Confessions of a MILF Slut – Part 1 – Dinner with the Boss [FFMM][BDSM][MILF][anal][deepthroat]

I was fifteen minutes late for the company meeting. The morning had been a horrible one and it was a miracle that I had made it to the office at all. When I stepped into the conference room everyone else was already there. Up by the whiteboard was a guy I had not seen before. He turned around as I entered. He was about 35 and must have been at least 6’ and had light brown hair.

“Welcome”, he said as I stepped inside with a voice that implied that coming late to his meetings was not something that he appreciated.

I could feel my cheeks blossoming when the whole room turned to look at me. I quickly found a chair at the back next to Sofia from finance.

“To make sure that even the late-comers are up to date. I have taken over after George who has left the company for personal reasons. My name is Johan and I am 36 years old and have previously worked as a general manager for your main competitor, that I will not name by name, but you all know what they’re named. Both to their faces and their backs.”

He got some laughs for this last comment.

“I am taking over as of now and will call you all for one-on-ones.”

Fuck. It was never a good idea to leave a bad first impression with the new boss. The meeting continued for another half an hour where he explained what he was planning for the future. After the meeting there was a Q&A. After the meeting ended, I pushed my way up to the front of the room and waited for my turn. As usual I was wearing a short skirt and today, I had on high-heeled boots and a white shirt and bra. I had two extra buttons unbuttoned to improve my cleavage, it makes my tits look awesome and I know it. I could feel his eyes on my breasts before he looked me in the eyes. How I love that. If I was allowed to, I would walk around all day with my tits on display just to feel people watching me. Not that I would ever admit to that.

“Hi. I’m Anne”, I said reaching my hand out.

“Hi Anne”, Johan said and grasped my hand in a firm grip. “You’re the sales responsible for Region South, right?”

“Just the one”, I said smiling.

“Let’s do a meeting this afternoon. 3 pm?”

“Absolutely!” I said a little too enthusiastically.

Given how late I had got to the office and the new meeting at three my day was packed until it was time for my meeting with my new boss. I stood up from my computer and went over to Georges old room that Johan had appropriated. I knocked.

“Come in”, came a voice from inside.

I opened the door. Johan was on the phone but waved me inside. He waved me into a seat while finishing up the call.

“I’m sorry about this morning”, I said once he had hung up. “It was just one of those mornings you know”, I said trying to smile my most friendly smile.

He gave me a hard look that made me tense up.

“As long as you promise to not do it again”, he said with a stern voice, then his face broke into a smile. “I like people who do as I say, at all times. Remember that.”

I nodded. And exhaled.

“Are you new in town?” I asked already knowing the answer.

I had asked Sofia and she had told me that he and his wife had moved down from Stockholm for this job.

“Yes. We’re staying at a hotel for now. Georges dismissal was a bit … abrupt. We get access to our new house in a few weeks.”

“So, restaurant food for every meal then?”

“Yeah. It gets a bit old after a while to be honest.”

“I’d be more than happy to have you over for a home-cooked meal some evening if you would like”, I said regretting the words as they left my mouth.

For fucks sake Anne, what are you doing? You can’t just ask someone you’ve just met if they want to come over for dinner. Especially if they’re your new boss. Johan looked me straight in the eyes. I tried not to flinch.

“We’d be happy to”, he said without moving a muscle.

It was Friday night and just an hour or so before Johan and his wife would arrive. I had sent the kids over to some friends and they would not be coming home until late. I had gone upstairs to take a shower and get dressed. I took a long hot shower and shaved my legs and pussy. I love the feeling when my pussy is newly shaven, and I couldn’t stop from fingering myself to an orgasm when I was done shaving. I stepped out of the shower, my legs still weak from the recent climax. I went over to the bedroom completely nude and pulled away the curtains. I waved over to Nils, the neighbors eighteen-year-old son. He was as usual sitting by his table and looked over at me. I didn’t try to cover myself but instead got on the bed and spread my legs so that he could get a good view. I saw him pushing his chair away from the table, he turned towards me and his hand went down between his legs. I put a pillow under my head so that I could watch him while I played with my tits and pussy. I heard Lars banging some pots together in the kitchen, I wouldn’t have any trouble hearing if he came up the stairs. Nils undid his pants and pulled them down and brought out his dick. It was not easy to see at this distance, but it looked as if the boy was very well endowed. After a minute or so I could see Nils coming and I closed my eyes and focused on bringing myself to my second orgasm of the night. I threw a kiss to Nils and started to get dressed. I pulled the curtains and could see the sad look on Nils’ face as I did so.

