The Eye of the Beholder – Chapter 1 [MF][Masturbation]

**If you’re not into reading a long story and just want to get straight to the action then this might not be for you. **

Chapter 1

Jay walked down the street in the darkening sunset with all the approachability of a brick wall. He was staring out the ground, his dirty blonde hair long enough to hang in front of his face. Combined with the headphones blaring music into his ears his appearance practically screamed “Leave me alone!”. Aside from his unapproachability Jay was anything but extraordinary, he was just shorter than average, 24 and was slim without seeming skeletal: a perfectly average looking young man to the casual observer. Personally, Jay liked it that way, not sticking out was a relief where someone can get on with their own business and not be stared at, nor interrupted. He stared at the reflective black screen of his phone and looked at the slightly distorted reflection of himself, frowning. He had never had a particularly chiseled face and puberty hadn’t rectified it for him, he had a button nose, mouth with lips that were slightly too large, rosy cheeks and long lashes that covered a pair of blue-grey eyes. Overall, a young-looking face that couldn’t grow a proper beard, definitely not the appearance of the masculine hunk he had been hoping for when he was younger. Nevertheless, he wasn’t unattractive however his insecurities and unapproachability contributed to a social isolation that was almost entirely self-imposed. That said, Jay enjoyed his own company and amused himself watching the spontaneity of others online, daydreaming of imitating their creations himself.

Jay did have a sister he could talk to, she was a year younger than him and they had been close. That was, until his parents demise in a car crash when they were in their late teens. Afterwards she had become standoffish, distant and eventually had moved in with her boyfriend who she now relied upon entirely. In response Jay had moved to a city a couple of hours away when he turned 20 and had taken up a job with a web design company. It was work from home, which contributed to his overall solitude but was good money and he hadn’t found anything better.

He entered his apartment building and put his key in the door to his scratched flat door, glad to be rid of the shopping he was carrying. The building itself wasn’t in great repair with a dirty concrete façade and hallways comprised of of doors that needed a good clean. That said, the rent was cheap and the apartments spacious with 2 bedrooms, a small kitchen, lounge with a sofa bed and a bathroom. As he opened the door he found himself opening his mouth to shout he was home, but, realizing there wasn’t anyone there he lowered his head and shambled inside, ‘*I really need to get out and meet someone,*’ he mused. He put the shopping away and ambled into his bedroom, took a seat at his computer and searched for a meetup page for his area. Once he found one he signed up, entering his details and a little about how he hadn’t managed to meet anyone yet. He finally attached a picture of himself that he had used for some admin a few weeks ago and added it to the local page. Not expecting any response of significance, but having already exhausted his social abilities he thought little more of it. He briefly considered masturbating, but he was tired, and his bed beckoned. Therefore, he undressed, throwing his faded t shirt, jeans and shoes into a corner and got under the covers.

Jay awoke to the beep of his alarm and sat up slowly, his eyes adjusting to the light filtering through his curtains. He showered, ate and shaved while thinking about the work he had planned for the day. Despite the patchiness of his facial hair Jay had to shave every morning as it grew quickly and if he left it for a couple of days he had a patchy covering of sandy fuzz on his face to deal with and that was a step too far, even for someone as antisocial as him. Seeing it was almost 8, Jay logged onto his PC and began preparing for the day’s work when he noticed he’d received a new email from the social site he’d been browsing last night. Curious, he opened it and a small smile crept across his face as he realized someone had responded to his post after all. The respondents name was Ariella York, she was slightly older than him and lived a 15-minute car journey away, but Jay would take what he could get. After scanning her profile, she seemed friendly, funny and appeared to have befriended a few people before who were new to the area. Ariella hadn’t written much, just a note to say that she liked his picture and wanted to get to know him, but the promise of company was like a glass of water to a man in the desert for Jay. He eagerly messaged back, greeting her warmly and thanking her for responding to his post. A few hours later she replied, and they exchanged a few friendly greetings before he gathered his courage and asked her if she wanted to grab a coffee. To Jay’s relief she accepted, but said that she liked specially infused herbal teas rather than coffee and would rather host so she could relax in her own space. Jay all too readily agreed, and she gave him her address to meet after work the next day.

