[MF, M mast, inc, Ds] Mark&Amy Chapter Two

*Thanks to everyone who commented or upvoted Chapter One! I love hearing that you guys like my work. Here’s another chapter, later than I wanted it to be but finished regardless. Enjoy!* -JC

#Chapter Two

She almost did it. It was so close. Amy was almost able to completely forget about the weirdness with her brother. But then he just had to text.

After leaving his dorm room, she’d gone back to her own and showered thoroughly. Scrubbed her skin until it was raw, replacing the warm, sticky feeling of her brother’s… emission… with the sharp stinging of exfoliation. It’s good for the skin, she’d reminded herself. Taking off the dead layers.

After that, the couple drinks in her had helped her slide into a dreamless sleep, and she’d awoken the next morning with the strange encounter far from her mind. It was a talent she’d developed over the years, putting things that were uncomfortable out of her mind. Her father’s illness and death… her mother’s mood swings, varying between indifference and spite for her offspring… the harassment of other kids through high school. Yup, Amy was a real champion of Not Thinking About Stuff. Gold medalist, really. If only there were an Olympic event.

She was in her physics class, pointedly not thinking of anything other than oscillating waveforms, when her phone had cheerfully buzzed against her thigh. Fishing it out of her pocket almost subconsciously, she’d pressed the little button to view the message.

“Last nite was amazing. Come over later.”

Mark. Amy’s heart sank. Or maybe skipped. She wasn’t sure. It did *something*. Her mind revved immediately into overdrive, running theories on the meaning of each word, their configuration together, and what it could mean. Maybe it’s nothing weird, she thought. Maybe his date was amazing. Maybe he just wanted to hang out and talk about Liz. Maybe he was super excited about a future with his girlfriend, and there was nothing to worry about.

Of course, that was it. Liz. Liz was so perfect… beautiful, and perky, and thin. Everything Amy had never been. Liz would never feel out of place. She would never darken a room by entering it, would never suddenly realize she’d accidentally turned a conversation into a rant and depressed everyone. She would never feel like the stares of people around her were burning her skin. She would never look in a mirror and wonder about drawing red lines across her skin, or whether she could maybe cut off something she didn’t like and get stitched up without threatening her life.

Liz would never turn thinking about how great someone else was into wanting to hurt herself!

Amy growled under her breath and pushed her face into her hands. It was stupid. It was selfish. Not everything is about you, she thought. We’re thinking about Liz. Mark has Liz and she makes him happy. They went out last night and maybe they finally did it together and that’s awesome. Mark wants to talk about it, to confide in his sister. He’s never been happy talking with other guys about that sort of thing. He just wants to say thanks for calming him down about it, for letting him…

Amy’s leg flinched and her knee slammed up into her desk with a painful thump. A few people glared angrily at her for interrupting the lecture, then mercifully looked away. Her leg throbbed, giving her something new to focus on. Pain was always easy to understand, easy to deal with. It was a direct problem, with a direct solution. Her hand rubbed her thigh slowly, soothing the angry nerve endings and easing the sensation down to a dull throb. A pulse, matching the beat of her heart with a fraction of a second of lag time. Pump, throb. Pump, throb. Pumping his throbbing-

Nope. Not thinking about that. Amy shook her head hard, clearing the intrusive thought. The image of her brother’s tool in his hand. How had that even happened? It was so fast, one minute they were drinking and talking, and the next…

Overthinking, Amy. Shut up and relax. Just don’t make it awkward and it won’t be. Putting the phone away, she returned her attention to the lecture and mostly managed not to think about anything else.

The class ended. The hours passed. And suddenly, almost without remembering how she got there, Amy found herself standing at her brother’s door, rapping her knuckles on the cheap fiberboard wood and waiting for his reply.

The door swung open a few seconds later and Mark pulled her inside, wrapping his big arms around her in an almost painful embrace. He was shirtless again, and he smelled like fresh autumn rain. His hair was a little damp, and Amy felt it drip on her as he pulled her face into him chest.

“Holy shit, Ames,” he said, holding her there still. “I owe you for last night. You just… wow. You’re the best.”

“Can’t… breathe.”

Mark chuckled and loosened his grip, but still held his sister close to his firm, warm body. “Sorry. I just feel so fucking great today.”

Amy tilted her head to look up at him. “The date went well, then?”

“Date?” Mark asked, looking very briefly confused. “Oh! You mean- yeah. Yeah it went well, you could definitely say that.”

Amy chuckled and gently pushed away. Mark seemed almost lime he wasn’t going to let her move for a couple seconds, but before it could get awkward she felt his arms release. Stepping back, she leaned against the door frame. “So tell me about it, then.”

“Sit.” Mark gestured to the bed, reaching past Amy to push the door closed. She obliged and he followed to sit next to her, leaning against the headboard and grinning. “Good girl.”

