Summer with my Niece

I have always been a bit of a social outcast I suppose. I just never really seemed to fit in with the rest of the world. As a kid I was bullied a lot for being weird, ugly, or fat, and it forced me to be even more antisocial than I already was. By the time I got to high school, I had really grown into myself physically. In fact, it seemed like the older I got, the more attractive I became. With the help of exercise, diet, and a well kept beard to mask my somewhat weak jawline, I had grown to like the way I looked. Unfortunately, the kids that I went to school with still remembered me as the weird fat kid, and it was already too late for me to learn how to properly socialize. After high school, I moved far from my hometown to go to college. I wanted to start fresh somewhere that nobody knew who I was. I made a few friends in college, and even had a few girlfriends for the first time, but one by one those relationships faded away. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not seem to be like everyone else. At first, it made me sad, not being able to fit in. But the more I got used to it, the more that sadness turned into frustration, and anger. I came to accept that I would never have the groups of friends to hang out with on a Friday night, the beautiful wife and kids, or even a consistent sex life. I hated to see all of the people that I had grown up with living their perfect, happy lives while I was stuck on the outside looking in, alone. Worst of all was my younger brother, Ryan. Ryan was always handsome, smart, funny, popular, and athletic. Everyone loved Ryan. I did too of course, but seeing how easy everything was for him made me jealous. He was the star football player in high school, dating the hottest cheerleader, voted prom king, and everyone wanted to be his best friend, while I watched from a lunch table in the corner by myself.

When I was thirty years old, my grandparents had passed, leaving a significant inheritance to Ryan and I. Ryan took his share and started a small company that grew quickly, giving him everything that he had ever wanted, while I used my share to buy a small farm in the country, far from anything and anyone. It brought in enough money to maintain a simple, private lifestyle, and at that point, was exactly what I needed. For the first few years, I would visit Ryan a few times a year on holidays or special occasions, but seeing his perfect life depressed me more and more. He had married his high school sweetheart, moved into a massive house, had a daughter, Abby, a fancy car, played golf on weekends, drank expensive scotch, and wore expensive suits. I began to visit him less and less as time went on, and until recently, didn’t even communicate with him much. That all changed last week when I received a phone call from him. He told me that his daughter Abby, who had just graduated from high school, was caught drinking at a party that was busted by the police. He told me that as punishment, he wanted to send her to stay with me for the summer, working the farm, with no phone, internet, friends, or parties. He wanted her to grow up and be more responsible before going off to college, and he thought that my farm was the perfect place for her to do that. At first I rejected the idea, but he was persistent. I honestly don’t even remember agreeing to the arrangement, but the next thing I knew, he said he would be dropping her off in a few weeks.

I certainly was not excited about the idea, but here I am, sitting on my porch, watching the shiny black Mercedes drive up the long dirt driveway, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. The car stops in front of me and Ryan steps out, dressed in a pressed white button down shirt, sharp black pants, and freshly polished black shoes. He smiles wide and starts up the steps of the porch. “Get over here man! Its good to see you!” he calls out, stretching out his arms toward me. I stand up and force a weak smile as I re-tuck my dirty blue and white plaid flannel shirt into my dusty old blue jeans. “Hey Ry…” I say as he wraps his arms around my broad upper body. At six foot four, I am only about an inch taller than him, although my boots make me tower over him. I throw an arm around his back and pat him twice as I see his wife Cindy step out of the car next. “Hi Michael! How are you?” She says politely as she circles around to the back of the car, opening the trunk. “Cindy.” I reply with a nod and a smile. She was a sight for sore eyes to say the least. I had always had a crush on her when we were young, and I didn’t see too many women these days to begin with. I quickly scanned my eyes over her, admiring her perfect body in her tight dress, before snapping myself out of it and returning my attention to Ryan. “Thanks again Mike, Abby could really use this experience. It’ll be good for her to build some character. Don’t be afraid to put her to work, she deserves it.” He tells me, slapping my shoulder. “Will do.” I assure him.

