My new roommates are terrible, PT 1 [FF, MFF, cheating, long]

“Danny, we’ve been over this: we need the money. There’s no way around it, and we have an extra room.”

“Okay, but Anna, do we really want to fit that many people in a double-wide? I don’t even know them.”

“You said they seemed fine when we met for coffee, and I know Kara. Let’s give them a call.”

A week later, the extra room was emptied and two strangers were moving in. Kara and Stan, a girl recently graduated from nursing school and her boyfriend finishing his degree in social work while he worked part time as a bartender. Kara and Anna had met when Kara started working at her hospital, and mentioned that she and her boyfriend were looking for places to live together.

I could tell Anna had a crush on Kara. I figured it was part of why she wanted to rent to them, but it’s not like I was about to say something about it. She’d crushed on a few girls before, and I never stopped her from having a little fun, but I was a little worried about how it would affect the dynamics in the house. I hadn’t had a roommate since college, almost seven years ago, and it seemed like I was going right back there as I watched Kara set up pagan shrines in their room. I recognized some of the runes on the statue of a voluptuous woman that said “Freja.”

I silently hoped they weren’t going to start burning incense, but I knew it was in vain. Sure enough, Kara lit up a stick and placed it in the hands of the Freja statue. She pulled out five more statuettes, each of an erotically posed woman. One of them was laying on the back of a boar, spreading her legs invitingly with a lyre in her hand. There was also a brass figurine with bare breasts, and a Greek-styled statue that I figured was Aphrodite. She placed them at the corners of a pentagram, and put Freja in the middle. All this, and we hadn’t even brought their bed in yet.

I didn’t have much to say as Kara and Anna chatted away about the statues and various pagan accessories. Stan was in class, and wouldn’t be home until later, so I was doing most of the heavy lifting. I might have complained, except it got me out of talking about Wicca and all the rituals that Kara performed.

A few hours of eye-rolling later, we had their furniture moved in and set up, and Stan came home. We had a few beers and chatted, and sure enough, they seemed to be just ordinary people again, despite the “fertility altar” in their room. Stan used the word “cuck” at one point when we were talking about a local election, but I chalked it up to the alcohol.

About a week later, though, I woke up to find salt, rice, and some herbs scattered around the kitchen. I guess Kara had been decorating or something, since I saw jars with all the ingredients in them on some windowsills. I made a mental note to ask about it later, and spent some time during the day trying to think of how to ask her to clean up after herself. I wasn’t even sure how to say I didn’t want her decorating the house herself, but Anna would probably love the idea of some “folksy” decoration anyway.

When I got home that evening, I could hear the sound of moaning before I even got into the trailer. When I got inside, the entire house was filled with the sound of their sex, and Kara crying out the names of the goddesses on her altar. There were still herbs scattered around the house, and I could smell the incense that must have been burning for hours. I went to our bedroom and still heard the frantic, pornographic sounds from their room. The best way to describe it was “amateur auditions,” and since I couldn’t escape it, I figured I might as well get the kitchen cleaned up to make dinner. Anna was working late, and I liked to have a meal ready for her whenever she got home after me.

After about twenty minutes, they finally finished, Kara’s orgasmic shout of, “Frreeejjjjjaaaaaaaa!” echoing through the house. I was sweeping up the last of the salt and rice when she came out of their room wearing just a robe. She wasn’t exactly a stunner, having a bit of a muffin top and a strong jaw, but I wouldn’t call her unattractive. I’d quickly learned over the last week that she was very comfortable with her body and sexuality, regardless of what I or anyone else thought of her.

She wasn’t shy about sharing stories from her past, or walking around the house in some of the thinnest robes I’ve ever seen. Some of them were so sheer that I already had a good idea of what she looked like naked. She had the undeserved confidence of a teenager who’s just grown his first mustache, the difference being that it kind of worked for her.

“Hey, you’re home!” Kara said as she came to the kitchen. I could smell even more incense coming from their room just around the corner. “Oh, don’t worry about that stuff, I was just sealing a protection spell over the house. I wanted to set a positive energy for all of us living together.”

I tried not to let my eyes get stuck in the back of my head as I finished sweeping and threw the stuff away.

“Doesn’t the house just feel so much… warmer now?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said, “Was all the, uh, extra stuff necessary?”