“Shut up,” Amy replied, trying to suppress a blush at his infuriating little power tease.

Mark’s grin widened. “Which is it, Ames? Shut up, or tell the story?”

Any made a sound in her throat, an annoyed growl. Mark’s hands went up in apology. “Fine, fine,” he said, nudging his leg against hers. “At least get comfy, lean on me or something. You look like you’re sitting on a spike.”

Sighing, Amy slid back onto the mattress and leaned on the wall. “So, Liz.”

“Right.” Mark slid back there next to her, looking up at the ceiling and remembering. “So she came over after you left, and we went out to the caf. Just a cheap dinner, nothing serious.”

“Frugal. I like it, she’s a keeper.”

“Right. Well anyway she was definitely giving me the look like she wanted to try again. She gets this look in her eyes, like between hungry and, I don’t know, adoring? It’s sexy as hell. And after we eat she says she wants to come back here and watch a movie or something.”

“Or something?”

“Her exact words. I almost got nervous, but I just thought of you and your advice, so I just said sure.”

Amy could feel herself relaxing as her brother focused his excitement on his fate with Liz. “So you guys came back here…”

“Yeah. We sat in the bed, just like we are now. She put on a movie and I put my arm around her shoulders,” Mark said, reaching around to rest his hand on Amy’s far shoulder. “And I told myself I’d just let her take the lead.”

Amy leaned against Mark and chuckled. “And she led?”

“Oh yeah. We started making out right away, and she grabbed my other hand and put it on her tit… there wasn’t even a bra under her top, she totally planned it.”

Amy shifted a little. “Wait, am I sitting in a wet spot?”

Mark laughed and squeezed her in tighter. “Nah. I’m getting to that. So as soon as my hand was on her she started moaning, and she got my zipper down without me even knowing. Next thing I realize she’s got her hand wrapped around little Mark and she’s stroking smooth and slow, just a perfect feeling.”

“I’m not sure I want that much detail about little Mark…”

“Psh. Just listen. So she’s stroking it and kissing my neck and now my hand is under her shirt… her tits aren’t as nice as yours, but they felt great in my hand. And then when I’m about to blow, suddenly she dives down on it. Like, perfect timing to catch it all in her mouth.”

Amy could feel herself blushing, overwhelmed first by the random compliment to her body and then the visual of her brother, on the very stoop they sat, cumming in his girlfriend’s mouth. Her brain, ever unhelpful, filled in the gaps with vivid memories of his voice and face the night before when he’d blown his load on her thigh. She felt like she should scoot away a little, but she was held fast to hits firm, warm, clean smelling chest.

Mark kept taking, heedless of Amy’s awkward feelings. “And then she just swallowed it all! Like not even a flinch as if it was the most normal thing in the world. And then… we just watched the rest of the movie, like nothing happened.”


“Yeah. Wow. All thanks to my beautiful sister.”

Any was definitely blushing now. “I didn’t do anything, I just told you to relax.”

Mark shook his head, pulling them apart enough to hold her shoulders and look in her eyes. “Amy, you gave me the courage to go through with it. And the stamina to make it really good.”

“I… what?”

“Think about it, Ames. After you got me off, I was so relaxed. I felt so good about myself that it was easy to let Liz get closer.”

Amy put up her hands between them. “Hold up. I didn’t ‘get you off’. All I did-”

“Was let me look at your amazing body and beautiful face,” Mark interrupted. One of his hands released her shoulder and drifted down to the bulge she hadn’t noticed in his lap. “I’m hard just thinking about it.”

Amy gasped and pulled away. “Mark, stop. What’s wrong with you?”

“Sorry!” Mark raised his hands apologetically. The move left the lap bulge even more visible. “I know, you don’t wanna hear about how sexy you are. I just thought maybe… maybe you’d help me out one more time.”

“Help you…”

“Help me cum, before I go see Liz again tonight.”

“Oh my God no. Seriously.”

“Come on! You can’t leave me like this. I’m, like, aching over here.”

Amy scoffed. “Then take care of yourself, you don’t need me.”

“Yes I do!” Mark exclaimed, then shook his head. “What I mean is, it’s just so much easier if you’re there. And besides, I saw you blush before. You liked it, a little.”

Amy’s cheeks got redder. “That’s not… you’re my brother, dude. This is fucked. What would Mom and Dad say?”

“They don’t need to know,” Mark replied, unzipping his shorts and pulling his cock out. It stood at attention, pointing dangerously at her. “Nobody needs to know. Besides, it’s kinda your fault getting me this way. You remember the Twin Code.”

Amy’s mind did a little backflip. The Code. The sacred trust between them, that it was them against the world forever, to never betray or hurt each other. And Mark had said he was aching… was it really her fault? It wasn’t like she was wearing anything sexy… just old jeans and a loose-fitting tee. And Mark was already going at it, pumping his hand slowly up and down. “Ugh… just… I’m gonna ignore you,” Amy said, turning a little to look intensely at the far wall of the room. “Do *not* hit me like last time.”