At first, I took out a short skirt and white shirt, like the ones I normally wear at work, but just as I had buttoned up the shirt I saw the tiny black dress hanging at the end of the closet. I took it out and held it up in front of me. It is a minimalistic piece of fabric. Just long enough to cover my panties if I stand up and the cleavage goes almost all the way down to my belly button. It is not possible to wear a bra under it, unless you wanted to show off your entire bra. I stared at it for a second. I could feel myself getting wet just at the thought of wearing it in front of Johan and his wife, Lina who I had never met. No. I couldn’t. Could I? I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I opened them again and went downstairs to the liquor cabinet.

“Do you want a drink?” I yelled into the kitchen.

“Sure. Whiskey. Neat”, Lars answered from the kitchen.

I poured two glasses of whiskey. The amber liquid went halfway up the glasses. I hesitated, then I filled Lars’ glass to the brim.

“Woah. That’s a stiff one”, he said as I handed it to him.

“Cheers”, I said and held my glass up.

He nodded and downed a big gulp. I emptied my glass. He looked at me with a furrowed brow.

“What? Is a girl not allowed a drink?”

“Whatever”, he said and went back to his cooking.

I went back upstairs and left him alone in the kitchen. I could feel the warmth of the drink pour into my veins as I went up the stairs. When I entered the bedroom, I had made my decision. I looked at the tiny black dress on the bed and took my clothes off. I pulled the dress on. My nipples were clearly showing through the dark fabric. I shifted the dress so that it sat evenly over both of my breasts, it’s hard to understand how it stays in place at all as it shows off almost all of my flesh. I looked down at my panties that were laying on the bed and left them there. I went into the bathroom and put my face on. After about half an hour I was satisfied with the result. I went into the bedroom again and brought out my highest stiletto heels and put them on. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. What had I done? I looked like a complete slut. This was definitely not the kind of dress to wear when you had your boss over for dinner. The doorbell rang. Too late now.

“I’ve got it!” I yelled down the stairs.

Lars didn’t answer. I headed to the door staggering slightly. It had been a while since I had used these heels and I hoped that I wouldn’t look like a complete amateur walking around in them. I opened the door and was met by the sight of Johan in a dark suit and his wife. Lina was a cute brunette at least ten years younger than I. She was wearing clothes that were much more suitable for the occasion than I. A long-sleeved, black dress that went almost down to her knees. The both of them stared openly at my breasts. I could feel it stirring in my belly and my pussy got instantly wet just by them looking at me. They were eating me up with their eyes and I loved it!

“Welcome!” I said and stepped aside for them to enter.

I gave them both a light hug once they were inside. Both of them seemed a little awkward and I thought I could see Johan’s pants showing a bulge.

“Thanks”, Johan said in a raspy voice and handed over a bottle of whiskey. “I hope that your husband will like this.”

“He likes everything that you can drink”, I said winking.

Johan laughed a forced laugh. Lars came out of the kitchen to say hello to the guests. As he saw me, he stopped in his tracks. He stared at me without saying a word, but I could hear him thinking: *What the fuck are you wearing?*

“Johan”, Johan said shaking Lars’ hand.

“Lina”, said his wife.

“Come in. Make yourselves comfortable. The dinner is ready in a few minutes”, Lars said and went into the living room.

“Such a nice place you have”, Lina said taking the tour of the ground floor.

“Thanks”, I said following her around.

I could feel Johan’s eyes on me as I followed his wife around. I could feel how the dress went up slightly showing of part of my ass, but I did not pull it down. I was almost certain that he could see that I was not wearing any panties. Johan followed behind me and grabbed the whiskey bottle out of my hand. I could see him looking down my cleavage as he brushed past me. My nipples went stiff and a shiver passed through my body.

“Want a drink Lars?” he asked and went into the kitchen.

“Always”, Lars answered.

Johan poured half a glass for each of them. Lars looked at the glass for a second before downing it. He never turns down a drink.

