The Babysitter/Dungeon Master 6: Amy’s Best Friend[FF][Ageplay][Dungeons and Dragons]

Hey guys! Sorry Chapter 6 took so long! It’s been a hectic month (Game of Thrones is over! Quite a let down, honestly…), but I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. Hope you enjoy the chapter below, and as always, feel free to comment or PM me, always love those little orange envelopes!


# The Babysitter/Dungeon Master 5: Amy’s Best Friend


The warm afternoon air felt good whipping through my hair, as I drove zooming out of the city. My windows were down, and my music was cranked loud. The newest Taylor Swift single, *ME!*, was playing, but I hadn’t quite memorized all the words to sing along yet. My GPS led me along the highway for a bit, finally exiting onto a quite secluded road slanted upward into the hills. It seemed like I was driving forever as all signs of urban sprawl seemed to fade away until nothing but trees lined the winding road. I had a lot of time to think while I drove.

It had been five days since I found the secret drive full of pictures the three boys had taken of me. I drank that night until I passed out, and the next morning I canceled our Dungeons and Dragons sessions for that week. I told the boys’ parents that I was taking some time to myself, and might take a trip out of town just to get away for a bit. They made sure everything was okay, and wished me well. The boys were disappointed, but I made it a point to have very little contact with them. I went AWOL on Facebook, and didn’t respond to anymore of the text messages I had been receiving from one of the three. I still didn’t know which one it was, and made no effort to try and figure it out. The whole incident had shaken me a bit and made me question myself. I hadn’t pleasured myself since the first night I received the first text.

It was Wednesday when I got a call, out of nowhere, from an old childhood friend named Marley Faith. Marley and I had known each other since grade school. We were the best of friends through high school, and through college. We definitely had a yin yang dynamic. I was a bit more reserved, a little shy and bookish. Marley was an outgoing social butterfly, and a bit of a party girl. My love of alcohol and cannabis definitely started with her peer pressure. Marley hooked up with guys left and right in college, and sharing a dorm, I was sometimes in the room when it happened. Once or twice, with Marley’s charismatic encouragement, we both hooked up in the dorm at the same time. It was college, I figured it was appropriate to let myself go a bit wild. Marley was always trying to push my limits, but not in an obnoxiously aggressive way.

It was after college that we began to lose contact. Not entirely at first, but talking everyday slipped to once a week, then once a month, and it had been almost a year since I had talked to her last. Her husband was out of town on business. Normally, she said, she’d be with him, but this time she wanted to hang around their lake house and just chill. She met her husband the last year we were in college. He was rather wealthy, and made a living now selling and leasing helicopters across the globe. When she invited me to stay with her for the weekend, it seemed like the perfect escape to clear my head.

Finally, the trees on the left side of the road begin clear up, and the beautiful vista of the lake came into view. The sun was just starting to wind down in the sky, and the deep peach color of the sky was reflected in the water. I hadn’t passed another car since I turned off onto this road. Marley had said that the lake house was extraordinarily secluded, and she seemed to have been telling the truth. There was a sort of comfort in that. It wasn’t too much longer until I saw the rather modern, two story cabin. There were large glass pane windows facing the lake, a large deck that surrounded the house, and lamps along a stone path leading up to the porch stairs. The steel gate opened as I drove up to it, and I saw Marley standing on the porch waving.

“Amy!!” Marley squealed, as I got out of the car, a small suitcase in hand. She scampered down the stairs over to me and gave me a big hug. She was a good seven inches shorter than me, the feisty little blonde. When she pulled away from me, and smiled, I remember how bright her sparkling blue eyes were. She was an adorably cute girl with a cute button nose. “It’s been so long! Too long!”

”I’ve missed you,” I said, smiling with the sort of excited familiarity that true best friends never lose. She smiled too, and I was reminded how absolutely perfect her teeth were. “You look great!’

“Thanks, you too!” She reached up, and touched my hair gently. “Your hair still looks fantastic, I thought about dying mine dark, but it just didn’t feel like it would be ‘me’.” She shook her head, and grabbed my free hand and pulled me toward the cabin. “Come on, we’re going to make drinks and catch up on everything!”

To call it a cabin was just to appease the outside appearance. Inside it was a very modern home. The bottom level had a large living room, dining, and kitchen area all open. The furniture was all black leather, expensive white shag carpet, and the most bizarre abstract art hung on the walls. The view of the lake out the large glass panes was amazing, especially with the sun setting. Marley made some very slutty strawberry daiquiris, and we sat on the couch talking for a while. She told me about the places they had visited abroad this year. Paris, Seoul, and Egypt were the highlights. She recounted a few fights she’d had with her husband, but for the most part they seemed to be quite happy together, and that made me happy for her. Her life seemed so much more adventurous than mine. When it came time for me to tell her what I’d been up to for the past year, the only real thing I had to offer was playing Dungeons and Dragons with some ‘boys’.