Jay spent the rest of the day in nervous excitement and slept badly. He awoke groggy the next day and struggled through work, the tedium of his job only outdone by the anticipation of proper social company and not only that, *female company*.

Jay hadn’t had a girlfriend all his life, when he was younger he wanted to wait until puberty hit, however his expectations of turning into a hung, chiseled Adonis had never materialized. As all his friends had grown tall and strong with square jaws, he had ended up below average, not just in height either, and after his parents’ accident the thought had escaped him completely.

Once his work hours were finally over he garbed himself in what he considered his best clothes, a collared plaid shirt, his only pair of intact jeans and a pair of beat-up converses. While dressing, he wished he had thought to go and buy something new, but he knew it was too late to worry about that. He hopped into his car, breathless with anticipation and set the navigation system to Ariella’s address, all the while daydreaming about what she would be like: tall, short, big, small, funny, dull (though from her messages he doubted that), or someone just like him.

As soon as he arrived at the address he had to double check he hadn’t entered it wrong as it was nothing like what he had expected. Before him towered a block of luxury apartments, each one taking up an entire floor’s worth of what Jay considered regular apartment sizes. As he reached the entrance he noticed an intercom panel and buzzed the top floor, where Ariella lived. He stopped for a moment waiting for a response, nervously adjusting his shirt and rearranging his messy hair nervously. He jumped as a woman’s voice came back, amplified and metallic but friendly,

“Hello, can I help?”

“Yes it’s Jay- for coffee?” He replied uncertainly.

“Of course, come in! That shirt is lovely by the way”

His frantic search for where the camera was and his self-conscious panic about how long she’d been watching him were cut off by the buzzing of the door lock to let him in. As he entered he realized the bottom floor was a large reception area and he gazed about at the smooth tiled floor and the various assorted art pieces that adorned the walls either side. Pieces of leather furniture were littered either side of a central walkway, surrounding coffee tables made of dark wood. Jay found it all rather intimidating. There was a uniformed security guard at a desk at the far end of the reception area, gazing watchfully at what must have been the security panel. He looked up and Jay nodded at him, the security guard smiling back, half friendly, half something else. Ignoring the strange feeling, he pushed the button for the elevator near the end of the security desk and got inside. Mind racing, he stepped out to face a simple wooden door with the name “Ariella Stone” embossed on a bronze plate. Quickly, before his nerve failed him, he knocked.

The door swung open to reveal what Jay could only describe as an Amazonian. She must have been over 6 feet tall and the white, 2-inch heels she was wearing only increased her height further. His gaze levelled at her collar bones and swept up past a full, lush set of lips curved in a welcoming, dazzling smile, up to a mesmerizing set of dark brown, almost black eyes. They were framed by long, striking eyelashes with only a hint of mascara, as if she had a face that scorned makeup and was better off without it. Above them, she had ebony locks that tumbled around her head, wavy and soft that lay, almost carelessly on her shoulders. Now scanning down Jay noticed she was wearing a purple bodycon dress, with cutaways at her hips and chest exposing honey-coloured, glowing skin and the soft curve of her cleavage. Unable to control himself, Jay’s eyes flicked further down and he marveled at the curve of her hips and the smooth strength of her legs, where the dress ended. ‘*Jesus..*’ he thought ‘*She looks like a model! She’s dressed attractively enough to warrant a glance from even the most stoic person, but modestly enough that they’lll blame themselves for looking.*’

“Well come in then Jay, can’t have you standing out there forever!” She said playfully.

Her voice jolted him out of his reverie to find her already sauntering through to her living room. He wondered how long he had been staring before he followed, blushing furiously.

