The Arrangement, Part 9

Part 8-[](

As they walked to the car, David stopped Marlene, and gave her a kiss. It felt good that she returned it. The ride home, though not long, was very quiet. About a block or so out, Dave broke the silence “I have a plan for you, Marlene, been thinking about it all day.”

There was a moment of silence, then Marlene replied, “Well then, you should get us home then, shouldn’t you?” Looking over at Dave Marlene said, “ ’Cause I’ve been thinking about what David Johns will do to me…..*all day*.”

There was a bit of relief in the air, now that the elephant in the room was gone, and David felt it. He parked the car in the garage, and opening the door for his “Fuck-Buddy/FB,” , he led her inside. As soon as the door was shut, Dave turned Marlene, and pulled her close, kissing her sloppily. “Did I tell you how much the LBD turned me on?” he asked. Feeling her return the kiss, Dave took her a short distance, the two of them walking towards the back. In the hall, Dave stopped her and again turning and moving her into wall, he held Marlene’s wrists over her head as he kissed and ground against her. Holding her wrists tightly, he pulled his back, and heard her grunt in frustration, as she pushed her hips forward, but was not being able to follow. He moved to kissing her neck and told her “ I want this girl, & I want her *bad*…” and moved back to kiss her again, teasing her with his hips

Marlene *loved* being held back this way. Knowing she could submit like this, along with the elephant in the room dissipating, made her that much *more* trusting of this man, and she was not sure that could happen. As he pulled back, she pushed her hips out farther. Just the conversation, and the subsequent ride in silence, made her even more wet than normal. With a groaning and grunt, she lifted one leg, and rubbed her thigh on his hip, and he came back in close. She wanted to wrap those arms ‘round him, but at the same time, she liked fighting against those bonds. When Dave let her, she kissed down his neck…then bit his shoulder, *maybe* on one would notice. When he looked at her shocked, she just grinned.

Dave reacted to the bite, it was certainly not what he had expected! Pulling back, he told her, “Well, I guess I’ll need to do something about that,”, and taking her in close, he wrapped his arms ‘round her, and carried her into the bedroom. Setting her on her feet, he kissed her as he unzipped her dress, then helped it over her head. She looked damn-sexy in that blue/black underwear, but he had a plan, as very much in the moment, so when Dave tugged at a her shoulder strap, she was quick to remove the bra. He was a bit surprised when she tore his button down shirt off, so Dave picked her up, and tossed her on the bed. She looked shocked, and he said “You stay right there….don’t you move.” He removed his shirt and under-shirt as he walked to the bathroom, then came back with a pair of robe sashes. “Since you’re so aggressive, let’s keep those hands where they cannot do anymore damage, eh?” he asked, and using the first sash, he wrapped it ‘round her hands, tying them together. The other he tied to the first. He kissed Marlene, then, touching foreheads, he stared at her. He would release these bonds if she wanted, but he wanted to test her limits before going further

Marlene in some ways was not herself, but in a **really good and powerful** way. The understanding that after a few days of great fucking, they were still on the same sheet, as it were, was a tremendous turn on for her. It was one thing to held against a wall like that and teased, but to be partly stripped and then thrown on the bed? Another bit of her, the submissive part, the one she *never* showed *any* man, again melted. She was more than Ok with being tied like this. Hell, she wanted it from him. Why? Because **he** wanted it. Seeing Dave stop and kiss her, touching as they kissed, she said “*Show me*….”. She was so hot she felt electric, and wondered how long it would be until she came. Not long by the feel of it.

Dave smiled, and obligingly lay Marlene back, and tied her hands to the headboard. He kissed down to her supple, yet erect nipples, and began nibbling if not chewing on them, feeling her squirm and groan aloud. Standing up, he stripped, and stepped over to the dresser. As Marlene had gotten ready, Dave had quietly, discreetly set a few things in a bag, when he now retrieved.

The look in her eyes was of starved anticipation. “Well-well, let’s see here…” he said. Mounting the bed near her head, he pushed her back as she tried to roll toward him to get his cock in her mouth. “no-no, pet…” he whispered. “I enjoy fucking you, and trust me, we will, but only after you’ve cum for me.” Taking a fairly long, pink vibrator out of the bag, he saw her eyes light up. Wordlessly, he flipped it on and teased her nipples with it. Working his way to her tummy, he lifted the panties that she still wore, and let it move just down to her clit…then back. A repeat, then he lowered the panties, and began to run it over them.

Marlene squealed in delight at the sight of the vibrator. Feeling it run along her body, her hands and arms immobile to it, was sinfully wonderful, and she Dave got near her clit when gave a little yes. As he lowered the panties she said “MMmmph!! *Please*!” as she begged to have it, if not Dave, inside her.

Dave rubbed it at the entrance of Marlene’s vagina, the only thing stopping it being the panties. She was begging now, so Dave pulled the soaked panties back… and entered it into her s-l-o-w-l-y. There was a circular ridge near the base, so it would not insert fully, which was perfect. Pulling her panties aside, Dave gave his FB’s pussy a long lick, that earned a wonderful yelp. The, he carefully fitted the panties back over the vibrator, so they held it in place.

Marlene was begging him “Oh Shit Dave, Please fuck me…Dammit, PLEASE….” So when he inserted the vibrator, she pulled against her restraints. Much to her delight, they held, and she found herself groaning and saying “feels so good…feels so good…” repeatedly. Yes, the vibrator was doing it, but the feeling of submitting like this, knowing she could trust this man, was incredible. She was panting aloud, and yet still, he managed to turn it up a notch

Now Dave lay beside Marlene, facing her feet, very close. He partly straddled her and, facing the foot of the bed , he presented his cock to her. As she took it greedily he told her “Now don’t you cum, not ‘till I tell you.” As he began to methodically pump his hips, he raised the leg nearest hi and, reaching under her thigh ,he took the inserted, running vibrator, and began to give it twists whole he moved it in & out just a bit. Her reaction was priceless.

Marlene was beside herself. She had his cock in her mouth, steadily leaking fluid and it tasted wonderful. She could tell it wasn’t twitching, so he wouldn’t cum for awhile. But the feel of the vibrato moving in her cunt, in conjunction with Dave’s hips, was driving her insane. She was trying to tell him “I’m cumming!” but it’s hard when there is a cock fucking her mouth. Ti would have been different if she had her hands, but they were all tied up, so all she could do was enjoy it & whimper.

Dave said “Mar, are you ready to cum now?”

Marlene replied “Mmm-Hmm!”

Dave then said , “Not yet.” And continued. Now though, he was moving the vibrator in larger circles, and she was whimpering to the point of tears.

“Dave said “Marlene Alvarez….***CUM***”

And as he did so, started moving the vibrator faster and faster inside her. Had he not orgasmed multiple times over the last few days, he would never have been able to hold back, but managed as she screamed into his dick and her hips shook & convulsed out of control. It must have lasted 20 good seconds, her orgasming with Dave’s dick in her mouth, totally soaking her panties, but as she relaxed, he pulled out of her mouth, and removed the vibrator. Sliding her up the bed, he took a minute to massage her arms. “Ok Marlene, that was round one, but we still have another to go for you…..are you up to the challenge?”

He kissed her atop her forehead and said “Can you take another, even more intense? He gave her a kiss and as she caught her breath, she nodded yes.

“Perfect….” Dave said, knowing this final night was still young.


1 comment

  1. OMG!!! That was wonderful waking up to. Thank you ? Can’t wait for part 10. I’m addicted to your writing.

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