[STR8] [MF] [FANTASY] The change in me. A werewolf’s tale.

The story of how I came into service for Catherine, is one for another time. Compared to what I do for her now it still rings true, although I use it in a past tense. I was a loyal employee, paid handsomely and was never far from her side.

Of course I was young, and arrogant. Skilled in many of the more violent, and less than admirable trades. I was still so naive, but I knew some things. What’s that idiom, “Young, dumb and full of cum”? I was employed 24/7 365. Whenever she needed me I was there. I wasn’t a monk. I knew my way around a few barmaids, and the brothels. Unfortunately, any relationship was out of the cards, but I was content, you could even say happy, given the times we lived in.
I wore the finest in tailored suits, outfitted properly to hide the tools of my trade. Butler would see to it that I would always be matching Catherine in a way, everyday.

Catherine was an exquisite older woman. Her body, albeit softer with age was a study in perfection. Her heavier breasts rested naturally against her chest, her hips wide weren’t outlandishly so, and her legs… I could get lost in their length, as my eyes traveled up and down them as often as they were given a moment to do so. Her hair was just past her sholders, straight, parted to one side, auburn with lighter hues and an area of a silver streak ran near the front. Her face soft, like it was the muse of sculptors who carved the greek goddesses out of marble.

Her cubs, as she called them, were often around her palatial estate. Always very stern and serious around me. I wasn’t well liked. I was brash, often mannerless and showed them very little courtesies in the defense of my employer. She ruled this group of cubs, male and female alike kindly, lovingly and ferociously, but there were strict and harsh punishments for those who broke the rules.

One afternoon I was to drive Catherine to a place in the city. I used to love the city. It honed my skills, but now I was a man of substance and respectable, almost. As always we pulled up to the building and I made a u-turn and parked on the other side of the street facing the direction we came. I opened her door. And extended my hand. She gently grabbed it as I assisted her out. I let go and inspected her as always and she came close, placing her hand on my cock as she whispered in my ear. “Wait outside by the entrance, love, and have a smoke. This should only take a moment. I loathe the clergy.”

“Not too fond of them myself, ma’am.” I replied, and I escorted her across the cobbled street. I opened the door and let her in to the Religious Charities building. I always believed people like, Catherine, did this to be seen as charitable and pious without doing any real work. Show up, throw down some coin, and win some sort of favor with the cloth. I didn’t give a fuck. It was all bullshit to me.

I leaned against the entrance, pulled a cigarette from my silver and pearl case. Tapped it down and lit it. Looking over my round wire rimmed shade glasses, I noticed 3 men walking toward the charities building. 1 a priest and the other 2 were thugs, who probably would have been friends of mine in a different life. I only heard, “…that cunt abomination.” And “Devil’s whore.” Well, I’m sure she had been called worse.

I opened the door for the men kindly, and followed silently a few moments after. As we reached the 2nd floor, I caught them off guard. “Excuse me gents, you forgot to sign the ledger.”

“Fuck off, mate! This ain’t none of your business.” One of the fellas said.

“As keeper of the ledger, I’m afraid it is.” I said, and he charged at me throwing a punch. I dodged it, spun him around and slit his throat turning him, as his blood sprayed across his buddy, the father and the wall. That same knife turned quickly in my hand, and went into his friends temple just as quickly. The father dropped to his knees. “I’m a man of the cloth” he stuttered “a priest”.

“Oh well then. Peace be with you father.” I said walking past him.”

“And also with …” His last words were stopped as he fell to the floor. I hurried to the office and knocked on the door.

“Gentlemen please come in”, I heard a man say.
As I entered the priest behind the desk was startled. Catherine turned and gasped as if I caught her in a moment of undress “Nicholas!”
I looked at her and shook my head.

“Sir this is a private meeting.” The father spoke as he jumped from his chair and headed toward Catherine. She spun around like lightning. Her open hand hitting his face and seperating his head from his body. “You son of a bitch” she growled. Her eyes now turned to me glowing red from the beautiful jade pools they normally were.