Johan and Lina sat down by the dinner table and I helped Lars put the dinner on the table. Johan had left his drink in the kitchen almost untouched. I could see Lars looking at it for a second before downing it as well. I smiled, it was going to be an early evening for him. He picked up the meat dish from the kitchen counter and we went over to the table. As I was putting the dishes down on the table, I made sure to lean over a little extra to make sure that Lina got a good view of my breasts and that Johan could take an extra look at my ass. I could see them exchange a look and a warmth arose inside me. I knew I was playing with fire and I loved it!

As I sat down next to Johan my dress was hiked up a little further and I was sitting with my bare ass on the chair. If he wanted to, he could probably look down and see my newly shaven pussy. I tried pulling the dress down, but it was impossible. I just left it like it was. I looked sideways at him and saw that his eyes were between my legs. I spread my legs just a little so that he could get a better view. I smiled up at him. He finally looked me in the eyes and smiled back.

We shared some small talk and Lars downed two more glasses before it was time for dessert.

“You must excuse me”, I said. “I have to use the little ladies’ room.”

Lars was probably completely unaware of how Johan and Lina were looking at me as I walked down the hall. I smiled back at them and went into the bathroom.

After I was done, I washed my hands and touched up my lipstick and eyeshadow. I looked a few extra times at my face in the mirror before I decided I was good to go. I pulled my dress down again so that it covered my ass. What the fuck was I doing? Well. It was too late now. I opened the door and flinched as I saw Johan standing there. I did not have time to say anything before he had grabbed my hair and pushed me down on my knees. Before I knew what was happening his hard cock was shoved down my throat and he was fucking my face. Hard. I was still confused but my cunt went instantly wet. Johan had a firm grip on the back of my head and I could feel his balls hitting my chin.

“Look me in the eyes you fucking slut”, he growled.

I looked up to him where he stood shoving his cock into my mouth.

“Sluts like you deserve nothing more than having all your holes fucked and you are going to experience that tonight, trust me.”

I nodded as best as I could considering that Johan held me pinned to the bathroom door and had his cock all the way down my throat so that I could feel his stomach touching my nose. My whole body trembled with the experience. His words and actions made my juices flow like crazy. I could feel my wetness running down my crack.

“Did you think that you could walk around all night showing off your pussy and tits and get away with it?”

I shook my head, the motion hampered by his flesh in my mouth. He had put his fingers in my long blond hair and had it wound up around his hand. The feeling of his hard, throbbing cock in my throat was the best thing I had felt all month. I couldn’t help but let my had go down to my clit and start rubbing it and in seconds I exploded in an orgasm. He pulled his cock out of my mouth.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing? Did you just come without my permission?”

He grabbed my throat and pulled me up to standing. He stood more than a head taller than me and looked down at me with fury in his eyes.

“Did I tell you that you could come?”

I shook my head.

“If you do that again. You will be punished. Hard.”

His blue eyes penetrated me almost as hard as his dick had penetrated my throat. He pushed me down on my knees again and up against the wall. I did not resist and let him treat me just as he wanted. The abandonment to his wishes made my body all warm and tingly. Like little charges of electricity running just under my skin. My bare ass sat down on the cold tiled floor. He pulled my arms straight up and pushed his cock down my throat. I let him and I pushed my tongue out so that he could get further down into my throat. He facefucked me and banged my head against the wall for a few minutes until I could feel his cock starting to pulsate and shot his warm cum down my throat. I was in heaven. As he pulled out his cock I swallowed what was left of his cum in my mouth. He wiped his wet dick over my face and the last of the cum he put on my brow. It was so degrading I almost wept with joy. He looked down at me, probably wondering why there was a smile on my face.

“You look like shit. Make sure to freshen up before you join us at the table”, he said and pulled his pants up.

I stumbled up on weak legs and looked myself in the mirror. He was completely correct. I looked like a mess. My eye-liner had run all the way down my cheeks and my lipstick was smeared over my chin. Right on my forehead there was a large lump of cum running down towards my left eye. I picked up the cum with my finger and put in in my mouth. I savored the salty, sweet taste. He had cum to far down my throat for me to taste it but now I had the chance to taste his cum for the first time. Oh my god how I love the taste of cum! His was on the sweeter side and just perfect. My pussy trembled with the memory of Johan’s cock down my throat and as I swallowed the last of his load, I smiled to myself. This evening was turning out much better than I could have ever imagined.

