What they don’t teach in massage school…[mF][Str8][mild]

I can’t say that didn’t I noticed the first time that it happened but I’m quite sure that I wasn’t aware that’s what it actually was. I’d like to think it happened because I’m good at my job, but maybe that’s putting too much on me and not enough on the circumstances.

You might not know what I am talking about, but maybe you do. Making a living as a male massage therapist is difficult, I’ve heard the Euro guys have it a little easier because everyone over there is a little more relaxed about everything, but Americans seem to be a little more uptight, they all really could use a massage….

Well anyway…

So once you finish your training and you go through your board exam and get licensed, you are super excited to get your first job, and since I was able to travel, I took a gig down at an all inclusive resort in the Keys. I wasn’t ready to “build my business” and all the stuff that seemed to go along with that. I just wanted to have a steady stream of clients leading to cash in my pocket.

This resort was one of those places that was nicer than most families could afford, and was all-inclusive. It mostly seemed to cater to business people from New York and San Francisco who had more money than time to decide where they wanted to go on vacation. This was before the days of ubiquitous wifi and cell service everywhere. The rooms promised an ethernet port with “high speed internet” which seemed to appeal to those folks that were early adopters of the constant digital connection that we all seem to experience these days. The l The nice thing about it was that most of the clientele hit that sweet spot of having enough money to realize they didn’t have to be jerks or high maintenance to service folks, so the job was fairly stress free compared to most customer service jobs I had held in the past.

Most of the clients that I got on my table were women, maybe I’d end up with more men if my first name was non-gendered, but whatever, I don’t care either way. Obviously I have a huge sampling bias here, but I got in the habit of psychoanalyzing my clients as the session was going on, and I always seemed to find some similarities between clients, especially first timers.

Most women seemed to have sacrificed so much to reach the position where they were. They seemed to wear a suit of armor of sorts, but they always seemed to work hard to show their femininity. The number of ladies that came to the appointment wearing make up was too common for it to be happenstance. They had a well coiffed mask that they showed the world, and they very much had a hard time seeming to release that.

Another thing that I started to recognize was good many of them seemed overly concerned with whether how comfortable I was, I always tried to put them at ease, but they weren’t comfortable with putting their own comfort/needs/whatever first.

So here it goes, I have made countless women orgasm just giving them a regular massage.

I don’t know if this is a confessional of sorts of what, but I was hoping maybe talking though this someone can help me understand a little bit more.

I would say that maybe it was the first time many of these women felt like they could just let go and really enjoy themselves.
I guess I can talk about Susan. She was a 46 year old partner at a law firm that specialized in union/labor stuff up in the northeast. I think she had children in one of those fancy New Hampshire boarding schools, she mentioned the name once but I don’t remember it. She said “My daughter at (whatever school it was) told me I should get a massage so here I am” What made Susan special is that she was the first person that I could say I knew it was going to happen for before the session even began.

For a woman to get off during a massage (especially the first one) she needed to have this perfect combo of confidence and a sense of self restraint…I feel like I’m totally just going to mess up explaining this but sometimes clients would never allow themselves to fully relax and enjoy the experience and others who were accustom to massage weren’t touch-starved and there wasn’t any tension allowing anything to build…I think.

But Susan was really great, the thing I remember most was how attentive she was when I was talking to her. I think it was her superpower. She would look into your eyes with a soft gaze as you spoke, it was almost unsettling. I bet she consistently used that because so often everyone is just waiting for their turn to speak, but when you see Susan looking at you and focusing, you realized you were being intently listened to, and actually had to say the right thing, I’m sure it’s true, even though I just made it up.

She was petite, or seemed petite, I’m 6’5’’ and fairly well built so everyone is petite but she was probably no taller than 5’6’’ and still in good shape, she had the build of an athlete who did their best to maintain over the years. She arrived in her bathrobe and bathing suit and asked what she was suppose to wear. She was wearing a women’s speedo. I told her she could leave her bathing suit on if that’s what made her comfortable but she would get a better massage if she disrobed. I told her she would be draped the whole time and the only parts that I was massaging would be covered. She blushed for a minute then said “I’m gonna get what I paid for” and walked behind the privacy barrier before coming out in just her robe.