“Oh, the sex? The Great Rite makes the magic stronger. We were channeling our energies all day,” she said, letting her hands roam over herself as she spoke, indulging in the “warmth” she had created. “When I finally got home, we used our them to call on the goddesses and empower the protection spell. Poor Stan really spent himself, he’s fast asleep.”

“Oh, well, just so you know, the walls are pretty thin in the trailer.”

“Oh, that’s alright, I don’t mind if you listen to us. It actually makes the spell stronger, so don’t feel bad about it enjoying yourself.”

I was dumbfounded. I let the subject go as she gave me an indecent smile, dripping with that irritating and misguided confidence.

I went about making dinner as she collected her jars from around the house and listened to indie folk music. I did my best to ignore her until Anna got home. I finished dinner shortly after Anna got home, which she insisted we share with Kara, and sat down on the couch with the two of them to watch some bad TV. I could tell Anna was sitting a little too close to Kara, and she didn’t seem to mind. As it often did with Kara, the conversation quickly turned to sex.

“Is Stan working tonight?”

“No, he’s asleep. He really spent himself during the protection spell earlier.”

“Oh, yeah, you mentioned that, how did it go?”

“Well, he’s been asleep since we finished our union an hour ago.”

The two of them giggled. “Gosh, I don’t know if I’ve ever fucked Danny good enough that he slept for so long.”

“Well, we’d been sexting all day to channel our energy, I didn’t even realize how much he put into it.”

“Really? You guys sext during the day?”

“Sure, I like to send him little teases whenever I can.” Kara pulled out her phone, and opened up the texts she sent. She showed them to Anna, and added, “You can look, too, Danny,” with a wink.

I tried not to acknowledge it, but I couldn’t help taking a look. They had sent each other dirty pictures, lewd messages, even a few videos of herself sliding her hand down the front of her pants. Not being one to put my sexuality on the airwaves, I’ll admit my curiosity was piqued, but Anna was absolutely enthralled.

“Wow, you took these at work? You’re so bad!” she said, giving Kara a playful shove. “Wait, this one’s talking about sharing him with another girl, have you guys had a threesome or something?”

“We’ve talked about it. I’ve been with a few girls before, but I don’t know if Stan really wants to be polyamorous like me. He does like to hear stories about what I used to do, though.”

“Like what?” Anna asked. I didn’t say anything. I wouldn’t admit it, but I occasionally enjoyed hearing about Kara’s escapades.

“Well, I used to sing in a folk-punk band in college, and I hooked up with people after a lot of our performances. It was usually guys, because boys are sluts,” she giggled, giving me a look that said, *this is what I think a subtly flirty look is.* “There were some girls, though. I usually caught the eye of their boyfriends, too, and sometimes they’d watch me go down on their girlfriends in the back of our van.”

I noticed Anna’s hand was on Kara’s knee, and “So, you’re bi, then?”

“I prefer pansexual. I think everyone should embrace sexual pleasure with others, without silly constraints like orientation or gender. Sexual energy is just so empowering! I felt stronger than ever when people saw me coming out of the bathroom with a guy.”

We listened to her stories about her time with that band for the rest of the evening. After telling us about letting a guy send his ex a picture of her sucking his dick, I realized that every story had the common thread of her wanting or getting attention for her sexuality. Sex in public, taking pictures, getting “caught.” As tiresome as she was, I still wanted to hear more.

Over the next two months, the pattern became fairly well established that they would have that same sort of loud sex at least once a week, although the shouting to goddesses was reserved for when she was casting a spell. They seemed to do them whenever Anna was out of the house, and I got a strong impression that Kara thought I was masturbating to their sounds every time. Stan developed into something of a recluse, often working when the rest of us were home and in class or sleeping during the day. He would usually go back to their room whenever Kara and Anna started talking about her past. His facebook activity was most of how we got to know him, and what seemed like an “off-color” sense of humor slowly started to look more like a veneer of plausible deniability covering some toxic opinions. The more I got to know him, the happier I was that he didn’t spend much time with the rest of us.

Anna and Kara were growing closer, spending time together and sharing stories. We went out together a few weekends, which were livened up by Kara’s boisterous and outgoing personality when she drank. She usually met one or two new people every time she went out, flirting with most of the people we met. As much as I found Kara tiresome, it was really nice seeing Anna having fun with her, and chasing a little romance for the first time in a few years. Plus, every minute that Kara talked with Anna was a minute Kara wasn’t talking to me; the only minutes I liked more were the ones alone with Anna herself.