It took me half an hour to get ready and rejoin the others. They were in the lounge. I could see that Lars had had a few too many drinks while I was gone. He was in the sofa next to Lina and it was embarrassingly obvious how he stared at her tits. Her breasts were not as large as mine, but her dress showed them off in a very nice manner.

“Would you mind showing us around the house?” Lina said suddenly and turned towards me.

“Absolutely”, I said smiling.

Johan and Lina rose from their seats. Lars tried to get up but sat down again.

“You go ahead”, he said reaching for the whiskey bottle. “I’ve seen the place before”, he laughed.

“Shall we start upstairs?”, I said walking up the stairs.

I had no doubt that both Lina and Johan got a fine view of my bare ass and pussy as we walked up the stairs.

“Here is our hobby room. Both kids’ bedrooms”, I said walking down towards the master bedroom. “Bath. Shower. And down here is the master bedroom”, I said walking in to the room stopping in front of our large king-sized bed.

“Very well decorated”, Lina said looking around.

“It’s nothing special, but we like it here”, I said walking over to the window and pulled away the curtains.

When I turned back Lina was standing in front of me with a quirky smile on her lips. She grabbed my dress and pulled away the tiny pieces of fabric that tried, without much success, to cover my large boobs. My breasts welled out and Lina let go of my dress that fell down to my sides.

“I’ve waited all night to see these released”, Lina said and unashamedly grabbed both of my tits.

I felt my nipples go rock solid with her touch and my pussy started gashing with juices. I moaned lightly as she pinched my nipples. Lina leaned over and put her mouth over one of my areolas playing with her hard-tipped tongue on my nipple, with her other hand she pinched my other nipple. Hard. I drew in a hard breath.

“She’s a real slut”, Johan said.

He was standing next to me and grabbed my hair.

“Yes. I am a real slut”, I agreed.

“Keep your mouth shut”, Johan growled and slapped my face.

“I have to get a taste of that pussy she’s been showing off all night”, Lina said pushing me down on the bed.

She eased apart my legs and put her tongue deep into me. I gasped loudly. She licked me with an intent that was almost maniacal. She put two fingers into me and massaged me from the inside. She knew how to please a woman and I almost came in seconds but remembered what Johan had told me and tried to hold back. I was so focused on Lina’s tongue that I didn’t even notice when Johan put himself on top of me. Not until the tip of his cock pressed against my lips. I willingly let him into my mouth. I could not take it very deep lying down. After a few tries Johan grabbed my hair and pulled me over to the edge of the bed. The pain combined with Lina’s tongue brought me to the very edge of orgasm and as Johan pushed his cock down my throat, I was unable to stop the runaway train of an orgasm that hit me. I shook like a leaf in a storm. Just as I came to Johan pulled his cock out of my throat and slapped me.

“Did you not hear what I said you fucking whore. You. Will. Not. Come. Without. My. Permission.”

Every word was delivered with a slap on my cheeks that were burning red hot.

“I’m sorry”, I whispered.

“You know this means I have to punish you?”

I nodded weakly.

He lifted me up and put me down on all four.

“Turn her towards me”, Lina said.

She was standing up and was pulling her panties off. Lina got on her back in the bed and pulled her dress over her hips to expose a dark triangle of hair over fine labia and a small rounded clit like a pink droplet. Her labia opened for me, a beautiful pink against her pale ivory skin. It glittered wet with her excitement. I needed no invitation. I willingly stuck my tongue deep inside my boss’ wife’s waiting pussy.

Johan pushed my ass down so it lay flat against my heels. I felt the tip of his cock against my tight asshole. He pushed in just using the lubrication of the saliva from my throat. It burned as he forced his cock into me.

“Aaaaooohh”, I let out involuntarily.

“I told you that you would be punished for disobedience. This is your punishment.”

He started fucking my ass and it hurt like hell.

“Maybe this will teach you to obey my commands.”