She led him through to an open plan living room and kitchen and Jay took a brief moment to marvel at the view provided by the transparent exterior walls of the apartment. However, the more interesting sights were within; a delicate chaise longue stretched out along one wall with a decorative painting sitting above it, depicting a naked female angel in the grasp of a demon, her arms pinned flat as the demon bore down on her, leering. Jay assumed it was an artistic kind of thing – he couldn’t particularly grasp the finer points of art. Next to it was a large bookcase full of books of varying shapes and sizes relating to all subjects, psychology for the most part, but also music and much besides. In the center sat a high-backed, chesterfield style leather chair and a large cream sofa divided by a wooden, drawered coffee table. Ariella lowered herself into the chair and Jay sat down opposite on the sofa, “You’re really nice.. I mean, your place is really nice.”

“Thanks! I’m a practicing psychiatrist so I use this place as both my home and my office, it’s quite convenient. It’s actually in my capacity as a psychiatrist that I started meeting people looking for friends. It allowed me to talk to all sort of people who I would never normally have met socially, never mind while working. Anyway, look at me rambling on, put the kettle on and we’ll have that tea I promised.”

Mesmerized by her disarming manner Jay ignored the unusual reversal of guest etiquette and walked over to the kitchen, filled the kettle and set it to boil.

“The cups and teapot are in the leftmost cupboard,” she added helpfully.

Once the kettle had boiled Jay added the leaves which, fortunately, were sitting in a jar on the countertop and poured in the water, infusing the air with a sweet herbal scent. He carried over a tray with the teapot, 2 china cups and 2 saucers.

“You didn’t bring any sugar or lemon… but fortunately, I don’t take either,” she teased and smiled. Jay smiled back wanly, unsure what to say.

“So,” she said, changing the subject “What do you do for a living?”

“I work in web design.” Glad that the moment was over he elaborated, “I write some of the code for businesses to create their websites.” She raised her eyebrows expectantly.

“It’s fun, good money and I get to work from home so no office politics.” Looking at her made him feel the need to justify himself. “The only real drawback is when I put a lot of time into a project and the business pulls the plug.”

“I know what you mean.” She said, an air of understanding in her eyes. “Sounds like you’ve got a good thing going.”

He looked down “Absolutely, but it does isolate me a bit.”

“Well you’ve met someone now.”

After that the awkwardness Jay had experienced seemed to flow away and they chatted for what must have been a couple of hours, mostly about him. This suited him fine as his social skills had not improved with disuse so sticking to familiar subjects allowed the conversation to progress unchecked. Ariella was an excellent conversationalist, she provided sympathy when he talked about his past, including his parents and sister, and encouragement when he talked about his hope for meeting people and being social in the future. ‘*She’s definitely a good psychologist,*’ he thought, ‘*one talk with her and I’m already feeling more positive and motivated.*’ Eventually the sun set, and it became apparent Jay needed to get home for work in the morning, though he was reluctant to leave. As they got to the door, chatting amiably, she surprised him by folding him into a warm hug. This caught him by surprise and his face was pressed into her cleavage, soft and sweet smelling. The scent of her filled his nose while one of his hands was round her back and the other, slower to catch up ended on the curve of her hip. He realized it, but it was too late, a feeling he hadn’t felt in a while. He was hard. His cock, harder than it had ever been before was pressed into her upper thigh. As the hug ended he looked up into her face expecting to see a look of shock, but all her saw was a pleasant, expectant expression and only the slightest twitch at the corner of her mouth, as if it were never there. Relieved, he thanked the lord that his nether regions’ impropriety hadn’t spoiled what had been an otherwise magical evening, better than he’d ever hoped for.

“Are you free on Thursday then?”

Jay paused for a moment, thinking. “Yeah I’m free after work every day”

“Good, it was fun our chat, so come after work and we’ll have tea again.”

Jay was more than happy to accept. “Absolutely, I’d love to”

“Bring a brand of tea that you like too, and we’ll compare. Safe journey home!”

And with that, Jay headed back to the elevator, stealing one final glance back at Ariella who smiled and waved before the doors slid shut and the elevator headed down. Jay glanced down, he noticed a small tent in his pants where his cock was straining at the material and tucked it quickly into his waistband, hoping Ariella hadn’t seen it. He wasn’t worried though, his first proper social outing in a long while had been with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he was going to see her again.

