[Str8] [fiction]

Chapter 2 / Another Day, Another Tentacle.

Lisa looked down to find her feet in water. Where was she ? She looked around and saw nothing. She screamed and nobody answered.

“What is this place ? ” she tought to herself.

A space between spaces, a virgin world, not touched by god or by humains. Whatever it was, it was freezing and dark and Lisa left with only a soaking shirt on her and nothing else was trembling from fear and cold.

Suddenly a light appeared in the distance, somewhere beyond the horizon, barely visible.
Not knowing what to do she started walking to the light. Step by step she felt warmer, step by step she felt better. She walked for days. Without stopping, and without sleeping.

Still marching through water after 7 days of traveling Lisa arrived at a gate. And at this gate a giant octupus was waiting. However there was something humain in his eyes. She could read a desire and a need. She could feel he was suffering and he was sad.

As she was approaching she felt warmer and warmer. She took of her shirt and revealed her huge beast and pointy nipples. The octupus’s eyes noticed that. He reached to touch them with his tentacle. He embrassed her gently and started sucking her tits with his suckers. Another tentacle slided from the ground and made a few teasing circles around her vagina, then proceeded to penetrate her mouth. He lifted her from the ground and wrapped her in his “arms”.

Lisa was moaning from pleasure, but she wanted more. As a tentacle was sliding on her throat she grabbed it and stick it in her pussy as if it was a simple dildo.

“AHHHHHHH” she screamed in extase.


At this moment she woke up. On a bed. Lying on her front and with legs wide open.


Someone was grunting, as if he was fucking. Lisa tried to turn over and see who it was, but then a strong hand grabbed her by the hair.

“URGHHH…. FUCKING… URGH… BITCH…. FUCKING… URGHH. STAY DOWN….” a voice commanded out of breath.

Then Lisa felt again this warm feeling in her pussy, then she felt the blood sliding down her vagina, and then she felt the pain….

“AHHHHHHHHHHHH” she screamed in terror and suffering “AHHHH

The grunting. The voice. The hand. The octupus.
It was the same thing. She was being fucked in her sleep. And woke up with a huge black ” tentacle” inside of her!!!

She grabbed a pillow and burried her head in it. She squeezed it as hard as she could as she was enduring the hard pounding.

He finished inside here. She was in tears. Soar and weak. He put it out and now Lisa was able to see it’s full size.- 9 inches of black hard as rock matter. When she saw it, she felt the pain inside her once again.

Her pussy was a wet wreck. A mixed Juice from blood and sperm was couling down her tights. The guy liked it and then turned her on her back so they are face to face.

She recognised him. It was the guy from last night. The one who fucked her in the ass. She thought he wanted to get some pussy action too, so that way he was pounding her this morning.

He leaned over her, and looked her in the eyes. Lisa couldn’t help but notice how strong his arms were and how sexy was his hairy chest.

“I’ll drive you home” he said in a deep voice. “Here are some clothes, I’ll be waiting you down stairs”

Then he left the room leaving her in the bed, in pain, in tears and in blood, but also in some kind of weird satisfaction. Some kind of weird sexual pleasure, dispite all that.

She felt confused. Who was he ? Where was she and why was she feeling so différent things ? She felt so sad and humiliated, yet happy and appriciated.

She didn’t know the answers to those questions, but she sure as hell knew she wants to see him again…

To be continued…..

Note from author: Hey guys hope you enjoyed this second act, tell me what you think below in the comment section and stay tuned for more.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bvpquv/lisa

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