A lot of nights were spent on the couch chatting, with Kara sharing her seemingly endless stories about the things she got up to in the past, and what she tried to get Stan into. She never seemed to get tired of asking about personal subjects. She even asked me about the size of my dick the day after a late-night chat with Anna about oral sex.

It wasn’t subtle or tactful, we ran into each other in the kitchen and she asked outright, “So, just how hung *are* you?”

As happened so often, I was blushing and speechless for a moment; she continued anyway.

“Anna told me last night that you’re too big for her to deep throat. Now I’m really curious just how big you are. I’m pretty good at it, but I’ve never had a real challenge. Have you ever been with a girl that could take you down her throat?”

“Uh, no, I haven’t,” I said, trying to dodge the question. It didn’t stop her from asking Anna about it in front of me later that day. One Friday night, while Stan was in their room shouting, “Mid or I feed,” into his headset, Kara finally asked us about our past.

She and Anna were cuddling next to me on the couch with some TV show being ignored in the background. Kara had just finished telling us about the first time she was used as a bondage model for a play party, when she asked, “Have you two ever experimented sexually?”

I figured something like this was coming, since Anna had been dropping more hints in the previous week. I hadn’t expected her to ask about both of us, though. I wasn’t exactly in the mood to divulge my sexual history, especially since she’d probably pepper me with questions about why I wasn’t as kinky as her. I was about to give an answer about how we were pretty vanilla, maybe even try to convince her that we were puritanically saving ourselves for marriage, but Anna spoke first.

“We have a bit of fun here and there,” she said. “Danny lets me fool around with girls as long as I tell him about it later, and maybe send a few pics if she’s okay with it.” She gave me an affectionate peck on the cheek, and stroked my thigh lovingly.

“Really?” Kara asked, her eyes lighting up. She sat up and turned toward us on the couch, excitement written in bold font over her face. “How many girls have you been with?”

“Just a couple, only one since we were in college.”

I felt my nightmares coming true as the conversation unfolded. Any minute now, clowns were sure to break down the front door, announcing that they were with the Federal Bureau of Extra-Judicial Cavity Searches.

“Wow, you guys have been together that long, and you’ve only been with one other person? How many girls have you been with since college, Danny?”

I bristled at her calling me “Danny,” Anna’s pet name for me. Tacking it onto a question about my sexual history in front of Anna didn’t help. “Anna’s been plenty for me,” I said.

“Really? Stan and I have been together almost a year, and I’m already craving new cock,” she said.

“You sure liked those pictures of me and the other girls for someone who’s totally satisfied,” Anna teased.

“Did you ever watch Anna with another girl?”

I blushed a bit, and answered, “No, not in person.”

“Would you like to?”

That was Anna’s cue to blush. She smiled at me, but didn’t say anything. Kara’s hand had sneaked its way to Anna’s thigh, and Anna had one leg over Kara’s lap, spreading her legs apart and leaning back against me.

“Well, I hadn’t thought about it. The opportunity never really came up.”

“Oh, come on, be honest,” Kara said, turning to Anna. “You know, he’s been listening to me and Stan whenever we use sexual energy to empower a spell.”

I blushed harder, part embarrassment and part annoyance that she still thought I wanted to hear their antics. “Well, I mean- I haven’t been *listening.”*

Anna teased, “Sure, you just heard all of it by accident every time.” This wasn’t what I meant when I told her I wanted to be double teamed.

“The walls are thin, there’s no way not to!”

“I think your boyfriend might be a bit of a voyeur,” Kara said, flashing me her look that tried too hard to be flirty. Her hand was creeping its way up my girlfriend’s thigh, slowly teasing her along the way.

“Mmm, maybe he is. I just wish he’d admit it,” Anna added in. I could hear her voice quiver with each movement of Kara’s fingertips. She’d never expressed much interest in anything like a threesome before. Something in Anna’s voice told me that she wanted to see where this went, and Kara’s eyes screamed that she wanted to take us there.

“Come on, Danny, are you telling us you don’t want to watch your beautiful girlfriend wrap her legs around another girl’s face?”

Awkward delivery of a line blunt enough for a porno isn’t really a fast track to my heart, but the last thing I wanted was to get in Anna’s way. “I guess I wouldn’t mind watching that.”

