Artis and Model part 11: Cave

“Helena? Helena!” He called out through the shop. Helena appeared at the entrance of the shop as he caught sight of the door. He walked briskly to her and stood close before her. She had a blank expression on her face.

“Nicholas, is something the matter? Do any reading?” Helena asked with a vacant smirk.

Nicholas grinned on one side of his mouth as he looked at her, leaned close to kiss her luscious lips. She kissed him back passionately, and he ran his hands all over her hour-glass body. Andonna joined them with the large book in her arms followed by Tamara.

“Well, you were right, Helena. He did possess the blood,” Andonna said. “He is standing after all!”

“When do we meet Violet and Lily?”

“Soon. I think they should be here by now,” Helena said.

“Good. I want a drink. Take me to that cafe around the corner,” Nicholas said. “I need a moment to think.”

Andonna wrapped the book in a yellow cloth and handed it to Nicholas. Helena and Tamara gathered their things and moved to door, and Nicholas opened it and followed them onto the street.

“Have fun! Nice to meet you, Nicholas!” Andonna said. “See you soon.”


Helena and Tamara stood for a moment, arms around each other. Nicholas looked at them, put an arm around Helena, and he kissed them both, then spanked Helena abruptly as he turned to walk down the street.

At the small cafe, many sat eating and drinking, and many turned their heads to look at Helena and Tamara as they approached. They approached the bar with a barmaid standing behind it, cleaning a glass. She turned and leaned against the bar. She wore a small black dress with deep neck exposing her ample cleavage.

The barmaid spoke, but Nicholas could not understand her. Helena glanced at him, then spoke to the barmaid briefly. Nicholas put on the table the heavy book wrapped in yellow cloth.

“Cognac?” Helena pointed at Tamara and Nicholas. They both nodded, and the barmaid served them three glasses of cognac.

Nicholas quickly downed the liquid as Helena and Tamara slowly sipped theirs. He put his empty glass on the bar and stood behind Tamara and Helena, running his hands over their flat stomachs.

“So, what are the plans for tonight, Helena?” Nicholas squeezed Helena’s nipple.

“Well…” She sighed as his hand squeezed her breast. “I think we should have fun. A celebration! We can do anything you want.”

“I wondered what you or all of you expect of me,” Nicholas said. “I feel deceived.”

“Oh,” Helena pouted her soft lips and turned around to face Nicholas, putting a hand in his crotch. “I had no idea, Nicholas. You did some things that surprised me, and only Andonna can truly know for sure.”

Helena moved her body against his, her huge tits pressing into his chest, and her hand gripping his hardening cock in his trousers. “Now, you rule over us.”

“All of us,” Tamara murmured as she kissed his neck.

Nicholas looked briefly around the room and noticed some patrons stared at them, but most kept to themselves. An old man looked right into Nicholas’ eyes and frowned at him.

“Almost time to meet Lily and Violet,” Helena said, pulling away from Nicholas. She smiled as she looked at a young woman wearing a small pink string bikini walking to the bar. She had shoulder length black hair and fair complexion. She stood fairly short but possessed a thick behind that swallowed her small bikini bottoms. Her round, perky tits almost bounced out of her small bikini as she approached the bar. Her sunglasses obscured her eyes. Nicholas turned and looked at her.

The girl waved at the barmaid with one hand miming pouring or drinking a bottle. The barmaid looked at her with an odd expression then shrugged.

“Wine?” The girl said.

“Need help ordering?” Helena approached her slowly. The girl turned and smiled nervously at Helena.

“Yeah. Ha! How did you know?”

“We are vacationing here,” Helena said, holding her cognac in one hand. She turned to the barmaid and ordered the girl a glass of white wine. “The island is so beautiful. If you cannot speak the language, it makes getting around very difficult.”

“You are telling me,” the girl smiled and turned to face Helena. “Yeah, I have no idea how to get on the next ferry. I wanted to stay here another night then return to the mainland to continue my travels, but I had trouble talking to the guy selling ferry tickets.”

“Ha, we are taking my boat out of here tonight. If you want a ride, we can take you the city if you like. We were headed that way tonight. I do not want to intrude…”

“Wow,” the girl’s face lit up. “Really! You know you are like the first person I have met here that has talked to me. Thanks. You are you nice. My name is Morgan.” She held out her hand to shake, and Helena extended hers.

“Helena. Nice to meet you, Morgan.” Helena turned to introduce Morgan. “Meet Morgan, Morgan meet Nicholas and Tamara. She will join us tonight.”

Tamara looked at Morgan and smiled, then grinned at Nicholas.