Ryan heads back down to the car and I step forward on the porch, leaning against the post of the railing and taking off my tattered old John Deere hat to run a hand through my shaggy dark hair, pushing it back before placing my hat back over it to hold it in place. I scratch my short, wiry, slightly greying beard as I watch him open the back door of the car. Abby is sitting there looking down at her phone and texting. I am completely caught off guard by how she looks. The last time I had seen her she must have been about fifteen or sixteen, now eighteen, she has grown into an absolutely stunning young woman. I can’t make out exactly what is said, but Ryan takes her phone away from her and sticks it in his pocket, she complains, he says something else, then she finally steps out of the car, rolling her eyes. I can’t help but stare at her. She is extremely thin, but fit looking. Although she is only around five foot four, her legs look longer than that, wrapped in tight jeans that hug her slender hips, curving up to a slim waist. There is a slight gap between her jeans and her maroon, skin tight t-shirt that shows off a sliver of gorgeous, smooth, creamy skin. The low cut shirt shows off her smaller, but perfect, round breasts, pushed together nicely by what I can imagine is a very expensive and sexy bra. A simple gold necklace hangs from her neck and brings out a similar golden color in her long, light brown hair. Her makeup is simple, pretty pink lipstick covers her soft, full lips, a bit of blush on her narrow cheeks, and just the right amount of eye makeup to make her incredible blue-green eyes pop. I nearly choke when she looks up at me, meeting my gaze. “Hey.” She says quietly before turning around and taking her bags from her mother. “Hi.” Is all I can manage to think of, giving a quick wave with one hand before awkwardly sticking it back into my pocket. I definitely was not prepared for her to be so incredibly sexy.

“Honey, we really need to get going, we’re going to miss our flight.” Cindy says to Ryan. “Nice to see you Michael. Thank you again for keeping Abby out of trouble. Hopefully she will learn some valuable lessons this summer.” Cindy gives Abby a quick hug, whispers something into her ear, then gets into the car. Ryan hugs Abby next, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. “Seriously, don’t go easy on her man. This is punishment, not summer camp. No phone, no internet, no fun.” He says, looking at Abby the whole time and wagging a finger at her paternally. “We’ll catch up when we pick her up in a few months. Have fun, and thanks again. I owe you one.” He waves a hand as he steps into the car and pulls away, leaving Abby there with her two duffel bags at her feet. I sigh as I watch them drive off, wondering what the hell I had just gotten myself into, then I walk down the stairs and pick up Abby’s bags, slinging them both over my shoulder. “Well, come on in. I’ll show you your room.” I say, smiling down at her. I go to place a hand on her back to guide her toward the house, but awkwardly pull it away before making contact with her, then walk ahead of her. “Okay…” she says quietly as she starts to follow me inside.

“Kitchen, living room, bathroom, pantry…” I say as I point around the house. “Your room is upstairs.” We get to the top of the stairs and I start down the hall. “Bathroom on the right, then your room at the end of the hall, and my room is on the left.” I say. I walk down to the end of the hall and push open the door to the guest bedroom. “Sorry, its nothing fancy, but it’s a roof and a bed. More comfortable than the barn anyway.” I say with a chuckle. I step inside and set the bags down by the small bed in the middle of the room. “I’ll uh, let you get settled in. I’m going to start dinner, I’ll call you when its ready.” I say, looking back at her. I can tell that she is not impressed with her new accommodations. It certainly wasn’t a mansion like she was used to. But she was polite enough about it for now. “It’s nice. Thank you. I’m just going to rest for a bit.” She says with a kind smile. I head toward the door, then turn back one more time, getting one more look at her. I stare at her firm, athletic little ass for a second as she bends over and unzips one of her bags, then I leave the room, closing the door behind me.