“Oh god, thank you Ames. You’re so beautiful.” Mark’s voice dripped with genuine adoration as he intensified his motion; Amy could hear the rhythmic shuffle of skin on skin. She reached to the side to grab the remote and turn on the TV, and Mark groaned. “Damn… you’re wearing the cute panties under there. Does the bra match?”

Amy tugged down her shirt to hide the top of her jeans. The panties she wore were pretty plain, she thought, but if you were into plain pink cotton, then maybe they could be called “cute”. “It’s nothing special,” she replied. “Just a regular, pink-“

“Show me.”

Amy felt a shiver up her spine and goosebumps on her arms. That commanding tone… why did it do that to her? It wasn’t like Greg, the way he wheedled and whined for her to do stuff. It was more like… like the way her father sounded when she was little and he was teaching her how to fix the kitchen sink. “Turn off that valve.” Except instead of shutting off the water, she was being ordered to lift her shirt.

“Amy? Show me,” Mark repeated. “I want to see.”

Amy bit her lip hard enough to send a wave of pain down her back and cancel the gooseflesh reaction, mostly. “You know I don’t look good like that,” she argued. “I’m not skinny like Liz.”

“You’re better than Liz,” Mark replied sharply. “You’re a jewel, Amethyst Catherine Warnke, and if only I can see that then that’s all the more reason you should let me see.”

The full name again… dammit, why was he pushing her buttons like this? And how did he know which to press? And why were they so compelling? Amy glanced sidelong at her brother and looked away again as the image of his cock burned itself into her brain, big and hard and shining on the tip. “Fine… but seriously! Don’t get it on me!”

“I promise, Amy, I’ll do my best.”

With a sigh, Amy lifted the front of her shirt. Up, over her belly chub and the pink bra that held her tits in place. She pulled the bottom through the neck hole and folded her arms across her middle to hide some of the fat. “Happy?”

Mark groaned again and the sound of his motion intensified to a rhythmic slapping. “Oh fuck yes, Ames, that’s so fucking hot. You’re so goddamn beautiful.”

Amy tried to hold on to the disgust. This was just a favor for her brother, to help him… she didn’t *want* to be here, almost half naked. She didn’t *want* to be objectified, ordered, and held in place by her promises. She just wanted it to be over and-

“Oh fuck!” Mark cried. He was pounding his hand now and Amy shrieked as she felt something hot and wet slap against her arm and ribs.

“Mark! You fucking asshole!” Amy reached for the sheet to wipe her brother’s cum off her skin, but his hand snapped out and grabbed her wrist.

“Stop,” he demanded. “Just… leave it a second.”

Amy shivered. “Mark, please,” she said quietly. “I feel gross.”

“It’s okay, baby,” he replied. “I’ll take care of you.” He smiled at her and grabbed a discarded shirt from the floor, using it to clean the spatter from her arm and side. Then he gently rolled her shirt back down, tugging it straight. “See? All better.” Leaning in, he pulled her into an embrace and kissed her forehead. His cock was still hanging out of his shorts, softening before Amy’s eyes, with a little remaining fluid dribbling from the tip.

Amy closed her eyes for a moment, letting her brother’s grip calm her down. He still smelled clean, but there was a musky scent beneath it now and the coppery tinge of what he’d just done. Still, it wasn’t a *bad* smell. It was actually kind of nicer than Greg’s smell after they fooled around.

“Okay,” Mark said, releasing her. “All better. I feel so much better. Are you okay?”

Amy thought for a moment. Was she okay? That was a complicated question. She felt a little ashamed of the whole thing, and a bit dirty maybe, but that was pretty normal after any sexual act for her… “Yeah, I think so,” she finally replied. “I’m, um… I’m gonna go back to my room now.”

“Okay,” Mark said, watching as she stood up. “And Amy?”

Amy paused at the door and turned around. Mark was still sitting there, but he’d tucked himself back into the shorts. He was smiling at her in a way that made her feel warm. “Yeah?”

“I love you.”

Amy sighed. “Love you too… weirdo.” Turning on her heels, she left the room, pulling the door closed behind her.


Mark watched his sister go, savoring that last look at her round butt before the door closed between them. She actually did it. Twice, two days in a row… she let him get off to her. And after, all the stuff he’d read about aftercare and positive reinforcement, it was all true.

She was a born sub. On some level he’d always known. She’d always let him make the big decisions for them both. She craved it – no, needed it – and she’d always be seeking the perfect Master to take care of her, bouncing from one jerk boyfriend to another until the right one came along or until the wrong one locked her down.

Well, maybe the right one had come along already. Why not? She was beautiful, and he loved her, and she needed him. She was already his. She just didn’t know it yet.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/brgnwi/mf_m_mast_inc_ds_markamy_chapter_two

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