“Nice to meet everyone,” Morgan waved a hand.

“Should we order food? This place has good mussels. Either way I could use another drink,” Tamara said.

“Food.” Nicholas said.

“Yes, food. Order the mussels and another bottle or two of wine,” Helena said to Tamara, and Helena moved to a table with Nicholas in hand. They sat with Morgan as Tamara ordered from the barmaid.


Helena, Tamara and Nicholas sat with Morgan as they ate and drink. By the time they stood to leave, they had finished three more bottle of wine, and Morgan’s face had grown quite flush from alcohol. The bright afternoon sun hung lower in the sky.

“Tamara, sweet, can you and Nicholas find Lily, Violet and the boat? They should be somewhere in sight of the bell tower in the market square,” Helena said.

Nicholas and Tamara stood from the table, grabbed the book, and they wandered onto the street and towards the sea.

“Morgan seems cute. What do you think of her?” Tamara squeezed Nicholas’ hand and pushed chest against his arm.

“Yeah, she looks cute. What does Helena want wit her?” Nicholas said looking at the faces passing.

Tamara squeezed his arm harder as they both caught sight of a woman in sunglasses, carrying a small towel in hand with no clothing covering her body. Her hour-glass body attracted many eyes, and Tamara and Nicholas both stared. She had long dark hair and slender body with wide hips and ample breasts. Tamara bit her bottom lip and gripped Nicholas’ hand as the nude woman walked by them.

“Ooooh, I love the local life. Don’t you?” Tamara said and looked at Nicholas with an odd expression. She let go of his hand, untied the top of dress behind her neck and pulled her dress down. “I feel like having some fun.”

Tamara pulled her dress down to her knees then stepped out if it, put it in her bag and turned to Nicholas with her hands on her hips to give him a view of her nude body. She giggled and put her hands over her perfect nipples.

“We do not want anyone to see,” Tamara laughed. “How do I look?”

Nicholas stared at her as they continued around the corner. They stopped at the end of the small street looking into the market. Tamara scanned the crowd before pointing.

“Look! There they are!” Tamara said. “Let’s go Nich.”

Nicholas saw Violet and Lily standing on the far end of the market wearing their bikinis. He put his hand around her slender waist, as they made their way across the square dodging people. The crowd seemed to open around Nicholas and Tamara as they walked with numerous people ogling her body.

Lily and Violet hugged Nicholas and Tamara.

“Wow, nice outfit, Tamara. Really looks great on you,” Violet said as she ran a hand through her platinum hair. Tamara looked at Violet with a playful grin as she pulled and played with her nipples.

“Hm, thanks. I like it too, but I think it would look better on you,” Tamara said and grabbed Violet’s bikini bottoms by the strings and yanked free the ties, dropping them to her ankles and exposing Violet’s tuft of blond pubic hair. Violet gasped but let Tamara’s hands pull the strings of her bikini top, fully exposing her nude in the square. Lily giggled and pulled off her bikini before Tamara had time to snatch it. The three women stood naked, arms around each other, staring at Nicholas.

“Well, how do we look?” Violet said to Nicholas. He stared at Violet’s erect nipples then glanced at Lily and her beautiful body. Tamara pushed herself between the Lily and Violet, their tits pushing together as they leaned towards Nicholas. He almost lost his breath staring at them.

“Oh, yeah, we should go back and find Helena,” Tamara said, motioning with her arm for them to follow her back across the square. Violet and Lily grabbed their small bikinis from the ground and followed. The three women held hands as they walked. Nicholas spotted Helena on the small street with Morgan holding her hand. Morgan pointed to a large, four-storied building overlooking the square, and she separated from Helena to wander into the building. Helena saw the group approaching.

“Hey, Helena,” Violet said. “Who is the new girl?”

“She is coming with us today,” she looked at Tamara and Lily then Violet with a devilish grin on her face. “She needed a ride to the mainland, and I offered our boat. Nicholas, she thinks that we are husband and wife, so act the part.”

“Act how?” Nicholas said.

“Just freely poke and touch. Make it look like you know me.” Helena said. “She returned to her room to gather her belongings and check out of the hotel.”


Morgan spilled onto the street with a large, overstuffed backpack and a large bag in hand. Nicholas ran to help her, grabbing her overstuffed backpack. She still wore her pink string bikini, but she now wore a pair of pink sneakers.

“Thank you for the ride,” Morgan smiled nervously and adjusted her bikini top. “I appreciate it. I have been traveling around for a while. Your wife said you were staying in a house on the island, and that you were leaving to the mainland tomorrow morning? Thank you so much. I told your wife that I haven’t spoken to anyone on the whole island. No one understands me.”

