Seeking Inspiration

I’ve long written erotic short stories based often upon the secrets female friends have shared and given me permission to imagine a sometimes faithful and more often idealized version of their actual experience or what they wish there experience had been.

It’s been awhile and as I’m the midst of an unexpected and devastating divorce, I could really use a distraction and so thought perhaps revisiting my former avocation might help both provide me some respite from the darkness and also give some hopefully none-too-small pleasure to any woman willing to share her experiences and allow me a bit of creative-license.

I’m well aware that this might seem untoward or creepy, but, rest assured, I mean it only as stated.

I seek only inspiration.

No ulterior motives.

If you’re willing to be a muse, feel free to send me a private message for samples of my work, or share your story there or here in this thread.

Note: My ultimate goal is to compile and publish this, but don’t worry, if so, your anonymity will be secured and you will get final approval as to whether your story makes the collection.

Thank you in advance for your kindness.
