushes, and wondered how she would cross into it. She knew the answer when she got closer and came upon a vertically hanging tree branch, something inside her told her to swing it to the side so she could walk past it, like it was a door. She did so and it opened with ease. When she entered, she saw a beautiful glade, light shining through the trees was highlighted by a kind of misty dust in the air that sparkled and had her transfixed. When she got closer though it seemed to disappear. She could neither touch nor smell it, so she felt no danger from it. She felt at peace.

He was standing in front of her.

She didn’t see him appear. She did not see him walk out from anywhere, He was just, there. Half transparent, he seemed to be made of the dust that she had seen all around her, which was entirely encapsulated in his body now, she didn’t see it anywhere else, at least she didn’t in the corner of her eye as she daren’t look away from him. Instinctively knew him to be a he, his aura was that of hulking power and domination.

She could see through him, the dust floating inside his body like if the millions and millions of stars in the night-sky swam instead of staying put. Despite all this, he was a solid enough presence that she felt it as if he were a regular man. He was much taller and wider than her, and his face was both beautiful and plain at the same time. His head had horn-like points on the back.

She couldn’t quite explain it but she was attracted to him. Him standing there, completely still. She remembered what she was there to do, and reached out a hand to touch him but retrieved it straight away out of a kind of nervous anticipation. He didn’t moved so she did it again and this time touched his skin, which to her surprise felt completely solid, his large pecs were definitely so, and as she ran her fingers down his stomach, also muscly and hard, she saw something appear between his legs where there had been nothing before. It didn’t grow as much as appear from thin air, as if it was always there and she could merely not see it. But now it stood proud, larger than average, but not too large she saw, just the right size, everything was going to plan as reached her hands down below it, feeling what hung there, they retracted slightly at her touch, but they soon relaxed again. She stood there, massaging them. He infront of her. That’s when he grabbed her arms.

Gripping with both hands, he pulled her towards him and kissed her, she felt her heart racing at his sudden animation, wondering in anticipation what he would do next.

He found the string of her leather breastplate and pulled, it easily came undone and her breasts became freer, her cleavage now exposed. He lifted her arms up for her, then grabbed her breastplate and pulled it off, her breasts bouncing out of their enclosure, nipples exposed and hard.

He then bent down on his knees and placed one in his mouth, slowly licking, he was gentle. His other hand was too as it pinched a nipple, lightly and securely. She closed her eyes and gasped, her hair on the back of his head. He did not have hair but he was not bald either, it seemed a kind of crown of horns. They felt thick and hard, as if they were made of bone, she opened her eyes to see that they had the same look as the rest of him, made of stars.

He pulled her leggings down, she hadn’t noticed that he had undid them before and she climbed out of them and her boots when they were on the floor. She was now fully naked except for her sword belt.

Still holding onto her breast, the fairy clicked the fingers of his other hand and they were somewhere else.

She was laying on her back completely naked on what seemed to be a bed, it was circular in shape, ten times the size of any regular bed and made entirely of a kind of black bud she could not identify, she felt like they were laying on a giant flower with the way its border was circled around them, giant golden petals each as large as the bed itself. The fairy had one hand holding her by the back of her neck. He kissed her and laid her down gently. The tips of his fingers were running down her stomach, which tingled and slightly tickled. They made it down to the tuft of hair between her legs, which it stopped at and found the spot which sent waves through her body. She stretched out her arms and arched her back in pleasure as he massaged it and she gave herself to him fully, she would let him do with her whatever he wanted. And that he did as he stood up and she automatically got on her knees, putting him in her mouth in one motion, whilst the fairy remained ever stoic. However, by the way his hand rested on the back of her head, gently pushing on it told her that he was enjoying himself. She used both hands now, massaging and gripping and licking and sucking it all over. She wondered what it would look like when it came out. She wanted it inside her. She took him out of her mouth and swiftly turned around, sticking her rear in the air with her back arched as far as she could make it go, fully presenting herself to him. If he couldn’t speak her language he would at least know what this meant.

She was all his. He knew.

He got on his knees and guided himself into her, her wetness allowing her to fully embrace him inside her without any difficulty. First he held onto her sword belt, which she still wore. Then her waist, his fingers under her at the sides, allowing to both pull her higher up and towards him, and to also control her as he filled her up, taking it out all of the way but the tip and submerging it again. She screamed in ecstasy whilst moving an arm down below to play with herself at the same time. He noticed and grabbed both her arms and then used one of his to hold both of them behind her, pulling her upright towards him, he reached around with the other and started playing with her with all of his fingers close together. He was slow at first, but the incredible way she was feeling seemed to tell him that he could be fast, flicking his hand back and forth with more than enough pressure on her. She felt like a goddess. Waves came crashing through her and she felt closer and closer. The fairy increased his pace and his pelvis was bashing against her as he tried to go deeper than was possible, she was already so full as he started being rougher with her. He grabbed her hair and pulled so even though he had let go of her arms, she still had to lean back from her neck being arched. Still he remained silent. A regular man would be grunting and huffing and sweating all over her, but he merely stayed silent as he she felt like he was destroying her from the inside out. He let go of her hair and before she fell he grabbed her neck and he squeezed tightly but not too tightly, enough to get a good grip on her as he went even faster and rougher, the sound of him going in and out and her skin on his skin got louder and louder as he thrusted one last time and stayed there, twitching inside her. He reached around and, other hand still holding her by the neck, worked the area between her legs whilst releasing his thrust into her only slightly and going back to fill her up again. He played with her and played until she couldn’t take it anymore and started writhing around from her climax, she grabbed his leg and the floor and anywhere she could but it was too much and he let go of her, she fell on the ground with her rear exposed in the air and she couldn’t move for the pleasure she was feeling, whilst this was happening he moved to the side of her and stuck two fingers inside her, she was so wet and he thrusted them in and out rapidly with seemingly no care to her comfort. She didn’t mind though as it merely gave her another orgasm. She finally finished and felt him drip out of her. She saw it land between her legs and it looked much the same as the rest of him. A puddle of starry night on the bed.

He clicked his fingers and they were somewhere else.

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