I pause for a moment outside the door to collect myself. The image of her ass is burned into my mind. I couldn’t help but imagine what kind of panties she was wearing underneath those tight jeans, or what her tight little pussy would feel like wrapped around my cock… I was starting to get hard just thinking about it. I tried to shake the thought from my head and went downstairs to the kitchen. The entire time I was cooking, all I could think about was Abby. How much fun it would be to pick her up by her tiny little waist and push her against a wall, or bend her over the dinner table and shove my dick between those long, thin legs of hers. When dinner was ready, I called her down and we sat at the table. I tried to keep my eyes from wandering, but they were constantly drawn to her chest when she wasn’t looking at me. We made light conversation, though I wasn’t entirely sure how to communicate with an eighteen year old girl. I never really was good at that part. She told me about her boyfriend and all I could do was picture her sucking a dick in the back seat of some car. I uncomfortably adjusted my erection beneath the table, hoping that she hadn’t picked up on my awkward movement. When we finished eating, I began to clear the table. “Well, I’ll be up early to get to work so I should get to bed. I’ll let you sleep in tomorrow, but you’re here to work so I’ll need you up early most days. Make yourself at home. If you need anything, I’ll be in my room.” I notice Abby looking at the clock. “I know, its early, but try and get some sleep.” I tell her. She sighs. “I’ll try. Thanks for dinner.”

As I lay in bed, I found it impossible to sleep. My mind raced with thoughts of Abby in the next room. I wondered what she was wearing, what she slept in, if she was touching herself in there… My hand worked its way down and pulled my thick, seven inch cock from my shorts, stroking it slowly. The more I thought about her, the faster I stroked, gripping harder and harder. I imagined her coming into my room naked and just sitting down on my throbbing cock, riding me like a bull. Almost immediately, I tensed up, releasing a hot string of cum all over my hand and my stomach. I groaned loudly and hoped that Abby hadn’t heard it, then cleaned myself up and fell asleep. I couldn’t even remember the last time I came like that.

The next morning, I was outside the barn chopping firewood when I saw Abby running down the path toward me. Her hair was up in a tight ponytail that swayed behind her as she jogged, and she was wearing a tight white tank top and tiny blue running shorts. As she got closer, I set the axe down and grabbed a sip of water. It was almost unfair of her to wear such short shorts in front of me. She slowed to a stop when she got to me and caught her breath for a minute. Her skin glistening with sweat as she lifted the front of her shirt to wipe her face, reveling her flat, tone stomach, and a sliver of a blue sports bra for just a moment, teasing me. “Morning Uncle Mike.” She says though labored breaths. “Mornin. Not exactly dressed for work, are you?” I respond, picking up the axe again and splitting another piece of wood. “I always start the day with a run. Besides, you never told me what I was supposed to be doing.” she said with a smile as she watched me set up the next log. I took another swing, splitting the last of the logs in my pile with a satisfying pop, then stuck the axe into the old stump beneath it. “You ever painted a barn before?” I ask as I wipe the sweat from my brow. “What do you think?” she laughed. “Mhm. Well, mine’s due for a fresh coat. Come on.” I say, waving a hand for her to follow me. I walk into the barn and point to a few buckets of white paint, and one green for the doors in the corner. “There’s a brush hanging on the wall over there, and a ladder over there.” I point out. “Should last you the rest of the week I imagine. I’ll come get you for lunch.” I start to walk away when she stops me. “Now?” she asks. “Yep. It’s not gonna paint itself, is it?” I can see the disappointment on her face, but she nods. “Okay.”