“Ha. No problem. We did not want to impose,” Nicholas said. He looked at her in her small pink bikini and cute behind as she approached Helena and Tamara, Violet and Lily. Helena introduced her to Violet and Lily, and Violet and Lily gave her a small hug and kiss on each cheek. Morgan giggled with each kiss. She looked them all up and down, mouth agape.

“Cool. So you can just wear nothing?” Morgan asked.

“Yes,” Tamara said as she put an arm around Moran shoulders. “The island allows and tolerates full nudity anywhere. I love it. It gets my pussy wet!”

Morgan blushed, and her nipples hardened under her thin bikini top.

“Tamara! Oh my goodness!” Helena said and took Morgan’s hand bag. “I am so sorry, Morgan. Sometimes out here, we forget about other people’s sensibilities.”

“No, no need to apologise. I should apologise. You look amazing, Tamara,” Morgan said and pinched Tamara’s behind. “It must feel amazing and liberating!”

Tamara prodded and poked at Morgan as they walked to the docks and made their way aboard the large boat.


“Thanks for another drink!” Morgan said as she received another refill of white wine. She giggled and held a hand over her smiling face to cover her embarassed look. The alcohol had gone quickly to her head.

“Yes, indeed!” Tamara said. She handed the cup to Morgan and drank from the bottle. Nichohlas stood behind Helena with is arms wrapped around her hourglass figure. He pulled at her skirt and lifted it to squeeze and pinch Helena’s perfect ass. His fingers made their way closer and closer to her asshole. Helena stared at Morgan sitting on the sofa as a nude Tamara gulped down the last of the bottle in one long swig.

Tamara sat herself next to Morgan, putting an arm around her as she took her seat. Tamara’s naked body pushed against Morgan, pushing her massive tits in Morgan’s face, as Tamara playfully dropped the empty bottle at her feet. Tamara pulled her long, wavy strawberry blond hair away from her face as she kissed Morgan’s cute lips. Moran blushed and quickly looked down at her drink in hand, but Tamara merely proceeded to kiss and tongue Morgan’s neck. After a minute, Morgan’s mouth dropped open, her eyes half shut, and her tongue licked her lips as she let out a long sigh.

The rocking of the boat on the waves pushed Tamara onto her back, pulling Morgan with her. Morgan started kissing Tamara on the lips, and they pressed their bodies together as they passionately embraced.

Nicholas and Helena watched Tamara slowly work Morgan’s bikini off her body.

“Why did you bring this girl?” Nicholas whispered to Helena. Helena grabbed his hand and led him to the deck with another bottle of wine in hand.

“She will be your daughter,” Helena said as the spray of the ocean flicked on their skin. Nicholas stood quiet for a moment. “We are headed to the cave. It will take some time to get there, and for the others to get there as well.”


“Yes,” Helena raised an eyebrow and smirked at Nicholas. She shuffled back to the bridge of the ship to join Lily and Violet, leaving Nicholas the bottle of wine.

Nicholas sat and finished the bottle alone under the stars glowing brighter with each bounce over a wave as the twilight quickly faded into night. His thoughts had ceased their rapid and frantic movements, instead growing more and more focused and considered than ever in his life. His mind began to feel at ease. He suddenly realized he cared nothing for returning home. He realized he did not want anything he had in his past which felt lifetimes away from the present moment. After draining the bottle of its last drops, he looked around the ship and saw no lights in the interior. He stood and saw the early light of dawn and single, rocky, craggy island in the sapphire waters.

Before he had time to do anything the others had started preparing to go ashore. He saw Lily and Violet carrying a nude Morgan. They had bound her legs and arms, blindfolded her and put a gag in her mouth. Morgan barely moved as they dragged her into the small boat. Nicholas joined them in the small craft, and they pushed off and motored to the craggy island.

Tamara steered the boat around one large cliff-face to a small crack and opening. The boat fit easily in the thirty foot wide opening, and they stopped at a stone obelisk, carved to look like a beautiful woman with claws and fangs. Helena tied the inflatable boat to the stone obelisk. Nicholas watched Helena and Tamara pull Morgan out of the boat with surprising ease.

“So… What now?” He asked. Tamara and Helena held fingers over their mouths to silence him, then motioned for him to follow.

The cave looked dark in the faint morning light. Helena and Tamara pulled Morgan as they stepped onto a narrow rocky walkway that led deep into the island. Nicholas hesitated and watched Lily and Violet follow into the dark passage.

“Are you coming?” A voice called.

*** End part 11****

Sorry for the delay, many things