“There are more coming ma’am we need to go!” I said as I drew two colt .45 peacemakers from my holsters. We ran out of the door, and men were coming up the stairs. We ran to a window at the end of the hall. Catherine was in pain and hunched over. I broke the glass with the butt of my gun and looked out the window, then down at Catherine, and saw a massive wolf. Auburn and tan with a white shooting star in the center of it’s head.
“Go! I’ll hold them off.” I yelled as the wolf looked at me sadly. “Go!”
She leapt out the window as I took a deep breath, and charged the marauders, guns blazing.

I woke up in a dumpster hours later. I was covered in blood, superficial wounds, except my shoulder and neck felt like they were on fire. I heard Butler’s voice it was a loud whisper. “Nick! Nick!”
I groaned.

“You stupid son of a bitch. Thank god!”

I woke up again, a week later in my bed at the estate. I looked over to see one of Catherine’s meat head cubs asleep in a chair in the corner of my room. “Hey you. Hey! Fucker! What happened?”
He snapped up and scrambled about “You’re awake! Shit! Stay.” He got up and ran from the room.
Butler entered shortly after his hands on my face. “Oh you glorious beautiful bastard! Come quickly!”
“Let me take a piss first.” I said groggy and confused. I slowly got out of my bed. I was naked, but that was nothing new. Put on a robe and was escorted to the john.
I was taken down to the indoor pool and Butler closed the door as he left. Catherine was swimming. Smiled happily when she saw me and emerged up the stairs in the raw. Her body glistened as the water fell off her, begging for one last touch of her before it returned to the pool and the ground. She slapped me hard “You arrogant bastard! Don’t you ever leave me like that again!”
I looked at her, saddness for letting her down visible in my eyes. She pulled me close and her mouth and tongue fought with mine as she pulled me even closer. My cock growing rapidly, bigger and harder than I believe it has ever been in my life. She pulled back and looked up at me with the jade green eyes that disappeared the last time I looked upon her.

“Come with me, Nicky.” She said as we walked outside to the porch. Darkness had over taken the dusk and the moon was bright and full, but low in the sky.
My body was on fire again. My bones ached and I wanted to die. Moments later I opened my eyes and looked down. My hands were massive black paws and I looked over to where Catherine stood before, her wolf next to me. She nuzzled me. I could hear her in my head. I could hear her cubs in the distance. I was slightly larger than her, I could smell her in ways I never could before. My mind was firing a mile a minute.

We ran into the massive wooded acreage, playing and fighting, I would learn about who I had become and who I would be. We hunted an elk as a pack. Only hours later would Catherine and I find ourselves alone again. She sniffed me and rubbed herself against me. The darkness in the sky was lightening up. She laid down in front of me, lifting her haunches and I climbed behind her. I penetrated her and it was a new experience. Rabidly and rapidly pounding away. She began to change back to her human form, her face down and her arms flat on the ground. My paws fought to keep balance digging into her as she began screaming and moaning in pleasure and pain. I saw them change as my hands finally returned, and I slid them down to her hips and grasped them tightly. I knew this feeling well as I continued in and out of her. Her ass slapped against my thighs. The liquor of her warm, wanting pussy coated my cock. We moaned and howled and as the sun rose, my balls felt the urge. I wasn’t going to stop as I erupted inside of her tensing and bucking, as she squeezed me tight, draining me of every drop of cum I had.

We collapsed there. Together. Under the old oak tree I would be sent to find her at occasionally. I would wrap her in a red velvet blanket, and cary her back to the house. She turned to me. “I haven’t taken a mate since my husband was killed many years ago. You are mine now, Nicholas, and I am yours, if you’ll have me.”
I loved this woman from the day she hired me. “Of course I will. You are mine and I am yours.” I replied, and with that we fell asleep.

(I had stumbled from the back of The Religious Charities Building. I had taken quite the beating and the police were on their way. I saw my beloved master hiding waiting on my escape and I fell to the ground unconscious. She ran to me, bit into my shoulder to drag me away and hauled me into the dumpster for safe keeping.
The police called it the charity massacre. It was reported that a child molestation occurred, and an angry mob got out of hand. In truth, they were werewolf hunters who wanted to cleanse the world of evil. Money can buy a lot of things.)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bt62c1/str8_mf_fantasy_the_change_in_me_a_werewolfs_tale