I load the chopped wood into a wheelbarrow and push it over to the house, dumping it in a pile to be stacked later on. I should stack it now, but I have something else on my mind. I go into the house and up the stairs, then open the door to the guest room and step inside. I glance around quickly and see that Abby has not fully unpacked yet. I peek inside her bags, but its mostly clothes and a few books. On the desk is a small journal. I pick it up and flip through it, reading bits and pieces of it and hoping to find something juicy. It’s mostly just teenage girl things like crushes, prom, drama between friends and who is dating who, but one particular entry catches my eye. It describes her first time having sex. There isn’t much detail, but she describes how it felt to have a cock stretching her tight virgin pussy open, and the pain that went along with it. Once again, my cock was completely hard, pressing against the fabric of my jeans and causing my some discomfort. As I read the entry, I rubbed my palm over the bulge in my pants. I could feel a bit of precum dripping from my tip and wetting my jeans a bit. After finishing the entry, I set the journal back onto the desk and head for the door. Suddenly, I notice the clothes that she had been wearing yesterday in a pile in the corner of the room. I walk over to the window and pull the curtain back a bit. Abby is hard at work starting to paint the barn, giving me plenty of time, so I return to the pile of clothes on the floor and pick them up. I separate the panties from the other clothes and hold them out in front of me. Perfect, tiny, pink, cotton panties. I flip them inside out and inspect the crotch. As I run my thumb over the soft fabric, I feel a bit of dampness. I immediately bring them to my face and place my nose directly onto the wet area, inhaling deeply and taking in the magnificent, sweet scent of her tight, teenage pussy. My cock is practically throbbing out of my jeans at this point and I take another sniff. It was a magical smell. A smell that left me wanting more. Much more. I quickly undid my belt and unzipped my fly, my cock springing out in front of me. I sniff the panties again as I start to vigorously stroke my cock. I move closer to the window where I can watch Abby while I masturbate with her dirty panties. In a matter of seconds, I convulse and a thick rope of cum shoots out onto the desk, leaving a long streak across the open journal page. I hurriedly grab a tissue and clean up the mess the best I could, closing the journal with my new entry inside for her to one day find, then toss the panties back into the pile and leave the room.

I close the door behind me and stop in the hallway for a moment. I feel a little bit ashamed of what I had just done in there, and the thoughts that were still racing through my mind, but at the same time, it feels amazing. It has been years since I have been with a woman, and a man can only watch so much porn to hold him over. It was exciting to have a sexy little thing like Abby around for a change, even if she was my niece. She reminded me of the girls that I used to daydream about in high school. The same girls that had made fun of me, and tormented me with their cruel words and judgmental stares. She was probably just like them. Pretty, popular, rich, and spoiled. She was the type of girl that I could never have, no matter what I did. I began to feel that familiar anger inside of me, rising up again. Perhaps this would be my chance to get back at all of those bitches that refused to give me the time of day all those years ago. A chance to take something that I never imagined I would ever have. A grin came over my face as I realized that for the first time in my life, I held all of the power over one of them. And there was nothing she could do about it.

I returned to the barn with two glasses of ice cold lemonade. Abby had gotten a surprising amount of painting done while I was inside, and I figured that she deserved a break. “Looking good.” I say as I walk up behind her. “Why don’t you take a break for a minute.” I hand her one of the glasses and she quickly begins to chug it. Sweat gleams across her forehead, soaking her hair and dripping down her face. I watch one drop slowly roll down her face, to her neck, down her chest, and disappear between her perky little tits. I look back up at her face as she finishes sipping her drink. “How much more do I have to do today?” She asks, looking back at the barn. “Plenty of daylight left. Should be able to finish this side today.” I tell her. Her face drops, clearly disappointed in the answer I had given her, but she doesn’t protest. “Oh. Okay…” she replies quietly. “Do I get any days off at least?” she asks, sitting down on a large rock in the shade. I notice a few streaks of white paint dripping down her smooth inner thigh beneath her shorts, reminding me of the mess I had just made upstairs. I try not to stare too long before answering her. “Well… maybe you can earn yourself a few days off. We’ll see.” She nods and takes another long sip of lemonade. “Whatever it takes.” she says. I can’t help but smile at her answer. I can think of a few things that she could do to earn herself some time off, but I’m sure she won’t like them. It will take some convincing, but I have time to come up with a plan.

