Chasing Anna: Day 7

[Day 1 Morning](

[Day 1 Evening](

[Day 2](

[Day 3](

[Day 4](

[Day 5](

[Day 6](

# Day 7

Anna woke with the sun streaming in. She felt feverish, intoxicated. Her blood pounded in her ears. For a moment, she couldn’t seem to remember quite where she was, then it all came back. She remembered being chased, nearly raped, escaping on the raft and ending up on the glade at the top of the cliff. And Tim, Tim had followed her. She had let him in to share the tent with her when it started raining. She looked over at him and found his eyes locked on her. She shuffled quickly to the far side of the shelter. She pulled her knees to her chest, back pressed against the fabric wall of her shelter, waiting for him to pounce. Why was he still sitting there? Then she remembered, he was still bound. His gaze had dropped, staring at her feet. No, not her feet. She had lost her shorts the day before. He was staring at her exposed pussy. Her hands shot down, trying to pull her shirt down to cover herself. She could feel the color rising in her cheeks, keenly aware oh how exposed she was with only a shirt covering her. She was also aware of the smell of her own arousal filling the enclosed space. The boys shorts tented out; his eyes were filled with yearning for her.

Anna felt faint. Her pussy ached for him, the pheromones clouding her mind. A small voice whispered in her head:

*You can’t leave him there. Go ahead, untie him.*

Terrified, she found her hand slowly reaching out for his bindings. It was like moving through water. Time slowed; everything felt surreal. She felt the rope on her fingers, probing to loosen the knots. A voice whispered,

“No, don’t”

The voice wasn’t in her head this time though. She paused, puzzled, trying to make sense of where it was coming from.

“We screwed up. We’ve been stewing in each other’s pheromones for hours. I’m not sure I can control myself” the boy said.

She froze, they sat there in silence as voices warred in Anna’s head.

*Let him go, he’s right there. Let him take you…*

*No, I can’t give up now, I’m so close.*

*You could take him like the girl you watched. You could be in control…*

*I can’t give in. I can’t lose.*

*You can’t leave him here.*

The voice was right. She couldn’t leave him bound in a camouflaged shelter like this. There was no guarantee he would be found.

“I can’t leave you here. What should I do?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe if you untied me, I could… take care of myself”

*Do it!*

She hesitated. “But what if you can’t control yourself”

“We have to do something”

“Maybe,” she whispered, barely audible, “maybe I could take care of it. Then I’d take care of myself. Then we could think clearer”

She reached out again, not to the ropes this time, but to his shorts. She pulled on them tentatively, but they held fast. She wasn’t quite sure what to do. SHe had never undressed anyone before. It was exciting, but frustrating and awkward as well.

TIm lifted his hips as she tugged at the shorts again. They slid down, and his cock popped into view for the first time. She stopped and stared. By now she had seen several dicks between the videos of the captures and her own near misses, but this was different. For the first time Anna had time to really look at it. She reached out and touched it gently with a finger. It was so strange; it seemed to be all contradictions. The thing was hideous, all odd bulges and veins, yet strangely beautiful. The skin was so soft yet underneath so hard. It looked a bit smaller than she imagined, yet as she wrapped her hand around it it felt huge, her fingertips barely touching as she held it. Would something like this really fit in her?

Anna took a deep breath, stealing her nerve for what she was about to do. She pulled gently up on him, and stared as instead of her hand sliding over it as she expected, the skin slid over the hardness beneath.

Suddenly, she was full of doubt. Was she doing this right? Was she going to be able to get him off? Anna wished he would just tell her what to do, but he seemed frozen, staring at her hand around his cock. She’d just have to figure it out.

Anna loosened her grip and her hand slowly rose up and down over him. She seemed to barely be touching him before her hand slid over the surface of his skin. She looked back to his face, looking for some indication of what he wanted. His eyes were closed, head back. A soft moan escaped from his lips. Gaining confidence, she looked back to her work. A drop of clear fluid appeared at the slit. She watched as it grew larger, and finally dripped down to her fingers, the slick fluid allowing her hand to glide easily along the underside of his cock. She rubbed the head, gathering more to wet his cock. It worked for a moment, but then as it dried it became tacky, gummy, sticking to her hand rather than easing her ministrations.