When he finally stepped into his apartment he let out a breath that he felt he’d been holding since he left. He was still hard, however. He’d been hard when he left, hard the whole drive home, and was going to need to do something about it.

He lay on his back on the bed and begin to rotate his hips, massaging the sensitive head of his cock against the inside of his jeans, sending waves of pleasure through him. As he did this he flicked through his phone and loaded a convenient porn scene, nothing special, just the first one that came up.

It began with a woman, almost barbie-like in her proportions with enormous breasts and a huge, wobbling ass crawling in front of the camera seductively wiggling her hips. She had bleach blonde hair platted into pig tails either side of her head and wore what could only be described as stripper heels. A man crawled into shot behind her, his head cut off to keep all of her in shot; he was muscular and was wearing nothing but a pair of tight black boxers, a distinct bulge indicating the pleasure to come. She, on the other hand, was wearing a tight red party dress with a strapless upper section that ended well above the knee. She teased Jay, moving onto her side and tugging each side of the dress exposing a deep line of sinful cleavage.

Jay changed his hip rotations into more purposeful thrusts, pressing his legs together and fucking the inside of his jeans with his short sharp movements.

The man had now reached the teasing woman and maneuvered her back onto all fours, legs spread, facing away from the camera. from the side he slid the now taut dress slowly up the woman’s quivering ass cheeks exposing her complete lack of underwear.

As her pussy came into view Jay unbuttoned his jeans with his spare hand and pushed both them and his boxers off in a few awkward motions. His cock was now exposed to the open air and as he glanced the tip with his hand, eyes locked on the video, he felt the wetness of a pool of precum.

The woman now had her ass fully exposed and Jay could see the glistening folds of her sex, open and inviting to plunge into. One of her hands reached back to play with her folds, obviously wet with anticipation but the man pushed it away, denying her. One of the mans hands stroked the curve of her ass and he could see the thumb resting on the star of her anus. The man teased her, stroking her ass cheeks, sliding his hands over her hips and caressing the inside of her thighs, never too close to her pussy, never too far away.

Jay moved his hand onto the throbbing pleasure of his cock, three fingers was all he could fit on the shaft and he used his thumb to tease and stroke the head but just holding it there was pleasurable enough.

The two performers in the video both turned to face the camera, the woman in the foreground, man just behind her. The man snaked an arm around the woman’s waist pulling her back onto just her knees and positioning himself right behind her. He raised his arm up until it was around her collar bones then, in one swift motion he grabbed and pulled the top of her dress down to her navel. It offered little resistance without straps and surrendered, top and bottom meeting at her waist and covering nothing at all. Her bare breasts now exposed the woman reached up with both hands and wantonly massaged the two, obviously fakes tits together. She let out a moan of shameless ecstasy as, in response to her arousal, the man leant her forward and spanked her with a resounding *smack*.

Spurred on by the depravity of her performance Jay had put the phone down next to him and was slowly pumping his cock in his fist with short jerks, swirling his thumb around the top and spreading his precum over the rest of his cock as a lubricant. His other hand strayed further downward, stroked his perineum and began to massage his balls.

The man had now taken off his tight boxers and revealed a long, thick penis, at least 3 times the length of Jay’s own. The woman stared; lustful grin clear on her face as she took in its enormity. She dropped onto all fours and crawled over where she greeted it with a long lick up its length. As if in response, the shaft twitched, veins pulsing, and the man lay on his back in anticipation with his cock standing straight in the air, a sign of his arousal. The woman crawled to his side and took a second, long lick, tasting the precum before she opened her puffy, filled lips wide and slid her mouth onto his cock inch by inch. This caused a bestial growl to emanate from the man and he moved his hands forward to hold her hair out the way while she pleasured him. She was clearly adept in this art and her throat bulged as her nose finally pressed against his short pubes. She lifted her head just as slowly, eyes locked on the camera, on Jay, until she was all the way off. The dick was now coated in spit and she gaze at it, more than a little hungrily before she started again. She bobbed her head and elicited more moans from the man moving her eyes back up to lock on the camera. To re-double her efforts she slid her mouth off his cock and arched her neck below to take his heavy balls into her mouth. His hand stroked the back of her head in pleasure as her hand reached over and began to pump his glistening, twitching penis.