Luckily, he did not keep at it for long but instead thrust his hard cock into my soaking wet pussy. This made it easier for me to focus on Lina’s wonderful pussy. I used my tongue and fingers to the best of my ability and I smiled widely as Lina shook in her first orgasm. Right after I could feel Johan’s cock pulsate inside me as he emptied himself deep within me.

“Who’s that?’” Lina asked.

I looked up and saw Nils looking at us through his window from next door. He was standing up, stroking his large cock with a frenzy.

“Nils”, I answered.

“How old is he?” Lina asked.

“He just turned eighteen.”

Lina stood up and pulled off her dress. Then she undid her black bra and waved beckoning towards Nils. The young man stopped what he was doing. He pointed towards himself. Lina nodded. The boy pulled his pants up and ran out the door.

“I believe it is time that you go meet our new guest at the door”, Lina told me smiling.

Lina had not allowed me to put my breasts inside my dress so they bounced up and down as I went down the stairs. The bell had chimed as I was halfway down. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I could hear Lars’ loud snoring from the living room. He was already out cold, probably for the best. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Nils jaw hit the floor as he was met with the view of my large tits.

“Come in Nils”, I said grabbing his hand.

“I …” Nils started.

“It’s ok. You’ve wanted me for a long time, right?”

“As long as I can remember.”

I gave him a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

“Come. Let’s head up to the bedroom. The others are waiting.”

He nodded stiffly and touched his cheek where I had kissed him. I could hear him drawing a heavy breath as he saw my ass and pussy as we headed up the stairs. I stopped in the middle of the stairs.

“Go ahead. Touch me.”

He hesitated. I took his hand and put it on my ass. His fingers trembled. I took his hand and moved it over my ass and down to my wet pussy. His hand got a will of its own and pushed a finger inside me. I moaned lightly.

“Have you ever been with a girl before?” I asked taking his hand again.

He shook his head. I smiled a wide smile. *I wish my first time had been with someone experienced*, I thought. I took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom.

In the bedroom Lina was on here knees sucking Johan’s hard cock. She was truly beautiful with her dark, almost black hair, slender body and well-shaped perky breasts. Lina was trying to take Johan’s dick as far down her throat as I had done but to my great excitement she didn’t manage. Johan had his eyes closed and thrust his cock down her throat.

I turned towards Nils and gave him a light kiss on his lips before I slid down in front of him and undid his pants. Out fell the largest cock I had ever seen in real life.

“Holy fuck man”, I heard Johan exclaiming.

“What?” squeaked Nils.

“That’s a fucking monster of a cock you got. It must be ten inches.”

“Ten and a half”, Nils said shyly.

I was mesmerized by the massive cock in front of me. Then I slowly took his glans in my mouth and started sucking. The young man moaned loudly. I had just begun to take him further down into my mouth when he came. My mouth flooded with his wonderful, warm cum. He just continued shooting and some of it started to leak out at the sides of my mouth and ran down my chin.

Suddenly Lina was there next to me and I could feel her tongue running up my chin trying to catch the cum that I hadn’t been able to keep in my mouth.

“Dibs on having that inside me first”, Lina said.

Nils gave me a confused look, but I just smiled at him and nodded. Lina had already taken his cock in her mouth trying to get it hard again.

Before I knew it Johan had grabbed me and picked me up from the floor and laid me down on the bed with my head hanging over the edge.

“I am going to fuck your ass again now, but this time I want a little more lubrication.”

I nodded up towards him and opened my mouth. He thrust his cock all the way down my throat and let him have me as he wanted. After a minute or so his cock was covered with my thick saliva. He turned me around, still on my back and before I could react, he had pushed past my sphincter and up into my ass. I tried putting my hand on my clit to bring me over the edge, but he just slapped my arm hard.

“You will not come until I allow you to”, he growled.

My arm burned where he had hit me. The feeling of having a hard cock up my ass is just too good. It is different from having it in my pussy. Both are great, but very different. Like coffee and chocolate. I could not live without either. He continued to fuck my ass hard. What an amazing feeling. Johan’s cock was not as big as Nils’, but it was a perfect fit for my tight asshole.

I looked sideways and saw that Lina had got Nils hard again. This time he would hopefully last a little longer. Lina lay down next to me.

“Now thrust that big thing into me”, she said spreading her legs.

