The Arrangement, part 1

OK, so I got a little bored with my long-running tale OFFICE POLITICS/BLACKMAIL – [](

So I decided to take a short break & write something a bit different…hope you like it!

(PS – I know it’s long, but it sets the stage!)

“Dave” David Johns sat in his ‘usual’ seat, at his ‘usual’ bar/restaurant. It had been his ‘spot’ of sorts, Every Tuesday-Thursday, for months now, and was a good one, overlooking the large and beautiful lake. A great place for conversation, or just watching the boats go by. He was a friendly sort, and as the patrons, bartenders, and servers had come to know, he was there out of loneliness. In his mid 50’s, ‘Dave’ was a widower, and that explained much. Unlike most men of that age or situation, Dave had a penchant for exercise, was in great health, and still showed a great personality. Standing an even 6ft, with brown hair that had lines of white and the usual ‘middle-age goatee,’ he carried a lean yet fit frame. “Another there, Dave?” asked the young bartender, to which Dave declined. He instead pointed to his other usual spot, one of the booths along the wall, and retired, there, dinner menu in hand.

Marlene Alvarez was hurrying thru the kitchen, tying her apron. Half Hispanic, it showed mainly in her body shape and hair, which she tossed back. Iit’s dirty blonde tresses, mid-back-length, and formed a ponytail. Standing 5ft 5 in shoes with some heel, her body sported C-cup breasts and curvy booty, which was accentuated by her petite height. She was “looking forward” (not) to working the closing shift. At age 22, It was tough enough being a single mom, but add college classes too, and it was worse, but at least the bar was flexible and paid well. Tonight, she hoped to have some time to study between patrons. Coming out, she checked with the bartender, then a table, taking it’s order. It was a family, and they are always a bear, she thought to herself. Seeing “Mr. David” in a booth, she smiled. He was always a gentlemanly patron, and very kind. Being easy on the eyes, plus being a good tipper didn’t hurt a bit, so she headed his way.

Dave had his head down, buried in his phone. When he looked and saw Marlene, he smiled. She was nothing like his deceased wife. In fact, nothing like any woman he knew, and secretly found her fascinating, even if he was old enough to be her dad, and then some. “Ah…the divine Ms. M,” he said, adding “Thought you would have been too busy beating back the men to find time for work.”

“Trouble is, these ‘men’ are all such just little boys!” Marlene replied with a big smile. She liked Dave, understanding it was a compliment, and not a flirt, though she wished him younger, so they could flirt. “None of these boys are like you, Mr. Dave, perhaps I should have you train them?” she asked, with a coy grin.

Dave tucked his chin and said, “Now look, you’re making me blush.” And true to his word, he *did* turn just a bit. Recovering to Marlene’s laughter, he placed his order. As his pretty tormentor left, Dave decided to indulge in something he had been considering, and took out his phone. Going to the website called ’’ he began to browse the ladies there. Most were pretty openly whores or gold diggers (pretty much the same to him), while others that seemed a bit more ‘genuine’ rarely had their faces showing. Dave had been talking himself into and out of this, but seemed to have narrowed it down to maybe three, two of which did not show their face. One of those had a small, oddly familiar ‘anchor’ tattoo on her bottom wrist.

Seeing that he was on his phone again, Marlene brought his meal, saying “here we go…” and set it down. Noting his wry, knowing (?) smile, she inquired, “OK, Mr. Blushy-man, what’s with the look?”

Dave didn’t say, being passive, and asked her for water with this meal. He was driving, after all. Although he ate in silence, his mind was truly in a flurry, because he noticed that as Marlene had set down his dinner, on the underside of her left wrist, was a tattoo…of an *anchor.*

Dave stayed a bit later than his norm. it was a slow night, and there were just a scant few patrons remaining. Dave remained in his booth, caught some of a soccer match, and noted Marlene periodically reading a book, then looking over the only other patron besides himself. Dave had one more beer, mostly for his nerves. Noting that the bartender was involved in politics with the other patron, he caught Marlene’s eye & held up a finger/hand, and took a deep breath as she walked his way.

“hey the meal & even the teasing were great, Ms. M,” Dave said. “But I have something I’d like to ask, if I may.”

Marlene raised her eyebrows & replied, “OK ‘Blush’, out with it. “That is certainly a cute look on that face, but it’s the first time I’ve ever seen it.”

“Well OK there M, but remember, this is actually serious.” Dave told her, “You are a big girl, you know.”

Marlene was not one to duck a challenge and retorted, “OK, Big girl pants on…now out with it.”

“I would like to meet you for lunch, perhaps between classes tomorrow,” Dave said. “Reason…is this-“ and he showed her the pic from her post, showing the anchor. Dave saw her face go a bit white and quickly said “Whoa there, Marlene, I’ve always been a gentleman, and will be with this too. We have somewhat similar end goals, or maybe interests, I guess. I am just proposing we talk about it over lunch. I know you are in college, lets meet at one of those street walk places right across from the college, on Gervais street, OK?”