Jay had sped up his hand and panted, the precum sticky on his hands as he watched. Unbidden, his one of his hands crept up to his mouth and where he chewed on it and slid it over his lips and tongue. He felt like it wouldn’t be long before he came, his hand was hot and wet from precum and the friction of its sliding was sending pleasure rocketing through him, emanating from the base of his cock.

Gazing at the video Jay watched as the man pushed the woman off, sat up and spun her round, side on to the camera. Like a stallion mounting a mare he pushed into her with a wet squelch, she clearly was loving it. Without any kind of warning he pumped his cock full pace into her greedy slit, his face in a mask of pleasure, hers showing what was all too obvious, ecstasy. Her moans were long and high, urging the man on and were only punctuated by the wet impacts of his thighs slapping into the back of hers. One hand grabbing either side of her hips he forced her back onto him, faster and deeper, clearly approaching climax.

Jay was at full pace now, his hips bucked to increase the pleasure generated by his sliding hand and ran his other hand, wet with spit and precum, over his body, his chest, his thighs, his neck, all in the pursuit of sweet release. He tried to visualize himself fucking the woman on screen with her creamy, sopping pussy and bimbified lips and he closed his eyes to envision himself as the man, barreling his thick rod into her. However, to his surprise another figure appeared in his lust induced daydream. She was a woman with soft lush lips and long svelte legs, Jay saw her cleavage, almost as the porn actress’ but with a soft curve impossible to replicate with silicone that made the overall effect just as erotic. He saw her shapely ass swaying before him in a purple dress. It was Ariella. He envisioned that hug from earlier, his face in her luscious cleavage, his breath hot on her skin and his cock hard against her leg. He imagined raising his face and kissing her, her lips pillowy soft against his, her tongue invading his mouth as she wrapped her arms around him. He could feel a tingling of his climax building at the root of his cock. Emboldened, he imagined further. He saw her step back, unzip and take off the shoulder straps of that purple dress with a smile that was entirely different from the friendly one he’d seen earlier. Underneath she wore no underwear, her large, round breasts were capped by soft, pink areolae and she crossed her arms beneath those breasts, cupping them, causing a long line of cleavage to appear. He felt his balls begin to tingle with anticipation. She uncrossed her arms and unzipped the dress the rest of the way where it pooled on the floor around her white heels. Her body exposed, Jay imagined she would have a shaven vagina, with a small strip of hair left above, pink puffy lips and a small drip of cum, the only hint of her own arousal. She turned and showed him her ass, the two beautiful globes large, round and smooth and jiggled when she walked. She spread her legs, giving him better vision of her pussy and beckoned him over. There was only one thing she could want and all he wanted was to give it to her. He envisioned himself kneeling down behind her and kneading the two cheeks with his hands, confident in his imagination in a way they weren’t normally and push his face towards her dripping vagina. He let out a moan as he felt cum building and rising through his cock. He imagined himself pushing his tongue into her, feeling her shudder and moan above him. Leaving one hand to provide him with access, he imagined reaching around her hip, sliding a hand down her soft skin to where her clitoris lay and rubbing gently around it. In his daydream he felt her tense, let out a high-pitched noise somewhere between a moan and scream and-

Jay’s cock spurted. Imagining Ariella cumming had been the tipping point for his long-awaited orgasm and ropes of cum shot out of his twitching cock with a force he’d never thought possible, splattering him with sticky sperm. He rode out the final waves of his orgasm and lay, exhausted on his bed, unable to get up, even to clean up his sticky, cum covered body. In his exhausted state he debated the significance of only achieving his climax while thinking of Ariella but gave up on it, he hardly cared. He was feeling a bit of satisfaction for the first time in a long while and was going to see the woman who inspired him again.

‘*I better go get some tea*’


This is my first attempt at writing in a very long time so all criticism/comments are appreciated – feel free to PM.


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