I walked over and draped her appropriately as she laid on the table. I put a small amount of gel on my hands and gently began massaging her arms. My hands are fairly large (not Tony Robbins large) and being fairly in shape providing firm adequate pressure has never been difficult for me, it was always a joke during school about how easy I had it but I’d like to think it helps me do my job.

I moved up to her shoulders and pulled the drape down exposing her back. It’s hard to explain but she wasn’t tense at first, but just sort of present and waiting for some sort of cue from somewhere about how to feel. I made some small talk about what else she had planned and what sort of experience she had with massage before (she had filled out an intake form that she wrote ‘none’) but sometimes folks surprise you.

Susan began to relax more as I moved to her shoulders. She had the well defined tan lines of someone who spends time in the sun in a racer backed suit. I told her that I was impressed with her well defined shoulders. She told me she always was self conscious about her “big arms” ever since she was a competitive swimmer in high school and college, but now she wishes she was able enjoy her body more back when she was younger, and she still tries to stay active with swimming because “it’s the only real release I have anymore”. When she realized what she said she chuckled a bit..and stammered a half explanation before I interrupted her and said I’m sure she’s busy with her professional responsibilities and her goals in life.

Typically clients seem to ease into the massage and really relax when I start on their neck and shoulders because it’s probably what most people are familiar with, but what I have noticed is when I move further down a person’s back is when they start to really open up.

I could feel Susan begin to really enjoy my touch as I slide my hands further down her back. I had just started my career as a massage therapist but I was starting to understand when someone was touch-starved and willing to open up to what I was doing and really feeling the contact, and Susan was right there. This point I was sure she was going to be getting off. Mostly because at this point, some folks clamp up and don’t really enjoy the intimate touch, some folks are okay with it, and some people really get into it. Susan was really really getting into it.

This was also when I noticed that she was starting to get excited, because even though she was draped I could tell she was flexing her glutes and pushing her crotch down into the table. It seems like an instinctual move that some women make when they are trying to hide their arousal, and I’m sure someone smarter than me could say whether there is a reason for it or maybe I’m just making it all up.

But after I had worked on her mid and lower back sufficiently I slide the drape up off her right leg and began moving my hands up and down in a gentle firm pressure. At this point she became very quiet, except for responding with a “mhm, yes” everytime I asked if I was providing enough pressure and whether she was relaxed and enjoying it. I slide the drape up until it was right at the gluteal crease and then uncovered her bum on the right side to work on her hip and glute. It was around this time that she started holding her breath for short bursts, I’m guessing to try to hide the fact that she was “breathing heavy”

I slide the drape off her left leg and as I was covering her right she said “you can leave it uncovered, I’m getting very..um…warm” so I did. Her left ankle had a small faded daisy chain tattoo that I imagined her getting as an undergrad in college, and I wonder if her Partners at the firm new she even had it.

At this point she was almost completely undraped as I began massaging both of her legs at the same time, starting down by her calves and rhythmically moving up. Her breathing quickened as she slowly opened her legs slightly allowing me to massage her inner thighs without any sort of restriction. She was completely relaxed and in the zone. I could feel the pleasurable tension building in her body.

“Is everything okay?”

“yes..very” in muffled voice as she seemed to push her face into the pillow.

I continued to focus with rhythmic movements as I watch her hips rock with my hands and as her breathing went through longer pauses and faster panting episodes. Suddenly she tensed completely and pushed her mons into the table and held her breath as let out small whimper, I paused for a moment as she finished then slowly continued sliding my hands up her waist and lower back.

She became flushed and I could feel the perspiration on her skin and she was lucky she didn’t turn to putty and slide off the table.

After the massage was over, I helped her put her robe back on and she asked me if I had any more availability in the schedule for the next three days. I told her I would have to look and if she called the central scheduler at the front desk they would figure it out.

She didn’t schedule another appointment, and there were rules about employees being in the guest areas of the resort so I never did see her again.

I worked at that resort the rest of that season before moving back home. I’ve since moved on from massage, but I still think about to all those touch starved naked strangers…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bjb6w7/what_they_dont_teach_in_massage_schoolmfstr8mild


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