After a few minutes, we finish our drinks and it is time to get back to work. I go into the barn and bring out the old wooden ladder, leaning it against the side of the barn for Abby to reach the top half. “Here. This should be tall enough for you to reach the top. You can stop for the day when you finish this side. Tomorrow you can start on the other side.” I say. I take the empty glass from her hand and replace it with the paint brush, then stand behind her as she begins to climb the ladder. I enjoy the view as her firm, athletic ass lands at eye level in front of me. Her tight shorts accentuate the curves of her cheeks, the fabric pulling in between them just a bit, leaving little to the imagination. My cock grows in my pants as I picture the tiny pink panties that I had just held in my hands moments ago, knowing that they had just yesterday been wrapped around that very same ass. It takes a lot of self control not to lean in and bury my face into it, or reach out and slide my hand between those long slender legs and rub a finger across her pussy. I take a deep breath and snap myself out of the trance as she begins to paint once again. “I’ll leave you to it then.” I tell her as I walk away.

I manage to behave myself for the rest of the day, and the next few following, but Abby is driving me wild. My cock is nearly raw from constant masturbation, and my mind is flooded with fantasies about fucking her. Tonight, I lay awake in my bed, thinking about her sleeping just across the hall. I get out of bed to take a piss, and I stare at her bedroom door as I walk past it to the bathroom. Just feet away from me, she is lying in her own bed, sound asleep. In the bathroom, I find myself thinking about what she is wearing. Does she sleep naked? Is she wearing a bra? Does she have shorts on, or just a pair of little panties? Before leaving the bathroom, I wash my hands and face, then stare at myself in the mirror. Dark circles hang beneath my eyes. Ever since Abby had arrived, I have not been sleeping well. I just can’t get her out of my mind. I run my hands over my face and through my beard, then dry them on my loose sweatpants before leaving the bathroom and walking back down the hall. I stop again outside of Abby’s bedroom, but this time I can’t resist the urge to take a peak. I reach out and slowly turn the door knob. It squeaks a little bit, and I pause to listen for any movement before opening the door. Hearing nothing inside, I slowly push on the door. It creaks at first as it opens, but then stops. I open it just enough to poke my head inside and see Abby sound asleep after a long week of work. The moonlight coming through the open window illuminates the bed just enough for me to see her. She is lying on her back with a bedsheet draped over her body. Both of her arms are out, above the sheet, and one leg is completely exposed. I can see that she is wearing a loose fitting white tank top, with what looks like no bra underneath. A look up her long exposed leg shows a sliver of her baby blue panties poking out from beneath the white sheet. Her face is innocent and cute, her mouth hanging open just a bit as her chest moves subtly up and down with each breath.

I take a deep breath, then push the door open enough to step inside. I step carefully with my bare feet as I walk across the old pine floors so as not to make a sound. A few soft creaks here and there, but Abby doesn’t move a muscle. I slowly approach the side of the bed, standing over her in the dark. My heart races with the thrill of how wrong this is. What would I say if she woke up and caught me? I stand over her for a moment before reaching out and lightly gripping the bottom of the white sheet, then slowly pull it upward, exposing both of her legs. I continue to move the sheet until her panties are completely exposed for me. Tight baby blue cotton panties with a thin waist wrapped around her hips. The seams tucked neatly into the crease between her legs and the subtle mound of her fresh young pussy lips. The top of the waist band rests on her hip bones, leaving a slight gap in some areas where her skinny stomach meets them. Her legs are spread apart just a few inches, giving me a perfect view, and my cock is rock hard in my sweats once again. I carefully reach out again and begin to slowly pull the sheet from under her arms. It slides out smoothly from beneath them at first, but suddenly, she moves. I freeze, my heart beating like crazy, as I watch her reach up and scratch her face, then let out a soft sigh before settling back in. I hesitate a few more seconds to be sure that she is deeply asleep, then pull the sheet the rest of the way off of her. She is definitely not wearing a bra. Her tiny little nipples poke through the thin white tank top, and I just have to see them more clearly. I lean over her now, reaching both hands down and lifting the top of her shirt just enough to get a good look down it. There they are. Two perfect little tits, with small, perky nipples protruding from them. I can’t resist the urge. I slide one hand down her shirt and gently cup one breast with my large, calloused palm. It fits perfectly in my hand as I cup it lightly, feeling her warm, delicate skin on mine for the first time. I brush my thumb gently across her nipple, circling it lightly before pulling my hand back.