“Do you want to watch her with me?”

Kara’s hand was stroking the inside of Anna’s thigh, and I could hear her breathing a little heavier as she laid against me. Her body was begging for satisfaction, and I was going to drag out the tease.

“Wouldn’t Stan be upset?”

“No, of course not. He likes me playing with other girls, and besides, it’s not like he’ll hear anything. He’s in a ranked tournament, he’ll be focused on that game for hours.”

I could hear the faintest whimpers from Anna as she ached to feel Kara’s fingers cross the last few inches to her pussy, getting just a little louder with each tense moment as she waited on my answer.

“I guess there’s no harm in me just watching.”

I had barely finished my sentence when Anna filled the room with a long, soft moan. Kara slid her fingers up the little distance left and gently touched her through her pants, her face glowing with desire. She looked up at me as my girlfriend whimpered under her touch.

“Enjoy yourself, Danny. We will.”

Anna smiled at me, still moaning as Kara ran her fingers over her pussy. I smiled back as Kara pulled my her into a kiss. She took the initiative immediately, and I could see Anna losing herself to the moment, letting go of her inhibitions.

I settled myself in as Kara laid Anna down, their lips locked as they explored each other for a few feverish moments. Kara’s hands slipped up into Anna’s shirt, quickly undoing her bra and fondling her breasts. I could see her fingers moving over my girlfriend’s sensitive skin, feeling her curves and teasing her as they moaned together. I knew Anna had especially sensitive nipples, and Kara seemed to pick up on it almost immediately. As she pulled Anna’s shirt over her head, Kara broke off the kiss and leaned down and began kissing her way down Anna’s neck and chest. She sucked on the soft skin of her breasts, coming cruelly close to her nipples without ever touching them.

I could hear Anna whimpering, even over Stan shouting in the other room. It never took much to get Anna going, but Kara seemed to share my love of teasing her anyway as she kissed everywhere except her most sensitive spots. I looked down and saw Anna’s eyes looking up at me, pleading and thankful, closing with a deep sigh as Kara finally dragged her tongue across her nipple. I smiled back, caressing her face as she moaned in pleasure.

Kara sat up and pulled her robe off of her shoulders, smiling at me as she bared her breasts. My heart raced as I realized she wasn’t wearing panties. I listened closely for any sign that Stan was pausing his game, but my eyes were glued to the women in front of me.

Anna pulled her back down into another kiss, her hands sliding over Kara’s back and holding her close. I could see her hands slide down to Kara’s ass, groping her and urging her on. I saw one of Kara’s hands disappear between them, and I knew from Anna’s deep sigh of pleasure that it had gone between her legs.

Kara kissed her way along my girlfriend’s body again, this time moving past her breasts. She undid the fly of Anna’s pants as she sucked on the sensitive skin at the top of her hips, and moved down toward her pussy as she pulled the impeding fabric away. Kara’s lips were dancing around Anna’s thighs as she slid the pants over her ankles, teasing even worse than before.

Anna’s pleading whimpers grew louder as Kara drew closer to her pussy. I put a hand over her mouth as Kara finally indulged her, stifling the loud moan I knew would come when she finally felt what she wanted. To my surprise, I felt Kara’s hand on my wrist, pulling my hand away. I looked over and saw the devious look in her eyes as she buried her face between my girlfriend’s legs, guiding my hand to her chest.

She lifted her face just long enough to say, “Play with her tits.” I obliged without question as Anna moaned out loud under her tongue, groping her and pinching her nipples between my fingers. I could feel my heart pounding even harder as I silently prayed that Stan’s headphones really were noise-canceling.

As Anna’s moaning got louder, she looked up at me and said out loud, “I love you, Danny!”

I wanted to lean down and kiss her, but I could see that Kara was enjoying her unhindered voice. I settled for caressing her face and neck while I played with her breasts. By the sound of her whimpers, I could tell she would cum soon, and Kara looked like she was completely focused on making that happen.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” she moaned, just as her body began to convulse. Kara grabbed her thighs and I twisted her nipples just the way she always liked as we carried her through her orgasm together. I leaned down and kissed her as she came down from the peak. Kara was kissing her way back up Anna’s body, and I sat up again to make way for her to kiss her again. After a minute of making out, I saw Anna’s hands slide down Kara’s body and disappear underneath her, and Kara let out moan totally unlike what I’d heard before. It wasn’t loud or pornographic, but completely genuine as Anna’s fingers penetrated her.