Anna frown down at the suddenly more complicated situation. She thought this would be easier, that she would just know what to do.

An idea struck her. She bent her head down, her heart pounding. She could smell him so clearly now. Her head was buzzing again. She reached out her tongue, licked tentatively at a new drop of precum leaking from him.

*You can do this,* she thought.

Anna took him into her mouth slowly, carefully. She remembered Nickie choking as she tried to suck off the boy who claimed her.

Just the head first. Her tongue ran over the slit again, gathering fresh precum forming there. For the first time, a cock was inside her. Sure, it was just her mouth, but it was a real cock, a real man, and he was hers. All she had to do was take him. A bit deeper, licking the underside where the head joined the shaft. How different the two parts felt.

Anna looked up trying to gauge how it felt for him and found him looking down, watching his cock disappearing into her mouth. Their eyes locked. Anna felt her face flush deeper as butterflies fluttered from the pit of her stomach down to her pussy. She pushed him deeper, watching him as he look on, bound and powerless before her.

*You could take him. He couldn’t stop you.*

Anna ignored the voice and took him deeper, as far in as she dared. She held him there a moment, dragging her tongue back and forth along his cock. She lifted her head off of him, licking the length of his shaft until the tip of her tongue reached the rim of his cock head, then sank back down, taking him back into her mouth.

She reached down, caressing his balls. His felt smaller than it had looked, tighter. Anna reached down with her other hand and began stroking her clit. Strangely, the boy’s sack seemed even smaller now, pulling his balls up into his body. She sank back down, taking his cock deep into her mouth.

The first spurt of cum hit the back of her throat. Her eyes wide with shock, she pulled her mouth off of him coughing and sputtering. Another blast hit her cheek before she got her hands up to block the semen spraying from his dick.

“Sorry, are you OK?” he asked

She nodded, still trying to clear the fluid from her throat.

Her pussy clenched, still burning, aching for release despite her discomfort. She began to reach down to touch herself, then froze, looking at the sticky sperm filled mess covering her hands.

*You could just reach down, put it inside you.* She shook her head, tears of frustration running down her cheek.

The pheromones were overwhelming her again. Anna felt like she was in a fog, blood pounding in her ears. From far away she heard Tim’s voice.

“Untie me, I’ll do it for you”

“I don’t… “ she began, “I don’t trust you.”

“Well what do we do?” He glanced down at her cum covered fingers, “You can’t take care of it like that”

Anna bit her lip, willing her mind to focus through her body’s haze of lust.

*What would Nickie do?*

“I’ve got an idea” she said, laying him down fully, carefully to avoid his deflating cock.

“What are you…” he began, then stopped as Anna swung a leg over his head, facing his feet.

She lowered her dripping pussy to his face, stopping any further question of what she wanted. He lacked the experience of his sister, but had every bit of her enthusiasm. She felt powerful astride him, gently rocking back and forth as she rode his face. His tongue grazed her clit, her whole body stiffening at the touch. Seeing her reaction, Tim dove into her, roughly lapping at the small pink nub.

It was too much for Anna, the sensations were almost painful. Anna opened her mouth to telling to stop, but all that came out was a pained cry of pleasure. She was coming.

Anna ground her pussy into him, her eyes shut tight as the world faded into orgasm. Her arms buckled and she collapsed against him. As the orgasm faded, she could hear him gasping for air from under her, nearly smothered by her sex.

His wilting cock had revived, and now stood ready again. Anna smiled and lowered her mouth to him.

The sun was high in the sky before they emerged from the shelter. Her virginity was still intact, but what remained of her innocence was drying on the boy’s face.

Anna walked towards the lake with her… friend? Adversary? Companion? Lover? She wasn’t quite sure what they were. How much of what she felt was her own feelings and how much was her condition, but she knew in this moment, she felt happy, even safe.

Anna stopped and turned to Tim, “Can I ask you something?”


“How have the men been finding the girls? I mean, the reserve is pretty big. We shouldn’t just be tripping over each other like this.”

“The pheromones.”

Anna looked at him quizzically until he continued

“We aren’t really aware of it, but they said we’d be able to roughly track you by smell. If we just trust our intuition, we’ll end up in the general vicinity of the nearest woman.”

“So the other two?”

“Probably trying to figure out their way up the cliff.”