I know I should quit while I am ahead and retreat to my own bed to jerk off with my new mental images, but I decide to push things just a bit further. I slide my pants down to my thighs, pulling out my thick, hard cock, dripping with pre cum already, and grip it with one hand, stroking myself slowly as I admire the tight young body beneath me. I move in closer to her, my cock inches from her mouth as I stroke faster and faster. Her warm breath lands on my tender tip, sending a shiver up my spine and I let out a soft groan. It would be so easy for me to just shove my tip into her open mouth and force it down into that little throat of hers, but it isn’t time for that. Not yet. I return my attention to her panties, tracing my eyes down her body, over every soft curve, landing on that subtle little mound between her thighs. I reach one hand out and hover it over her pussy, feeling the heat coming off of it as it warms my fingertips. I stroke faster and faster now, then inch my fingers closer and closer, until landing one fingertip onto the soft fabric covering her. I trace my finger gently up and down her pussy, feeling the soft, tender flesh of her lips beneath. She stirs in her sleep again, nearly giving me a heart attack this time as she rolls onto her side with her back to me. I quickly pull my hand away and freeze once again, but she doesn’t wake up. There it is. My favorite part of her body, right in front of me. Her perfect little ass wrapped tightly in the baby blue panties she is sleeping in, sticking out right at the edge of the bed, just inches from my throbbing cock as I stroke it furiously. I reach out once more, and slide my hand in, gently caressing her pussy from behind with two fingers. This time, I apply a bit more pressure, really feeling the softness of her lips. She lets out a soft moan and stirs a bit, squeezing her legs together tightly and nearly trapping my hand between them. The excitement build up inside of me until I can’t hold it back anymore. My cock twitches and swells in my tight grip and I reach for a tissue just in time, as I empty myself into it. My knees nearly buckle beneath me as I cum hard, trying to hold back my groans and grunts. My heartbeat slows again as I finish and pull my pants back up, taking one last look over Abby’s tiny little body before covering her with the sheet once again and exiting the room.

I sleep soundly after all of the excitement, and in the morning, I find Abby up before me, waiting in the kitchen and drinking a glass of orange juice. “Morning.” She says with a cheerful smile. I can barely look her in the eyes after what I had done the night before. “Morning.” I respond as I make a fresh pot of coffee. “Sleep well?” I ask, almost teasingly. “Yeah. That bed is comfy. You look tired though.” she says. I glance over at her, thinking of what to say. “Yeah, I uh… couldn’t sleep.” I say. Changing the subject, I try and think of a task for her for the day. I can think of a million things that I would like her to do for me, but I’ll stick with farm work for now. “What would you like to do today?” I ask her. She looks surprised by the question, and laughs. “I don’t know. Definitely not painting…” she says. I pour myself a cup of coffee and sit down across from her at the table. It’s a cool morning and I am disappointed to see her in a sweatshirt, although maybe it will help me focus for once. I take a sip of the strong black coffee as I stare across at her. “Well, how about we start you with something easy today. I was going to feed the animals myself, but I could use a few more minutes to wake up. Why don’t you go find Miguel in the back field and he can walk you through it. That’ll give me the morning off.” I say. Miguel is one of five farm hands that work for me during the busy months and has been around long enough to know pretty much everything that needs to be done around here to keep this place going, giving me a much needed break every so often, especially after a long night like last night. “Why do you get the day off and I have to work?” Abby complains. Perhaps it was just because I was tired and cranky, or it could just be my feelings of contempt for spoiled, rich, pretty girls like Abby, but whatever the reason was, I snapped at her. I set my mug down on the table and glared over at her as I stood up, placing both hands on the table and leaning over. “Because you are here to work as punishment for being a spoiled brat, and it’s my fucking farm! That’s why!” I say in a loud, stern voice. Abby jumps as I raise my voice at her, then pouts and quickly runs off, slamming the door behind her, which aggravates me even more. “Fucking bitch. Just like her mother.” I mutter to myself.