Kara looked up at me. “You like what you see, Danny?”

“Yeah,” I answered in a bit of a daze.

“Show us.”

I didn’t say anything for a moment, unsure what she meant.

“Come on, take your cock out, show Anna and me how much you like watching her.”

I looked down at Anna, who was biting her lip and smiling at me. “Come on, Danny, show us.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?” I said, glancing at the room where Kara’s boyfriend was still engrossed in the game.

“It’s not like I’m touching you or anything,” Kara said. “You’re just showing Anna how much you appreciate her, and I’m indulging a little fun with another girl. It’s a bonus that I finally get to see how big you really are.” The two of them giggled at the last comment.

Without another word, I unzipped my fly. Kara’s eyes were glued to the bulge in my crotch, even as she straddled Anna and felt her fingers inside her. As I pulled my stiff cock out, her eyes flicked to mine for a moment to give me a look of disbelief.

“Wow,” she said, getting another giggle from Anna. “You weren’t kidding, I bet that would be hard to deep throat.”

“Stroke it for us, Danny,” Anna requested.

My pulse raced as I exposed myself to someone new for the first time in years, with her boyfriend only a thin wall away. I wrapped my fingers around my shaft and drew my hand slowly along its length as Kara returned her attention to Anna. The two of them went back to making out as Anna fingered Kara, and I continued pleasuring myself as I watched.

Kara’s moaning got steadily more and more frantic with each passing minute. Soon, she sat up and leaned back, straddling Anna with both of Anna’s hands between her legs. She gyrated her hips, grinding against Anna’s palms as she fingered her. She moaned and whimpered, watching me masturbate as she reached a crescendo. As her eyes clamped shut, her body spasmed and her hips bucked, biting her lip as she came on Anna’s fingers.

She came down from the climax quickly, but kept straddling Anna. Her hands moved up to her chest, teasing her own nipples as I started to put my cock away. “Done already?” she teased.

“Aren’t you guys finished?”

“Not necessarily, but I know you’re not,” she said, giving me that unsubtle look of hers.

I felt Anna’s fingers on my thigh, and looked down to see her smiling back at me as she laid on the couch under Kara.

“Well, I’m gonna go to the kitchen for some water. What you guys do is none of my business,” she said with a wink. She got up, giving Anna one last kiss as she walked the short distance to our trailer’s kitchen, putting her robe back on and staying in full view of us as Anna got up and kissed me, her hand going straight for my cock.

After just a few seconds of making out and enthusiastic stroking, Anna bent down and slid her lips down my shaft. I let out a moan, taken by surprise. She was normally the sort to tease her way there, softly and daintily building up to it. I turned to look at the kitchen, and sure enough, Kara was watching with a smile. She licked her lips seductively as she watched my girlfriend suck me off, a hunger in her eyes, an unmistakable implication that she wanted to do more than watch. She blew me a kiss as Anna lifted her head from my lap, Kara’s lips quickly spreading into a grin like the Cheshire cat.

“Come fuck me,” she whispered in my ear. Stroking me a few more times, Anna stood up and grabbed her clothes, beckoning me with a finger. I stood up, and before I could zip up my fly, she added, “Leave it out.” She wrapped her fingers around my shaft again and lead me back to our room by my cock, where we had the fastest, most frantic and satisfying sex we’d had in months, maybe even years.

Only minutes after I came inside Anna, we fell asleep in each other’s arms. We slept like that until sunlight woke me up to Anna smiling at me sleepily.

“Good morning,” she whispered, the early light playing over her face.

“Good morning,” I whispered back. I gave her a quick kiss, before realizing I had terrible morning breath from falling straight asleep the night before.

“Let’s do pancakes for breakfast.”

“Sure, but I’m gonna brush my teeth first.”

Anna giggled and gave me a kiss back. “Good plan, me, too,” she said, getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom with me.

We did our dailies and started going about the day. As Anna started on breakfast, I grabbed Anna’s panties that had fallen under the couch last night, sharing a knowing look with her before taking them back to our room. About that time, Kara came out with a few of her spell ingredients.

“Good morning, guys,” she said with a smile. Stan came out after her, looking groggy, and didn’t say anything. She threw the remains of a red candle, some herbs, and a piece of incense in the trash before putting some coffee on.