Nils got into position and put his glans against her labia. Lina was wet enough that he could push all the way in without any resistance.

“Aaaahhh! Fuck that feels soooo good!” Lina moaned. “Now fuck me hard”, she told the young man and looked him in the eyes.

Nils obeyed and filled with youthful energy he started pounding Lina’s pussy hard. He lasted a little longer this time, but it still did not take long before he grunted and filled Lina with his seed.

“Oh no”, Lina pouted. “Is it over already? It was so nice.”

Nils looked shattered.

“He will … get better … with a little … practice”, I said in-between Johan’s thrusts.

I could see Nils staring at Johan’s cock where it went in and out of my ass. Lina had noticed as well.

“Do you want to try fucking my ass next young man?” Lina said putting her hand on Nils’ shrinking dick.

Nils nodded.

“I don’t know if I can get hard again”, he said shyly.

“I can get you hard again with my mouth”, I said.

They all looked at me where I lay taking Johan’s cock up my ass. My big breasts bouncing on my chest.

“Ok”, Lina nodded. “Johan, I think you have to prepare my ass a little if I am going to be able to take that beast.”

Johan pulled out of me with an audible sound and then grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to his wife’s ass.

“Before you suck the boy’s dick you had better get my wife’s asshole slippery wet.”

He pushed my face into Lina’s ass. I got my tongue out and started licking her asshole. I pushed my tongue as deep inside her tight hole as I could. Then I spit on my fingers and pushed two of them into her. Lina moaned from my treatment and after a little while Johan was satisfied and pulled me away again. I saw how he put his glans against her sphincter and pushed. His cock slid into her slowly. I could almost feel it happening and I could feel the void inside me that screamed to be filled again. Johan slowly started to fuck his wife’s ass. I stood up and went over to Nils and gave him a kiss on the lips.

“Just relax. I will get you hard again”, I whispered in his ear.

I could feel him tremble as my breasts brushed against his chest as I slid down in front of him. I took his flaccid cock in my mouth and started sucking. I put my hand on his balls and massaged the underside as I continued to suck. I spit on my fingers and started massaging Nils’ tight asshole as I was sucking his hardening cock. I pushed one finger inside him and could feel how he got instantly stiffer. I continued massaging his asshole with my finger as I worked his cock deeper into my throat. My pussy tingled from the sensation of having this young mans cock down my throat and feeling his reaction to my finger in his ass massaging him from the inside. I could feel my pussy flooding as his cock got hard again and was pushing all the way down my throat. I did not dare touch myself.

“That’s enough”, Lina said. “We don’t want him coming in your mouth now do we?”

I stopped sucking on Nils’ dick and just slowly stroked it back to its full size.

“Come here my dear boy”, Lina said and pulled her knees up to her chest.

Her tight asshole was exposed for the young man to use as he wished. He put his glans against her slippery wet asshole and pushed in slowly.

“Holymotherofgod”, Lina moaned as Nils pushed his huge cock all the way up her asshole.

Good thing that Johan had warmed her up. I looked on in fascination as Nils’ cock slid in and out of Lina. She was moaning loudly and massaging her clit with one hand and her tits with the other. I did not have time to watch Lina orgasming since Johan grabbed my head and shoved his dick down my throat. He started ramming his hard shaft roughly down my throat and I had to focus not to panic as my throat was filled with his throbbing dick but at the same time I felt like such a slut that my pussy just flooded over like the canals of Venice. I ignored Johan’s warnings and started touching myself. I came in an earthshaking orgasm right before Johan filled my throat with his hot cum.

I was in a bit of a daze after that. Suddenly Johan and Lina was standing above me fully clothed.

“I will see you Monday. And I expect you to dress like a slut from now on and woe on you if you ever wear panties to work again”, Johan said with a stern look on his face.

I nodded and then fell asleep.


This is the first part of my series Confessions of a MILF Slut

Like what you read? Check out my other stories at Smashwords and Amazon



  1. I want to read more! Great start I can’t wait to see where it goes.

  2. This was absolutely fantastic, I’m excited to read more confessions of the MILF slut.

  3. I can’t wait to read more of this. You are a very talented writer. To be honest, a lot of smut writing is horrible. It’s nice to read a great story written by someone with actual skill. I love it!

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