“Oooh,” she said in a teasing tone, my fault for leaving it rather vague. “You and three boys *role-playing*, I bet that’s fun.” Marley didn’t really know what kind of role-playing D&D was, she had never really been into the dorkier side of my interests. When our paths began to diverge, those nerdier tendencies really began to flourish, which was by no means a bad thing.

“Oh, no… it’s nothing like *that.*” I say, and despite my effort, a little bit of a blush grew on my face. “They’re boys I babysit. Teenagers really, they’re all fourteen. Their parents are a bit protective, and not home quite a bit. We all live on the same street, so they hang out and play D&D, and I get paid.”

“Oh, well that’s fun,” she said, unceremoniously standing up from the couch and walking over to the kitchen. Apparently she was done with the daiquiris, and was ready to take shots of vodka. “We are so getting hammered tonight.”

“Sounds good,” I said, enthusiastically. I hadn’t drank since Monday night, my body had definitely needed the detox. She poured us each a tall shot, we clinked our glasses, and sunk the them. The liquid burned a bit as it went down, but it was a good burn. We kept talking, and kept drinking. The second shot burned a bit less, the third not so much, and the fourth and fifth not at all. I wasn’t even sure what time it was when I took the sixth one, but the sun had been down for a while.

“Something is on your mind, girly.” Marley said after we each took our sixth shot. She was leaning toward me on the couch, those sparkling blue eyes trying to pierce my very soul. She’d always been rather intuitive and had always been able to read me like a book. It seemed like our time apart hadn’t changed that at all. “It’s about a guy, obviously. Tell me!” She wasn’t quite slurring her words, but her hand gestures were rather overly emphatic, so she was definitely drunk.

“Well…” I start to say, knowing that I should say nothing, but the alcohol controlling my mouth before my brain could. I could feel the rosy tint coming back to my cheeks, and my eyes looked down toward the floor. “It’s not what you think… it’s bad… I mean, not like I killed anyone bad….it’s just odd…” I was obviously drunk as well, I thought to myself.

“Just spit it out!” Marley snapped, obviously in great anticipation.

“Fine, fine!” I clumsily searched around for my phone, almost tipping over off the couch as I reached for it on Marley’s coffee table. I pulled up the first dick pic, not even thinking that showing someone else what constituted child pornography on my cell phone was a bad idea. I held the phone up, dick pic full screened, right in her face and accidentally bumped the tip of her cute button nose with it. I giggled.

“That’s a nice penis,” Marley said, in a jokingly serious tone, squinting as she looked at it. “Is there a story behind the penis?”

“It belongs to one of the fourteen-year-old boys that I play Dungeons and Babysitters with.” I didn’t notice the obvious mental hiccup in the game title, and apparently neither did she. She did raise an eyebrow quizzically though, as she continued to stare at the phone in front of her face.

“Wait…” She said, and I could see the gears turning in her head, and before she said I knew they were about to turn too far. “You’re banging a fourteen-year-old?” What should have been a look of disgust or contempt on her face was instead a look of indecorous approval. She held up her hand as if for a high five, “Amy you slut!”

“Noooooo,” I said, shaking my head vigorously. “I haven’t banged anyone! He just texted me his dick and came on my face!” Marley’s blue eyes went wide, and I knew I had to correct myself. “No, not on my face. Not like… ugh, I’ll show you.” I pulled up the first video I had received of him jacking off onto a picture of me, and let her watch it. I hardly notice when she gently took the phone from my grip to look at it better. “See? He likes me, clearly.”

“Well duh,” she said, and as she watched I poured us each another shot. I didn’t even think twice about her thumb sliding across the screen. I took my shot and pounded it. “Looks delicious!” Marley said, and began giggling terribly. My eyes with wide with the realization that she was reading the conversation, and quickly reached for the phone. Marley jerked back, holding the phone away from me playfully.

“Give it!” I said, falling forward and climbing on top of her. She wiggled underneath me to keep the phone away. “You’re such a cumslut!” She said, still giggling, as I wriggled around on top of her. Finally I was able to grip the phone and pull it away from her. I stood up on my knees, her legs tucked together between mine, and looked down at her. She wrinkled her adorable nose up at me, and said “So, which boy is it? Is he cute?”

“They’re all cute,” I said, a bit surprised at myself for the obvious admission about three underage boys. I let my bum rest on her thighs, and she didn’t seem to mind. “I don’t know which one it is. They’ve been taking pictures of me and posting them to a secret drive they have online where they chat about all the perverted things they want to do with me. They are quite obsessed with me,” the last part I say with a bit of pride that I didn’t intend.