“Do you guys have any plans for the day?” Anna asked.

“I have to work a double tonight, so I’m gonna spend the day trying to rest up,” Stan said. He grabbed the milk from the fridge and went for the cereal.

“I don’t really have any plans, I was going to stay home and watch netflix tonight,” Kara said, with a sly look at Anna.

Flirting in front of Stan like that made me a little nervous, but he didn’t seem to notice. He at least didn’t say anything as he took his cereal to the table and started eating in silence, opening up Breitbart on his phone.

“Anna and I were thinking about going to the museum today,” I said.

“No plans for the evening, though,” Anna added. “A night in might be fun,” she said, with a stealthy squeeze of my ass. Stan might have been glued to his phone, but Kara was looking right at us.

The rest of the morning continued without event. Stan shared a few complaints about the deep state and the cucks in congress being controlled by it, but ten minute tirades about the gold standard had taught us not to engage those sort of comments.

After he went back to bed, the rest of us finished our breakfast. Anna and I got ready and went out to the museum for the afternoon.

While we were in the technology section of the museum, Anna got a text from Kara that said, “I’m casting another lust spell in the living room.” There was a picture attached of a rather phallic statuette and a few spell ingredients.

Anna typed back, “I hope you don’t cast it too strong ;)”

A few minutes later, my phone vibrated with a snap video. The statuette must have been a deliberate choice, since Kara was now sliding her pussy down on it. I turned the volume down on my phone in a rush as her soft moans were audible in the quiet museum.

Anna took my phone from me and replied, “I wish that were me in your pussy ;)”

“What are you doing?!” I protested.

“I just wanna see what she says!”

I stood there for a moment, blushing in the middle of a display on industrialization, before my phone vibrated again. Anna opened it immediately to see a picture of Kara sucking the statuette.

“Naughty boy! Have you asked permission from Anna?” read the caption.

Anna took a picture of herself blowing a kiss and captioned it, “Your lust spell must be working, because he already had it.”

I’d never seen Anna so casual about sex outside our relationship. I had never gotten a picture more provocative than a picture down a girl’s top before, and I found myself enthralled by Kara’s unashamed display. My phone vibrated again, with a picture of her pinching a nipple captioned, “Can I see how much he wants it?”

Anna looked at me with a devious smile, and pulled me in for a surprisingly deep kiss. Then, she whispered in my ear, “There was a bathroom back around the corner from here. Get in there and send Kara a nice little teaser of that cock I love.”

I was excited by the exchange with Kara, but Anna was showing a side of her I’d never seen. Anna’s sudden change for the dirtier was driving me up a wall; we hardly sexted at all, and she knew I’d never sent a dirty picture before. Now, she was telling me to send a dick pic to our roommate.

“Go ahead, sweetie. Send it to me, too, if it makes it easier.”

I kissed her one more time, and headed for the bathroom. I felt incredibly conspicuous, like everyone knew what I was doing, as I stepped into the single-room bathroom, like everyone could tell what I was doing. I unzipped my pants, and immediately began to wonder about all the smallest details. What angle was best? Should I take a picture in the mirror? Should I show my balls? Why would Kara want to see my balls? Then again, why would she want to see my dick?

Realizing that I was getting sidetracked, I stroked myself a few times I snapped a quick pic for Anna, and captioned it, “I want you so bad.” Maybe not the sexiest line, but I was pretty new to this. I checked off Kara as a recipient, too, and sent it.

I waited around for a minute, unsure of myself. Do I wait for a response? Should I be ready to send another? I got a picture from Anna of her blowing a kiss, and a few seconds later I got reply from Kara.

There was no picture, she just said, “You dirty perv, you know we both have partners. I’ll have to tell Anna what you said, unless you stroke that beautiful cock for me ;)”

I forgot that I’d sent the words to her, too. It felt so wrong, and her craven sexuality was anathema to me. I’d hardly ever sent a dirty text, and whether she meant it or not, she was right: we both had partners. And yet, in spite of myself, I was stroking my cock for the camera. Doing it in a public bathroom felt even dirtier, and I had to admit, it felt good to hear her compliment me.

I sent the video, and got another quick reply. It was Kara, licking her lips, with the caption, “I hope I can have a taste of that monster soon. I need my gag reflex tested.”