Tension between Abby and I grows over the next few days, and she begins to irritate me more and more. Her work becomes lazy and slow, she complains about everything I tell her to do, and most days I have to pound on her door to get her out of bed. On this particular morning, I had had enough. I had gotten up, knocked on her door to wake her, and gone downstairs to have coffee and breakfast. After I finished, Abby was still not up, and I was furious. I stomped my way up the stairs and swung her door open. She was wrapped tightly in a blanket, sound asleep. “Get your ass up, we have work to do!” I shout, waking her. She rolls over, turning her back to me and mumbles “You mean I have work to do…”. “That’s right. You have work to do!” I shout back at her. “Or have you forgotten why you are here?” She pulls the pillow from under her and throws it over her head, pulling it tightly around her to block out the sound of my voice. I reach out and grab the blanket from over her, ripping it off of her and tossing it across the room. She is wearing a par of green panties and a loose fitting navy t-shirt. With the blankets off of her, she quickly sits up and covers herself with the pillow. “What the hell!?” she shouts, finally looking up at me. “That’s it. I’m calling your father and telling him that you are refusing to do any of your work, and that you are being a disrespectful little shit to me. You’re out of here. Good look with whatever punishment he comes up with for you next. I’m sure you can kiss that college money good-bye, and whatever brand new car he has you in, hell, maybe he’ll even kick you out of the house, leaving you to find a job working a farm somewhere else. But if that’s what you want, so be it. I’m fed up with this shit Abby!” I say, throwing my hands up in the air and turning back toward the door. “No!” Abby yells, jumping out of the bed and grabbing my arm, stopping me. “I’m sorry, I’ll get to work, just don’t call my parents!” she begs. I turn around, facing her. I tower over her, staring straight down at her now as she looks back up at me with fear in her pretty blue-green eyes. “Too late Abby. I’m tired of this shit.” I say, pulling my arm away and taking another step toward the door. “Please! I’ll do anything you say! I promise!”

I stop in the doorway, finally hearing the words that I had been dreaming of for the past few weeks, then turn back around. I look her up and down, thinking about all of the horrible things that I have been wanting to do with her, then take a step closer to her. “Last chance.” I say. “You do every single thing that I tell you to, without complaining, and you go back to your perfect little life in the city at the end of the summer. But one fuck up, and you’re done.” I say sternly. “Okay, okay, I promise, anything!” she repeats. I crack an almost threatening smile as I look down at her. “Get on your knees.” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. She looks confused, but slowly drops to her knees in front of me, staring up at me with big sad eyes. “I want you to suck my cock.” I tell her confidently. A look of disgust comes over her face. “What? No, Uncle Mike…” she starts to say. “That’s what I thought.” I say as I head for the door one last time. “Wait!” She shouts back at me, stopping me in my tracks again. “Okay. I’ll do it.” I walk back over to her again, standing in front of her with my hands on my hips, looking down at her. She stays quiet for a moment and stares at my crotch, not moving. “Come on. Let’s go.” I say. “I didn’t want it to come to this, but you insisted on being a pain in my ass. If you aren’t going to do any actual work, then this will have to do. I’m sure you’re skilled in this department by now anyway.”

