[Mf and ff] becoming a sugar baby pt 5; meeting Jenny.

The next semester went by without too much incident, which was a welcome change from the hell that was the previous semester. I had talked to daddy extensively on my trip to Italy with him about what major to choose and what direction to take. I wish I could tell you that I picked some altruistic career; that I went into science to cure cancer, or engineering to finally perfect the mousetrap. But in the end my motivation was to never have to be poor again, no matter how hard I had to work. So on daddy’s advice–and with a head for numbers–I went into finance with a minor in philosophy so that I could apply to lawschool if I didn’t like working for those who controlled the flow of money.

Daddy was also super busy and I didn’t see much of him. One of the refining plants that his company owned had an accident and he was working even more overtime to make sure the case got settled without much fuss. So the semester went by without much change.

I’d be repeating myself if I told you all about the sex that daddy and I had. Not much new happened that semester. It was still incredible, don’t get me wrong. Just that we had established a pattern. He would take me out and buy me fancy dresses, lingerie, and naughty outfits that I would wear. I would treat him like a god and worship that chocolate cock until he was satisfied or had to leave. So yeah, I could tell you all about how he would slide deep into my throat, or fill my pussy with his cum, but you probably want something more juicy.

I will say that semester I did get a little naughty elsewhere. I had gone to a party and hooked up with a boy at the end of the semester. Sort of a testing the waters thing. Daddy had explicitly forbidden me to have a boyfriend–or rather said go for it but that we would be done–so I knew I was bending the rules with a hookup. Still, I wanted to explore just like all the other college girls. It didn’t stack up. Honestly I was disappointed, and knew that daddy had forever colored my perception of sex. Sure it was fun, but I wasn’t satisfied after, and the boy wasn’t nearly as big. Daddy ruined me to boys.

So you can imagine my surprise and excitement when–on a volunteer stint over the summer break–I met a girl. Her name was Jenny. She was short like me, though not quite as short, a history major, blonde with blue eyes and these nerdy thick glasses, and a little chubby, though I thought her ass was amazing. I should say that I’ve always thought girls were attractive, I’ve just never acted on it. I didn’t really have to either, we just hit it off right away. She was up front about how she was a lesbian, and I knew enough to know she was into me.

So one day after a long time spent passing out flyers for an event we ended up back at her dorm, on her couch. It was really sweet, and she was wonderfully gentle, leaning in to kiss me and making sure I was comfortable. We made out for a long time, just exploring and tasting each other until my hands found her shirt, pulling it over her head. I kissed down her neck, her collar bone, and her breasts, working my way lower and lower. I had no idea what I was doing really, but she didn’t stop or redirect me at all. Soon I was tugging at her jeans, pulling them down and off before getting positioned inbetween her legs.

I had never eaten a girl before. It was a completely new and wonderful experience. She tasted lovely, though a bit sour. I licked and lapped, and she curled her fingers in my hair when things got intense. For minutes I moaned into her as my tongue worked on her, my nose tickled by a full, blonde bush. It took me sliding two fingers into her as I lapped before she finally said my name and came. Soon I was on my back, her fingers in me as she kissed me, sticking her tongue down my throat. It was different, and I wanted a bit of roughness, but I still came to her touch and loved it.

We agreed to not tell the volunteer group about it, and thought we were subtle the rest of the summer. I’m sure it was obvious to all the rest.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bhttsk/mf_and_ff_becoming_a_sugar_baby_pt_5_meeting_jenny

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