Nobody had talked to me like this before. I knew I was bigger than average, but I’d always professed the belief that size was irrelevant, and only women in porn liked bigger dicks. I sent Kara another video, as a drop of precum leaked from the tip of my cock. “Only if you convince Anna”

“The only hard part about that will be you ;)” she texted back. “Speaking of which, you’d better put that away and get back to her. I hope there’s room in your pants for it!”

She was right, I’d been in the bathroom for at least five minutes. I zipped up my pants, with some difficulty, flushed, and ran the faucet for a full minute to wash my hands. Sure, I hadn’t actually used the toilet, but my paranoid brain thought someone might have been listening and been suspicious.

I stepped back out, and Anna was waiting for me with a dirty smile. “Took you a little while in there, didn’t it?” she teased.

I smiled back sheepishly, but said nothing.

“Let’s head home,” she said, putting her arm around my waist.

“What about the ancient metallurgy exhibit?” I asked. It was a traveling exhibit that we’d been talking about for weeks. Well, *I* had been talking about it for weeks.

“That sounds great and everything, but Kara just told me that Stan will be leaving for work very soon.” The jolt that ran through me when she said those words wasn’t just from the head of my cock sticking in my waistband.

Call me a nerd, but I still wanted to see that metallurgy exhibit. Anna, being the best, went with me. She didn’t give me much peace, though. A light squeeze of my ass, a hand sneaking its way between my thighs for a brief moment. She kept me my mind firmly focused on the sex-obsessed roommate waiting for us at home.

After a very “stimulating” fifteen minutes of displays and artifacts about how ancient cultures refined metal ores, I abandoned my attempt to learn and we made our way home. On our way back to the trailer park, we saw Stan driving in the opposite direction, on his way to work. Kara was home alone. My brain reminded me that a conversation about her lust spells was probably waiting for us, too, but my cock was much louder with ideas about what might happen. I had just sent my first dick pics, and I might have my first threesome in just a short time.

Then again, did I really want to have sex with Kara? The annoying, tactless, attention seeking girl whose favorite part of sex was acting like she was a better person for liking it? The girl who kept casting “lust spells” and talking about the “energy” in our house while she littered it with enough herbs and spices to make Colonel Sanders jealous?

My phone vibrated, and I opened a video from Kara. The statuette was almost entirely past her lips, with a noticeable bulge at the top of her throat. “It’s just not the same without someone’s hand pushing me down,” was the caption, as she slipped it in and out, going as deep as she could each time.

Yes. Yes, I wanted to have sex with her.

Anna pulled the car into our driveway and we just about ran to the door. Kara was wearing just her robe, waiting for us, kneeling in the living room. Incense was burning, a light haze of the aromatic smoke in the air, but not so much that it would hide Kara’s plain intentions. It also didn’t hide the glistening saliva that still coated the statuette.

“I’ve been so eager for you to get home,” Kara said. “I cast an especially strong lust spell today. They’re more effective when there’s some natural attraction in the air, but I didn’t realize just how much there was.” She stood up and smiled at us. “I want to seal it with a Great Rite, but Stan isn’t around. Do you guys think you can help?” she said, letting her robe slip off of her shoulders.

Anna didn’t even slip off her shoes before taking a step forward and pulling Kara into a kiss. As their lips locked, Kara flashed me a devious, hungry look, beckoning me with a finger.

I took my shoes off as I watched them making out, stepping closer when I was ready. Kara didn’t waste time, reaching straight for my crotch to feel my cock. I sighed softly as her fingers enticed my shaft to grow, making the two of them giggle. I’ll admit I turned a little red, and the hand eagerly rubbing my stiffening bulge didn’t help.

“Sorry if I was a little sudden,” Kara said, unapologetically. “Anna, may I play with your boyfriend’s cock?”

“Of course, Kara,” was Anna’s reply, smiling at me.

“I can already feel your answer,” she said, turning to me, “but it’s better if you say it out loud. Danny, may I taste that beautiful cock?” She sank to her knees as she said it, her fingers still tracing my bulge.

I simply answered, “Yeah,” unsure what to do as Kara unzipped my pants, but Anna pulled me into a deep kiss. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her, as I felt Kara pulling down my underpants. She made an excited little gasp as my member sprang free.

