In the closet

My house mate Zoe and I wanted to shock our other housemate Katie. We’d lived together since college, and she had a habit of jumping out on us from random places at random times. It was getting a bit much, and so we had the bright idea of us squashing into her closet to pop out at her. Hopefully we’d scare the shit out of her and she’d learn her fucking lesson. I can’t count the amount of drinks I’ve spilt down myself because of her.

We were lying in wait, on her bed. Chatting, drinking, but staying alert for the sound of her key in the door. She was much later than usual – but eventually we heard it. We spang up, excited, and ran for the closet, squashing ourselves in and shushing each other’s giggles. This space was a lot smaller than we’d thought it was. Embarrassingly, my boobs were pressed right up against Zoe’s. We should have taken a split second to think about our positions, but no matter. We wouldn’t be in here for long.

The bedroom door burst open just as we closed the closet, and immediately the atmosphere in the wardrobe changed from glee to quiet dread. She wasn’t alone. That was definitely a man’s voice with her. I say voice, but he wasn’t really speaking. But that grunting noise was definitely coming from a man.

We looked at each other through the darkness, shocked. Katie wasn’t in a relationship, and it wasn’t typical of her to bring a stranger home. As cheeky as she was with her pranks, she was actually pretty prudish and uptight about sex. We were dumbstruck at this unexpected turn of events.

Neither of us moved, I listened for a little while in disbelief. But it soon became obvious what was happening and I just wanted out. There was no way I could violate my friend’s privacy like this!

I made a move to open the wardrobe door, but Zoe grabbed my wrist. I looked at her. It was so dark I couldn’t make out her face – but I could tell she was vigorously shaking her head. Barely louder than a breath, she whispered, “we’ve been in here way too long! We can’t come out now”.

I heard clothes falling to the floor, and I had to concede. Knowing Katie, and what a huge step this was for her, if we came out now she would be mortified beyond words. This had gone so much further than a prank.

I held my breath and squeezed my eyes tight, desperate not to hear what was about to happen to my friend on the other side of that door.

No matter how hard I tried to block out the sound, the closet door was thin, and I knew that they were on the bed now. He’d gone pretty quiet, but Katie had begun to breathe much heavier, with the occasional tiny gasp of pleasure.

I didn’t want to imagine anything, in fact I was trying to think about anything other than this, but an image popped into my head. Katie lying on her back, her nipples hardened through arousal, her blonde hair fanned out on the bed. A man with defined muscles buries his head between her legs – lapping at her….

I had to catch myself. My breathing had sped up. Against everything I wanted, I felt that familiar tingle downstairs. How disgusting of me, getting turned on by the sound of my friend, like a pervert. Despite my every instinct, my senses had heightened in my arousal. I’d been aware of my boobs pressing against my friend’s before – but now I couldn’t stop noticing it. My nipples were sensitive, and I could tell that Zoe’s were hard, too. I’d never been interested in breasts before, so why now was I so focused on my friend?

I wanted to get away from this, it was all too much and getting very weird. I tried to shuffle backward, but there was no where to go. The side to side motion I had created just rubbed my breasts against Zoe’s even further. It felt electric. I felt my pussy twitch.

Ashamed, I turned my head toward Zoe, to apologise for… I’m not sure! Molesting her with my boobs? Instead my cheek met hers, and I found it to be sizzling hot. It was then that I noticed Zoe was also breathing heavily.

“She must be embarrassed” I told myself. Yet, deep down, I knew that her face was flushed with arousal, and her breathing had quickened to match.

Katie had become more vocal outside of the closet. “Oh fuck yeah, I want you so bad, this is so naughty”. I had to agree with Katie, everything about this was naughty, and wrong. And what’s worse is that knowing that these feelings were wrong (they’re my best friends for God’s sake! I’m straight!) was turning me on even more.

I became aware that Zoe hadn’t pulled her face from mine when our cheeks had met. In fact, her lips were about an inch from mine.

I’d never wanted anything from a girl before now, but fuck I wanted those lips on mine. I didn’t care that I usually went for men, I was just so tortured by the heat in my pants. I moved my lips toward hers, expecting her to pull away. But she turned, and her lips grazed mine and came to a rest, just barely touching me.



  1. Nicely written. Nice combination of almost innocence and naughtiness.

  2. Wow! I really hope you write more.? You’ve opened a Pandora’s box of hot AF possibilities!There is so much you can do with this story. Fantastic beginning! This scenario took me over the edge! Thank you?

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