Marlene just stood there, totally blank. The few men she had messaged with at that site were assholes. Yet THIS man had recognized her. She knew this day would come, but she was not expecting to be someone she actually respected. Hell, when she posted it, she had not known *what* to expect.

“Look,” Dave continued, “I am not a wierdo, I am not a nut. I have always seen you as a lady, and always will. As I have said, our end goals may be similar. All I am saying is, let’s discuss it. Tomorrow, I’ll be at the Sandwich shop at 12. Really, let’s just sit and have a conversation, it can’t hurt.” Dave stood, and left her $40 for the dinner and the bartender. Beside that he put a note, with his number, and a $50. “Sorry to have scared you, that was not my intent. I hope to speak you tomorrow @ 12.” And left. As he walked off, he noted that no one in the bar appeared the wiser. Looking over his shoulder, he watched as Marlene stood, staring at him.

Marlene took the cash, satisfied the bar, gave the bartender a decent tip. She went to the women’s room in order to collect herself. She knew this day would come. She had posted there out of desperation, and while the desperation was still there, she was at least thankful that a man so kind as David Johns had been the one, and not some creep. Taking out her phone, she took a deep breath, and texted the number he left. “make it 1PM. I like Vietnamese food” She stared at the message for a full minute, then hit send. Having taken a moment, she headed back out, to finish her shift.

Dave smiled as saw her entering the restaurant. Seated at the read, and a bit removed from everyone else, he stood for her as she entered the small place and headed for his table, and held her chair. Having gotten some of the greeting pleasantries out of the way, Dave looked at Marlene and took a deep breath in, held it as she did the same, then they both exhaled. “See, makes it all better” Dave said, smiling

They placed their order, and finally, Dave began to speak. “Marlene,” he said, “I would have never though that we would find ourselves here, and I don’t mean the restaurant, and yet, here we are.” He smiled, “Look, I know that at this time, I am just not ready for a relationship. Yet, I have wants that I think of as needs. That is what drove me to that site. I was ready to call it quits, then noticed, well, you.”

Marlene looked away for a moment, then said, “I am working to not only provide for myself & my son, but better our situation. I have a deadline coming and did not see another way around it, so I posted there. I had already called it quits. I had resolved myself to my situation. Then, you found me, & I still don’t know what to think of all it, and this.”

Dave nodded, having given Marlene’s response some thought. “The deadline. It can only involve money. Can I inquire….”

Marlene nodded and looked down in shame. “The only way to better things for my family is to do this without debt. I need $3000 for next semester. And I simply do not have it, nor do I have *any* other way to obtain it. I was desperate.” She said, as though she was offering an excuse.

The meal was very good, but they only picked at it. Dave knew that she had to leave for class soon, so he spoke. “Tell you what,” Dave told her, “Three days & nights. Three days and nights, just a full weekend, and you’ll have it.” He saw that Marlene’s eyes were burrowing holes in him. “I am serious, Marlene. It isn’t conventional. Hell, it’s Taboo! But it meets our goals.” Knowing the meal was over, Dave paid the check. They sat staring for a bit more, and then he added, “Marlene, I give you my word. This conversation will never be spoken of to another person by me.’ But think about it…and text me.”

As Dave stood, offering her an escape, Marlene found herself standing too. “No need to think. you are right. My son goes to be with the baby-daddy in two days. He’ll have him all weekend.” Taking his arm, they walked out of the restaurant, and down the walk. “You are to always treat me as a lady, you promised.” Marlene said. “Just you & me, no one else, no pictures or film. No one is to know, unless *I* choose to tell them.” She continued. Seeing Dave’s look, she said “I’ve been thinking about it.” Then continued. “No BDSM or heavy pain or weirdo torture, these are modern times, and above all, NO bathroom stuff or animals, that is just plain sick.” As she finished, they stopped at her car, an old Toyota with half bald tires

Dave listened. “I agree to all.” He said, “But you have to be an active participant, no slugs.” He grinned at her look from that. “I am not into BDSM either…but the odd robe sash or the like used as a small restraint *can* be a fun thing, you know.” At that, Dave saw her look away, but she didn’t object. “I also need to tell you I like to use toys on you, as long as they cause no pain.” As she was raising an eyebrow, Dave finished. “I need to know your clothing sizes. I like lingerie, and you’ll be wearing it, both nice and trashy. & I we have to meet afternoon of, to do some shopping. I’ll compensate you $500 extra for it. Only fair.”

Marlene had turned and was now standing with her arms crossed, & they were toe to toe. “Done.” She said, standing close and looking up at Dave. “We’ll meet at your place, text the address. Shopping needs to include an adult store, I want new toys only, & I get to help pick them.” ‘Oh, one more thing…” Unexpectedly, Marlene stood on her toes, and gave Dave a peck on the cheek. Turning to walk to class she said over her shoulder “Get some energy vitamins. You’re going to need them.”

Dave watched her go, wondering how serious she was.

(OK sorry for the stupid-slow build, it’s how I am! Faster pace after this, I promise!



  1. May I suggest you add/edit the link to next part either as a comment or addition at the end. As a 50+ young man with very little gray this story is a nice fantasy. Thank You

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