She lets out a long sigh, then swallows hard as she slowly reaches out to unbuckle my belt. Next, she unbuttons my pants and slides the zipper down slowly before tugging my jeans and boxers down to my ankles, releasing my semi-hard seven inch cock. She stares at it for a moment with wide eyes, then looks up at me. “Go ahead.” I tell her as I unbutton my shirt and toss it to the floor. Slowly, she reaches a hand out and lightly wraps it around my thick shaft, cradling it in her small hand and lifting it up in front of her before wrapping her fingers around it and slowly stroking back and forth. Her tiny hand feels incredible wrapped around me and my cock twitches a bit as it continues to grow. She repositions her legs under her and takes a deep breath, then leans in closer, opening her mouth just enough for her tongue to slide out and make contact with my tip. She cringes and turns her head away for a second, but quickly turns back and wraps her soft, wet lips around me. Her tongue presses against my head as her lips stretch open around my girth, taking the entire tip into her mouth. I lean my head back and let out a loud groan, letting myself relax as she begins to suck. She bobs her head back and forth slowly, taking more of me into her mouth with each stroke, but only managing to take a few inches before I feel my tip press against the back of her throat. I look back down at her as she continues to bob, feeling her tongue sliding along the underside of my now rock hard shaft. “Look at me.” I tell her as I reach down and brush her hair behind her ear to see her face better. She looks up at me for a second, then back down. “Look at my eyes while you suck my dick.” I say. She looks back up and her gorgeous eyes lock onto mine. There is something incredibly hot about that look in her eyes that has my cock harder than ever. I start to rock my hips back and forth against her head movements, causing her to gag a bit as my cock slams into the back of her throat. She pulls back and coughs, which is disappointing to me. “I really thought you would be a pro at this.” I say. “We’ll get you there, don’t worry.”

She sucks faster, flicking her tongue around my tip at the top of every stroke, causing me to moan louder and louder. “There you go, that’s better.” I say as I watch her development. After a few more minutes, I decide to push things a bit further. I reach down with both hands and grip the sides of her head, holding her firmly in place. She looks up at me confused for a split second, before I pull her head slowly into me, feeling my cock press into her throat, squeezing into it. Her throat stretches tightly around my thick, throbbing cock, as I continue to push myself deeper and deeper. She squirms and plants both of her hands against my hips, trying to push away, but I hold her there for a few more seconds. Her throat tightens around me over and over as she gags, nearly sending me over the edge already. Finally, I pull out and let her take a breath. She coughs and gags while long strings of saliva and precum drape between her lips and my cock, coating her lips and her chin while she gasps for air. I don’t wait long before plunging my cock back down into her throat, this time thrusting my hips in and out of her, fucking her tight little throat like a doll while pulling hard on the back of her head. Over and over again, I thrust myself into her, deeper and deeper, until my balls are slamming against her chin. Every once in a while allowing her to take a breath before I enter her once again.

I pull out once again, this time pulling her up to her feet and grabbing her by the waist. As she gasps for air, I lift her into the air and toss her onto the bed on her back, with her head hanging over the edge toward me. I lean over her and grab my cock, lining it up with her mouth and guiding it into her one more time. I push myself deeper inside of her while my balls press against her nose. I fuck her throat faster and faster while reaching out with one hand and pulling her shirt up, revealing those perfect little tits to be groped. I squeeze them each hard with one hand, pinching her nipples between my fingers while forcing my cock down her throat as deep as I can get it. I can feel myself about to explode, just as her face begins to turn color. With one final thrust, my cock swells, deep inside of her throat, and erupts, sending a hot, sticky load down into her belly as I grunt loudly and hold myself inside of her for one final moment of ecstasy, before slowly sliding out of her mouth. My wet, sloppy cock drapes out of her mouth and across her face, smearing a mixture of saliva and cum all over her while she coughs and gags. Tears stream from her eyes, running down onto her forehead as she turns her head to face the floor, coughing and spitting while attempting to catch her breath. I pant heavily as I watch her, defeated and a mess beneath me. “Maybe tomorrow you should be up on time. It will probably be more enjoyable for you.” I say as I pull my pants back up. “Now get yourself cleaned up and ready for work. We have fences to mend.”



  1. Not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I have been working on it for a little while here and there and wanted to share. I have more to this story and other stories if anyone is interested.

  2. Nice start! It’s a long summer…lots of time to enjoy her body.

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