“Oh wow,” Marley said, her tone a bit lower than normal. That’s when I looked at her, and realized something… She was getting off on this! “Of course they are obsessed with you,” she said, and suddenly I noticed her hands were on my thighs. “You’re a beautiful, sexy woman in her mid twenties, not some teenage skank they go to high school with. You play dorky games with them all the time when their parents are away. They’re teenage boys pumped full of hormones with boners that spring up if a pretty girl looks at them. You must be like a goddess to them.”

“A goddess…” I said in a soft, sultry tone. Something about that thought really turned me on. I thought back to the gaming session we had the week prior, when the boy’s party had finally found the goddess in the story they had been looking for… that was the night their faces had come into my mind while I had been masturbating. “Ameliah, the Goddess of Love and Luck.”

“Um sure,” Marley said, raising an eyebrow at me, and squeezing my thighs with her fingers. I sat there on her for a moment, lost in the thought, before she finally spoke again. “So, when are you going to fuck them?”

“What?” I said, not sure if I was faking surprise or not. “They’re FOURTEEN!”

“Yeah,” Marley said, her tone a bit devious as well as the look in her eyes. “Fourteen-year-old *boys*. Who cares? They won’t tell anyone, they’ll worship you.”

I didn’t say anything, just sat there looking down at her, my mind processing what she was saying. It had just been an idea in my head… one that I wouldn’t even acknowledge. But hearing someone else say it out loud… Not just saying it out loud, but approving of it… My stomach filled itself with nervous butterflies. “I can’t…” I said, in a soft disappointing tone. “It’s not right… I’ll get in so much trouble…”

“Bullshit,” Suddenly, Marley pushed herself up, and I went flying backwards onto the couch. I was on my back, and she was on top of me, her hips between my legs. I felt her weight on top of me, and our eyes met. She just looked at me for a moment, before asking me a question that I didn’t see coming. “How come we never experimented when we were younger?”

“I don’t kn…” Before I could finish my answer, her head moved forward eagerly, and her lips were on mine. My eyes closed, and my lips opened. I had no idea what was happening. I mean… I knew what was happening, but this was entirely unexpected. Marley’s tongue reached into my mouth, finding my own, and they danced. I hadn’t been kissed, by anyone, in what felt like forever. My whole body began to tingle, and I wrapped my arms around her.

And just like that her lips were gone. My eyes opened, and she was staring at me. She didn’t say anything for a moment, and then she started to work her way back down the couch. My eyes rolled back a bit, and closed. I felt her hands at my waist, pulling at my jeans and unbuttoning them. I felt her pull them down my legs, and heard them hit the floor. Her hands slowly slide from my ankles, up my legs and over my knees, and along my thighs. I kept my eyes closed, and swallowed nervously. I felt gentle fingers pull at the bottom of my panties, and then felt her tongue on my lower lips.

I gasped at the first touch, my hands reaching for somewhere on the couch to grip. Her tongue was wet, and I realized that I was too. I felt her lips brush along the heart of my femininity, her tongue exploring the surface of my sex. I could feel waves of pleasure washing over my body, and the rate of my breathing increased. I felt my nipples harden underneath my bra. Her tongue moved in patterns like she was trying to unlock some magical gate between my legs. I sighed… and I groaned… I moaned, and gasped. She wasn’t shy about getting her face into it, but her tongue was magical. Electricity radiated through my nervous system, and the pleasure kept building. I don’t know if she was licking me for seconds, or minutes. The pleasure built… and built… and then…

My right hand reached for her head, gripping her by her beautiful blonde hair. My toes spread out and curled, feet going off the couch into the air. She took sucks gently on my clit with her lips, and suddenly everything in my body felt like it was crackling like fireworks. My body shook, and I moaned so loudly I thought people could hear me from miles away. She pulled away, her work obviously done. I lay there panting in post-orgasm delirium, as she sat up and poured herself another shot.

“You taste fantastic,” she said, right before she threw the bottom of the shot glass up and drank. She sat back into the couch, and I sat up, not bothering to put my pants back on. I could see my wetness glistening a bit on her face, and couldn’t help but smile.

“That was…” I started to say, still catching my breath a bit. “That was great, I didn’t know you… I didn’t expect. Wow…”

“Life is short,” Marley said, looking over at me and smiling. There was an odd glint of wisdom in her eyes. “Too short. If you want my opinion, I say have fun with those boys. You can give them the most outstanding gift of their young lives, and they will worship you for it.” She leaned over and nudged me playfully with her shoulder, “And I expect to hear every detail!”


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