When they arrived at the water line, Anna pulled off her shirt, catching Tim staring at her as she did. She turned away, embarrassed, but secretly satisfied by his attention. She couldn’t help but watch as he stripped as well. Taking in his thin, lithe form in full light for the first time. They hopped into the water and set about washing the evidence of their morning activities from their bodies and clothes. When they were clean, they climbed back to dry land and slipped on their shoes. Anna didn’t bother putting her soaked shirt back on. She could hang it up to dry back at camp. Besides, she like having him look at her.

Tim froze, grabbing her arm. For a fleeting moment she wondered if her was going to claim her right there. Instead, he pointed at the water. A man was swimming out from behind the curve of the rising cliff.

“Get to the rope down the cliff. Start climbing. I’ll meet you there.” Tim whispered in her ear. She ducked into the woodline and made for their rendezvous. She could hear Tim running away at an angle, making as much noise as possible to draw the man’s attention.

Ten minutes later, she was at the rope, already tied to a tree, waiting to be thrown down. She hurled the coils over the side and braced herself for the climb down. Adrenaline pumping, she grabbed the rope and worked herself over the side. Once she was past the edge, she was able to wrap her feet and descent hand over hand. It was quicker and easier than she expected. The rope hung over an outcropping allowing her to descend almost the entire distance away from the sharp rocks. Only the last 10 feet required her to push off the cliff, but even those ten feet left her arms burning by the time she reached the bottom. She looked up and saw Tim looking down at her. When he saw her safely on the ground, he disappeared from view. Instead of seeing his feet coming down the rope though, she saw him holding the end of the rope previously tied around the tree. She watched him drop it, the rope twisting through the air, stranding Tim above her.

“Go on, get moving. Don’t stop until they pick you up,” he shouted down to her.

Anna took off running, and none too soon. The man from the previous day that had gotten her shorts was running out from the woodline. She felt different this time. Yesterday she was alone and afraid, tired, exhausted. There was no fear now. She was fresh, there were 3 men behind her and open ground ahead of her. All she had to do was run. He was gaining on her, sprinting at his last chance to claim a woman. It didn’t matter though. He couldn’t catch her. No one could.

She ran.

He began slowing, matching her pace, then falling back. It didn’t matter. She wouldn’t stop. She could run forever. She reached the stream, tracing back along her route from the previous days. She didn’t have to worry about the men. She didn’t have to worry about the terrain. All she had to do was breathe.

As the man receded behind her, she felt her fear slipping away. She ran from him. She ran from her fear, from the shame of what her body wanted. The months of anxiety faded, pounded away by her feet on the ground. The air in her lungs washed away all fear.

Anna ran naked and free, the endorphins clearing her mind, bringing her firmly to the present.

Hours later, the sun sinking low against the horizon, the runner’s high long since giving way to the numb pain in her legs and chest. Her throat was dry, burning with each breath now. She would have to stop to drink soon, but not yet. Nothing could get her as long as she ran. Not her pursuers, and not her thoughts. She could see lights through the trees ahead. She couldn’t be at the gates yet, was she hallucinating?

As Anna neared, the lights took shape, headlights of vehicles, silhouette shapes of people. Ma’am and her staff had been waiting for her, ready to take her to… what exactly?

Anna wondered if she should stop or run right past them. She didn’t trust any of them. This could very well be a trap. But what option did she have? She couldn’t outrun their vehicles, nor could she escape the reserve without them. She slowed to a walk, gasping for breath, and approached the smiling figures before her.

Someone handed her a canteen, she drank deeply between breaths, then bent double, retching the water back up and her whole body cramped. When the heaves subsided, she sipped carefully at the canteen again. Hands were leading her over to a stretcher. She sat, slowly recovering.

“…Tim…” Anna grasped

Ma’am stepped forward “We picked all three of them up an hour ago. We thought you’d want to see the end of the day properly. Congratulations, by the way, no one has one properly in years.”

Anna laid back, closing her eyes. She had won.

She felt the stab of a needle in her arm.

Anna sat back up, ready to fight off whoever intended to drug her.

“Just saline dear, you’re dehydrated.”

Anna looked at the bag hanging beside her. NaCl. she lay back down. The truth was, they needed no drugs. Exhaustion took her. She slipped into a deep and dreamless sleep.

To be concluded