I moaned into Anna’s kiss as I felt warm, soft lips wrap around my head, sliding up and down my shaft. She held me closer as our roommate took me into her mouth, and reached her hand around to guide Kara’s head on my cock.

It was about that time that something buzzed in the kitchen. The harsh staccato shattered the mood, and Kara lifted up her head, to my chagrin.

“That’s my phone, sorry,” she said, standing up to grab it. Anna wrapped her fingers around my cock as our roommate stood up, not wanting to let the disturbance ruin our tryst as we continued to make out. I let my hands sneak up the hem of her skirt, finding their way between her legs to tease her.

Kara came back, a nervous smile on her face. I didn’t think anything could make her nervous about sex, but she explained, “So, Stan was actually called off just before he got to work. He’s coming home, and I couldn’t lie to him without disrupting the spell, so I told him I wanted to perform a Great Rite tonight.”

My disappointment was incalculable. Stan was the last person I wanted coming around right now. There was bound to be some fallout from all this, but surely we could have gotten a little further first. “I guess that means we’re at an end,” I said.

“Not necessarily,” Kara replied, stepping close to the two of us. Her arms went around Anna and me, her breasts pressing against us as Anna rubbed my cock against Kara’s body. “I didn’t give him any specifics, but I think we could all have a little fun together.”

“All four of us?” I asked, unsure about how Stan would react to the idea, and unenthusiastic about the idea of a sexual situation including him.

“Sure,” Kara answered.

“I think it could be fun,” Anna said, squeezing my shaft affectionately.

“I dunno,” I answered, trying not to show how nervous the idea made me.

“It’ll be fun, just think of all the sexual energy we could generate,” Kara said, her hand joining Anna’s on my privates. “We don’t have to swap, we could just make love and feel each other’s auras.”

“I think Danny’s just a little disappointed that he doesn’t get two girls all to himself,” my girlfriend teased.

“No, it’s not- I mean-” I stammered. Not that I would’ve admitted it to myself, but she wasn’t completely wrong. I was definitely excited to have a threesome with them, even if I still thought Kara was ridiculous.

Kara leaned a little closer, and whispered to us, “Don’t be nervous, Danny. You’ve got nothing to worry about, anyway.” She smiled a bit as she added, “It’s fine if you want to end things for now, but can I have one last taste of the biggest dick in the house first?”

My cock twitched in their hands as the words left her mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Kara said, bending over to take me in her mouth once more. She gave me a few good, long strokes with her lips as Anna smiled down at her. She dropped to her knees and kept sucking me for a few minutes before she stopped, leaving me flushed and breathless. She stood up again and said, “Stan will be home any minute, you better put that thing somewhere safe.”

Anna smiled and said, “I know a good spot for it between my legs.”

The two of us went to our room, as Kara put her robe back on. I laid Anna down on the bed, slipped off her panties, and buried my face in her pussy. As she started moaning, I focused completely on teasing and pleasing her with my tongue. I wasn’t sure, but I had a feeling I could hear Kara moaning from the living room. I was flicking my tongue over her clit when I heard her camera shutter click.

“What’s that for?” I asked.

“Who do you think?” she answered with a naughty grin, quickly sending the photo to Kara.

It was around then that I heard the door open and Stan’s voice grumbling. I sat up and leaned over her, covering her mouth with a hand as my cock penetrated her pussy. As her muffled moans reached my ears, I heard quite the opposite from the living room.

I went slowly, the two of us trying to stay quiet, but it pretty quickly became clear that things weren’t going nearly as well in the living room. My pants were still around my thighs as I fucked Anna, her skirt and top likewise still on.

Kara opened our door quietly, letting herself in. I was a little taken aback by the intrusion, but Anna wrapped her legs around my waist, holding me in and giving Kara a view of my bare ass. Kara closed the door behind her, coming over to sit on the bed next to us.

“Don’t stop for me, Danny,” she said, squeezing my ass. “Stan’s not in the mood to perform, but I got his permission to finish the Rites with Anna. I told him I wanted to taste her pussy, but it looks like I could get a good taste from Danny’s cock.”

“I can’t think of a better way,” Anna said between moans. She released the grip of her legs, and pushed me away from her. She pulled me up toward her, holding me to her chest, her breasts pressed against my back. “Come finish the spell, Kara, the two of us need to release all the energy you built up.”

Kara just smiled as she climbed onto the bed between my legs, lowering her mouth onto my cock.
